An Incubus Life

Chapter 64 Nosy Parental Units

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Chapter 64 Nosy Parental Units

I was sitting with an unconscious Abigail when James called, “Caleb?  Are you ok?  You were not at Panera this morning and not at school?”  He actually sounded concerned.  I wasn’t sure if he was worried about me or the hockey team.

“Sorry, James.  Abigail got hurt when we went for our run this morning.  I am watching her.  I completely forgot about the team meeting,” I told him truthfully.  I had ignored the messages on my phone and calendar reminders.  Abigail was more important to me.

“Is she going to be ok?”  He asked, sounding concerned.

“Yeah, I think so.  She is sleeping right now, and I am just keeping an eye on her,”  I told him.  Vida had curled up under the covers and was hugging Abigail.

James spoke after a pause, “Well, it is between periods here at school, so I just have a minute.  The team plans to play in January.  Right now, just two guys are being pressed by their parents to quit and sue the school, but that is likely to grow.  So far, we have agreed not to tell the police anything.”

“Ok, I am on board with that.  I didn’t say anything during my interview yesterday,” I relayed to James.

“Good.  On the bright side, we raised $3,800 from the winter carnival!  Do you want to come help buy the gifts?  We have five wish lists, so that means we can spend about $750 on each kid.  The gymnastics raised only $2,600 this year, and they have six kids to get gifts for!  We are going to crush them on gifts!”  James said excitedly. 

I felt terrible at this news.  I had put $1,500 into our donation box and probably drew away a lot of the gymnastics customers at the dunk booth.  James’ excitement at beating the gymnastics team was hollow as the kids were the ones affected.  I decided to ask, “Hey, James.  Can you do me a favor?”

“Yeah, sure.  What do you need?”  He asked seriously to match my tone.

“Talk to the gymnastics captain.  I think her name was Traci.  Pool our money with theirs and divide it equally for each wish list,” I said carefully.

There was a pause, and I could hear students talking in the background as James thought, “I saw you talking to her on your way out.  If it helps you score some points, I can make it happen.  I will just tell the team it was your decision.  I actually think most would agree with it.”  James said and hung up shortly after.

Two hours later and I got a text.  It was from Traci.  This is Traci.  Got your number from James.  He told me that you wanted to pool funds for the gifts!  You are best!  XOXO

Not my ultimate goal, but maybe it would result in some life essence.  Traci had a nice heart-shaped face, and I remembered her lean body when she was in the dunk tank next to me.  Definitely my preferred type.

I leaned against the headboard, and Vida stirred.  “Pizza?” She looked up at me and asked. 

“Yeah, sure.  What do you want?”  I asked, opening the website for Vincent’s on my phone. 

Vida sat up excited, “Extra cheese, bacon, ham, mushroom, garlic, and grilled chicken.”

I entered her pizza in the app and saved it to my account to order it easier in the future.  “I ordered it, Vida, and it is paid for and should be delivered in forty minutes.”  She left to go wait by the door immediately.  I imagined Vida as a dog waiting by the front door, eager for their master to come home and give them a treat. 

I went to my Apollyon phone and worked through my messages with Amelia.  She had just a few more documents for the house.  It seemed like closing would be Thursday.  She also had left me the house key in a hanging lock with the code so I could get in at any time. 

I went through her accounting on the sale and contractors.  I was amazed that I had transferred her $900,000 to an escrow account, and it looked like only $52,500 would remain after everything.  The taxes and homeowners insurance would be paid out for the first year at least.  I was getting ready to call Amelia when Abigail finally stirred.

“Abigail?”  I leaned down into her and spoke softly, and looked at her core.  It looked fine—well, fine was too strong a word.  A better word would be still intact.

“What?  Caleb?  What happened?”  She asked foggily.

“It was my fault,” I admitted.  “I didn’t realize the differences between my human and incubus forms.  I almost ruptured your aether core,”  I told her waiting to take some verbal abuse.

Her face told me she really didn’t comprehend what I was saying, “I remember your majestic body and…” her nipples hardened under her tee shirt.  Vida came in at that moment carrying a box of pizza.  The smell of the layered meats hit Abigail, and her stomach rumbled. 

“Hungry are we?” I joked.  She probably needed a lot of food as I had used my endurance and strength seed on her and also massively expanded her core.  The health nut was looking at the pizza with a predatory gaze, and Vida moved to protect it with her body from Abigail. 

I didn’t think she would eat it, but I said, “Give it to her Vida.  I will order you another one right now.”  I quickly completed the order, and Vida went back downstairs to wait while looking longingly at the pizza in Abigail’s lap.  I would have to get Vida some TNMNT tees as a joke.

Abigail didn’t seem to mind the unhealthy food after her first bite.  I watched in amazement as she devoured the entire pizza, minus the one slice Vida took.  She looked at me, “What?  I like pizza.  I just have to run it off.”  She rubbed her belly and moved slowly to go to the bathroom.  “My whole body hurts, Caleb.” 

