An Unscientific Mechanic

Chapter 28

Chapter 28 Under the decisive battle

At this time, Ian reached the rear of the Federal Fleet. “The three of you acted by chance. After being able to connect to Ptolemy’s communications, follow the emperor’s arrangements. I began to attack the fleet. Michel, you control the missiles to attack the external equipment of the enemy ship.”

“Understand”?? 4

Ian accelerated, and first two cannons fired from the nose of the plane, sinking a transport ship.

“Attack from the rear?” Lieutenant Colonel Manegin saw the fire. “Is that man’s body and the missing Gundam. The first fleet turned 180 degrees, and the attack began! The second fleet attacked the enemy ship with all its strength! Transport ship , All abandon the ship and escape!”

Ian drove the support plane through the firepower net, and the explosion of the shells on the gn stand outside did not stop.

“Cut, what a brutal firepower net, the speed of the main gun is about to catch up with the anti-aircraft gun, which **** designed it!” Feeling the violent vibration and overload, Michelle, who has always been arrogant, scolded his mother…

“I designed it!” Ian on the side seat also gritted his teeth, “I never thought that one day I would be beaten in the defense system I designed!”

After several dives, there are only 2 frigates left in the Federal First Fleet, and one of the aircraft-carrying cruisers has also lost combat effectiveness.

Following the breakthrough opened by Ian, two angels and angels crossed the fleet and merged with Ptolemy.

Ian also took the opportunity to escape the fleet air defense circle.

“It’s really terrible, Ptolemy… why the **** is beaten like this!”

In less than 30 minutes of exchange of fire, two Ptolemy catapults were destroyed, three of four missile launchers were destroyed, six of 10 main guns were destroyed, and 16 of 20 anti-aircraft guns were destroyed. The bridge There are all kinds of bullet marks on it.

But the federal fleet on the opposite side was even more miserable. All 6 transport ships sank, 12 frigates sank 9 ships, 3 of the 6 cruisers sank, one ship broke two ships.

60 aircrafts were shot down in all 132 ms. More than 20 aircraft lost their combat effectiveness, and one specially installed aircraft lost combat effectiveness.

Seeing reinforcements coming in from the heavens, Lieutenant Colonel Manegin ordered the retreat. Seeing the EFF retreat, the heavens and humans did not pursue it.

Because the four Gundam drivers were extremely fatigued after high-intensity battles, and Gundam body was scarred, the equipment needed maintenance. Ptolemy was basically close to a big break.

The 8 Gundams and a support aircraft at the scene returned to Ptolemy, who turned and returned to the depths of the asteroid belt. Ptolemy was surprised to find that the Angel City base could still be used. There was almost no damage from the shelling. Everyone activated the sealed equipment and began to repair Ptolemy. Inside the Ptolemaic ship, this started to repair the damaged up to 3 days.

“By the way, that Sachers has been next to the pouch ma…” Neil looked at the combat log while waiting for repairs.

“That’s right, we can’t rush over unless he comes…”

Outside the base, a reconnaissance spent ms lurking behind the asteroid.

“The enemy base has been found, and the coordinates have been marked.”

“Understand, wait for the reinforcements to arrive, and the operation will continue.” Lieutenant Colonel Manegin hung up the communication. “Unexpectedly, Gundam can exert such a strong performance…” Manegin turned to look at Graham, Sergey and Makarov who were sitting next to him.

“Yes, this full-armed Gundam and gn battle-flag type are after all a temporary rush-manufactured body, that’s how it is.” Makarov thought of the rough operating system of the full-armed Gundam and couldn’t help shaking his head and sighed.

“Although I don’t want to admit, the foundation of the war flag is really bad…” Graham sighed as well.

“Lieutenant Colonel, Captain Patrick has returned to the ship.”

“Understood.” Manejin leaked a smile, “Fateful man.” The probe found that all three men present had leaked gossip expressions. Manejin flushed. Two dry coughs, “Ahem, in short, the enemy base has been found. After 12 hours of reinforcements arrive, the battle will begin again. Please rest.” Manejin hurriedly left.

