Ancestor, Watch Over Me

Chapter 941

  The alien son was blown up by the 73rd ancestor, leaving only a little finger to be taken away by Adidas.

    In Xuantian Holy Land, the remaining alien races either died in battle or surrendered, were planted with slave marks, and abolished Daoji and cultivation bases.

    The disciples and elders who survived in Xuantian Holy Land are extremely grateful to the Liucheng army who came to help.

    They called each other and some of the people who had just saved their lives as brothers. They left contact information and said that they would move around frequently in the future. Some people even made their daughters go out.

    The elder Shouge expressed his gratitude to the 73rd ancestor, “If it were not for the help of the Daoist and the noble family, we are afraid that our Xuantian Holy Land would be destroyed.” The

    73rd ancestor waved his hand and said: “Daoist this time sublimation, I am afraid Shou yuan …… “

    castle tower elders calm smiles:.” harmless, perhaps after several hundred thousand years, I’ll come back again, then, then and fellow drink and a laugh, “

    seventieth The three ancestors suddenly realized that the elder Shouge must be ready for reincarnation, but he was not sure whether he could awaken smoothly.

    Reincarnation is extremely risky. If you cannot awaken or fall halfway, you will be completely annihilated.

    Therefore, you, the big reader, may also be a great king, but you have not yet awakened…on the

    other side.

    The head Xuan Kongzi also expressed his gratitude to Liu Xiangtian. He held Liu Xiangtian’s hand in both hands, and he did not want to let go for a long time.

    “Can you give me some of these foreign prisoners? I want to take it back to the Emperor of Heaven.” Liu Xiangtian changed the subject, and Xuan Kongzi let go.

    “Okay, Brother Xiang Tian is free.” Xuan Kongzi said.

    “This time the alien race attacked us and Shura Tien Holy Land, said that the experience, but probably do not have a purpose, can not prevent, repair houses of Babel, maybe we can figure out Genjiao and purpose of these guys.”

    “I am a teacher Zun said, this group of alien races are from Tianwaitian, and I don’t know where Tianwaitian is. If you want to come, the emperor must know.”

    When Liu Xiangtian heard the words, his heart was awe-inspiring.

    I feel that this matter needs to be reported to the ancestors as soon as possible.


    Liu Xiangtian led his army back and took away some foreign prisoners.

    Half way.

    The spies sent to the Shura clan reported that the Shadow Army had already invaded the Shura clan, and Adidas, the ancestor who returned to the Shura clan, was attacked by a mysterious strong man and was seriously injured and fled.

    “Most of the members of the Shura tribe were wiped out, the Mount of Shura was destroyed, and the mysterious triangular altar that communicated with the alien race was taken away by the Shadow Army.”

    “In addition, the lord of the townsman also arrested an alien woman. The alien woman claimed to be It is the little princess of the king of Bosuo Jietota…” The

    detective reported the information he found to Liu Xiangtian .

    Liu Xiangtian was surprised.

    The masters of the base camp of the Shura clan are like clouds, and there are probably many strong foreigners guarding the triangular altar. The Shadow Army can successfully defeat the Shura clan.

    “It seems that behind the Shadow Army, there are capable people who have the courage to attack Adidas and cause it to be seriously injured, and they must be masters.”

    He let go of his heart and led the army to return to Sanlitun Liu’s house quickly.

    Some alien captives were taken away by the 73rd ancestor to study the methods of alien cultivation and the fundamental reason for immunity to the world of prison.

    The remaining prisoners, Liu Xiangtian took to the Emperor City, and was imprisoned in the Xing Prison of the Shadow Army.

    At this time, Fu Zhen’s caretaker Yang Xiao learned that Zhen Fu Qian Lixian had hidden his actions. He was envious and jealous, so he asked Liu Xiangtian for instructions and was responsible for interrogating the group of prisoners.

    “Seven elders, I have the honor to see the interrogation methods of the commander, so I have learned a little, don’t worry, I will help you pry open the mouth of these triangular heads and get all the information you want.”

    Yang Xiao Xiang Liu Xiang Day guarantee.

    Liu Xiangtian nodded, “Okay, then there will be a caretaker in the town of Labor and Welfare. After the matter is completed, I will ask the ancestors for you. When the time comes, your benefits will be indispensable.”

    Yang Qi was overjoyed. This is his goal.

    Liu Xiangtian solemnly exhorted: “Keep it secret, and don’t let other people know.”

    “Understand!” Yang Qi responded seriously.

    Soon, there were bursts of scalp-numbing screams in Xing prison prison, and Liu Xiangtian’s calves trembled.

    Not long.

    Qian Lixian led the Shadow Army to return, took a large number of prisoners to Xing Prison, and ordered his henchmen to be interrogated overnight.

    “Especially the alien girl who claimed to be the princess of Tota Heavenly King, gave me a fierce interrogation!”

