Ancient One

Chapter 2215 - Land of all spirits

I haven’t waited for the four people to come back, and there are many real spirits around the sea snake. The environment of the Dead Sea has also begun to change. The sea that was not so shocked has turned into a piece of forest and began to turn into an endless green. .

Non-Ni shocked: “illusion?”

Li Yunhao stared at the forest for a while, his face became difficult to look at, and he gnawed his teeth: “This is a big problem. I know what it is. This is not an illusion!”

“Not illusion?”

The other three were shocked, some could not understand, and North Shenzhen was also Shen Sheng: “It is a sea but a forest, how could it not be an illusion.”

Li Yunxiao smiled bitterly: “When I was looking for a real dragon in the past, I and the singer and I have seen a projection of a real space. In that projection, there are a lot of real spirits. The singer said that it was a long lost. The land of all spirits was the place where a large number of true spirits were buried, but it has never been found for many years.”

“The land of all spirits?”

North Shenzhen South alarmed: “I have heard it! Is this space in front of the land of all spirits?”

Li Yunxiao nodded: “It should be good. This feeling is almost the same as that of the day. And you look at these fierce beasts, the body is strong, old, and not lacking in intelligence, although there is no human being. Wisdom, but it is two levels compared to those real beasts.”

A few people looked around, the true spirits around them, but did not attack, the eyes are shining with the light, it is a certain wisdom.

The northern part of Beizhen reveals the color of doubt. He said: “I have heard that these ancient aliens were collectively buried in a disaster, but I could not think of the existence of a living, and many, are these things so long? Shouyuan?”

Li Yun said: “I am afraid that as with the realm of eternal life, this land of all spirits has some kind of speciality, or the passage of time is slow, etc. Does Yu Yu not live from the ancient times to the present?”

Qu Hongyan said: “Fly is justified, but what should we do now? Since these things are not hostile, we can’t provoke it. It is best to be safe to leave.”

Li Yunxiao sank down and smiled bitterly: “How do you leave now depressed? If I didn’t guess wrong, it should be that the whole space has come. We are now inside the land of all spirits. This space does not know how long it will come. How long will it take off?”

Qu Hongyan was shocked: “Do you mean that the two spaces coincide?”

“The coincidence is just a guess. Another possibility is that this land of eternal engulfment of this Dead Sea.”

Li Yun’s eyebrows rises and thinks: “But whatever it is, it will lead to an unstable connection between the land of the Spirit and the Tianwu world. However, even if there is room shock, our current strength is enough.” Now I wonder if prisoners and crocodiles have also entered this place.”

North Shenzhen South nodded: “The purpose of this outing is to find them both. If you leave, once this space is gone, it will be troublesome.”

“It is true.”

Li Yunxiao said with helplessness: “It is easy to go out from the inside. It is difficult to come in from the outside. Unless it is the land of all spirits, it will really swallow the Dead Sea and stay in the Tianwu world. But this cannot be judged, so first explore this spirit. Land, maybe there are other unexpected discoveries.”

The northern part of Beizhen looked around and said: “The strength of these true spirits is not too strong. The highest one is only the peak of the true world. There is still a gap between the palms and the sky. If you don’t know if you go deep into it, will you have a palm and a market? Even higher.”

Li Yunqi was shocked and said: “I have a lack of consideration for this point, but as long as there is no existence of the creation of the environment, there will be no danger. Let’s look around, there is too much spirit in this land of spirits. The clutter has interfered with my judgment. But I have a hunch that the crocodile and the prisoner are probably here.”

A non-Ni who was meditation for a long time suddenly said: “You can think about it, use all these spirits for your own use?”


The other three were shocked. The idea was too whimsical.

Li Yunxuan knows that if Ni is not sure, he will not easily say such words. The heart “beep” jumped and asked carefully: “Do you have a solution?”

“Not necessarily.”

Non-Ni Xiao’s face is a bright color, and a bite of teeth is white and neat. At this moment, people are going up but inexplicably a little scared.

She smiled and said: “I just suddenly felt a kind of uncomfortable feeling. I feel that these low-level real spirits should be kneeling under my feet. I dare not look up and listen to me. It is not like this now. With us. I have the urge to dig their eyes and blow their heads.”

The chills and killings of non-Ni are exhaled without reservation, pointing to the true spirits.

Li Yunqi was careful not to export, but he saw the true spirits of the imposing manners. In a moment, he formed a spirit, and quickly retreated, and stopped after several tens of feet away.

Within the smart eyes, began to be full of fear and doubt.

