An Assassin's Anthem

Chapter 95 - The Calm Before The Storm

Riley massaged her throbbing forehead and looked up at the ceiling. “We can’t do that again, Dad. It almost killed me.”

“I am sorry.” Roger took a seat. “It did get them to alter tactics.”

“What changed? What are they doing?” Riley asked, sitting up and leaning against the wall.

“Constructing barricades,” the magus said, walking in. She pulled back her cowl, revealing fiery hair and a stern face. “We managed to clip them, and they were bluffing.”

“Bluffing?” Riley asked.

“We received word from the other forts,” the magus said. “They’d been pushing that morning and had used much of their mana. In addition, they had to leave several mages and archer behind to hold their forts. Most is a front or preparation for tomorrow.”

Riley let out a breath of relief. She looked at her father’s extended hand. “More?”

“Can you manage?” Roger asked with a look of worry. “We do need to do what we can.”

“No more than two people at once?” Riley asked.

Roger nodded. “One per blade until you recover.”

Conjuring and handing the knives to him, she waved and leaned her head against the cool wall.

“How is your progress to meditate?” the magus asked.

Riley shook her head. “I still haven’t managed.”

A mage turned and stared at her, a smile spreading on his face. “What happened to your aura?”

“It got upgraded,” Riley leaned against the wall and tried to meditate, falling inward and promptly growing bored. This is like the run, except I can already feel my mana.

“How’d it upgrade?” the mage asked. “You were right here.”

“Gods’ gift,” Riley replied cryptically.

“If the range covers us, you may meditate below,” the magus said, frowning angrily at the other mage.

Riley chuckled and nodded. She stood and walked down the flight of stairs into the barracks. Opening the door, she looked out into the muddy, charred courtyard.

Spotting nothing, she turned and ran, racing across the way and entering the stone barracks. Walking inside, she walked to a room and paused in front of the door.

“Just interrupt him,” Nicole said, stretching. “I need to go shoot an arrow or something.”

Riley chuckled. “Do it.” She opened the door and walked inside.

A group of knights were sitting around the table. They gestured at a sketch of the area. Riley walked up and studied their map. It’s a siege. One they’ll probably win quickly.

“Can we break them?” a grizzled man asked. “They can’t have more than a thousand out there.”

“It depends on how many they gather from other forts. I hope to break them before they get more reinforcements,” Travis said with a frown. He paused and turned. “Hello, Lady Riley. Are the mages alright?”

“Yes. My aura to regain their mana extends far enough.” Riley walked over to a chair and sat. She looked at the map. Four marks sat around the fort. “Can’t we barrage these from both forts?”

“Yes,” Travis said, nodding. “That will be the focus. Of course, they can hit us from all four. This siege will get nasty. We’re all holding for more mana.”

“And the palace?” Riley asked. “Are we getting reinforcements?”

“The royals have sent out requests, and we should see a contingent tomorrow,” Travis said, studying the board.

Riley leaned back in her seat. Turning inward, she attempted to meditate, sinking inward to the flowing current inside. Peace filled her, and she had a growing desire to sing. Why can’t I sing? That would make this easier. She fidgeted and hummed inwardly, slowly sinking deeper into the river of sound.

Thunder boomed through the air, and Riley jerked from her thoughts. She looked around the table. Her father and Nicole were sitting there.

How long was I out? She pretended to have noticed it all.

“How are you feeling, Riley?” Roger asked, turning toward her.

“Fine.” Riley conjured the blades.

Roger held up his hand and studied the map. “They are constructing mediocre roads here.” He traced his fingers on it. “My progress is slow, candidly. They are wising up and fortifying. Walls are already three meters.”

“We have enough food for two days, but most of it was destroyed. We’ll need to remove the two makeshift camps designed to cut us off from supplies,” Ivan said, gesturing at the map. Four large marks sat off from each corner.

Roger turned. “Nicole, get them some food. Riley, let’s get you to bed.” He stood and walked toward the door.

Riley stood and followed him to a small connecting room. She looked at the cot. “It’s still early.” Reaching up, she massaged her brow.

Roger closed the door. “How bad is it? No lies.”

“Okay. My headache’s not too bad now.” Riley looked at his face. Concern and a tinge of fear lingered on his face. “Dad?”

