An Assassin's Anthem

Chapter 94 - A Godly Lecture

Riley looked out a slit in one of the towers of the fort. Two hours. We got two hours. Whistles and shouts rang through the air. Tension hung thick, and lightning crashed on the fort.

Looking in the distance, she studied the lines of soldiers. Like angry hornets, the enemy troops swarmed into position. This is bad. Really bad.

Leaning against the wall, she took a deep breath. The mages are out. Everyone is low on stamina, and we have two forts bearing down on us. She grimaced. There was only one way for her to help, and it was going to hurt.

“How are we going to hold this?” a mage asked, looking up from his slit.

Riley turned back to the group that was gathered in the tower. She turned and walked down a spiral staircase until she emerged on a lower level.

“I have no mana,” a mage said to the magus.

“We must hold. Take a rest and meditate!” Summer barked and stood. “I’ll need to meditate again soon, so focus on it.” Her eyes flickered around the room, landing on Riley. “Did your meditation work?”

Riley shook her head. “I’m sorry, Magus. I think I need a higher level for that.”

“Likely. But stay close and keep trying.”

Riley felt the emptiness inside her. Is this entire thing doomed already? Do we abandon it? She walked over to a slit and looked out into the empty courtyard. Another barrage of fire and lightning lit the place. Stones crashed against the wall, shaking the ground.

Fear rippled through her. The wall is going to fall, and we’re going to be slaughtered. This will not work.

Roger walked up. “It’ll be fine.” He held out his hand.

“Are you sure about this?” Riley conjured a set of blades and handed them to him. “This is bad,” she whispered.

“We’ve sent word to the king and should get help soon,” Roger said.

Riley didn’t bother masking her expression. She stared at him like he was out of his mind, blinking repeatedly while the tower shook. “Who are you, and what did you do with my father?”

Roger looked around the small room and sighed. “Ignore her. She’s just worried.”

“It’ll be fine, Lady Riley. You’ll see,” Summer said, walking over and patting Riley’s shoulder. “I know you are new to politics, but our majesties will be there for us. They take the war seriously.”

Oh, right. Riley nodded. “I apologize, Magus. It’s daunting.”

Summer smiled. “Don’t let it get to you. Remember your skill. You are a source of inspiration.”

Riley blushed. She reached over and tapped on her father’s back. “Dad, what are we going to do? Do we run?”

Roger reached over and pulled her into a hug. His fingers drummed out a message on her back. “Stay close to Nicole and Lucas. Retreat if it is called. This will be painful. Swap to Ranger if you haven’t.” He released her and smiled. “Be safe. Trust the king.”

Embracing her training, Riley smiled. “Of course, father. He’ll come through for us.” She nodded and considered the best way to flee. There was no way that was good news.

He walked out the door and vanished. Riley braced herself, taking a seat on the bench and placing her head in her hands.

Nicole sat next to her. “Riley?”

Riley looked up. “Just preparing.”

“For what?”

Riley looked around the room. Every eye was locked on her. She smiled. “To do what I can.” Connections to her mind formed and fought back, trying to stop her assault. The number grew and grew and grew. Riley felt each of them burn, surging with their own power. Slamming her will into them, she tried to exert dominance.

Pain blossomed in her mind. Blood oozed from her nose, and she screamed as hundreds of connections slammed back into her.

Like peering through a hundred eyes, senses overwhelmed her. Feelings surged through her, and she felt hundreds of hearts beating, beating. They drummed with her, slamming into her skull.

Her vision faded. There was only the beat. The slamming beat. It pounded through her skull and pulled her into a vortex of soundless agony.

Everything faded away. The drumming stopped, and there was only the black. Did I die? Riley reached up and wiped her nose. A warm fluid clung to her fingers. The metallic smell of blood filled her nose, and stars appeared around her. She landed on something soft; it felt like a bed. Looking up at the stars, she lay there.

A goddess with curly black hair appeared over her.

“Beauty? Where am I?” Riley asked, looking up at her.

“Hello, Riley. Do you like my hair? I’m trying something new.” Beauty smiled.

“It looks good,” Riley said. She grimaced. “Did I die?”

“No, though it was very close. You really need to stop doing that,” Beauty said, shaking her head. “Your blades are representations to help you. You can’t connect to hundreds of people and expect to win at no cost. There is no magic to protect such acts.”

Riley grimaced and nodded. “Sorry.” She felt something warm burning in her chest.

“It’s alright, but you should be more careful.” Beauty pulled her off the bed and into a hug.

The strange warmth spreading through Riley’s body stopped. She looked down to see her chest glowing. What?

“They’re healing you,” Beauty said. “Yes, they were desperate when they concocted this fool plan. None of them understand your skill, and they made poor assumptions.” She conjured a couch and gestured.

Riley sat. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. I thought I’d take a moment to have a chat.” Beauty sat next to her. “You are very close to C-tier.”

Riley nodded and realized. I can choose. And I can discuss things with the gods. She looked at Beauty. “Did I hit it?”

“Close enough. I thought I’d take a moment to chat. First, a warning. Your mind and will are strong, but do be careful. If they had hit the entire army, you’d be dead. Connecting with one person has risks. A massive number at once can be lethal even with the protection of your class and skill.”