In the eyes of Li Yunxuan, he shines and says: “It must be the will in the blood of the heavenly phoenix. In this ancient environment, let the blood in your body flow out of the wild power, and this has the impulse to conquer these true spirits. You Is there really a way for them to surrender?”

In the eyes of non-Ni, I shot the fine man and looked at him with a glance. He smiled shallowly: “I will try it.”

After all, it is the jade finger, the power of Tianfeng slowly spreads out from the center of itself, and the shadow of Tianfeng is floating on its back. With the opening of the wing, the more ancient atmosphere suddenly erupts.


At this moment, everyone seems to have heard the ancient sounds of Tianfeng coming from the void!

Non-Ni controls the phoenix of the phoenix to dissipate the momentum and rush to the real spirits without any mercy. The true spirits immediately huddled up in a frightened manner, making awkward gestures and shaking.

Li Yunqi’s three people’s hearts were ecstatic.

Qu Hongyan’s eyes sparkled with bright colors, and he said: “Non-Ni’s sister is so powerful. These real spirits have really been surrendered by you. If the thousands of true spirits in this land of all spirits can succumb to your heavenly phoenix, That power is enough to bring the strength of Tianwu League to its peak, even if it is Xuanyuan Island.

Suddenly found that he still has this kind of strength, non-Ni is also full of joy, should answer: “I try my best. In the blood of the will of the inheritance, let me feel that these things surrender is taken for granted.”

Li Yunqi couldn’t help himself, saying: “If you can convince dozens of such true spirits, then the prisoner’s body is not worth it. I don’t know where the crocodile is now, and lost some of it.”

The crocodile is a hurricane, and the most incompetent is being beaten up by people. It is very difficult to completely kill him. Therefore, Li Yunhao is not worried that the crocodile is in danger.

Fei Ni quickly calmed down and said: “My suppression of these things is only temporary. It is necessary to let them surrender completely. It will take a while for them to stay in the monument.”

Li Yunqi nodded: “Well, the current monumental monument is not the same today. It is not a problem to trap these low-powerful spirits. If it is repaired to reach the palm and the virtual pole, and the number is more, Some trouble.”

He sacrificed the monument to the gods, and non-Ni immediately let those true spirits sneak in, all into the monument.

Li Yun licked his lower lip and fainted green light in his eyes. He said: “If you said that it was the cemetery of the true spirit, there are many real spirits to live, and more should be dead?”

North Shenzhen South nodded: “It should be, do you think of something?”

Li Yunxiao laughed and said: “Most of the true spirits are sturdy, even if they have been through the ages, they can be immortal, and I remember that Jingqi can refine the body. Even Chu Mujie has a supernatural power that can make the body Fight, but also retain some of the martial arts.”

North Shenzhen South frowned: “This method sounds very good, but it is too evil to fight with the body of the strong. Even if it is for the great war, it should not be so horrible.” At least, I am emotionally difficult to accept.”

“This is a moment.”

Li Yun said: “These true spirits are not the same kind. They can treat them as vicious beasts, and they are the beasts of the fallen ages. How many emotions did the North Shenzhen Nanda people come in? Again, each summoned a real soul. We will have to die a lot of comrades-in-arms. This is nothing but harmless. Instead of letting them be so quiet, they can’t afford to sleep. Why can’t they use the heat to protect this piece of heaven that once raised them?”

Beizhen lived in the south and felt that Li Yunzhen’s words were justified. He did not know what to say, and he was silent.

Qu Hongyan first said: “I feel that the idea of ​​flying is good. Too much self-morality can only make you feel like you are not suitable for this cruel battle.”

See no one has any objections again, Li Yun said: “We have explored the past all the way, how many real spirits can be grasped, how many bodies can be found.”

The four people immediately slowed down the speed carefully searched in the land of Wanling, but for a moment, everyone will gain something.

Li Yunxiao stared at the giant horns exposed on the green ground, and the force slowly penetrated into the soil layer to perceive his body shape buried in the ground.

It is a skeleton of a beast with a body length of 50 feet, and there are traces of breakage at the ribs and tail vertebrae. The skeleton of the beast is still high, and it is full of sharp teeth, and it seems to be roaring.

Li Yunxuan’s soul seemed to be able to hear a violent beast, and suddenly felt a little bit in his heart. When this guy is alive, he must be conquered countlessly.

The strength carefully wrapped the animal bone, Li Yunxi secretly sinned and whispered:

“Get up!”


The strength of the animal bone arch broke through the soil layer, until the moment of re-visiting the day, everyone has a feeling of bright eyes.

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