Angel Fall

Chapter 1B: Solace

Content warning: This chapter contains fantasy violence and reverse rape. 

“You saved us,” one nun declared, as he strode into the room. All eyes were on him, and he smoothed his blood stained toga, as he took in the room. It was easy to see that the sentiment was shared by everyone in the room that wasn’t bleeding out. Laurus ignored the gratitude and shunned the acclaim. Maybe once the battle was truly won there would be time to bask in it for a few moments, but for now there were more important things to do. Starting with the bloodiest woman, he went around the room, doing what he could with a few quiet words and gestures. Seconds later, her wounds stopped bleeding and her flesh knit shut with only the faintest scar of pale skin. She gasped and flushed at his touch, but he didn’t allow pain to stop his treatments; pain was part of the healing process. She wouldn’t be at full strength for days or weeks, but in an hour or two She’d have the strength to stand and hold a blade. 

“Mmm… Thank you,” she said in a husky murmur as she reached for him as he stepped away. 

“You’ll be fine soon,” he reassured her. “Just rest now.”

“I feel so strange…” before slumping back unto her pallet on the floor as Laurus searched the room for another gravely injured warrior. There was no shortage of candidates. The rough pews and all of the isles in the transept and nave had been converted into a makeshift hospital for the wounded which numbered almost two dozen. More than half the nuns had been disabled in the first battle, and that was before the greater demons arrived. Who knew how they would fare during the next fight. 

Methodically the angel walked from bedside to bench, sealing wounds and easing pain. Several of the women reacted more than he would have expected to his mending spells. He knew first hand just how painful and disconcerting a healing spell could be as magic forced the body to spring to life to fix trauma, but this was different, and he couldn’t quite put a finger on it. Some of the nuns moaned or gasped as his power flowed through them, and others seemed to shiver and quake. Most of them looked at him with a sort of reverence as their eyes flew open from the sensation, which he supposed was appropriate after seeing an angel for the first time. Even though, something felt off, and by the time he finished healing the wounded warriors there was a tension and a restlessness in the room that couldn’t quite be explained by the battle that lay ahead. 

After he’d tended to everyone in danger, Laurus spared a moment for a gashe on his forearm and several small cuts on the exposed part of his legs between the mailed skirt and greeves. They were trivial things, but he didn’t care for the look of the green slime that he saw in some of those wounds, so he muttered a minor word of healing, and watched them vanish in the blink of an eye. This exertion made his vision swim, and for a horrible moment he worried that he might pass out. He staggered, and paused to lean against a stone pillar for a moment. He took comfort not just from the stability of the stone, but from how cool it was. Suddenly it felt very hot in the chapel.  When he opened his eyes he felt better, and he admonished himself to be more careful - healing magic was hardly free. Spending the last twenty minutes administering to the wounded felt like it had taken more out of him than the flight here. He’d need to be more careful if he wanted to defeat the demons outside. 

The angel shook his head to clear it, and then looked around for the abbess to start planning their defense. They had perhaps an hour or two before the wards failed, and they would need their blades once more. He spied her lingering by the Narthex, so he strode over, and ushered her into a side room to discuss what they needed to do next. 

“Thank the heavens our prayers were heard,” she said when they were alone, “I feared we’d face the darkness alone.” 

“The creator sees all, Mother,” Laurus assured her, taking her small hand in his two large ones to reassure her. She was an older woman in her sixties that had served the church her whole life. She was two or three times the age of most of the nuns he’d just healed. “Now tell me - how did such evil penetrate consecrated ground and pollute the sisters in your charge?”

“It was a book of some sort—” she started. 

“What book,” the angel interrupted. “Where is it? I’d like to see if it offers any clues to the current predicament.” 

“Sadly we already burned it,” the Abbess confessed. “That’s where the gate came from. When we discovered what had happened, we locked up sisters Eudoxia and Sophia in pennance cells to prevent their unnatural behavior. Then we prayed for their souls and burned the instrument of their corruption. The portal out there sprung from the ashes - like it was all part of some dark plan.” 

“I’ve heard of similar things before.” Laurus nodded thoughtfully, “That’s why the holy book recommends that cursed and malefic objects be wrapped in beaten lead and placed under ward in the cellar, or buried in a sanctified graveyard.” 

“I know my scriptures,” the older woman said defensively, looking tired, “But this book had no spiritual taint. It was just smut, plain and simple. That’s why the rest is so inexplicable.” 

“Tell me,” the angel encouraged. 

“Well,” the Abbess hesitated, “It’s like the thing was a trap built for a holy woman. It started out as a story of pure and platonic love, but page by page and chapter by chapter it became something else. By chapter seven it was very erotic, and the last two chapters - well… Let me just say they were positively blasphemous. I assigned myself a heavy penance just for glancing at them - that’s when I knew it had to be burned.” 