Roger moved next to her. “I spent some time scouting,” he whispered. “The king of Shorove is livid. He’s dispatching nobles and worse. This fort will fall if they arrive without us getting real reinforcements.”

“So, we’re relying on the useless palace to stop some death march?” Riley asked with a grimace. I could release people from their bond and run away. Is that what we should do?

“Yes,” Roger said. “In the event this fails, run. I’ll find you.”

Riley nodded.

“And don’t talk bad about the king. It’s far too risky.”


Roger patted her shoulder. “My resources are gone.” He sighed. “And I’m going to rest. Stay close to Nicole. Have her wake me.”

“Dad,” Riley said, swallowing nervously. “I talked with the gods today. I was just curious what you thought. They said I could try it.” She triggered Assume Disguise, willing the elven version of herself through. Dirty blonde hair appeared, curling down to her shoulders. Her ears protruded through it. Looking up at her dad, she bit her lip.

Roger pulled her into a hug. “As long as you like it, that’s what matters,” he whispered, smiling as he looked. “You still have my hair and nose. It suits you.”

Riley smiled and hugged him. “Thanks.”

“I do mean it, Riley. Be who you want.” He released her. “But switch back quick.”

Riley triggered Assume Disguise and turned. The door swung open, revealing Nicole standing there with a bowl.

“Thanks.” Riley took it. She picked up the spoon and started eating the stew. Oh, gods. It tasted like mud mixed with pepper. She grimaced. This siege needs to end now. She choked it down while wishing several classmates were stuck eating it. A chuckle burst from her lips.

“What?” Nicole asked, looking at her bowl.

“Just wishing I could send some of this up to the academy.”

Nicole laughed. “I’d pay to see that.”

“Right?” Riley grinned. “Can you imagine the princess?”

Nicole snorted. She took a bite and gagged. “Gods, not again.”

“Yep,” Roger said, taking a long breath and forcing himself to eat.

“Aren’t you used to terrible?” Riley asked, looking at Nicole.

“No. No. It’s been a while since I had to eat anything this terrible.”

“And you have experience being a servant?” Riley asked, a smirk spreading on her face.

Nicole grimaced. “I’m your bodyguard, not your servant. I don’t care what Lucas says.”

Riley studied the girl. “How’s your mom?”

“Busy. So busy,” Nicole replied, smiling and looking at the soup. “I’m hoping she can find an answer to this.”

“Me too.” Lifting her spoon, Riley forced herself to eat, finishing off the bowl and looking back at Nicole. How much does she know?

Nicole smiled, stood, and walked over. “You can trust me, Riley. I promise you that.” She looked around the room and winked. Long ears poked through her hair for a moment.

The bowl slipped from Riley’s hands. She stared in shock. She’s an elf. And she has a disguise skill.

Nicole caught it, her appearance reverting. She smiled and took Roger’s bowl. “I’ll be back.” She walked out the door.

Roger stood, walking over and pulling out a handful of crystals. He counted and handed them to her.

She took the outstretched crystals. “Now?”

“When you are ready to fall asleep, yes. Yes, it’s a lot, but we need it.” Roger returned to his cot, pulled off his boots, and laid under the blanket.

Riley tucked the crystals in her blanket. That’s a lot of levels in a day… It’s going to knock me out hard.

She waited until Nicole walked back in.

“Are you an elf?” Riley’s hands flashed.

Nicole grinned. “Are you?”


“Althea will be mad when she hears that. You two have a deal.”

Riley jolted. “How do you know that? How do you know her?”

“She adopted me and a boy named Lucas.” Nicole smiled and took a seat on her bunk. “And she told me about you.”

“Why didn’t she tell me about you?” Riley scowled.

Nicole smiled. “It was a risk until she knew you wouldn’t betray us.”

Riley nodded. “How did you level?”

“Lucas and Althea. They helped, and I stole some runs.” Nicole winked. “I’m surprised you didn’t. That’s what I expected.”

“I thought about it.” Riley smiled. “Are you an elf?”

Nicole smiled. “I’ll tell you when you decide.” She lay on her bed.

Riley grabbed the crystals and watched her attire shift. Her shoes shifted to soft slippers, and her dress shifted to a nightgown. This armor is the best. Burying herself in a blanket, she pulled the crystals to her chest and willed them inside. The power churned. She shut her eyes, and a massive amount of text rolled by as the world faded away.

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