Ancestor, Watch Over Me

Chapter 940

Adidas couldn’t help but smile proudly when he heard that Daoxuan Kongzi knew him.

    “Xuan Kongzi, give you a chance to survive, surrender to our Asura clan, and follow the Heavenly Lord Bosuo together!”

    Xuankongzi sneered: “Only a dog can add the feet of a foreign race. Even if I die in battle, Xuankongzi will not I will be with you!”

    So many disciples and elders died in Xuantian Holy Land, and the huge foundation of the sect and the sacred mountain were turned into scorched earth, there was too much hatred in his heart.

    Moreover, he has sent someone to ask for help from Emperor Tiancheng.

    Taishang ancestor attended the Tiandi preschool in Tiandi City, was a student of the Tiandi, and also became the leader of the team.


    Xuantian Holy Land is in trouble, Tiandi City will definitely not stand idly by.

    As long as he persisted, until the ancestor Taishang arrived with reinforcements from Tiandi City, the crisis of the Xuantian Holy Land would naturally be lifted.

    Adidas had a strong killing intent in his eyes, his eyes were deep, as if he could see through Xuan Kongzi’s mind, he sneered: “Want to wait for reinforcements?! I’m afraid you don’t have this chance!”


    A streamer flew over his feet to kill. To Xuan Kongzi.

    Xuan Kongzi flew up to meet him, and the two fought together. The opening was a big killer move, which burst into the air and mushroom heads blossomed.

    It seems that the two of them seem to be at odds.

    on the ground.

    The alien creatures frantically killed the disciples and elders of the Xuantian Holy Land, among them, there were experts from the Asura clan helping.

    The battle was extremely tragic. The disciples and elders of Xuantian Holy Land were killed and injured. Someone blew himself up holding an alien, and a mushroom cloud rose up in the void, causing considerable casualties to the alien.

    “Don’t keep your hands, we don’t want slaves in this battle, kill them all!” In the

    sky of the sky, the strange son of the alien race was fighting with the guardian elder while passing down Sen Han’s voice.

    In an instant, the battle escalated, and the disciples of Xuantian Holy Land were killed and injured.

    The situation is critical, and the Xuantian Holy Land is a sign of complete destruction.

    But at this moment.

    There was a rumbling sound in the void, as if thunder was rolling, and as if the sea was surging.


    Tear and pull~” The void was torn apart, and thunder and lightning went through the sky. A pair of people and horses lined up from the void in heavy armor. In the team, the battle flag was fluttering.

    On the battle flag, embroidered with the Emperor of Heaven, with a big “willow” written on it.

    Suddenly, the atmosphere of killing filled the entire battlefield.

    “It’s the reinforcements of the Emperor Tiancheng——!” I

    don’t know who yelled. In a short time, the disciples and elders of the Xuantian Holy Land remnant yelled with excitement, tears wet their eyes.

    “We are finally waiting for reinforcements, hahaha!” Xuanzai, who was fighting with Adidas, laughed excitedly in the void, “Adidas

    , you can catch it without holding your hands!” “It’s extremely ridiculous. You don’t know the power of the Pozo world, even if the Emperor of Heaven. What if the emperor of the city is here?!” Adidas sneered.


    Hearing Adidas’s words, the alien saint immediately responded with a big smile: “Adidas of the Asura clan, you really are the most loyal friend of our Pozo world. You’re right, even if it’s the emperor from the Emperor City. No need to worry!”

    “Our Lord of Pozo Realm, we will take care of him!”

    “Children of Pozo Realm, this battle is a trial, and it is also a chance for you to become famous in the world of Pozo Realm. Kill me— —” In the

    sky, the alien son of the other race screamed, bursting out a higher will to fight.


    He is a true master, a terrifying powerhouse who has seen blood, has an indestructible invincibility mind, and is not a flower in a greenhouse.

    “Kill! For the glory of the Pozo Realm!”

    The alien races all over the mountains actively slew the Liu Family Legion that the void came to support.

    Directly in front of the Liu Family Legion, Liu Xiangtian stood in battle armor.

    Seeing the alien race that rushed over, his heart was stunned. Is this the enemy who attacked the Holy Land of Xuantian?

    But in an instant, there was a strong sense of war in his eyes, and he seemed to have returned to the battlefield where he confronted the ancient family Liu Family.

    “Law God crossbow, let go!” Liu Xiangtian waved.


    This is a row of crossbows, and hundreds of millions of crossbow arrows were shot at once, all with the magical power of law, piercing the sky and bringing up dense black holes.

