Ancestor, Watch Over Me

Chapter 166

Chapter 163 The ancestor shot and shot an island

A rising sun jumped out of the sea.

It is golden, and the sea is sparkling.

This is the most beautiful sunrise.

However, there was a sound of fighting on the coast, floating corpses everywhere, and smoke billowing.

The war has reached a fever pitch.

An enemy force broke through the coastal defense line and rushed towards Scorpio City. A fierce offensive and defensive battle broke out under the walls of Scorpio City.

Old Ancestor Cangwu and the others, made all-out efforts and frantically blocked.

In the city of Scorpio, some people continue to rush to the battlefield to join the fight.

The entire battlefield was opened for dozens of miles, and there were figures everywhere.

After    the ruins of the bunker, Liu Tao walked out with a knife in his hand and killed the enemy blocking the road.

“Quickly, when you get under that warship, you will sacrifice your ancestors!”

Liu Tao said, pointing to a warship burning in the fire in front of his finger.

Liu Dahai looked up with his ancestors on his back.

This warship has been abandoned. It is burning with a big fire, thick smoke billowing, and dead bodies hung on the side of the ship. It was burned by the fire, giving off a foul smell.

Liu Dahai nodded, this ship is the best shelter.

Moreover, this warship is at the extreme edge, on the sea level ten miles away, it is the huge king ship.

The king ship played the role of mothership.

On its second deck, there are densely packed black armors, and the dark armor is glowing with a killing light in the morning light.

Several warlords are deploying troops and generals, constantly sending troops out to join the battlefield.

At the same time, at the railing on the third floor, there are high-ranking dignitaries watching the battle. On the next podium, a war commander shook the Black Tiger banner, personally directs the battle, and gave orders to the army below.

Liu Tao and Liu Dahai stared at the king ship.

“Motivate the ancestors and smash this warship!”

Liu Tao said, looking at Liu Dahai.

Liu Dahai nodded, his eyes excited.

Although this warship resembling a king ship is big, it cannot withstand the punch of the ancestor.

He looked in one direction, took the ancestor from his shoulder, and put it in his hand to sacrifice.

But at this moment, the sea under the warship suddenly exploded.

Then, there was a piercing whistle and shouting, and the black armor on the ship’s side was running and shooting arrows into the water.

Arrows are like rain.

Liu Tao listened carefully, and after a while, his face was strange.

“There was a slavery rebellion, bombing the cabin, and escaping in chaos!”

Liu Dahai is in the Ninth Extreme Realm. His eyesight is sharp and he can see more clearly. He stared at the sea, his eyes seemed to see the underwater, and said: “It’s a group of bald guys, swimming in our direction.”

The two hid behind the boat.

Not long after, the sound of the water crashed, and a group of people swam past their sides. Through the water, they saw the big men.

was surprised at the same time to discover that the guys in the front had very big muscles!

Although they are not as big as them, they are almost the same as ordinary Liu family members!

And each of them is very strong, swimming in the water, very fast, and in the blink of an eye, they rushed out of the sea, put on the clothes of the dead, one by one, like a wild horse without the rein. Disappeared on the coast.

Someone saw it, thought they were deserters, yelled at them, but ignored them.

“It’s a pity that I’m so muscular!” Liu Dahai sighed and looked back at the king ship, and found that the sea level was stained red with blood, and apparently the other people who fled were shot.

“Sacrifice to the ancestors!”

Liu Tao said, laying the ancestors flat on the sea.

Liu Dahai pinched his hands and screamed: “Old ancestors, get up!”


There was a gust of wind blowing from the sea level, bringing a pungent smoke, the ancestor did not get up, but the sea level rose, and the ancestor sank into the sea.

Liu Tao was taken aback, and quickly picked up the ancestor.

“what happened?”

Liu Tao asked.

Liu Dahai said with an ugly face: “You know, the ancestors often fail, I will try a few more times!”

He took a deep breath and tried his hand again.

“Old ancestors, come on–!”

“Old ancestors, come on–!”

“Old ancestors, get up!”


Many times in a row, the fingers of Liu Dahai’s hand art were sore, but the ancestors not only couldn’t afford it, but they sank to the bottom of the sea.

