Ancient One

Chapter 2214 - Tiangong coordinates

Nanqiu rain frowned, said: “How is this so trouble? That’s it, tea is not invited.” After the words, a long sleeve.

Zhuo Qingfan: “…”

Zhuo Qingfan said: “That’s it, please ask me to drink the best tea. I still have a question, when will your business be done?”

Nanqiuyu smiled and said: “Come on, if there is no problem. Qingfan brother will stay in this cultivation with peace of mind. The virtual light of this chain of law not only binds you to action, but also suppresses the big void. It will not affect your cultivation. Qingfan brothers only need to retreat for a few months, and they will be fine when they are out. Although there is no rule of the Ten Commandments in Tianzhu, the aura is not under Yanwucheng.”

Zhuo Qingfan blinked his eyes: “It will take a few months to go smoothly. If it doesn’t work well… forget it, I will wait for the Yunmeng to rescue me.”

Qin Fei smiled and said: “The empty man wants more, and the Tiangong where the world is located is impossible to find without coordinates.”

Zhuo Qingfan also smiled: “Don’t forget that the jade son is also on the battleship. When Li Yunhao finds irritability, let Yugongzi fight for decades of life, what can’t be calculated?”

A few people in the Tianzhu area heard the words, all of them changed their faces, and all of them were not good at once.

Nanqiuyu was also slightly surprised. After a while, he said: “The land of all spirits is present at this time. We can control it. Although it is a pity, it is also God’s will. There is nothing to think about. And the dragon is also entering Wanling. The place, this is Li Yun’s purpose, let them meet with Yu Yu. It is convenient to point the coordinates of the external space directly to the place.”

Qin Fei was slightly surprised and said: “What do you mean is that Duanmu has jade to calculate the external coordinates?”

Nanqiu rain smiled strangely and said: “I don’t know if Yugong can figure it out, but isn’t there a left-handed person in charge of our big ship on the warship?”

He continued to sneer: “Zuo Yu has been responsible for Dalang Island for more than 30 years and has been a foreign disciple. It is because he found that he is not loyal enough. When he came to Tiangong, he dared to violate the ban and secretly made the coordinates. If he did not read his ability well. He has already been repaired as abolished and driven out of the sky.”

After the end of the Nanqiu rain, the look became calm again. With a wave of hand, Weng Yangyu and the piano had to retire.

Zhuo Qingfan was hanged in the air, or the cynicism, but the eyes were faintly surprised and worried.

Li Yunqi and others battled the ship on the sea for two or three days. Apart from a dead silence, there was no gain, and Zhuo Qingfan also lost contact and made everyone feel uneasy.

Duanmu was counted several times, and he lowered his head and wondered. “What the **** is going on. Every time I count as a void, I am surprised. I seem to have encountered something that I can’t get away with, but I’m empty. Adults’ magical powers, there should be no things that can trap him. At least I can come back to report the situation to you. Will it be that I am wrong?”

Duanmu has jade and caressed her hair, and shook her head: “I just tried it once, and it is the same result. Although the big void is difficult to restrain, it is not impossible, Zhuo Qingfan is afraid The upper one is strong.”

The left eye frowned, and a thought-provoking look fell into Li Yun’s eyes and immediately caught his attention.

Li Yunqi asked: “Zuo Wei, did you think of something?”

Was awakened from the meditation by Li Yunxiao, left squatting and clenching fist: “The lord, I just thought that this sea area should not be far from the Tiangong Temple, and the relationship between Zhuo Qingfan and Nanqiu Yuya has always been good. Can Zhuo Qingfan’s adult go to the end of the world?”

Li Yunxiao nodded: “I am thinking about this. If anyone in this sea area can stay in Zhuo Qingfan, the most likely thing is the South Hill Rain, but can you find the entrance to Tianzhu?”

“I can’t find it. I used to go to Tiangong, and I used the big round island to transmit the array. But if the ally and other people send the past, Tianyao will definitely be prepared and will destroy the transmission.”

Zuo Yu deliberately paused, and his mouth raised a confident smile, and continued: “However, I have left a little bit of my mind before, and once made a space coordinate in the Tiangong.”

“Do you have the coordinates of the world?”

Li Yunzhen was shocked, and immediately he was bright. He smiled and said: “The adults are well hidden, and the coordinates are taken out earlier. We are now drinking tea at Tianyao!”

Zuo Wei smiled slightly and respectfully said: “The Lord did not mention it? The leftist did not dare to make suggestions.” However, his heart is still very proud, and the more he is in desperation, his role is reflected, the future is more broad. .

Zuo Yu took the coordinates out and felt very comfortable inside. It seems that he has seen the broader prospect of Tianwu League waiting for him.

Bomu positioned the coordinates, it is not far from the battleship.

