An Unscientific Mechanic

Chapter 30

Chapter 30 The hostages are rescued in battle! prob

On the third day after receiving the information, he drove the “dressed up” angel and set off first. Go to A-Laws’ new-built cruiser to conduct a cosmic investigation. While biting the tail of A-Laws, Wang Liumei sent information that Sha Ci was involved in the arrest of A-laws and has been sent to “Glory.”

Hearing the news, the emperor silently deleted the original combat plan and made a new hostage rescue combat plan. Instructed Shi Na to stand by near “Glory”, and Ptolemy set off from the secret base of l3 to “Glory”.

On the road, Ian mass produced some 2-meter-high humanoid robots as a combat aid.

Louis also contacted Brigadier General Arthur Goodman of A-Laws through his network. In the face of this arrogant and arrogant fat man, Louis appropriately showed his hatred of the heavens and terrorist organizations, and hoped to inject A. -Laws come to build a harmonious society, and have two small wishes, one is that he wants to experience the atmosphere of the battlefield, and the other is that he wants to release his husband.

Hearing that the gold lord on the opposite side had become a fat sheep, Brigadier General Arthur changed his face instantly, saying that this is not the little Brigadier General himself who can call the shots, and he needs to ask Commander Katagiri…

Louis also had to be ripped off by the brigadier general of this violent organization. After some unequal treaty agreement, the other party reluctantly let go, saying that the person has been sent to “Glory”, and it will take a week for the next ship to be sent back.

And knowing what will happen to “Glory” in two days, Louis almost didn’t stretch his face and yelled at him. In the end, I can only say that I hope to send people back as soon as possible. Louis, who hung up the communication, smashed the table in front of him with a punch…

The prosthesis designed and installed by Ian has always been excellent…

After calming down, Louis contacted his secret agent and sold 150 old gnx2, more than 200 gn Jim and 35 old battleships of various models to Catalon at a favorable price.

After a frantic harvest of leeks, Louis’ mood improved. Ptolemy was contacted again. Knowing that there was already a Gundam on standby around “Glory” and that the Celestial team was about to arrive at “Glory”, Louis was relieved.

On the other side, Klaus Gladler, the leader of Catalon who received a large amount of supplies, bloomed. In the past, only 1 transport ship was seized and searched, 6 training-style rescue operations were upgraded to the old large-scale aircraft cruiser Magellan class 4, the old frigate Columbus class 11, 9 Virginia class transport ships and more than 120 units MS’s large operations.

A-Laws, which observed the assembly of the Catalon fleet, urgently assembled 2 modernized and improved Magellan-class, 6 modernized and modified Columbus-class, 4 new-type aircraft cruiser Berga-class, 2 new large transport ships and 200 More than MS models of various models.

Wang Liumei got the information gathered by the A-Laws fleet and urgently contacted Ptolemy, causing the emperor, who had redone the plan twice, to drop his PDA on the spot…

“With such a large combat power, any plan will be broken with force… Can you only rely on on-the-spot command?”

“Ian, can Ptolemy correspond to a fleet of this size?”

“No problem, it depends on how you want to win.”

“Can there be other ways to win?”

“Well, in the annihilation war, directly use the super gn particle cannon to shoot at full power. Considering the battle formation of the Federation, it should be able to directly destroy more than 60% of the enemy. The rest is just fine.”

“Pass, Pass… then we will face the full sweep of the federal government.”

“Then there are high-speed combat and conventional artillery combat, which one do you like?”

“Please explain separately.”

“For high-speed combat, Ptolemy’s control method was changed to neuromanipulation by Risti, and high-speed close-range combat with the enemy. It can fully utilize all of Ptolemy’s firepower except for special guns. In addition, because of my attack on the sun With a deep understanding of the furnace, Ptolemy has been equipped with a practical shipboard structural strengthening system and a shipboard inertial control system. The situation where you forcibly endured high overloads 5 years ago will no longer occur. Therefore, Ptolemy is now Its mobility is more unrestrained.

Conventional artillery warfare only uses 8 main turrets and 6 missile launchers that can shoot forward. Carrying out artillery warfare at long distances can induce the gn cannon to have a relatively low beaming rate, and it is not recommended for warships to exceed 150 kilometers. ”

“Understood, Lasse, Ptolemy used Trans-Am to go to the battlefield to conduct regular artillery battles with A-Laws. I plan to upload it in 30 minutes. By the way, who is better at Ptolemy in solo combat?”