If it hadn’t been for Liu Tao to pull it all the time, I wouldn’t know where the sinking went.

Liu Dahai looked at the ancestor who was held in his hands by Liu Tao, his chest rising and falling with anger.

Old ancestors, why are you so disappointed? !

Liu Tao frowned and couldn’t help it for a while.

At this time, Liu Liuhai hurried over and asked: “What’s the matter? Why don’t you use the ancestors, Sanhai came to say that he can’t stand it anymore, and the enemy is about to enter Scorpio City.”

Liu Dahai pointed to his ancestor with a grievance face, and said: “The ancestor failed so badly today, no matter how he urged it, I can’t urge it.”

“Yes, today’s ancestors are a bit wicked!” Liu Tao echoed, “His old man is sinking to the bottom of the sea, and he doesn’t know what’s going on.”

Liu Liuhai was surprised when he heard this.

Glancing at Liu Dahai and Liu Tao, then staring at the ancestor floating in the water, he suddenly angered: “You are so wicked shit, you two soaked the ancestor in the water, and the nose and ears of the ancestor are all in the water. How does it work?!”

“Don’t you know how to find a raft and put your ancestors on it?”

“Also, before you two urged the ancestor, did you worship the ancestor? Don’t tell me, you just stand here, pinching hands?!”

Liu Tao and Liu Dahai looked at each other, their faces flushed, and they said bitterly: “Liu Hai is right. We are not doing well enough and we have wronged our ancestors!”

After all, Liu Dahai found a raft and put the ancestor on the raft. Liu Liuhai rolled up his sleeves and wiped the sea water on his face, ears and nose, and was pinched by him. Squeezed out.

Then, the three of them stood in a row and bowed to their ancestors.

“Old ancestors, Scorpio Island was attacked by the Yun Dynasty. For the millions of people in Scorpio City, today you are going to use the remains of your old man to kill the enemy!”

“My children and grandchildren promise that when the enemy is repelled, I will erect a statue of your old man, erect a monument of merit, and let my children and grandchildren worship you every day.”

“Pray for the ancestors to appear!”

After the three of them finished speaking, the moment they raised their heads, their eyes widened.

I saw the old ancestors automatically levitated from the raft, and the body protection gas on his body circulated automatically, emitting a golden halo.

“It works!”

“Quick! The sea, quickly pinch hands, the ancestors have appeared!” Liu Liuhai hurriedly said.

Liu Dahai nodded in excitement, pinched his hands, and shouted: “Old ancestors, get up!”


The old ancestor stood upright from the sea level, and brought a strong hurricane on his body, which caused a huge whirlpool to form on the surface of the water.

He hovered above the whirlpool on the sea surface, facing the king ship ten miles away, pointing out.


Fingertips bloomed with white light, dazzling like the sun, Liu Liuhai closed his eyes directly, Liu Tao and Liu Dahai could see in front of them.

I saw a white glow shot out of the ancestor’s finger The white glow was shot down like a comet, traversing ten miles of void.

Where    passed, the void was silently annihilated, and it became a dark and faint void black hole.

The atmosphere of terror and destruction is permeating.

The white light passed through the void black hole and landed on the king ship ten miles away.


The king ship burst, huge pieces of ship wood flew in the sky, and countless enemy figures flew up in the sky.

Liu Dahai can clearly see the blank color on their faces.

They are still sluggish, how could the king ship suddenly explode, how could they suddenly fly into the sky?

But in an instant, the void seemed to twitch and shrank suddenly.


The sky is full of boats and trees, and the dense silhouettes of people instantly become powders, swallowed by the void black hole.

, together with the sea level, was instantly evaporated.

A huge gap appeared in the sea, and the white light was about to break through the sky, destroying everything, piercing into the depths of the sea.


The sea bed deep in the sea was earthquake.

There was a twelve-level tsunami in the sea, and the huge waves turned the sky. More than a thousand warships were overturned, and then they were instantly shattered and sank into the sea.

Under the sea, an island was shaken and flew out of the sea.

Then the seabed plates moved and superimposed, making this submarine island rumbling out, as if it had grown out of the sea, completely exposed on the sea level, forming a brand new island.

faintly visible, there are fish nests, shells, and various beautiful sea plants on the island.

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