An Assassin's Anthem

Chapter 78 - The Art of Abjuration

Clouds hung thick in the air. Light snow fell, drifting down in circling spirals. Riley stood on the wall and watched the arrow streak across the sky. She squinted in the morning light.

The arrow faded from her vision. That’s so far away, but at least I can see the spells coming up here. She grimaced at the series of errors made two days prior. That’s why I’m out here, to get better at this. She looked over at her escort.

“Got him,” the ranger, Michael, said with a grin.

Riley chuckled at the lanky, bald man. “I can’t believe you can shoot that far.” She shook her head and looked at her notifications.

[Your base level has advanced: 243 → 244!]

[Assassin (C) has advanced: 186 → 190!]

[Bard (C) has advanced: 186 → 190!]

[Ranger (C) has advanced: 186 → 190!]

[Spell Thief (C) has advanced: 186 → 190!]

[Noble (D) has advanced: 251 → 252!]

[Infiltrator (E) has advanced: 32 → 42!]

[Alchemist (E) has advanced: 121 → 127!]

[You have assisted in killing a level 376 human and gained 188 experience.]

[You have assisted in killing…]

Riley willed it away. So much for the poison. She frowned and shook her head. That had been a complete waste of time. They’d gotten a few dozen kills. That was it.

“Problem?” Michael asked.

“Just frustrated.” Riley frowned. “Meditation sounds easy, but it doesn’t seem to work.” She gestured to the weakened wall that had been hastily repaired. Cracks webbed across the stone. “And we’re very clearly losing.”

Michael sighed. “I hope the palace is ready to make a backup fort. We’re going to need it.”

“Exactly,” Riley said, searching the sky for any sign of incoming attacks.

A streak of fire zipped forward, and clouds above coalesced. A ball of water shot forward and smashed into the flame.

Riley flooded her spellbook and grabbed the incoming lightning, ripping it to her control. The tether to the distant mage stayed active, and she felt his panic. Triggering Spirit Knives, she sent a burst of psychic energy at him and willed the lightning toward the distant fort.

The bolt slammed down, blowing stone and dirt into the air. A dozen kill notifications flashed into view, and she looked over at the archer. “See them?”

“No. They’re behind a wall now,” he huffed. “Have a way to blow up that wall?”

“No. I need books. Lots of books.” Riley shook her head. I really should have stolen more of them. I will when I go back. She searched the area once more.

“Think they’ll try again?” Michael asked.

“Not outside the ward. That was dumb of them.” Riley searched the area once more.

“And you’re really leaving?” Michael asked, searching for distant movement. He ducked behind the wall, and Riley did the same. An arrow slammed into the stone moments later.

“Yes. I’ll be back in a few days,” Riley said with a growing frown. “I really need to know how to make an explosive potion, like they have for their rotten ballista.” She poked her head out and searched.

Michael did the same. “I think they’re repairing it.”

“I’m sure they are. Rotten thing.” Riley huffed.

“Condemnation!” Michael hissed. He spun toward the group of mages. “Enemy reinforcements inbound. Target to the south-east!”

A nearby mage raised his arms and started channeling. Riley flipped a page of her spellbook and waited. Clouds swirled. Darkness gathered. Riley flooded Void Blast and sent a burst of purple flying toward the blob on the horizon. The purple magic spread like some caustic net, and the blob went wild, splitting everywhere.

The web passed through the area, ripping apart some conjured stone and ice. Lightning cracked down, splintering and smashing through the attempts to block it.

Kill notifications rippled into view, and Riley flooded her book again. “Fire in three, two, one.” She released another blast of void magic. It shot forward, doing nothing but acting as a massive shield for the four bolts of fire that followed.

The purple arced through the reinforcements, ripping apart the defensive magic. The fireballs followed and exploded, lighting up the distant road and incinerating a massive group of troops.

Glancing at the kill notifications, Riley waited and watched for counterattacks. So, this is war. A siege with tests of reaction time.

An eerie calm spread across the area. The reinforcements had scattered and were retreating. She sighed. They won’t do it. They know I’ll target—

Four bolts of fire shot forward. Riley grinned and flooded her book. She ripped control of them and sent them roaring back toward the reinforcements. A burst of purple flickered upward, ripping into her spells and causing all four to halt.

Like fighting over a limb, she felt a presence surge through the magic and into her mind.

“Surrender or die! I’m a psion!” a male voice thundered in her head.

