An Incubus Life

Chapter 63 Mistakes were Made

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Chapter 63 Mistakes were Made

The doors were still locked when I got to the rink Monday morning.  I was extremely confused, and checking my phone, I didn’t see any messages canceling practice.  I waited thirty minutes and called James, “Hey James was practice canceled?”

“Caleb?  Oh man, you haven’t heard!  The cops arrested coach Sam and Jamie Sunday night!  I guess there was a hidden camera in the house from the party Saturday night.  It is a total shit show.  They were both booked, and the school admins are looking for another coach, but we all have to file police reports and get mandatory counseling.  You will probably get it at school today,” James detailed.

“What the hell?” was my response.

“Yeah, it was her ex.  Most likely, the tapes will not be admissible in court, and it will depend on what we tell the police,” he expounded.

“So what is going to happen?”  I asked.

“I don’t know.  It is too early to tell.  I talked with the AD on Sunday; the last five practices have been canceled for the year, and we are forfeiting Wednesday’s game.  Sorry, I didn’t let you know.  Things have just been a bit crazy,” he sounded remorseful. 

“So are we going to start practice up in January?”  I asked, not really knowing how I felt about it.

“Probably,” he paused, “We have a team meeting tomorrow morning at the Panera on route 15.  I was just sending out a text.  I don’t know the fallout, Caleb.  Can you make it?”

“No problem I said.  I will be there,” I said quickly.  We disconnected.  I might use this as an excuse to quit the team.  But I liked playing hockey even if it wasn’t a challenge as my incubus skills grew.  Maybe college hockey would be more of a challenge.  Even if I went to college, I no longer need a scholarship with my Apollyon funds rolling in.  

I went to my rocky gorge and practiced my flying.  I needed a vent, and this was freeing.  I was weaving between trees and making hairpin turns as my proficiency advanced.  I was late to pick up Rob, and Sophia already had the gossip about our coach.  I told them what I knew, confirming what Sophia had already heard.

The entire team was called into the auditorium at school, and four pairs of detectives worked through our roster.  I was called and asked about events and if either coach had ever approached me sexually or touched me sexually.  They promised that whatever I told them would not be released to the public.  I told them no to everything.  I was shocked when they played a tape of my time in the office reviewing game tape.

When they asked what I meant by we could pick this up at the away game I just referred to the offense changes we were watching on the video.  I did remember that I felt like someone had been watching me.  Did I have some type of demon awareness?  As my thought went down this path, I got distracted, and the detectives kept pressing.  I just told them flat out that I did not have sexual relations with that woman.  I missed all my classes in the morning, and instead of going to lunch, the school’s superintendent said I could go home for the rest of the day. 

What a complete clusterfuck, I thought while driving.  At least I hadn’t been caught on camera having sex with coach Sam in her office.  I drove to Iris’ house and hoped maybe Kiri would want to do some training.

I found Eilina, Kiri, and Vida in the basement training.  They were practicing with wooden swords.  They paused as I came down the steps, “Looks like fun.  Can I join in?”  I asked.

Vida spouted, “We should practice hand-to-hand combat and submission holds instead.”  Her language sounded clearer and more focused already. 

Kiri shook her head in exasperation, “No, Vida.  Tuesdays and Thursdays, we practice weaponless fighting.”

Eilina pouted, “We can’t we just get aether rifles and pistols!”  She was not the physical type.

Kiri patiently explained, “We will.  But creatures move fast and can get into close quarters quickly.  You need to be prepared for the worst-case scenario.”  Vida was nodding, affirming Kiri’s assertion. 

I joined the combat and took two clubs in the shape of my tetsubos.  With my increased reflexes, I was soon pitted against all three women.  Things got interesting when they found out the wooden swords didn’t really harm me.  Eilina and Vida attacked recklessly, which gave Kiri openings.  I was having fun, and then my phone went off.  Rose and Mary were at my house, and I was not there.  I had lost track of time.  I called them and told them I had lost track of time studying for my exams tonight at the community college.  “I will be there in 15 minutes”, I promised over the phone.  I left the two sweaty elves and orc standing there disappointed. 

When I got to my house, they were waiting in their car.  “Sorry!  I can get you started, but I have to drive to the campus in an hour!”  I told them.

Rose had a sly smile, “It’s fine, Caleb.  I am still sore anyway and didn’t want to pump too much iron today.” 

Mary added in on the euphemism, “Don’t believe her, Caleb.  Rose was getting stretched all weekend.  I think she can handle a larger workload today.  And we are behind on our payments for the lessons too!”

