An Unscientific Mechanic

Chapter 29

Chapter 29 Angels come again

After nearly 5 years of repairs, repairs and modifications, Ptolemy has finally completed the repair and reconstruction, or in other words, the rebuilding is completed.

Initially, Ian only planned to repair Ptolemy. However, due to Linda and Ian’s energy being involved in the development of the two-burner system and the three-burner system, Ptolemy was unable to start construction for a long time.

After the development of the dual furnace system was completed, Ian was full of Ptolemy’s idea of ​​installing a dual furnace, and directly took his wife and children to the Jupiter base. Made 5 new solar furnaces and returned to the Earth circle. Two of them are one group, and the other three are another group. Prepare for the follow-up three-furnace system.

While learning the updated information of the system when boring, Ian accidentally discovered the inducible particle beam technology, and then a prototype was built shortly after.

and finally applied this technology to Ptolemy.

Finally, Ptolemy upgraded to the following data.

Captain length: 380 meters

Ship height: 70 meters

Ship width: 95 meters

Ms launch deck: 3 front 2 rear 1 distribution

Genaku: 4, three on top and one on bottom

Main gun: 3-unit 480mm live ammunition/gn particle dual-purpose cannon?? 10

Secondary main gun: large-caliber inducible beam cannon?? 30

5 doors are a group of 6 hulls

Anti-aircraft gun: 4-unit 155mm rapid-fire gun?? 4

4-pack foldable gn rifle?? 16

Missile launching system: large missile launcher?? 4

32-mounted universal missile launching system?? 6

Special gun: 18000mm super gn particle gun

Optional weapons: various types of bits

Power System: Upgraded version of gn thruster for battleship

Power source: 2 sets of standing solar furnaces

The power transmission system of the whole ship has been upgraded, and Ptolemy can carry out Trans-Am.

Protection: The hull of the entire ship is covered with e-carbon steel composite armor, and the outer armor is covered with gn particle-charged armor.

The whole ship covers 3 layers of nested gn positions, which can instantly resist 15 rounds of Federal 6000mm linear guns at close range without being penetrated.

Considering that the number of Ptolemy’s existing personnel is not enough to give full play to Ptolemy’s performance, the current number of Ptolemy’s crew has risen to 35.

The emperor who saw this data was so scared that he couldn’t drink anymore.

“Ian, you refreshed my three views again,”

The data was uploaded to VEDA, and the idle old man Aeolian was blown up… “Ian boy, the performance of your ship… is a bit too much.”

“There’s no way, I was almost overturned by a federal army vehicle last time, so I can’t persuade me this time.”

Ptolemy’s reconstruction was in progress at the same time. Ian and Linda designed the fourth-generation Gundam.

In an instant: 00 up to two furnaces. Directly use the two new solar furnaces newly built by Ian 5 years ago that have been adapted, and they are almost 100% adapted. At the same time, it is directly equipped with the o-riser system. The shoulder shield of the system integrates 8 blade bits, and the shoulder shield contains a beam rifle. The shoulder shield is also a solar furnace amplification device, one for each of the 00 shoulders.

Considering the future upgrade requirements, a third solar furnace is reserved on the back of the fuselage, and it is now equipped with a large gn capacitor.

Aleluja: Considering that Alleluja’s little girlfriend has also come to Heaven, Ian has prepared 2 units for him. A fully strengthened and upgraded main angel, and a support aircraft “Sagittarius” with enhanced shooting warfare

The strengthening of the main angel has

Using upgraded propellers, the mobility is further improved.

The large leg thruster assembly no longer needs to replace the entire leg assembly, but is upgraded to a large external suspension assembly.

The rear of the fuselage can be mounted with a brand new tail weapon compartment.

The weapons that can be loaded in the new weapon compartment are:

New gn missile, the missile is smaller and more powerful.

The new gn torpedo is powerful and fast. It comes with a gn position, which can break through the gn position, but it can only load 6 pieces.

The new aerial bomb is also smaller and more powerful.

The weapon bay itself can also be thrown out as a bomb.

The composite armed container of the main angel backpack remains unchanged, but the missile type is updated, and the gn cannon is replaced with a newer model.

The main angel shield also has the same appearance, but upgraded the gn position generator.

The handheld weapon has a large beam cannon, the double-barrel beam rifle has been upgraded and iterated, and both weapons have a new type of gn entity dagger.

Wisdom Angels and Power Angels have undergone a comprehensive upgrade, but their appearance and armament have basically not changed. It’s just that a large physical sword is added to the shield.