    “Order, fire!” Liu Xiangtian ordered again.

    “Boom boom boom…” The black

    magic cannon fired, and one shot was a cloud of mushrooms, which exploded in the void and destroyed a million miles of sky.

    “Thunder fighter planes, attack, bomb me!” As

    soon as the war order came out, “Shoo!”, countless fighters took off from the aircraft carrier, brought thunder and lightning, and bombed the alien enemies on the opposite side.

    This is the combat style of the Liu Family in Sanlitun.

    In the face of the enemy, there was first shelling and long-range strikes, the largest possible damage to the enemy on a large scale, and then the army fighting.

    “The first legion, attack!”

    “The second legion, flanking attack!”

    “The third legion, encircling the entire battlefield, set up a big battlefield, do not let go of an enemy!”

    Liu Xiangtian said. A series of commands.

    He is the old commander, and he has been fighting with the ancient family Liu family for many years. He has extremely high military quality and combat experience, so he was promoted to the head of Sanlitun Liucheng.

    At this moment, he found himself on the battlefield again, commanded the three legions, and attacked separately.

    The battle escalated suddenly.

    Even though aliens are immune to laws and supernatural powers, they can cause terrible damage when their attack power is superimposed to a certain level.

    This is real damage!

    Much stronger than the real damage of King Glory Lilu Bu!


    An orderly artillery shot an alien master, and the alien master grinned and continued to rush over.

    “Shoo!” A

    magical arrow pierced the void and shot at his chest.

    He also called roll children, beat his chest with both hands arrogant yelled: “I called Pozo slightly slightly, your group of guinea pigs, never expect to hurt me, ha ha ha ……”

    He furious Laughed, but instantly, his smile solidified.

    Because the dense array of orderly cannons covered him, the sky’s laws of magical arrows enveloped him, and then thunder fighters roared.

    “Boom boom boom”

    that piece of void, annihilated into primitive chaos, completely returned to nothingness.

    The wind blows, and nothing is there anymore.

    This is just a corner of the picture on the battlefield.

    Most of the alien races with lower cultivation bases fell in this shelling.

    This is cannon fodder!

    However, the foreign race with stronger cultivation is still alive.

    They came to kill, full of killing intent, palms across their chests, and an electronic gun-like weapon appeared, bombarding out, the void intertwined with the law of the gods, and wiped out the large army of the Liu family.


    The impact horn of the Liucheng army blew.

    More people rushed up and went forward.

    This is war. The people in front are dead, but the people behind are still charging.

    In the void, there are divine lights intertwined with laws, and the divine power of order is constantly flashing, and the divine lights blooming like fireworks will take away hundreds of lives.

    “The orderly artillery, support the battlefield on the east side!”

    “The law is angry, attack the enemy on the west side!”

    Thunder fighter, continue to bombard the enemy’s rear!

    Liu Xiangtian commanded in the center, and the order of battle was issued methodically, his eyes calm and calm.

    He quickly attracted the attention of the alien son of the sky.

    “Go, kill the commander!” The

    alien saint son ordered, waved a divine light, but was blocked by the elder guarding the opposite.

    “Little Wawa, your opponent is an old man!” The Shouge elder shouted. He was shirtless and fought close to the alien sage.

    “Old thing, this saint child is no longer playing, I will send you back to heaven!” The alien saint yelled, and his whole body suddenly emitted a bright light, and his strength suddenly increased several times.

    The elder Shouge was shocked, this saint son didn’t even use his best just now.

    “Boom!” In

    this duel, the elder Shouge was beaten into the air, his chest was dripping with blood, and his old body continued to fade away.

    The time for his extreme sublimation is running out.


    He roared and rushed forward, the power of the King’s Heavenly Gate vibrated, the light of self-destruction was brewing, and the breath of terror was gathering.

    Obviously, he is going to blew himself up!

    If he can’t beat him, he will blew himself up. The old man is too staunch!

    The alien saint was taken aback and hurried back.

    In the void below, Xuan Kongzi, who was confronting Adidas, was shocked, and said sadly: “Master, no!”

    Just then.

    In the sky, a figure suddenly appeared, majestic as the sky, with a terrifying king breath, sweeping across the sky.

    “Tiandi City, Liu Qisan came to support!”

    Liu Qisan came, he was the divine hair clone of the ancestor, and the 73rd ancestor.