I cursed the fact I had to take the exams today.  I got them into the basement and put them through the stretches.  After Saturday night Rose was no longer shy and got extremely aroused during the session, wearing a noticeable camel toe through the hour that I was there.  But instead of getting a repeat performance, I had to leave.  Rose tried to convince me to stay, “I think Mary might be too tired for your bonus.  If you stay, I can deliver.”

“I am already going to be late.  If I pass these exams, I will be in the senior class next year and graduate with you,” I pleaded.  “Tomorrow!  We can settle our accounts tomorrow!”  I rushed out of the house before I changed my mind.

I was ten minutes late for my first exam, and the older women professor just took it off my two-hour time limit for the exam.  I finished the exam in less than an hour and was certain I passed the macroeconomics class.  The geology test an hour later was a box of 20 rocks I had to identify and 30 multiple-choice problems.  I breezed through that as well.  I knew I would enroll as a senior next year once the high school confirmed I had passed the exams. 

I went to see if Lena Brooke, the calculus professor, was in her office.  She hadn’t contacted me since our snowstorm fun, but maybe I could get some life essence while I was at the community college.  A bunch of night classes were going on in the building, but her office was empty. 

I sat in my car in the parking lot and checked my phones.  I had a ton of electronic signatures to complete for Amelia by midnight tomorrow, so I spent two hours finishing the documents, and it was already 10 pm when I finished.  I texted my parents that I was on my way home and that I was sure I had passed my exams.

My parents met me and congratulated me with hugs.  We had a serious conversation about Coach Sam.  The school was having a parent’s meeting about it, and they wanted my take before going tomorrow.  I told them I didn’t see, hear or participate in anything.  Thankfully they didn’t press me, and the topic changed to which college I wanted to attend.

We sat down and talked about college for a bit.  Since I had told them about the hockey scholarship offers, the conversation was geared toward that.  I pulled up my email and started going through them with my parents.  Twenty-eight different colleges contacted me.  Some more than once.  Seven openly stated they were interested in offering scholarships.  Dartmouth, Harvard, and Brown all said they could offer competitive financial aid packages.  The rest were interested in talking to me in person. 

It took a few searches to find that Ivy schools did not offer athletic scholarships at all.  Still, my mother wanted me to contact the Harvard recruiter back.  I told her about my experience with the Dartmouth coach and that I didn’t have the grades to get into an Ivy.  It was almost midnight when I escaped to my room.  I did enjoy the open conversation with my parents, but I thought that if I attended college, it would be mostly online courses. 

The idea of adventuring in the transits was just too appealing.  Of course, I wanted to get much stronger before going too far, and that meant practicing my incubus powers.

With no practice on Tuesday morning, I texted Abigail and asked if she wanted to go for a run Tuesday morning.  A quick, yes reply, and I was off to my mind space to train with Pandora.  My Latin progressed quickly, and Pandora wanted more books to fill in her knowledge.  I also needed to get her some martial arts textbooks.  I planned to raid the school library during my open study period, adding knowledge.

I was off early to meet Abigail for a run in the morning.  I picked her up, and we drove to her house since she was familiar with the trails there.  With her headlamp on, she took off, “Caleb, if you catch me, you can have your way with me!”  Now that she knew what I truly was, this was not a contest.  I let her stay just ahead of me and get a good run in.  When we reached the summit where we had our first sexual encounter, I raced into her and wrapped her up from behind, spinning her in circles.

“Caleb, we have twenty minutes before sunrise.  Let us keep running!”  She breathed heavily and squirmed to escape, but I held her close till she gave in, turned into me, and kissed me.  I removed her sports bra and my shirt while she rubbed my cock in my shorts.  She pulled my shorts down and kneeled before the erection, and paused.  She stood.  “Caleb, I want to see your true body.  Show me your incubus body, Caleb.”  The sunrise had started, and Abigail was just in running shorts in front of me. 

I was worried she might be horrified by my incubus form, but I could sense she wanted to see me for what I truly was.  I transformed, and her jaw fell.  She didn’t run away, she just stared, and I waited.  I was 6’6” and thickly muscled.  My penis had remained erect and was now a monstrous 20 inches.

Abigail moved to me and touched my chest lightly, “You are beautiful, Caleb.”  She ran her hands across me, touching my face, horns, arms, torso, and finally, the massive extension.  She trembled touching it, “I could never imagine taking this.”  But her two hands were suddenly playing across it.  It had almost the diameter of a can of soda.  She couldn’t resist and got on her knees, forcing the tip into her mouth.  That was all she was going to get.  My head completely filled her mouth.  Her tongue played across my glans erotically, and she brought me to the edge, but I held back.  Seeing my resistance, she focused both her hands and pumped the length while continuing with her mouth.