“I, Lasse, Neil, Lyle, and Setsuna are okay. But let me go in this battle.” Ian’s mouth twitched, and he recalled the fact that there was not a single Marine on the ship. “I brought 30 combat robots for facility suppression and hostage rescue operations, and my support aircraft is also convenient for manning people.”

Before Ptolemy was about to reach the combat universe, Ian set out first, heading for “Glory.” At this time, Setsuna first landed in “Glory” and searched the list of prisoners. Try to locate Sha Ci’s location directly.

Shaci’s location was confirmed, and an unexpected name was also found, Marina Ismail.

“Why is she here?” Setsuna thought while struggling to run under high gravity. “Why is she related to anti-government forces?”

“Boom…” The ground pierced through for a while. An alarm sounded inside the colonial satellite.

“The war has begun outside the satellite, Catalon? I have to speed up.” Then he ran to Shaci’s direction…

As soon as I found Sha Ci in the high-gravity work area, the gravity in the high-gravity area returned to its normal level.

In an instant, he gave another assault rifle, several magazines and several plastic bombs in his backpack to Sha Ci. “Will you use it?”

“Yes, I have been trained for a period of time at Louis’ PMC. Where are you going?” Sha Ci expertly checked the weapon.

“I’m going to rescue Marina. You go to the fourth ms entry and exit gate, Ian will be waiting there.” In an instant, she ran away without looking back.

“Marina… the princess of the old kingdom of Azadistan… She clearly seems to be a person without feelings, but she also has a confidante.” Sha Ci armed herself and prepared to go to the fourth gate. But before running a few steps, the rear gate was blown open, and a dozen military robots poured in. “A weapon against a human? A-Laws group of bastards…” Sha Ci raised his gun and plunged into the battle with the military robot.

On the other side, Ian, who was overdue, watched a pioneer throw the robotic container into the fourth gate where he was expected to land.

“Trouble… the combat robots broke in. The support aircraft stood by in alert mode, allowing minimal firefights.” After that, Ian, wearing individual armor, rushed into the colonial satellite with the combat robots. In order to deal with military robots, Ian and his robotic forces all carry large-caliber weapons…such as 12.7mm assault rifles, 20mm anti-material rifles, 40mm automatic grenade launchers, etc.

The    Ian team was like a broken bamboo and quickly cleared all the military robots, but in just 15 minutes, the military robots slaughtered more than 3,000 prisoners.

“Cut, it’s amazing, A-Laws…”

“Ian Sang!”

“Ah you are here, 37, are you okay, are you injured? What about the moment? Where did he go?”

“He went to save Princess Marina. I just sent me a weapon.” Sha Ci raised the rifle in his hand.

“Marina? Why is she here? Forget it… In an instant, can you hear it?”

“I heard, Marina Ismail has been rescued and Shaci has been instructed to go to the fourth gate. Have you picked him up?”

“I got it, but we can’t evacuate so many people together. We can only wait until the outside battle is over. Let’s send the VIP back to Ptolemy, and then follow the emperor’s instructions.”

“To understanding”

“Okay, everyone listen to me!” Ian switched on the “Glory” broadcast. “Now we are fighting outside. When the battle is over, Catalon will come and pick you up. We are all here calmly waiting. ! Build fortifications on the spot to guard against the next wave of military robots. My combat robots will assist in the defense.”

After finishing speaking, Ian dragged Sha Ci back to the support plane, contained the Angel, turned on the optical camouflage, and prepared to quietly pass through the crossfire line to prepare for Ptolemy.

A-Laws’ warships launched a bombardment formation, and the warship’s artillery fired at Catalon’s warships in units of sub-fleet, with precision and density.

As for Catalun’s battleship… the battle was very lively, but the hit rate was really horrible. The fleet is just getting together, there is no linkage, no formation, no cooperation.

Ian quietly invaded the fleet communications of both sides, and found that Catalon’s communications channel was full of screams and roars. The occasional command is “Shoot that MS down!” “Sink that ship!”

Look back at A-Laws. The correspondent calmly broadcast, the commander calmly commands, the fleet cooperates with each other, constantly changing the position of each ship, and compressing the evasion space of the Catalon fleet.