    “Yes!” The confidant took orders.

    Qian Lixian left in a hurry.

    He returned to the main hall of the town caretaker with a mysterious man in a cloak.

    After closing the hall, the cloaked man revealed his true face after opening the shielding prohibition.

    The man in the cloak is amazingly Alps.

    That is, Adidas’s original womb clone of the year, the two were split because of the birth of a child, and both had deep hatred for each other.

    “Senior Alps, thanks to your help this time, when my godfather comes back, I will definitely explain your ally to the godfather.” Qian Liexian solemnly clasped his fists.

    Alps chuckled and said, “I am now a half-step king. Don’t mind if you say something bad. Your godfather will have to call senior when he sees me now.”

    “So, hahaha, the rest is If I don’t say anything, you realize it yourself!”

    “As for why I help you, I just do it right away. My goal is Adidas, this idiot. When I find him and consume him, I can completely step into the realm of kings. . “

    Alpine here, two SG bright, excited Fucking.

    “At that time, your godfather will have to kneel and talk when he

    sees me.” Seeing Qian Lie’s unhappy expression, Alps waved his hand and smiled: “I speak straight, don’t care.”

    “Haha~ “

    money prints hollow laugh or two, said:.” When I returned godfather, seniors can expect to laugh so much fun, “

    Alpine Pielepiezui, said:” This is not to mention, remember that you help me pay attention Alps If there is any news, please notify me immediately.” After

    saying goodbye, leave.

    Qian Liexian bowed his hands to bid farewell, turned his head and looked at a painting hanging on the wall directly above the main hall. The person in the painting was Yang Shouan.

    “God, when will your old man come back? My boy missed you!”

    ” My boy has done a big thing this time. When it dawns tomorrow, I am afraid it will shock the whole world of longevity. If your old man is here, it is very likely that you will get the old ancestor’s. Reward.”

    “Now, godfather, you are not here, do you want the child to enjoy this great contribution? How embarrassed, hahaha…”

    He couldn’t help laughing. stand up.

    The godfather is not there, and the feeling that he is in power seems to be quite cool, except for that annoying Yang Qi!

    “Huh! This guy is also clever. He actually hugged the thigh of the seventh elder and wanted to get a share of the credit. However, when the godfather comes back, I will tell the godfather you eat inside and out, hehehe… “In the

    hall, Qian Liexian smiled gloomily.

    The next day, it was dawn.

    Sure enough, as Qian Lixian said, the longevity world was boiling on this morning.

    Not to mention other places, but in the Celestial City where the source of the news is the fastest, there are all discussions.

    “Big brother, have you heard that Xuantian Holy Land was almost wiped out last night, the Asura clan was directly wiped out, and the Asura Mountain is gone.”

    “Yeah?! What’s going on, I was busy doing double repairs with your sister-in-law last night. I didn’t care about it. You can talk about it.”

    “You and sister-in-law double repair…? No, but last night Isn’t my sister-in-law at my house? My wife is not at home, don’t you…”

    “Ah?! —”

    They screamed when they learned the truth.


    Welcome to the restaurant, there is also a noise.

    “The Asura tribe colluded with the alien race and attacked the Xuantian Holy Land. Finally, the Emperor City sent troops to rescue the Xuantian Holy Land, and the Asura tribe was wiped out.”

    “This is really a big event. Do you know where that alien is?!

    ” I heard from my uncle’s aunt’s second cousin’s third nephew, that the alien came from a place called the Thirty-Sixth Realm Pozo Realm. The elder’s triangular head has three eyes and is immune to the laws and magical powers of our world. , The strength is very terrible.”

    “Where are you sacred? You know so in detail?”

    “Next, Zhang Liangliang, an unknown man…”

    Countless people were talking about the big things that happened last night.

    The new terms of alien race, triangular head, three eyes, Thirty-Six Realm of Heaven and Heaven, Pozo Realm, and so on, began to spread in the realm of longevity.

    Many people know it.

    However, most people did not believe it, and some Changshengtian also suspected that someone deliberately spread rumors.


    Just three days later.

    In a barren land in the world of longevity, an altar was activated, and then countless figures descended from the vortex of time and space, and the pressure of horror was immense.

    The leader is a stalwart figure, coming under a million miles of golden light, floating above the sky, holding a blue thunder tower in his hand.

    “The Tota Heavenly King of the Bosuo Realm in the outer sky has captured my daughter’s guinea pigs, and he won’t come out to die!!”

    The Tota Heavenly King of the Bosuo Realm came, roaring at the Longevity Realm, lightning and thunder.

    Behind him, an army of foreign races was full of anger.

    In an instant, the world of longevity was shaken, and countless creatures were panicked.

    ps: Going back to my hometown for the New Year, the code word of the mobile phone is updated slowly, so please take your time.

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