I let out my own sighs of pleasure, and I could hear groaning in pleasure as she used her tongue and mouth for suction and rubbing the glans.  She seemed lost in her efforts, and I recalled Iris saying I had a lust aura in this form.  Abigail must be enthralled by it.  Andromeda had turned off her charms when she dealt with me…

I went into my mind space and asked Pandora, “Can I turn off my lust aura in incubus form?”

She cocked her head and pointed at the banners, “You should be able to add it to a banner and turn it on and off.  The banners are a representation of your control and knowledge of your abilities.”  I nodded, and soon Lust Aura was on the banner, and I clicked it off.  I stared at it for a moment, though.  It didn’t say Incubus Lust Aura—just lust aura.  Did that mean I could turn it on when I was in my human form?  Food for thought.

I returned to Abigail and pulled her off my head with an audible pop.  She looked at me in confusion, and I was waiting for her mind to clear.  “What, am I not doing a good job?” She asked innocently.

“No, it is awesome, but you were under the influence of my lust aura.”  She nodded slowly and then moved back to resume her actions.  I decided to reward her work and shot my endurance seed into her mouth.  She hadn’t been ready for it and tried to pull away as it hit the back of her throat.

“Abs, you have to swallow it,”  I said, holding her head in place.  “It will make you stronger.”  Well, not stronger, but fitter.  She choked, trying to swallow with my size stretching her mouth.  She complied and forced it down with some choking sounds.  When I was sure she got it all, my head popped from her mouth.  She coughed, but she had taken everything and smiled at me. 

“It feels weird.  My lungs feel so cold, and there is an aftertaste of browned butter,” she rasped, and I pulled her to my heated body.

As I sat on the rock with her in my lap, I explained, “The was an endurance enhancement.  It will change your physiology slightly and make you a better runner.”  Her eyes went wide. 

“Do you think I can join the track team in the spring!”  She said excitedly, bouncing in my lap on my relaxed cock.  “I was going to ask you if it was all right when you got back from Europe, but can I, Caleb?  Please.”  I didn’t understand why she was asking me for permission.

“Yes, Abs, you can do what you want.  If running track makes you happy, then definitely do it,”  I said, and she hugged my large incubus frame in joy.  Her hand traveled down to my incubus phallus and rubbed it slowly, trying to awaken it again.

“I mean, I can’t take this inside me, but maybe I can rub along its length,” she touched the now awake and oversized veined member.  She stood and dropped her shorts and underwear.  She pulled me to a standing position and backed into me.

She pushed my shaft down between her thighs and straddled it.  Her lips were already moist, and I dropped my vortex into place.  My vortex was different, and I was studying it while Abigail was on her toes and rubbing her pussy up and down my shaft.  My vortex seemed stronger…no cleaner.  It was as if when I created the vortex in my human form, it was blurry compared to this.

While I was pondering this, Abigail had her first orgasm and coated the length in her cum.  She was groaning and sweating from her efforts.  She didn’t stop, though.  The extra slickness just made moving her hips along my shaft easier as she sought a second.  I played with her chest absently while I pondered the vortex differential, letting Abigail pleasure herself.

My incubus form must be stronger and maybe more efficient than my human form.  My human form was, after all, was a disguise.  Did that mean I could get more life essence as a demon?  But how would I do that?  I didn’t think any woman out there could take this horse-sized cock. 

Abigail was playing with her clit with one hand while her other hand grasped my mushroom head for balance.  Her firm grip on my glans excited me, and I wanted to enter her with it.  Her grip tightened as she came a second time.  She slowed her rhythm to a slow glide back and forth.  I think the thick veins on the massive cock added a nice ridged surface as she leaned forward to get her clit riding along the hard veins. 

Maybe I could find women out there that could take something this large?  I would have to research it online.  If only my incubus dick was half this size.  Abigail suddenly screamed.  I looked down to find my shaft buried deep inside her.  “Abs!  I am sorry!  I didn’t mean to do that!”  I pulled out, and she collapsed to the ground breathing heavily.

She turned around, and we both stared at the erect cock.  It was maybe half the size, 11 inches or so, and much less thick.  It had still been a surprise when it penetrated Abigail’s eager pussy.  I touched the erection to make sure it was real.  Some of the texts said succubus and incubus were shape changers, but I thought that was for a complete change…not this partial change.

Abigail stated with her eyes transfixed, “I was just surprised.  I think…I think I can take this if we go slow.”