I rechecked her core.  “Your aether core looks ok, and that is all that matters.  But I think you shouldn’t practice magic until it heals a bit.  And I think we shouldn’t have sex for a long while.”  Her face looked disappointed.  “Just until we are sure it is safe,” I offered.  I wasn’t sure how she could not be angry with me.  Did she not understand I had almost killed her?  She returned from the bathroom and lay down, and fell asleep.  I felt comfortable leaving her after Vida returned with her new pizza.  Before starting on the new pizza, Vida checked the first box to confirm it was empty.  I told her to stay with Abigail.  I was heading out. 

I decided to go to the library to get more Latin books and amass a collection of martial arts books.  I found that my pace of adding books to my mind space was slowly increasing.  I could do four thick books an hour instead of three now.  I added three Latin books, the Illiad in Latin, and all seven books on karate the library had before I had to go and meet Rose and Mary at my house.

When I got home, I was surprised to find my mother talking to Rose and Mary in the kitchen.  She was wearing her yoga pants and a sports bra, “Hey, Caleb!  I am off the rest of the week, and I thought it would be fun to work out with you and your friends,”  She was smiling. 

Well, if my mom wanted to cock block me, I would make her feel it.  I smiled brightly, hiding my annoyance, “That is awesome.  You can show Mary and Rose how awesome you were when you rowed!”  It was a veiled challenge to try and get her to keep up with the younger women.  My mom still worked out but only did cardio these days.

As we went through the stretching routine, I assisted my mother in the range of motion…not as hands-on as I had been with Rose and Mary, but enough to get her past her comfort range.  I explained everything as I went as she tried to remain stoic.  Mary and Rose were grinning as we moved into the lifting phase.  I added some complex movements, and my mother struggled, but I just corrected and encouraged her. 

My mother had too much pride to give in, and when we finished the nearly three-hour workout, she collapsed on the floor with the two high school rowers.

She said, “My god, girls, you are much further along than I was at your age!  You are going to be amazing in college!”  She sat up with a groan.  “Caleb, how did you learn so much?  You are a great personal trainer!  Maybe I should take advantage of your services since you are under my roof and I can get free lessons.  I am definitely out of shape!  When did we get those two other ergs?”

I spoke, “I found a book by some rowing coach named Erick and just followed his plans.  The rowing machines I found online were cheap.  Someone bought them and never used them, so I was able to get them cheap.  We are doing a 2000-meter test on Thursday.”  Mary and Rose groaned at that announcement.  My mom rolled to her side and stood.  I think she just confirmed to herself that we were, in fact, working out down here and not doing anything carnal.  Of course, that was not the case, as we were doing both.

“I’m going to take a shower and get dinner.  Is chicken alfredo good for you girls?”  My mother asked, and they affirmed.  Mary immediately unbuttoned and pulled down my jeans as my mother disappeared up the stairs.

“Come on, Rose.  If we work together, maybe we can convince him not to have an erg test on Thursday!”  Rose, who was not as turned on by the thought of getting caught, stayed on the floor and stared at the basement stairs for a moment before joining Mary.  The two friends positioned themselves on their knees to either side of me.  It took some encouragement from Mary to get Rose to kiss her with my cock sandwiched between their lips.  I could sense Rose’s reluctance as she complied.  Mary was enthusiastic, while Rose was hesitant. 

I went quickly to my mind space and tried to turn on my lust aura.  I was curious if it worked in my human form.  I returned, and Rose’s reluctance had faded.  It confirmed the aura did work but was somewhat muted, like the human guise obfuscated it.  While I had been experimenting, my cock had been coated in some generous saliva.  I added a vortex to each of them and, this time, I planned to keep my abyssal sight on their cores during my life essence collection.

Rose was getting into it, and she was teasing her tongue across my shaft, chasing Mary’s tongue.  The site made my cock strain in appreciation.  The slightly rough sensation was extremely pleasurable for me, and I put my hands on the back of their hands to guide them up and down my length.  I could hear the water running from upstairs, so mother must have started her shower.  This spurred on Mary, who grabbed my shaft and swallowed it.  Not to be left out, Rose watched and ran her hand down her spandex shorts to rub her folds.  Her other hand ran over Mary’s back, caressing her as she bobbed her head along my length. 

I could feel my mushroom head hitting the back of Mary’s throat.  Each bob of her head pressed it harder and harder as she tried to overcome her gag reflex and get it down her throat.  She finally got it, and the pressure on my head was amazing as it squeezed into her throat.  She kept coming back and working it deeper and deeper.  Looking down on her focused efforts while Rose groaned in pleasure from orgasm was erotic. 

I heard the front door open and close.  The sound was too soft for Mary, so I said, “I think my dad just got home.”  She immediately increased her efforts and got her hands into her own spandex.  She came hard, trembling, as we heard my dad’s footsteps upstairs.  She rolled to the floor in a blissful smile, and I looked at Rose, who was focused on her own pussy, trying to come a second time.  I stepped forward and put my still-hard phallus in front of her.  She complied and took it into her mouth.