De Angel is completely redesigned and upgraded. The upgraded image is basically the same as the original Seraphim, but it carries a large number of small missiles all over the body or outside or inside. Taking into account the two unmanned ms “Angels” it carried, it was renamed Archangel Gundam.

Archangel Gundam Knee Cannon and arms are both new composite arms. The built-in beam generator of the finger can generate a lightsaber. After the five fingers are brought together, the 5 generators can be linked to form a large lightsaber. After the palm is stored, the arm can be used as a gn cannon. A large, stowed physical dagger can be hung on the lower side. But considering the overall style of painting, only the arm of the Archangel Gundam is equipped with this module.

Hand-held weapon can choose new gn rocket launcher, new switchable mode

Nadre Gundam is sealed and replaced by the new collapsible body Seraphim Gundam mounted on the back of the Archangel Gundam. The Seraph Gundam arm also uses a new composite arm.

The beam rifle that can generate a lightsaber is hidden in the toe, and a mechanical arm with the same end of the beam rifle is mounted on both sides of the span.

The whole machine can generate 6 lightsabers at the same time, forcibly forming 6 wings.

The basic configuration of the new support machine “Angel mk2” is the same as that of Seraph. The difference is that there is no trial system. Hanging points were added to the knees, and finally hung on the new gn rifle and shield.

When mounted on the back of the Archangel Gundam, the arm can also be designed as a cannon, but… the 4 guns on the front and the 6 guns behind the Archangel Gundam look more ghostly…

All planes of    Angels have been fully upgraded. The pseudo-solar furnace is upgraded to the third-generation pseudo-solar furnace improved by Ian.

One-type shoulder cannons increased to 4. The mounting position is changed to the two sides of the additional backpack, with 2 doors on each side.

The arm is changed to a powerful rifle attack shield of the same style as Li Angel.

A medium shield with a built-in beam rifle is mounted on both shoulders. A folding gn entity sword is mounted on the inside of the shield.

Each leg is equipped with a simulated solar furnace, and a beam sword is hidden in the toe.

The    support aircraft turbulence was changed to a built-in 4 high-power rifles, two main angels of the same large missile container.

The    Type II took into account the personal style of its driver, and its armament was retained in its original state, except that the big sword was changed to two, and a shoulder shield with 6 gn fangs was added. Additional thrusters are added on both sides of the backpack.

The great sword adds several spouts to increase the power of slashing. It can also slightly increase the thrust of the whole machine.

each arm only carries a gn short rifle, but the skeleton and joints of the body are strengthened, making the big sword a one-handed weapon.

In addition, considering the influence of the big sword on the center of gravity of the aircraft, multiple attitude control nozzles have been added to the aircraft.

Support aircraft turbulence, the missile container was changed to a gn tusk container.

Ian’s support aircraft is also fully upgraded. One built-in solar furnace and 4 pseudo solar furnaces.

Fixed armament: 2 switchable mode gn cannons

10 single-tube gn missile launchers

4 inducible particle cannons

6 double-mounted foldable gn rifle turret

2 up 2 down 1 left 1 right distribution

Equipped with weapons: each model bit

After more than 5 years of getting along with normal(?) humans,

The Trinity brothers finally realized how surly their character was 5 years ago…and how much the impact of the civilian attack that neither of them cared about.

The only survivor of that incident, Louis Hallouway, is the only survivor of the Hallouway consortium. That time was the wedding of the heir to a certain consortium, and the habit of marrying each other in European countries made most of the people present at the wedding.

After the two grabs, more than ten heirs of the consortium were wiped out, and all the people who turned around were all inherited by Louis. After confirming the murderer, Louis directly threw 10 billion euros to chase the killer Angel III.

In the post-war inventory, the Haruway consortium confirmed that the Angel III was finally shot down by Graham. Before that, the devas had chased and killed the Angel III, and Sergey had exchanged fire with the Angel III. Graham repelled the angel several times.

These 10 billion were earned by Graham alone to 8 billion, 1 billion went into Ian’s pocket, 1 billion went into Sergey’s pocket…

In addition, due to Ian’s intervention, Louis was secretly taken to the abandoned Angel City base and treated with high-concentration gn particles, and the cell regeneration disorder has been cured. After graduating from university, he entered the tomb of marriage with Sha Ci, and integrated all the consortiums he inherited under the guidance and assistance of professional managers sent by the old East Asian Republic.