Riley’s eyes blazed a bluish purple. Triggering spirit knives, she willed the blades through the connection, feeding them faster and faster.

“Hello there, little psion.

You finally meet a bard.

The mind is but an instrument.

It breaks and shatters hard.”

Sending a surge of energy back through the connection, she willed another set of blades through the spell.

The kill notification flashed in her mind, and the fireballs slammed down on the enemy fort, bathing it in flame. People screamed, and kill notifications streamed by in the corner of her eye.

Michael turned, his mouth hanging open. “Gods, did you just kill a void mage?”

“He said he was a psion. I think it upgrades to Void Mage.” Riley searched the sky. Michael grabbed her and jerked her behind the wall; a dozen arrows slammed into it moments later.

“How does that work?” Michael asked. “Are you one?”

“I’m not one yet. Hopefully, soon. As to how it works? It’s a psychic battle over the spell. It’s strange because you can use your psychic skills through the connection. Though most don’t have any. He didn’t.” Riley looked up at the sky. A hawk circled far above. “Can you kill that thing?” she asked, pointing at it.

Lightning crackled down, and a crack of thunder lit the air. The fried bird arced off into the distance. Riley turned toward the mage in the nearby tower. He grinned back.

Riley chuckled and saw an errant snowflake. She squinted. “I won’t see a thing if it starts snowing.”

“It’s coming. Be ready for it,” Michael said, frowning at the falling snow. He turned and studied the area. “Think they’ll try again?”

Riley shrugged. “No idea. I think he was supposed to be their ace card.”

“How did you win?” Michael asked. “You shouldn’t have won.”

Riley shrugged. “Beats me. I think it was because of my trials.”

Michael studied her. “You can trust me.” He quirked a brow. “Want to share the story of that trial?”

“Nope.” Riley chuckled and looked up at the falling snow.

“You have a psychic class. That’s why.” Michael nodded. “That’s why the seekers recruited you.”

Riley nodded. That’s probably true.

“Where’d your dad go?” Michael asked.

Riley shrugged. “He’s scouting things and trying to find a way to break the disaster.” She looked over and smiled at the approaching soldier, who handed her a plate of food.

Grabbing the fork, Riley started shoveling the warm stew into her mouth. Snow drifted around her while she ate, and she pulled the cloak closer. It bumped against the short hair on her scalp, sending a wave of sorrow through her. “Beauty?”

[It will be impossible to explain, but I will if you want. ~Beauty]

Riley let out a long breath. Why does it bother me so much? She pulled the cowl tighter.

“You look just fine,” Michael said. He looked up into the sky. “It’s nice to have you on the seeker’s team.”

Riley swallowed. “Thanks. When did they recruit you?”

“Five years ago. My perception skill hit A-tier, and the knights recruited me. I’ve worked on it since then. I’ll admit that I’m not great at insight, but I can see through stealth.” He grinned and looked across the gap.

“Can you see what they’re up to?” Riley asked and took another bite.

“Sort of. The snow is really getting in the way,” he said and took another bite of stew. “It’s difficult to see through actual objects unless you burn mana to do it.”

Riley nodded, finished her stew, and looked out across the field. They’re done. I ruined their plans, and they know it. She frowned. That means they’re going to combo and chain everything this evening. How do I stop that?

She mused on it while she ate. Feedback was the only offensive she could manage, and they had a ward for it.

“They are going to barrage us again, aren’t they?” Michael asked.

“Yes.” Riley finished the last of her stew. “And I don’t know what to do about it.”

Michael sighed. “No one ever does. It’s a siege.”

Riley nodded. “And I need you to survive it until I get back.”

“That’s my worry,” Michael said with a growing frown.

Riley nodded and looked out at the distant fort. What am I going to do? I’d go assassinate people, but Dad says that’s a horrible idea. They’ll be checking the food now. She moved underneath an awning and pulled out her book.

Carefully looking through the book, she paused and looked at the feedback enchantment. I can’t afford the crystals, and they’ll just eat a small amount. She sighed and snapped the book shut before turning and searching the sky for more incoming spells.


Roger prowled around the fort, carefully noting guards and anything else around. I need a weakness, and they aren’t leaving any. He frowned and watched them clean up the mess the fireballs had left behind.

What the condemnation are we going to do to break this? He moved closer and looked through the gate. A smith was shouting. The sound of swinging hammers filled the air, and Roger triggered his skill.