“I’m shy…”


“That kid Yanfu is not shallow…”

Three unscrupulous old men…

“By the way, you two are also married…” Graham suddenly found out that he was still single.

“Yes, Ian saved my wife’s life. Now my family has two children, one boy and one girl, both in the military academy.” Sergey took out the photo in his pocket.

“My family are two boys, and my wife is a researcher like me.” Makarov also took out the photo.

“Hiccup…” Graham suddenly felt that the thief was supporting… “Am I a brain twitch?” I couldn’t help asking myself “I’m going to rest first…” and ran away in a hurry.

The two old men laughed cheerfully again.

The laughter gradually stopped, “Do you think Ian can survive…”

“Definitely, I don’t believe he didn’t keep his hole cards.”

Enter Alvatre, Alessandro Kona contacted Li Fengzi, “Is there any extra Gundam on Laguna?”

“Yes, there are 4 prototypes.”

“How’s the performance?”

“Slightly higher than gnx, but not as good as an angel.”

“Is there a suitable driver?”

“Yes, I still have 4 brothers.”

“Well, let them come over, the situation here is not optimistic.”

“Yes, Lord Alessandro.”

Angel City base, the Trinity brothers and sisters put away the surly personality of the past, obediently learn, adapt to the new equipment and its corresponding tactics.

Linda is directing Ptolemy’s repair work, and Ian is directing Gundam’s repair work.

Emperor went to rest after making the tactical predictions for the next battle. The bridge personnel are resting except for the doctor. Now the doctor is monitoring the surrounding conditions of the base while carrying Mirena.

In an instant, I was practicing the use of new equipment.

Ten hours later, the camouflage satellite outside the asteroid belt discovered the Federation’s support fleet.

There are 4 cruisers, 11 frigates, 16 transport ships Tiger, and 24 Virginians. There is also an unknown transport ship.

The emperor woke up from his sleep, “Is the enemy coming?”

“It’s still being reorganized and repaired in place.”

“I see, Ian, how is the repair status?”

“The inventory of the main guns is not enough. Only 7 can be used. The maintenance of the near-anti-cannon and the missile launcher has been completed. The gn position generator is damaged and the power cannot be increased. Finished. Available at any time.”

“Understand, all the staff, the combat configuration, we will take preemptive action this time.”

“Understand”?? 14

“Ptolemy sets sail, super gn particle cannon is charged, target, large ma.”

“Understood, there are still 30…29…28…”

“Ahead, high-energy response!” EFF, Lieutenant Colonel Manegin’s flagship bridge personnel shouted. “The whole ship disperse! Disperse!” The captain on duty ordered directly without even thinking about it.

At the juncture of the crisis, Alessandro Kona, who did not operate well, also climbed a certain distance urgently, but was still grazed by a huge beam. The ma was damaged severely, and the main gun and mechanical claws were destroyed. “Even to take my Albatre!”

“Filout, the shield bit is handed over to Haro for operation. It is deployed around Ptolemy, and the bombardment begins. Gundam is the whole plane, and the operation is carried out according to the predetermined plan. Ian covers Ptolemy.”

“To understanding”

In the Federal Fleet, many ms maintenance divisions and damage management personnel have just completed their maintenance tasks and are awakened by the alarm when they are ready to rest. “All crews change space suits! Combat configuration! MS team is dispatched urgently!” Lieutenant Colonel Manegin’s voice resounded through the entire fleet. “Fleet bombardment formation, attacking enemy ships. MS vs. attacking enemy MS according to plan F.”


“It has been laid out…nine.”

The gn cannon of the naval gun class can destroy the shield bit with one shot, but the charged particle cannon is worse. It takes more than 2 seconds of long exposure or several consecutive hits to break it.

With the assistance of shield bit, the damaged gn position generator on the port side of Ptolemy has not failed.

“Is that, the prototype of the angel?” The emperor discovered 4 new ms. “Filout, how many enemy MSs are there?”

“There are 9 specially installed gndrive-equipped machines, more than 130 mass-produced machines, more than 150 old-age machines, more than 150 cosmic battle flags, more than 110 ironman peaches, and more than 300 cosmic ironman. According to the analysis of sports data, all old-age machines They are all drones.”