Half a day later, the battleship reached the coordinate point. The scenery is still the dead seascape that I used to see. The sea is lonely, and it is still difficult to rise. Still, nothing has changed.

The left face was a little white, and there was a cold sweat on the forehead.

Li Yunqi did not pay attention to his appearance, but said: “Tianzhuya should also hide itself with secret techniques. You should go around and look around to see if there is any abnormality.”

Everyone flew out of the battleship and began to explore around.

“This feeling……”

Li Yunqi’s eyes turned into gold, watching the constant flow of light in the space, gathering in the middle, and gradually twisted into a whirlpool.

“Bomu adults!”

Li Yun’s hole suddenly shrank and called Bomu.

Bomu immediately explored in the direction of Li Yunwei’s guidance and nodded: “It is indeed weird!”

Not only did Bomu find anomalies here, but Bolong and Narcissus also noticed that the space was different.

Bomu sighed with a slight sigh of relief: “It seems that Tianzhu is here.”

Li Yunxiao condensed his voice: “No! This breath is too old, it seems like there is an ancient space. Isn’t Tianya Ya is in the independent space left by the ancient people of the ancient times?”


Left squatting and shaking his head: “It shouldn’t be, the place where Tianyao is located, known as ‘Tiangong’, is a fairyland, and it is not related to the ancients.”

Seemingly vaguely thought of something, Li Yunqi suddenly changed his face and said: “Everyone is coming back!”

The people just flew out not far, and they felt strange after hearing the words, but they did not resist Li Yun’s orders, and they all flew back in an instant.

“what happened?”

“Is there any situation?”

Li Yunxiao said: “Unknown circumstances may have our unexpected danger, everyone must be careful.”

Qu Hongyan was worried: “Flying, did you find something?”

Li Yun said: “It’s a bit wrong, but I can’t say what’s going on, and according to the calculations of the previous jade son, I am afraid that there will be big troubles.”

Qu Hongyan said: “What should I do?”

Although everyone did not find any danger and wrong, but everyone is convinced of Li Yun’s words.

Li Yunxuan said: “Just stand here and wait. I will first put this warship into the monumental monument, and there are many disciples on it, so that there is danger that it will affect them.”

After the battleships were taken up, the people stood in the same place and cautiously guarded.

Bomu et al. are staring at the space and monitoring the abnormal changes around them.

In a short time, there are several powerful breaths that seem to come to the top, and the ancient and fierce atmosphere instantly wipes out this space.

“No, there is a beast!”

Bomu exclaimed, saying: “I don’t know where to cross the beasts from all over the place, it’s all the level of the gods!”

Zuo Wei is evenly pale, looks like he is scared and stupid, and muttered in his mouth: “How can this be… here is clearly the end of heaven…”

Li Yunxuan’s face changed slightly. He said: “How is it possible? The rule of the ten parties has just spread from Yanwu City not long ago. How can there be a surreal beast at the level of the gods, is it the ancient spirit?”

“Real spirit?”

This vocabulary is ancient and mysterious. Before the appearance of the strong gods, the meaning of its representative is to look up.

Now, with the proliferation of the rules of the Ten Commandments, the entire Tianwu community has returned to the situation where the gods are as strong as the dogs 100,000 years ago. Although there is still a hint of curiosity about the true spirit, there is not much fear and respect. It is.

In particular, the feathers of the head of the spirits completely broke the image of the true spirit. At this moment, everyone is treated as the same strong, quietly waiting for the coming of the true spirit.

“Where is it here?”

Non-Ni face changed, leaning against the left side. The rest of the people did not have any good looks, and they looked coldly at him.

Now everyone thinks that it is the way of this person, and he has been brought into some kind of trap.

“It really doesn’t matter to me!”

Under the cold eyes of so many powerful people Zuo Yu directly frightened and stunned, the good future of the dreams all turned into a bubble, now it is hard to say whether it can save lives!

“Allies, the lord, you must believe me! I really don’t know anything. My coordinates are indeed from the end of the world, oh!” Zuo Yu was crying and screaming, and his tears rushed out.

Li Yunqi can see that he did not lie. Maybe there is a problem with the coordinates. He shook his head and said: “I don’t doubt you, you don’t have to explain it. These true spirits may not only be the ones that are in front of them, except for non-Ni, Hongyan. And everyone in the North Shenzhen Nanda, everyone goes to the monument of my world!”

The boundary gods flew out, and the power of the world swept under them, and all the other people except the four were taken in.

Li Yunqi just took back the monument, and there was a strong breath forced over.

All four were shocked and stared, only to see a huge sea snake appearing out of thin air.

The big snake has a shape of up to a hundred feet, and the black scales reflect the cold light. The head is like a palace, and they are staring at them with that cold look. Mobile users please visit the mobile website

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