As for the battle of MS… Catalon has been completely crushed. Although A-Laws has acted more aggressively, the MS pilots are all recruited by elite personnel from various units. MS performance is more than 2 generations ahead of Catalon. Basically all new production pioneers and gn Jim 3.

On the Catalun side, only some soldiers and mercenary drivers with excellent driving skills can adapt to the operation of the newly-accepted solar furnace-mounted machine in a short time. Therefore, more than 100 of the 120 MSs in Catalun are old-style machines such as the cosmic iron man and the cosmic thug.

The result is that only 40 minutes after the start of the war, 80% of Catalon’s ms have been shot down, and 3 warships have sunk, and the remaining ships have been injured.

“Is it still a militia…” The support plane passed 100 kilometers above the battle between the two sides.

24 particle beams penetrated the A-Laws fleet from the left, directly sinking a frigate and smashing a new type of cruiser.

“The first shot is okay, Lasse.” Ptolemy, who is only the size of a little finger, can be seen in the distance.

Ptolemy’s main artillery fired at the enemy fleet at a rate of 10 seconds, and the four large missile launchers at the bow of the ship fired a new large-scale ultra-high-speed anti-aircraft approaching 20 meters at the enemy fleet at a rate of 3 seconds. Ship missile.

“The color of the particle beam… turned out to be the Celestial? The frigate of the First Fleet continued to contain Catalon, and the other troops left the rudder 90, attacking the Celestial battleship! The Jining team, the Aaron team continued to contain Catalon. The fleet, other teams carry out attacks on the Celestial battleship.” Brigadier General Arthur waved to the fleet.

The   ms team quickly knocked down the enemy plane being teased and turned to Ptolemy.

After confirming that A-Laws’ ms was close, Ptolemy also released 7 Gundams to intercept A-Laws’ ms team outside the defense. Occasionally, MS broke through Gundam’s interception and was also knocked down by Ptolemy’s own anti-air fire. After seeing Ptolemy’s anti-aircraft firepower, A-Laws’ ms all obediently fought with Gundam.

was shot down by Gundam and might have survived, but was hit by battleship fire and exploded on the spot. It is impossible to survive…

The 4 Berga class, 2 Columbus class, and 3 frigates in the A-Laws fleet turned slowly towards Ptolemy and launched shelling.

In addition, Ian also discovered that the A-Laws fleet’s warships have been fully equipped with gn position generators. Although it is not efficient, it can barely resist Ptolemy’s 4 main guns at the same time. Even if it is hit by 5 shots at the same time, it can effectively counteract the power of a large part of the particle beam.

A Belga-class fired a round of anti-ship missiles at Ptolemy This new cruiser single-wheeled missile launched a staggering 256 large missiles…

After complicated terminal evasive maneuvers, more than 30 of these 256 missiles hit Ptolemy. The gn neutralization device it carried broke through Ptolemy’s first level gn position, and then was stopped by the second level. …

After assessing the load of the enemy fleet on gn’s position, Risti stopped his evasive action and focused on shelling the enemy fleet with Lasse. The accuracy of Ptolemy’s bombardment was improved visible to the naked eye. Several enemy ships were wounded and sunk.

The A-Laws fleet organized several rounds of concentrated fire attacks against Ptolemy, the strongest firepower. A-Laws concentrated nearly a thousand anti-ship missiles for saturation attacks. After all the missiles hit, more than fifty main guns The fired gn particle beam immediately hit Ptolemy’s gn position. The two waves of attacks directly destroyed the first two gn positions, and the final hit was 7 6000mm linear artillery shells. Directly overload the innermost gn position generator, and the gn position is in a precarious state. However, in less than 30 seconds, the gn position generators on the first two layers restarted, and the gn position was expanded again.

After confirming that his side could not cause effective damage to Ptolemy and the loss of more than half of the troops, Brigadier General Arthur was unwilling to order the troops to retreat. After the remaining three Berga-class cruisers shot a large amount of smoke containing particle interference in the direction of Ptolemy, the A-Laws fleet accelerated its retreat.

Ptolemy left the “Glory” universe after containing Gundam, Catalon went to rescue the prisoners in “Glory”.

“Celine, the comrade who was rescued witnessed Marina Ismail leaving with the devas.”

“Marina… why is she there?”

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