“Understood, it’s really a big deal, Federation. The local formation is so scattered, it is to prevent the super gn particle cannon.”

Several 6000mm and 4800mm linear shells broke through the position of gn and hit the Ptolemaic hull. A large piece of the port side hull was torn off directly.

“Why is it on the port side again…” Ian was unable to vomit next to him…

In    ms combat, up to 5 aircraft formed a formation to take care of the cover and shuttle in the center of the enemy line. On the outside, 3 turbulence angels continuously used gn cannons and Fang to harass and shoot down the Federation ms, and then use the powerful maneuverability generated by the 3 solar furnaces to break away from contact, wandering on the edge of the enemy line, and rubbing it layer by layer like a knife. enemy.

And Ian also rushed into the enemy line by himself, looking for an opportunity to sink the enemy ship in the center of the fleet.

“Emperor, turn off the forced converging device of the super gn particle cannon, think of a way to give it a shot, or it will be completely wiped out.”

“Okay, pull the plug.”

“The energy reloading starts, the gun door is opened, and the converging device is manually offline. There are still 10…9…”

“Ahead, high-energy reaction!”

“MS team, concentrate firepower and don’t let the enemy launch!” Lieutenant Colonel Manegin slapped his chair and ordered the ms team.

“Even if you say that, we can’t make it!” Sergey, who broke through the Gundam defense several times and was driven out several times, responded loudly.

“Target locked, gn cannon output 120%, launch.” Makarov sniped the muzzle of the super gn particle cannon in the distance. In an instant, two shield bits blocked the beam, but it only lasted for 1 second. But in this second, the super gn particle cannon was launched, and the uncondensed particle beam turned into thousands of powerful beams that swept the 90-degree cone-shaped space in front of the muzzle, and then was sniped by Makarov. Breaking down, the gn particles that had not yet been fully ejected also exploded, and the huge explosion directly broke the front fifth of Ptolemy’s hull. More than one-third of Ptolemy’s systems are offline, and most of the remaining systems are also faulty. Only one of the main guns can operate on the starboard side, and only three of the near-anti guns are still in operation. As for the missile launchers, all are offline. gn position generator, all offline.

“Fuck, Ptolemy, are there any casualties?! Ptolemy! Linda! Milena!” Ian hovered over Ptolemy and called continuously.

“Staff…All members survive…Mirena sauce is okay and Aunt Linda is okay, and the rest of Filute’s coma are just stunned.” Risti is in the best health and is the first to wake up, continue to control Ptolemy, lose Ptolemy with a large number of subsystems can now be perfectly controlled by Risti himself.

Ptolemy had a big break here, and the Federation side was not going well. Within the range of the beam sweep, all ms were destroyed, 10 frigates sunk and 2 big ones, and only 2 ships still had combat effectiveness. The cruiser sank one ship and broke 3 ships, and one ship was broken but the bridge was hit. The remaining combat power is Manegin on the ship.

“This casualty…This ship is going forward! This ship is starting to fight with the enemy ship!” Manegin touched the blood on his face. “The remaining ms are assembled centered on this ship. Albatre, your gn position is still alive, so you can open the way for this ship, right.”

“Yes, Team Schilling, cover me.” Alvatre took the lead in the gn position, blocked in front of the Federal cruiser, and carried Ptolemy’s remaining firepower.

“Ptolemy!” Instantly gave up the formation and rushed towards Alvatre, releasing his bit to attack the golden ma.

“Can you succeed!” Four Scorpio greeted them.

“Your opponent is us!” The other four Gundams each faced a Scorpio.

“Cut…” Four Scorpio and four almost exhausted Gundam tremors fought together.

And the three angels and Ian are fighting with the brothers Saches, Graham and Sminoff. Among them, Ian fights Makarov and Michel fights Saches.

“You almost killed my wife and children, don’t you know?!” Ian rolled the body and flashed a beam of light, and then reported two rounds and a bunch of missiles.

Makarov flashed out the beam and shot down the missile, “What do you mean by that shot, don’t you know how many people died?” It was another round of beam shooting in return to Ian.

