An Unscientific Mechanic

Chapter 417

Chapter 372 BOY and Pippi Shrimp

Driving the outrageous VF-0A with high performance and knocking down the F-14D in front of him, Shinichi Kudo had an MMP but he didn’t dare to say.

Originally surreptitiously borrowing a little bit of relationship between his wife and sister (Maonom) and VAJRA, the little queen of VAJRA helped to arrange herself and her wife and children on the planet Queen Star jointly developed by the Border Fleet. I have lived for almost four years.

With my wife and her sister, occasionally take a look at my grand-niece (Shiryl Nome) who came to the Queen Star for a concert, and also take a look at the adoption by another Skeleton Squad captain, now it has become a border fleet The second pan-galactic superstar born, the daughter of his wife and sister (Lan Hua Li) who had passed over her year after year.

I was going out to buy groceries and preparing to go home to cook. When it was dark before my eyes, I changed my clothes and stuffed myself into the anti-unification alliance flagship Olstedt diving carrier.

Then the military uniforms and driving uniforms are still the style of the unified army back then, which scares me to death, okay?

Not long after boarding the ship, an old man with silver hair wearing a huge white cloak with a special costume and a square crystal lens with unknown function on his eyes gave himself an order.

With D·D Ivanov, Nora Polyansky, and a miscellaneous fish to intercept the new united army F-14D formation that is returning…

Isn’t that the formation of Lao Tzu back then?

Makoto Kudo was just a dog.

Really I beat myself?

Fuck, I also call Kudo “True”.

The most frustrating thing is that the woman named Nora still remembers herself.

“Although I don’t know why you entered our army, if there is any abnormal behavior, I will knock you down from behind, BOY ”

Boy, you pippi shrimp!

I’m seventy-three this year, okay!

But the solid state of mind honed in these fifty years of wandering around the universe made Kudo really show no strange expression.

After all, before Nora threatened him, the three of them gathered together to figure out why they would be resurrected (Mako Kudo: No, no, only you two were resurrected).

The memories of Nora and D·D, one stopped being shot by the bird man, and the other stopped being shot into a sieve by the bird man.

As for Makoto Kudo… In order not to irritate the two people in front of him, he euphemistically said that he was blown to dust by the reaction bomb of the United Army.

The two were in a good mood, but when they learned that Foca had lived until ASS-1 set sail, DD’s mentality collapsed again.

When returning home, Nora and Kudo really felt that something was wrong.

“I (that kid) is not here…”

“Oh, awake.” Sensing the changes in Sara’s heartbeat and brainwaves, Sara, who knew she had been in a coma for the whole afternoon, woke up.


“It seems that the battle on the sea has affected you, so you fainted after shouting a word.” Ian turned off the screen of his personal terminal.

“Fight? Which side of the team won? Does it affect us?”

“For the time being, the anti-unification contract alliance has the upper hand. The United Army Glory aircraft carrier battle group has been wiped out, but there is no need to worry about nuclear leakage. The hull of that Nimitz-class aircraft carrier has been used by the United Army “Asuka” aircraft carrier battle group. Take over. So far, the ship has been abolished and will not be sunk.”

“The nuclear leak?” Sara blinked. “What is a nuclear leak?”

“…” Ian was silent for two seconds. “You should take the initiative to learn modern knowledge. The era will be equipped with nuclear fusion propulsion engines to accelerate development. If you don’t get on this ship, you will die.”

“External knowledge and technology will pollute Maya Island…”

“Um… this doesn’t really matter anymore.” Ian spread his hands. “The fleet is now in sight, the relics of primitive civilization will be studied, and the life of Maya Island will be changed. Unless you can change the fleet of Zenith Stars or something else that can determine the overall battle situation, or Maya Island There is always only one way.”

“I understand.” Sarah lowered her head, her hands trembling faintly.

“The times have changed, and you have to change.” Ian patted Sara’s head, turned around and went out to watch the air battle, by the way, took out a big speaker from the phase space. “Hey! Village chief! The battle has begun again! Let the villagers take refuge!”

“How is the battle going.” After the villagers had completed their refuge, the village chief stood beside Ian and asked.

“In a stalemate state, the pilots of the anti-union contract alliance have better skills, and the performance of the SV-51 is a bit higher than that of the VF-0. However, the number of unified forces is relatively large, and the superior performance of the SV-51 and the better pilots cannot offset Disadvantages brought about by the doubled number gap.”

“Is their purpose bird people?”

“Normally, the fragments of the bird man have been exuding the same energy response as ASS-1. Now that the united forces allergic to this energy response have detected the same energy response, isn’t this coming?” Although The way the thief appears is like spawning monsters in a game…they appear suddenly.

Whether it’s a satellite or a stealth mobile drone that swiftly travels around the battlefield, several sets of observation equipment are completely transmitting the battlefield data to Ian’s terminal.

“It seems that Foca seems to have been drawn from the future… the action is much sharper than in the animation.” No longer paying attention to the rebellious contract alliance that was gradually suppressed, Ian turned his attention to this weird double star. System analysis.

From the data point of view, the size and mass of the star are not right. If it is a normal star, let alone whether it is a slightly larger volume than Mars and does not have the conditions to become a star, you should be a general planet with a mass that is better than it is now. The quality response is much greater.

The planet under the feet, which is quite divided in the eastern and western hemispheres, is theoretically at least ten times the mass of the planet in this volume.

Unless the planet’s underground is all hollow structures of support rods, it is impossible to have only this mass.

But…Whose planet can grow a natural super-volume support rod structure…

Should we say that nature’s supernatural work?

Also… this is not so much the Fold fault… it’s more of a space storm, turning this strange solar system into a space that approximates a closed space. There is only one star system in the entire fault, including one planet, one dwarf planet, and one mini star.

…And it works as accurately as an atomic clock. 12 hours during the day and 12 hours at night.

If you are not running a sandbox by some means, I will just eat this ball. Ian stood silently.

By the way, the sea breeze has blown for a day. How about Kudo who floated from the sea after being shot down?

“The First Squadron of Variable Fighters is dispatched urgently to drive the enemy away from Maya Island!”

“Cut…” Kudo really vomited his toothpick, picked up his helmet and walked towards his body.

“I don’t know if Foka is here…” DD Ivanov was next to Kudo again.

“What about DD.”

“I remember his woman is a scientist, let her analyze our situation.” DD Ivanov tilted his head.

“It makes sense, so how do we judge?” Nora nodded.

“Know this kid.” Ivanov tilted his head and pointed to Kudo.

“Oh, it makes sense, then you will deal with Fuka at that time. BOY ”

I’m BOY you Pippi Shrimp! Kudo frowned.

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