Currently, the Haruway Consortium is one of the largest consortiums in the world, and it is also the new supervisor family and sponsor of Tianren. As for the original family of supervisors, all those who participated in the alteration of the Celestial Plan were liquidated by Li Fengzi. The consortium that lost its heir was also inherited by Louis under the operation of VEDA’s series of information changes. Only the wealth of the Kona family is left to the change makers.

In addition, due to the acceleration of the decisive battle and the information blockade carried out by Aeolia herself, Shazi’s sister did not find out the relationship between Laguna and the gods.

As for the living Trinity brothers, Louis, who has become a strong woman, said that there is no need to afflict the nine clans in the revenge, and the two who are alive are used as waste.

But in these 5 years, the world has not been peaceful.

Although the federal government is established, it lacks political authority and cohesion.

Some people in the countries participating in the federation want to “take home their homes.” Countries that have not joined the federation are stirring up conflicts between non-member states and member states.

As a result, dozens of militant organizations were established, and terrorist activities recurred across the Federation. And still relying on the old methods such as activities on the border of the jurisdiction and establishing bases in disputed areas, so that the Federal Army is exhausted.

Even due to the incitement of radical organizations, several non-member states joined forces to wage war against the Federation. However, it was defeated by the Federation within one month, and the government was disintegrated and joined the Federation.

This war is called the first united war.

After the end of the war, federal supremacy within the federal government has risen. Some radicals put forward a proposal to launch a second unification war to directly unify the world. After being rejected many times, it put forward the suggestion that “in order to better fight against terrorism, it is necessary to form an independent security maintenance force.”

Considering that the Federal Army currently requires approval for entry and exit from its jurisdiction, the proposal was quickly approved and the project was approved.

is called A-Laws.

In the beginning, the unit recruited some outstanding members of the Federal Army as its backbone. After many beautiful anti-terrorism operations, it became a star unit. Subsequently, a large number of ordinary soldiers whose family members had been involved in terrorist attacks applied to join A-Laws. The officers are mostly federal supremacist young officers. The highest commander is Holm Katagiri, who wants to be gilded, but the power behind him is Rifongko who can mobilize VEDA resources.

After a large number of soldiers who had been injured by terrorist attacks joined, A-Laws rapidly radicalized.

A-Laws’ progressively aggressive behavior has attracted a large number of arms consortia and federal supremacists to join and invest.

A-Laws, which broke away from the federal government’s financial constraints, expanded rapidly and became another military organization independent of the Federal Army. In just two years, it has almost unlimited funds and VEDA’s excellent resource allocation. A-Laws is even close to the EFF.

However, the more radical A-Laws began to set up military prisons, and it became more aggressive in its operations, including sitting, manslaughter, and even massacres.

In order to fight against the increasingly radical A-Laws, Catalun without Borders was established. Its members include, but are not limited to, non-federal member states who do not want to join the federation but seek self-protection, members of old terrorist organizations with relatively stable minds, old federal forces that have been squeezed out of the army by radicals, and members of consortia whose families have been persecuted.

With the cooperation of the members, Catalun has grown into a large armed organization that can fight against A-Laws in a year. UU reads and has blocked A-Laws all over the world. Catalun, who has some political discourse power, can even publish some information on A-Laws’ atrocities in the Federal Parliament.

But because the organization grew too fast and often confronted A-Laws, it was identified by A-Laws as an anti-federal organization and began to focus on attacks.

As for why the Celestial Organization has not taken any action to intervene by force, it is because the federal government believes that not all the ghosts and snakes in peace have come out. Seven years ago, Tianren’s armed intervention did not unite everyone. Therefore, we need to set up a hatred target again to unite the people around the world.

Finally, after 17 massacres were committed in A-Laws, more than 20 terrorist attacks and antagonisms were induced and the number of illegal arrests exceeded 50,000, the federal government could not bear it. Contact the Celestial Organization and ask for force to intervene.

Therefore, the Celestial Organization, which has been recuperating for 5 years, has begun to act again.

Wang Liumei quickly began to search for information, and confirmed after multiple verifications. A few days later, Catalon will conduct a raid on the A-Laws private prison satellite “Glory” and conduct rescue operations against Catalon members detained in “Glory”.

At the same time, A-Laws also obtained this information and will conduct actual combat tests of military automatic robots at the same time as the Catalon rescue operation begins. The combat goal is to bloodbath the “honor.”

In order to respond to this piece of information, the emperor decided to let the instant driving combat damage version be able to attack the angels first, investigate the inside of “Glory”, and collect A-Laws atrocities. Then the Archangel Gundam assisted the angels to repel the A-Laws troops.

This operation was privately called the “Angel Return” operation by the emperor.

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