    With a wave of his hand, endless divine power gushes out, suppressing the swollen heaven gate of the guarding elder, and let the blew light return to tranquility.

    The elder guarding pavilion was horrified, looking at Liu Qisan in the void, his eyes were full of incredible.

    This person is so powerful that he can terminate his self-destruction program.


    too frightening!

    The alien son also saw this scene, the third eye on the triangular head, the pupil shrank sharply.

    “! This cage world, even with such a powerful experimental”

    Liu Qishi thirty-one Qingpao, suspended among the Sky, looked calm alien Son, said: “You are too strong!”

    Talking , He has already shot, raising his hand is a magical light.

    The alien sage brazenly greeted him and was immune to this attack. Suddenly a long sword appeared in his hand.

    Liu Qisan’s eyes were deep, his palm raised, and a magical hair appeared in his palm.

    This is his destiny, his origin, from his ancestors.

    “Wow~” The

    divine light flashed, this divine hair turned into a divine sword, flowing the light of chaotic lightning.


    He slashed down with a single sword, and Tianyu exploded directly, and the sword light of the alien saint son was torn apart and shattered in the sky.


    The alien sage screamed, half of his body was injured by this sword, blood dripping.

    “What kind of weapon is yours, it’s not a time stone tool, it can hurt me?!”

    His eyes were cracked, his third eye shot a divine light, staring at the divine sword in Liu Qishisan’s hand, his eyes raised and pushed Yan Zhiguang.

    He is deducing the ancestor’s magical hair.

    Suddenly, he was startled, his whole body stiffened, a look of horror burst into his eyes, and he roared: “It turned out to be the owner of the

    world—— ” “Boom!”

    He had just said halfway, and his whole body suddenly exploded. Even the void he was in was turned into nothingness and turned into a black hole.

    He suffered a backlash!

    Dare to deduce the ancestors, that is to die!

    “Holy Son–!”


    No– !” Around, many foreign masters cried out in grief, and couldn’t believe the scene before them.

    Their invincible saint son has fallen.

    The death was confused and exploded in the sky.

    “Shoo!” A

    little finger fell from the void and landed in Adidas’s arms.

    “Save…Save me, Adidas, a loyal friend of the Pozo community…” On the

    little finger, a weak soul wave was sent out.

    The alien son is too strong, this is not dead yet.

    Adidas looked at this little thumb, and couldn’t help but be in a daze, and immediately remembered a secret method of the Asura clan, refining the stump of the king, so that he has a king’s clone.

    With a hot heart, he nodded hurriedly and said, “Holy son, don’t worry, I will save you!”

    He is also a ruthless person, otherwise it is impossible to cultivate so fast, dominate the Asuras, sit on the top of the Asuras, and become the Asuras. day.

    With words, Adidas rose into the sky and was about to flee.

    “Where to escape, leave it to me!”

    Xuan Kongzi shouted, chasing him up.

    At the same time, the elders with the Xuantian Holy Land around also chased them. In the sky, the elder guarding the pavilion stepped forward and was blocked in front of Adidas.

    Adidas let out a long roar: “I want to have a baby, a hundred babies!” The

    voice fell, and his abdomen suddenly swelled.

    Then, under the shocked eyes of Xuan Kongzi and others, Adidas’ abdomen, “swish…” gave birth to one little Adidas.

    “Boom…” Adidas yelled frantically, with long hair flying around his shoulders, like crazy.

    In the void, all the little Adidas born by him exploded.

    And his breath broke the star-level heaven gate in an instant, and briefly entered the king-level.

    “Giving birth to a single child, making small gains in strength, giving birth to twins, growing in strength, giving birth to triplets, and growing in strength by leaps and bounds!”

    “The old man gave birth to a hundred twins, and his strength exploded in place! Kill–!”

    Adidas roared and exploded in the void The eyes were full of black holes, and the horrible divine light intertwined, strangling all the elders of the Xuantian Holy Land that rushed.

    Xuan Kongzi vomited blood and flew upside down, and then exploded in the void, reorganizing his body with difficulty, horrified and shocked.

    The elder guarding pavilion was also beaten into the air, and his body crashed all the way to the only remaining part of the sacred mountain in Xuantian Holy Land.

    “What kind of evil technique is this. When you have a child, your strength will explode…” The

    guardian elder flew back, muttering to himself in horror, staring at the sky, Adidas has long been gone.

    ps: Ask for votes, ask for support, the most exciting story of the book is here, and it is nearing the end, ask for more support. Big guys.

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