Drifting across the field, he peered into the keep and saw them busy repairing their ballista. The smith was shouting something, and Roger drifted up to the gate.

Slipping inside, he pulled up his cowl and walked inside. I’m not here to hurt anyone. Instead, he strode through the place and walked through the forge. Reaching down, he grabbed several springs and gears before turning and walking back toward the gate.

“You there!” a man barked.

Roger ignored it and kept walking.

“Halt!” a man barked.

Roger turned toward the man in a fancy uniform. “Sir?” he asked, looking at his stats. And they have a noble now, fantastic.

“What division are you?” the noble asked, walking forward.

Roger didn’t think. He grabbed a knife and slammed into the noble’s skull. Ripping it free, he triggered his skill and ran. The noble crumpled to the ground in a spray of blood. Every eye turned.

Roger flickered like a ghost and billowed forward, burning stamina to run faster. He shot out of the keep and down the road while soldiers charged after him. Shit. He grimaced as he felt his skill waver. Clouds above him gathered, and he ran.

A bow twanged, and an arrow flew. Roger dove, rolling across the snowy ground and vaulting up. A wave of purple washed over him, and he slapped his hands over his ears.

The sky lit like noonday. Thunder boomed, and soldiers screamed. The smell of charred flesh and hair filled the air. Roger poured stamina into his skill and shot down the road, leaving the charred pursuers behind. Thank you, Riley.

A smile spread across his face, and he raced toward the distant town. I should get some crystals for her.

Riley Milvsky

Level: 244

Bard (C)

Level: 190 + 1

Dominating Presence D Enemies within sixty meters of you lose 10 strength, 10 dexterity, and 10 speed. You may use inspiration to boost the range and the effect temporarily.

Spirit Blade C +1 level to assigned class. Manifest an ethereal blade of psychic energy that will vanish after thirty seconds or six seconds after being thrown. Costs one stamina or one mana to manifest a blade.

Restoring Presence D Subjects regain 1 stamina and 1 mana every half hour; their healing is augmented by 10%. Allies within 50 meters count as subjects. You may use mana to send out a burst of healing. You may use inspiration to expand and increase the effect.

Empowering Presence D Your subjects gain +10 strength, +10 dexterity, and +10 movement speed; allies within twenty meters count as subjects. You may use Bardic Inspiration to temporarily boost the range and the effect.

Assassin (C)

Level: 190 + 12

Assume Disguise S +30 charisma. Enhance your current disguise by altering your displayed information and taking on the disguised form. Grants +5 levels to the assigned class. Perception and Insight suffer -250 levels against your disguise and -50 levels against your deception or stealth. Penalty applied: Gods’ Oversight.

Momentous Tempo B +10 speed. This boost will increase to up to +100 for every ten seconds you are in motion. Slowing in any way will reduce the effect. +2 levels to assigned class. You may use a charge of inspiration to boost your movement speed by an additional 10 for a minute.

Death's Cloak A Slain enemies will grant experience to your base level and active classes. +3 levels to the assigned class. Perception and insight suffer -25 levels against you. Penalty applied: Covenant.

Ambush B +10 speed. +2 levels to the assigned class. Costs one stamina to use. On use, you teleport to a shadow within 20 meters. Penalty applied: Covenant.

Spell Thief (C)

Level: 190

Predatory Sight D Your perception and insight are boosted by 25. This boost is not reduced by low light or no light. You may use 1 stamina to double this effect for 10 seconds.

Control Water E Manipulate the water around you. Cost varies based on amount.

Pretty D Your appearance is nice, but it could be so grand. Use a mana to get Beauty’s help! She may provide it anyway. Oh, and you’ll stand out in a crowd! After all, everyone knows a Beauty.

Music's Lute - You may summon this lute from the heavens. It will return to the heavens when you will it away.

Ranger (C) Level: 190 Inactive.

Noble (D)

Level: 252 Inactive.

Enchanter (F)

Level: 53 Inactive.

Alchemist (D)

Level: 127 Inactive.

Infiltrator (E)

Level: 42 Inactive.

- -

Conjure Storm D Manipulate or conjure up a storm. Mana cost varies.

Conjure Potion D Create a potion. Cost varies based on the poison type and requirements.

Dexterity 1071

Strength 488

Speed 412

Intelligence 678

Charisma 709

Stamina 690

Mana 1060

Inspiration 435

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