“I’ll stop, sorry.”

“Good. I don’t want to see you die.” Beauty smiled and looked over. “If you upgrade my skill, I can help with your hair.”

“I’ll upgrade it, Beauty.” Riley chuckled.

“Now, you know that we typically offer you the chance to change things. Do you wish to remove a vow? Add a vow? Or do you wish that things could be different for you?”

Riley shook her head. “No. These classes fit me.” She paused. “I am confused about—” She covered her mouth and looked away. Nope. Nope.

Beauty laughed. The melodic sound rolled through the air like soft chimes. “I know your question. Of all the gods, why am I the one speaking with you now?”

“I don’t mean offense,” Riley said, looking at the polished floor.

“Because I know you best,” Beauty said, reaching over and pulling up her chin. “You may look different now, but I know you.”

Riley looked into her sparkling brown eyes. “You know me?”

“How did you know this was me?” Beauty asked. “I look completely different.”

“Yes, but you’re you,” Riley replied. “It’s obvious.”

Beauty smiled. “And you’re you. I recognize you.”

“You mean you knew me from a prior life?” Riley asked, her brow quirking.

Beauty nodded and patted her on the head. “Yes, you and I have a history. As does Music.” She gestured.

Riley looked up and saw Music standing there.

Music smiled and sat next to her. “It is good to see you again. Though you haven’t played my lute.”

“Sorry.” Riley frowned. “They’d kill me.”

“Put a stop to that, please,” Music said, looking at the floor. She waved her hand. The black faded, revealing the battle. “And you overreached in an attempt to help those around you. I can’t say I’m surprised.”

Riley looked at the frozen battle. There is no way we’ll win. The surrounding armies were raining down spells. The wall had cracked. And I’m unconscious.

“You are about to come back,” Beauty replied with a wink. “That’s why we stole a moment, though another goddess did that for us.”

Relief trickled through Riley. She studied the map, trying to see any potential way to survive. Some staggered, but most are alive. She frowned. Do I order a retreat? She looked at the army and studied it, looking at the new recruits. Is that the plan? To let them die trying to hold this? Her frown grew further.

“Sorry to break your train of thought,” Beauty said, patting her arm. “But I have a few more things to do.” She gestured, and the floor turned black.

Riley blushed and turned toward her.

“When you hit tier-C, you will have the option to choose,” Beauty said. “You may choose now if you are ready.” She smiled. “Is this the form you want?”

“No. It’s nice enough, but it’s not the right fit.”

Beauty smiled. “Do you wish an elven form?” She gestured, and elves’ faces spread across the ground like some unending painting.

Riley blinked and looked away from the dizzying sight. The faces faded, and she looked back to see her old reflection. I sort of miss it. Well, parts of it. She looked at her old dirty blonde hair and smiled. But I don’t want to be a half-elf. Her thoughts flickered to her father. He says it doesn’t matter, but does it?

“You don’t have to choose now, but the option is available.”

Riley swallowed. “Is there any way I could try it? Even if my disguise hides it?”

“Yes.” Beauty smiled.

Riley felt changes travel through her. Her form shifted back to half-elf and then pushed past it, becoming more lithe. She looked down and saw an elven version of herself. Her long ears protruded up. I wish I had my hair.

“Give that a try. If it fits, it’ll become permanent.” Beauty smiled. “And feel free to experiment.”

“Thanks.” Riley smiled at both of the goddesses.

“You’re welcome. Now, let’s take care of one final thing.” Beauty stood and pulled her up into a hug.

Riley watched text flash by.

[Quest Compete: Aid the sick or wounded. Progress: 182]

[Restoring Presence (C) → Restoring Presence (B) - +2 to the assigned class. Subjects regain 1% stamina and 1% mana every 30 minutes; their healing is augmented by 50%. Allies within 100 meters count as subjects. You know of injuries and may use mana to heal allies within fifty meters. You may use inspiration to expand and increase the effect.

[Quest Complete: Kill any wraiths you encounter. Progress: 118.]

[Quest Complete: Master your created spell.]

[Reward: Psionic Storm (C). - +1 to the assigned class. Conjure up a storm of void or psychic energy. Variable cost.]

[Reward: Spell Thief (C) → Spell Thief (B). +1 dexterity, +2 intelligence, +1 movement speed, and +2 mana per level. -1 Insight and Perception penalty on others per level. You may cast Spell Steal innately. Spells that hit you will be stolen if you have the mana. Grants one skill slot while active.]

Riley blinked and looked back at the goddesses. “What?”

“Congratulations, Magus.” Beauty grinned at her. “You finished the quests.”

Music pulled Riley into a hug. “Please don’t chain yourself forever. That isn’t like you,” she whispered in a voice that sounded different.

Where have I heard that voice before? She wracked her brain. “Music? Your voice?”

The goddess winked. “Miss you!” She waved.

Riley opened her mouth, and her eyes snapped open.

A disorienting wave of smells and sounds hit her. Her heart thundered. The sound of battle diminished, and she opened her eyes to see her father leaning over her. “Dad? Wait. Why don’t I hear spells flying?”

“Things changed,” Roger said. “Are you alright?”


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