Ancestor, Watch Over Me

Chapter 165

Chapter 162 Final battle

In the command post.

Liu Sanhai, as the leader, has a big head!

Because of the unfavorable situation of the battle, the allied forces of all forces have suffered heavy losses, and if they continue to fight, their vitality will be greatly injured.


“We defend Scorpio City, and slowly beat them to kill them!”

An elder of the Nine Extremes suggested, but it was quickly rejected by others.

“You have also seen the enemy’s long-range attack, and the artillery roars. No matter how thick the walls of Scorpio City are, can they stop it?”

“Once we retreat, Scorpio City will be in chaos, and many people may flee.”

“What should I do then? The enemy’s weapon is better than ours, and the disciples are almost finished.”

Everyone quarrels immortal, one side fights, one side retreats, no one can say who.

The ancestors of Cangwu and the ancestors of the three major families also disagree.

Finally, everyone looked at Liu Sanhai who was sitting in the middle.

“Leader, you decide, we listen to you!”

Everyone looked at Liu Sanhai.

“This battle cannot be retired!”

“Moreover, we must win!”

Liu Sanhai’s voice was categorical, and his cloak flicked behind him, with a fierce and tough temperament like a heroine.

It’s not that he is heroic and fearless, but it’s too scary to be three inches short!

However, everyone did not know Liu Sanhai’s suffering.

They only saw the most powerful Nine Nether Ancestor so confident, they couldn’t help but were shocked, and said in surprise: “Could the leader have thought of a good strategy to break the enemy?!”

Liu Sanhai’s MMP in mind, I have a fart plan to break the enemy, the only way I can think of is to use my ancestors.

The patriarchs are so stubborn, like a donkey, they are unwilling to use their ancestors.

I don’t know if the sea has done their ideological work through…

Liu Sanhai was worried, but with a calm look on his face, he smiled slightly: “Everyone, breaking the enemy, it’s easy, but you need to wait for an opportunity!”

“When is it? Do we need to create it?!” Cangwu ancestor was overjoyed and asked hurriedly.

Others also looked at Liu Sanhai excitedly.

Liu Sanhai smiled mysteriously, did not answer, and asked everyone, “All of you present here are the leaders of one party, and even the powerhouses of the Nine Extremes. If you are willing to bring out your town clan magical soldiers, these enemies, count Nothing!”

As soon as the words fell, everyone’s complexion changed and they lowered their heads.

Liu Sanhai looked serious, and said coldly: “Why, I don’t want to?”

“Now that life and death is critical, if this battle is defeated and Scorpio City is broken, what is the use of your town clan warriors?!”

The ancestor Ji smiled bitterly: “The leader doesn’t know it. It’s not that we don’t want to use our respective town clan magical weapons, but these magical weapons are extremely powerful and will devour our lifespan.”

“Yes, otherwise we would have dominated Scorpio Island long ago.”

Old Ancestor Cangwu echoed the saying, and several other old monsters of the Nine Extremes were also smiling bitterly.

As for those Nine Extremes realm powerhouses who don’t have the magical soldiers of the town clan, at this moment, they can only envy and envy.

Because that was the magic weapon obtained when entering Tianzhou a hundred years ago. At that time, there were only a few complete weapons at the entrance of Tianzhou. They were acquired by Cangwu ancestors and became the town clan. Magic weapon.

and they got nothing.

“Don’t you, the leader of the Nineth Layer of the Holy Land, also have the Zhenzong Divine Weapon, I remember the Nineth Layer of the Old Ancestor got a pair of gloves.” Cangwu said.

The implication is, as the leader, shouldn’t you lead by example first?

Liu Sanhai naturally knew that pair of gloves.

is now in the secret room at the deepest part of the Nine Layers of Holy Land. The glove is full of weird red glow, exuding terrible power, like an evil thing, he glanced at it, and he was shocked and he didn’t dare to wear it.

In addition, there is also a white silk that was taken from Yuchan Holy Land. It often screamed at night. I heard that it was the remnant soul of Yuchan Holy Land disciples who were hanged by Bai Ling.

Liu Sanhai didn’t dare to touch these two things, just glanced from a distance.

Now that the ancestor Cangwu suddenly said, his heart suddenly moved, and he remembered something that the patriarch Liu Tao had accidentally mentioned.

It is said that they got a crescent jade pendant in that action, with evil aura.

It turned out to be placed in the coffin of the ancestor. A few days later, the jade pendant became pure and flawless, as if it had been purified.

