An Unscientific Mechanic

Chapter 418

Chapter 373 What about going to heaven after death?

“MAYDAY! MAYDAY! I was bitten by the three enemy machines! Who will save me!”

“Don’t panic! I’ll pass now!” Foca, who was inexplicably returned to the rank of major carrier squadron, maneuvered VF-0S, which was much slower than VF-1, and crashed the two MiG-29s and an SV in front of him. -51.

The body changed to fighter mode again, and drove the afterburner towards the subordinates bitten by the enemy plane.

“That’s…VF-0? Why are you with the fighters of the Anti-Reunification Contract Alliance?!” Foca’s brows were never lifted. He was supposed to be seriously injured in the battle with the Jietra Emperor, and finally died in the dormitory.

But why did I once again boarded VF-0 and came to this sad sea area…

The person who said that he died was promoted to two ranks. Why did he become a major from a colonel by two ranks when he died?

Did you let the dead be peaceful?

Seeing Foca’s VF-0S rushing over, the three of them stared and the target took the bait.

“That’s awful!” As soon as Foca saw the movements of the three units, he instantly felt like a husky.

Nima’s three pilots who are no worse than him need to hunt a rookie for a minute and haven’t shot it down? Obviously it is a trap for yourself!

Aliyas, who arrived in heaven a few years earlier than me… Can you tell me why I have to fight the Maya Island offensive and defensive again in heaven? By the way, tell me again, does God his old man have any opinion on me, and he specially arranged three trump cards against me?

The body transformed into a G-walk form, quickly decelerated, retreated and rose, and the machine gun pointed to the fastest flying VF-0.

“This sign…” Foca hesitated for a second without firing. “……true?”

“Captain Foca, it’s been a long time.”

“Really? Why are you in an anti-reunification contract alliance!” Foca felt that his brain was gradually becoming insufficient.

“Just know me.” Kudo nodded really. “Captain Foca, come after me, if you catch up with me, I will let you hehe hehe.”

“Huh?” Foca was taken aback, what the hell?

Two SV-51s, one on the left and the other on the right, fired a series of missiles and shot behind the VF-0. Upon seeing this, Foca switched back to the plane and accelerated to chase Kudo’s VF-0.

“…Don’t fight…” Ian curled his lips when he saw this scene.

At the same time, Maonom, who was holding a small bench and watching live TV (provided by Ian), also curled his lips.

“…Cut, it didn’t fight…”

The expression of the excitement was not too big, so that Saranom, who was worried about whether the battle would affect Maya Island, hardened his fists on the spot.

“You two…” A blue vein broke on Saranom’s forehead.

It’s just a little disappointed not to see Ian in the fight, but I didn’t expect to see the spirit of Kudo and the household registration of the border fleet.

When the high-precision camera recognized Kudo’s face, Kudo’s information was much longer than the other three people.

For example, this guy joined the United Army at the age of 16, participated in the United War, and at the age of 22, in the 2009 (suspicious) Bird Man incident, MIA, at the age of 22 (2029) in the Eden Star (the unified government began to big The first habitable terrestrial planet discovered since the voyage flew YF-11. At the age of 22 (2048), he joined the 117th Investigation Fleet and served as the captain of the fleet carrier-based aircraft group. At the age of 23 (2058) ) Returned to Eden and flew YF-171 and YF-24. At the age of 24 (2059), he settled on the Border Fleet to jointly develop the planet Queen Star.

According to available information, it is suspected to have three children and two daughters.

The data of the two sons and one daughter were lost in the Second New Unification War.

Now a son, a daughter and two live together on Queen Star.

Because there is no bad hobbies, no dangerous behaviors, no bad personality, superb flying skills, his wife’s close combat ability surpasses the Galactic Fleet’s combat enhancer, and the suspected companion quasi-MACROSS-class biological weapon “Bird Man” is being integrated by the new here. The government has always been classified as a “strategic reserve” personnel who passively monitor but do not disturb or restrict.


If you follow the cute infiltration ability of the new VAJRA humanoid queen and the ability of one-finger Zen big characters…

If it were not for the agents of the Ministry of Intelligence to replace all the signs on the road in advance, the gates of the fork road would be locked…

That cute little girl queen can walk all the way to the central hall of the Queen’s Star Intelligence Department…

Even the information of the four members of Kudo Ma and Saranom’s family was actually entered by people from the Intelligence Department who helped the young girl queen.

In addition, although the new unified government treated the restless elements harshly after the second unified war,

But it’s not brainless.

According to the data of the old age discovered recently, the combat effectiveness of the bird is probably weaker than that of the NEO·BATTLE class.

So I can only watch them from afar, how else to fight, MACROSS Cannon bombarding Queen Star?

“Really…what’s going on?” Four planes landed in a canyon on Maya Island, Foca looked bewildered. “I remember you didn’t turn into a bird and flew away…?”

“Captain Foca… When is your last memory?” Matsumoto Kudo stood up from his seat.

“I remember… I was bleeding in my room…”

“Oh… Captain Foca in 2012…” Kudo nodded.

“It turned into a bird and flew away? Boy, didn’t you mean that the monster you and the birdman were blown to ashes by the reaction bomb?” Nora instantly reacted to something wrong.

“Oh, I lied to you.” Kudo nodded honestly. “I lived until 2063 If it weren’t for this kind of trouble, I should still live the life of my wife and children.”

“You bastard…!”

“Nora, forget it.” Ivanov helped his forehead helplessly. When this kid was still a rookie, his girlfriend had been eating in the hands of this kid, and this kid was alive as an old fritters, and his ability to talk nonsense with his eyes open was even stronger.

“Cut…so what should we do.” Nora is also the kind of person who has super temperament as a gangster elder sister. Besides, this kid has not told the truth a long time ago, so she just finished her attitude. “Can’t just grab Birdman again, right?”

“It’s definitely not Birdman. The PCS reaction here is different from that of Birdman.”

“Why are you so sure?” Ivanov looked at Kudo Ma.

“Because neither my body nor I can scan the existence of the bird. Let alone me, my body has been upgraded with a part of the VF-29 technology, and a large number of FOLD quartz has been used to improve its performance. , The engine was also replaced with the latest reaction engine. Gunpod was replaced with the beam/live ammunition dual-mode 35mm cannon used by the VF-35. Not long ago, I asked Maao to approve one from my grand niece’s former agent. A set of phase space storage devices, let me tell you, you see that my machine only has a gunpod, in fact, I have two sets of each backpack, even the ship reaction bombs and strategic MDE warheads have reserves…”

“…What?” ×3 Fuka and the three obviously did not live to the active age of VF-29. They didn’t know what this meant. In short, they showed a polite expression of “Si Guozheng”.

“…You can get MDE warheads? The security of the New United Army seems to be a problem.” Ian took Saranom and stood on a high platform and looked down at the four people below.

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