Ian descended sharply to avoid the beam, and then fired a round of barrage with four beam rifles, “I’m going to die, why don’t you let me do my best?!”

Makarov dodges the beam “You can go!” Replied a round of missiles.

Ian shot down the missile and slammed the Makarov away. “Then they are going to die!”

Makarov stabilized his flying posture, drew his sword and rushed up to cut off half of the nose of the support aircraft, and chopped off a gn cannon. “Originally, the gods wanted to sacrifice them, why did you have to save them!”

Ian rolled the body desperately, threw the Makarov out, and destroyed the left leg of the Makarov with a missile. “It’s like I haven’t rescued you from a desperate situation!”

“Cut, approaching the alarm? Who? Lying…” Ian looked at the scene in front of him, the Sergey machine was broken, the gn battle flag was slightly damaged, and the Sergey machine was rated as damaged. The three angels broke down, and the driver’s life or death was unknown. Ian instantly increased his thrust and pulled away.

“Dry…not enough particles…” I lower my head and look at the amount of particles that is less than 25%. Ian quickly moved away from the current battlefield. But he was madly chased by the three machines behind.

“In an instant, how positive is your side?”

“We are Gangdam Da!” Listening to the voice in the communicator and watching the explosion of golden ms in the distance, Ian raised her eyebrows.


Seeing the golden ms explode, 4 Sirius turned around and ran.

“Tielia, don’t have to chase them, come and help!” Ian yelled in the communicator. “My body has no particles! Huh?”

Ian glanced at the main angel, the main angel was severely damaged, and only one hand and one leg remained. A gn fully armed Gundam that was also heavily damaged was parked next to it. “I said why didn’t I see this little girl, it turned out to be here.”

Sergey also saw Lieutenant Piris who was nestling with the enemy, and the startled ms slowed down. Then the passing moment was cut into sticks.

When Sergey reacts, everything is over. With a wry smile, he moved the body in front of Piris, and then got out of the cabin.

In the rear, Neil and Lyle, who found their enemies, directly activated Trans-Am, and killed Xachis by cutting melons and vegetables.

and had used the three reds, and lost all the bit energy angels, then started an exciting fighting battle and dialogue with the gn battle flag style.

Ian received the Lord Angel and quickly went to Ptolemy. Found that the battle on Ptolemy’s side was over.

The entire Ptolemy bridge was blown up, and all the turrets were either distorted or blown up. You can even see cic wrapped in armor above the hole.

Ptolemy’s starboard side was directly embedded in the hull of the Federal Cruiser. UU reading

The damage to the Federal Cruiser is similar, but the bridge is still there. Katie Manegin is talking to the emperor.

Inside the support plane, Mirena and Linda on the communication are greeting Ian.


“Communication from NORINCO?” Ian connected the communication.

“Teacher, and the chairman?!”

“Major General Ian Technology, so far the world-wide cooperation with Tianren has come to an end.” The former Chairman of the Federation of People’s Revolutions sat on the sofa in Director Wang’s office with a smile on his face. I am satisfied with the current situation.”

“Well, next, the devas will go underground and exist as the sword of Damocles on the head of the federal government. When a large-scale conflict occurs in the world, we will appear again. Until then, we will make every effort to prepare for dialogue. “Ian is sitting in jeopardy. “In addition, our deities have almost disappeared, at least in the eyes of the public.”

“That is inevitable. Too much communication under these conditions is meaningless. This is the end of this dialogue. We can communicate if we have any ideas.” The chairman stood up and left.

“Good job, go and clean up the mess. Yi kid” Director Wang casually boasted and hung up the communication.

“Emperor, the communication is so good, I’m going to retreat.”

“No problem, all the crew returned to the ship and retreated.”

Neil went to the angel wreckage to pick up the surviving Trinity brothers. Nina died in battle, and Lyle went to the angel and dragged the broken angel back.

Ptolemy slowly pulled out the starboard side of the federal cruiser. Speed ​​up the retreat to the secret base of l3.

In the Ptolemy ship, except for the cic, none of the cabins is intact.

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