Weared by Liu Tao, he is attentive and attentive when practicing, and he can resist the devilishness, which is of great benefit to martial arts practice.

“When this happens, I will take my gloves and Bai Ling home, put them in the ancestor’s coffin, and clean them up.”

Liu Sanhai thought of the “correct method” used by the glove and Bai Ling, and couldn’t help but be overjoyed, seeing the old ancestor Cangwu and all the old monsters of the Nine Extremes look at each other.

Could it be that Jiuyou Mingzu really planned to use that glove? !

At this time, Liu Liuhai pretended to accidentally walked past the command post, and secretly transmitted to Liu Sanhai: “The patriarch asked me to inform you that he is ready to use the ancestor, let you take cover!”

After talking, leave quietly.

Liu Sanhai’s body was shocked, his eyes skyrocketed, and the sky burst into laughter, and said loudly: “Everyone, the time I mentioned earlier has arrived!”

“Assemble the army quickly, the last fight, victory is in sight.”

With a big wave of his hand, he carried the Dragon Sword Sword and rushed out of the command post. Several Nine Extremes were even more talkative, and he was swept over by his sharp eyes, “Follow the orders, don’t question this seat’s orders!”

Several Nine Extremes realm experts hurriedly acted, scolding Liu Sanhai secretly in their hearts.

If the situation is unfavorable, they will be the first to escape.


The drum of war rang, and all the Allied forces charged.

In fact, the ruthless ancestor has been fighting with a large army, and it is he who has withstood the strong pressure of the black tiger army on the front battlefield.

Many family disciples and martial arts gang disciples are walking around and fighting, and many people are even fighting against the enemy’s powerful and private military.

They are keen on heads-up and fighting between the rivers and lakes. You stab me with a sword on both sides, I cut you with a knife, you left uppercut, and I swing your right punch. Both sides kill happily.

When the war drum rang, the battle became more intense.

Liu Sanhai let out a long roar, and 5,000 disciples of the Nine Layers of Holy Land who were ready to go in the distance followed, including many female disciples of Yuchan Holy Land.

But Liu Sanhai didn’t feel sorry for them, and took all his disciples and the Nine Extreme Realm boss, sprinting towards the center of the enemy’s core battlefield.

A group of powerful people from the Nine Extreme Realm took action, as if a tank was crushed. Everywhere they passed, people turned on their backs and screamed again and again.

Soon, this became the fiercest place on the battlefield, and enemies from all directions surrounded it.

In the distance, the king’s boat.

Zhan Tianhou gestured to the disciple Monsoon.

Monsoon nodded, with three hundred guards from the war, dived into the sea, made a big circle, and quietly approached Tianzhou…

At the same time, at the bottom of the king ship, in the control cabin.

Liu Tong led a group of repairs, beckoned to the patrolling black armor, and made a finger poke movement, his expression was shy and twisted.

The Black Armouries saw it and couldn’t help laughing, their eyes shone with excitement.

“Have these big guys finally figured it out?! Do you want to serve me?!”

They approached but as soon as it was approaching, Liu Tong roared, and everyone immediately jumped on it.

Their martial arts were sealed, but their muscles were strength. With a click, the black armour’s neck broke.

“Quick, there are enslaving rebels, crossbowmen, shoot them!”

“Swish swish!”

The powerful bow and crossbow struck, the body repair muscles blocked the sharp arrows and scratched the skin, but the arrows were poisonous. Several body repairers fell to the ground instantly and died, vomiting black blood.

“Zhang Yan, the dog said, why haven’t you opened the hatch!”

Liu Tong’s eyes were red, and he roared with anger.

The    people died one by one. He overturned a guarded gate next to him and stood in front of him. He rushed over like a wild elephant and smashed into the crossbowmen. The other physique followed up with arrows.

In an instant, the crossbowmen were killed. In the control compartment, the other slaves saw it and shouted with excitement. They had already had enough of the Black Armored Army’s oppression, and when they saw someone resisting, they immediately rushed to kill.

After all, this part of the enslavement is a minority, only about a thousand people, and the others have long been numb, looking at Liu Tong and others with empty eyes.

They believe that in the near future, the powerful Black Armored Army will rush in, as before, kill all of them who resisted, cut off their heads, and hang them on the beams of the house.

However, at this time, there was a loud bang.

The door of the control cabin suddenly burst, and a hole was blown from the outside.

The sea water is inverted.

“rush out!”

Liu Tong and others were overjoyed, roared wildly, struggled hard, got out of the hatch and dived into the sea.

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