“Wait, let me try some things, Abs,” I said, more curious about the penis than getting more life essence.  For the next fifteen minutes, I watched the cock shrink to as small as my human form and to as large as my original demon form.  Abigail was just as fascinated, touching, and playing with it as it changed. 

“You can’t go any smaller?” she asked after the third transformation. 

“Let me try, Abs.”  I focused really hard, and it was like I had a slider for the size of the beast.  I tried to push it all the way to the small size, but it barely reduced its girth and length.  “No, it looks like that is as small as I can get,” I said, a little mentally fatigued from the effort.

“I can work with this,” she grinned and faced me.  She put her extended her leg up and had me cup her knee in my shoulder, letting her do a split and exposing her pussy to my erection.  I had to squat a little to line up my head with her entrance.  Abigail eagerly pulled herself into me, and I slid nicely into her. 

She moaned and said, “Perfect.  Come on, Caleb.  Show me how well you can work it!”

Her hands locked around my head for balance, and mine went to her hips.  I proceeded to jack hammer her in this position for a few minutes.  When she was loose and wet, I lifted both her knees under my elbows.  Her ass now hung down, and I was able to bounce her entire body.  Her eyes started rolling in her head as the orgasms roiled through her.  I could feel the trembles on my cock as wave after wave hit her.  I peeked at her core and nearly dropped her.   I fumbled to change to my strength seed and released it into her pussy as it was the fastest way to end my vortex.  I sat down with Abigail in my lap.

“Abigail!  Abigail!”  I tried to get her to focus.  Her core looked a mess.  It hadn’t burst, but my incubus vortex must have been stronger than my human one.  I hadn’t used any saliva, so I hadn’t been worried about her multiple orgasms. 

I held her and intently watched her core as the sun continued to rise.  I transformed into my human form.  Her core was like a rippling sphere.  I felt helpless.  I didn’t have the knowledge and wanted to swear out loud, but I just focused on her core.  It was an hour before the rippling slowed, and the core firmed up.  The fragile nature reminded me of the first person I had used my ability on, Lydia.  Finally convinced Abigail was going to be ok, I dressed both of us and carried her down the mountain to my car.

I put my bracelet on and read her core.  1.11.  That was too much.  She had been 0.214 the last time I read her.  More than a five-fold increase?  And she had jumped from lower tier 1 to upper teir 1 and then to lower tier 2!  It made sense now how Lydia had gotten so powerful when I thought I almost killed her.  Pushing a core to the brink of rupturing was the key.  I had been careful with Iris, and she had gone from 0.1 to 0.4 but had remained a lower-tier 1 mage. 

I guessed that the rippling on Abigail’s core was due to being unprepared for the increase in tiers.  Andromeda had said I could raise my partner one step…but I had just done two.   And I had done it without saliva.  But it had been in my incubus form.  I needed answers!   I got Abigail into the passenger seat and checked her core again.  It was calm and hardening.  I breathed a huge sigh of relief and sat in the driver’s seat.

I went into my mind space and found Pandora in the library looking at books.  Her eyebrow raised in question, “Yes?”

“I assume you know why I am here, so what happened?  I know you are my subconscious, so tell me what I think happened,” I said, short on patience.

“It was the vortex.  It was more functional and stronger in the incubus form.  It pulled more aether, quicker,”  Pandora rolled her eyes like I was stupid.  “What did Iris tell you about your salvia?”  I looked annoyed at her, “It is a succubus ability, an extra gift from Andromeda.”  I remembered that vaguely the first time I told her.  Pandora continued, “Incubi don’t need it to draw out the life force effectively.  They have stronger vortexes….”  She paused and let me finish.

“So the incubus form vortex is just as effective as the human vortex assisted by saliva?” I asked. 

“Bingo!  But that is just your best guess from your observations,” Pandora grinned.

“So I just should have been monitoring her aether core the entire time, and this wouldn’t have happened,” I told myself.  I had gotten a little too cocky, thinking I had a good feel for how much sexual pleasure a woman could take.  I drove to Iris’ house and got Abigail in bed with Kiri’s help.  Iris was already at school.  Rob missed the bus because I hadn’t shown up.  My mother brought him and his sister; my mother had called seven times and texted four times. 

It was a mess of a morning.  I called my mother first.  “Hey, Mom, don’t worry.  I went running with Abigail in the state forest this morning.  She fell and twisted her ankle, and I didn’t have a signal.  We just got back, and I called immediately.”

She had called the school and the police looking for me.  I asked her for a favor and to call the school and tell them I wasn’t coming in today.  I told her I wanted to stay and help Abigail.  It took ten minutes to convince her, but she caved.

I sat by her bed with Vida, waiting for her to wake up.









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