I applied a tiny amount of saliva to my hand and rubbed it on my length.  Rose’s intensity increased, and I felt her coming almost immediately.  She was definitely over-sensitive to the saliva.  “Swallow it, Rose,” I instructed.  She nodded eagerly, and Mary tried to get up, eager to take the ejaculate instead, but I came before she could replace Rose.  I was using my strength seed on Rose to complete her physical enhancements.  She grabbed my ass cheeks as I spurted into her mouth.  She sucked my cock like an oversized straw, not wanting to miss any of the semen.  The suction of Rose’s mouth felt amazing as my glans head, and urethra opening were sucked clean.

When she was certain I was empty, she sat back on her butt, resting on her heels.  She exclaimed while looking at Mary, “It does taste amazing!”  The door upstairs suddenly opened, and footsteps sounded on the stairs.  I pulled up my jeans hastily.  Rose hurried into the bathroom, and Mary fell unconcerned on her back. 

Dad appeared and said, “Your mom said she worked out with your friends?  I am off to get dinner.  Anything else you want?”  He eyed Mary, who had her eyes closed, but her nipples were rocks, and her spandex clearly outlined her still excited slit.  The wet spot from coming would have been easily noticeable if she hadn’t been drenched in sweat from the workout. 

“No, whatever mom ordered is fine,” I said calmly.

He sniffed the air before turning around, “We need to get better ventilation down here.  Caleb, make sure you wash the mats every once in a while.”  He left us, and I was a little shocked.  Did he know?  He wasn’t stupid.  He must know.  Then why didn’t he knock?  Was he hoping to catch me in the act?  I brushed it off.  I looked at Mary, who was grinning madly and rubbing herself.  Oh shit!  I turned off my lust aura and checked my life essence.  109/150.

I hadn’t checked my life essence after Abigail, so I was not certain how much came from the nearly fatal encounter with her.  But I did have enough to upgrade one aspect of myself.  I decided to do it later tonight.  I exited my mind space and found Mary recovering as she was no longer rubbing herself openly.  I left her and went to shower in my room, and when I came downstairs, Mary and Rose were eating with my parents like nothing had happened.

Rose and Mary stayed till seven which I felt was kind of weird.  Were they trying to ingratiate themselves with my parents?  Well, it seemed to be working.  They told them about the dance and how good a dancer I was.  My mother looked at me like she didn’t know me.  I told her I had taken a lesson at the studio mentioned by the teacher.  I hated lying to her, but I needed an excuse.  Now I might just have to stop over there and take a lesson in case she investigated.  That was the problem with lying…you needed to cover it up by doing more work in the end.

When Mary and Rose left, I went to my room and worked on some schoolwork.  I really didn’t have any with the semester so close to the end.  Just a few exams were coming that I felt confident in already.  I checked my phone and called Iris.  She told me Abigail was doing well and she just needed rest and lots of food.  I was a little worried she might read Abigail’s core and get jealous.  Abigail now had the potential to be a stronger mage than her. 

When I hung up, I had to call Amelia, so I advanced my age to get my voice deeper.  “Mr. Silverhorn, thank you for calling.  Everything is proceeding smoothly.  I would like to meet you when you come out to look at the house.  It is a beautiful property and unit.  We did find the plumbing for the apartment above the garage was never connected.  I have a plumber out there today, and it looks like you need some insulation and a heating unit installed; otherwise, the lines might freeze.  With your permission, I will get it done.  It should cost $6,300.”

“That is fine.  Ms. Thayer, I have done some research on you.  You have an exceptional reputation, and I am very happy with the work you have done to date.  You have outfitted new homes with furniture, kitchenware, and supplies in the past.  Would you be amenable to doing the same for this property?  If you think any work needs to be done on the interior, you can complete that as well,”  I propositioned her. 

Amelia was quiet for a moment.  Then she said, “I can.  My commission is 5% over the cost of the purchases.  I will outfit the residence if you send me ten photos to give me an idea of your tastes.  When do you need the apartment furnished?  Do you want all the bedrooms furnished?”

I fist pumped, “Yes.  Even the apartment over the garage.  I want to be able to move right in on January 19th.”

“Give me a moment,” Amelia said, and I heard her typing.  “The apartment above the garage needs appliances, and I suggest moving the ones from the house there and getting new appliances for the house.  If you want high-end furniture, I am looking at $150,000, mid-range around $80,000.”  She waited as I did the mental math.  Two living rooms, six bedrooms, two kitchens, the patio, and the game room and bar in the basement. 

I replied, “Money is not an object, plan on a budget of $200,000.  If you need more than just text me.  Please make sure to add a pool table and air hockey table to the basement.  I will have my assistant send you photos of my furniture taste.  Thank you again, Ms. Thayer.”  I thought the air hockey table might have been a mistake, but it was one of Rob, and I’s favorite games at Funhouse Arcade.  I spent three hours picking images online and then sent them all to Amelia.  I was glad I wouldn’t have to deal with that.  I added another $150,000 to the escrow account.  I then entered my mind space.

Pandora had a smile on and asked for me to create some uniforms.  This took an hour as I had to go back and forth to the computer in my room to add a selection of various uniforms in different colors for us.  I was a little confused why Pandora cared about the color but just completed the uniforms as requested.  So far, I had only added books for karate, but I planned to add books on kung fu, muay Thai and taekwondo in the future. 




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