“That sounds very reasonable,” the angel agreed, confident he would have done something similar if he’d gotten here before the demons had come. “Do you know how the book arrived on the grounds at least?”

“Sister Sophia never said,” the older woman answered, “I think she found it in town and brought it back by mistake. By the time a sister realized something was amiss, all she would speak were taunts and blasphemy.” The abbess cleared her throat to hide the rising emotion in her narrative. It was plain to see that she’d failed her charges and would never forgive herself. “She was seduced by some dark and subtle spell in those words over the course of days or a week, and then she started Eudoxia down that primrose path to join her. When we found them, they… they were…” Though she tried to continue, the matron found herself choking on the terrible words. She could not bring herself to taint her mouth with them. 

“I understand,” Laurus sympathized, “after we win the battle, I’ll speak with them both and see if they are beyond salvation, or if their curse can be lifted. Now is the time to discuss defense and tactics. When night falls—” Laurus stopped when a scream from the next room suddenly cut through the stout wooden door separating the two of them from everyone else. They looked at each other briefly before Laurus strode out into the nave to face the attack he was sure he’d find. He’d never been more wrong in his life. 

The angel’s mind refused to process the debauchery he was seeing. He’d been trying to figure out how the demons had breached his wards early, but when he saw the chaos contained only humans, he was sure he’d gone insane. Laurus stood stunned, his mouth agape at the pornographic scene. Ten minutes ago he’d left almost thirty warrior nuns preparing for their last stand, and now he’d come back to an impossible lesbian orgy. The women had separated into knots of two’s a three’s, and were engaging in more sinful acts than he could name. Most sisters were kissing and touching willingly, but a few were struggling to resist the women intent on forcing them to sin; they were the only ones that still had most of their clothes on. 

“Ladies of the Light!” Laurus thundered, once he got ahold of himself. “Resist whatever foul magic has gripped you or you will lose your souls as well as your lives in the fight to come!” Half the women looked up when he spoke, but he saw very little repentance or struggle in those eyes. Instead he saw only hunger and desire, and for the first time on this trip he felt a twinge of fear. 

Something had happened to these devout women, and though Laurus looked around the room for clues, he saw nothing. The wards held, and there was no sulfur to hint at dark magics. The only pattern he saw was that none of women that were struggling to resist the sexual depravity of their sisters had needed any of his healing. Many of the sisters near him started to rise, and Laurus lost that train of thought when he suddenly realized he was the only man in a room full of women who had gone insane with lust. 

“Sisters!” His voice boomed, as he took a step forward to confront them. “Stop. Let us pray together and we can—” 

They didn’t listen, and seconds later they were on him. The first few he pushed aside easily, relying on finesse to turn their momentum against them as they reached hungrily toward him. “Please!”,one cried out as they grappled momentarily, “Just one kiss…”

They were trained warriors, but he was stronger than any three of them together. Quantity is a quality all its own though, and when they started trying to overwhelm him five or six at a time he was forced to use his wings to buffet them away. It was an awkward fight for the angel; he'd never touched a naked woman before and now he had to make split second decisions on whether to grab them in a way that might end him groping a breast or touching an inner thigh. More than once a quick grapple ended with a throaty moan as he misjudged the distance and accidently touched one of these nuns in a place that no man ever should. “Mmmm, Harder,” one nun cried out as he pulled her hair before pushing her away in emotions too murky and poorly understood for him to call them disgust. 

For a minute, and then two, he struggled against the tide of naked women. He tried not to hurt any of them too much as he kept them at bay, which was a terrible handicap. The press of flesh, and the sight of all that beautiful naked flesh was taking a different sort of toll on Laurus as well. Though he tried to ignore it, he was getting hard. He’d never smelled the musky scents of sex before, and now he was getting bombarded by it. He did his very best, but the standoff couldn’t last forever since he was unwilling to kill such faithful servants of the divine. Eventually he was overwhelmed by the weight of a dozen women, and two dozen sets of hands as they bore him struggling to the ground. 

The mob had become an anonymous press of tits and thighs as he was crushed to the stone floor of the chapel. The whispers and touches became impossible to separate. “Mmmm, I’m definitely riding that face,” he heard one sister groan as another nibbled on his ear. One woman said, “Does it make you hard when I play with your wings?” And it certainly did. He’d die before he admitted it, but the cold mountain breeze had nothing on a beautiful woman stroking his sensitive wings.  

“Do angels even have pricks,” one woman growled while others laughed. “Let’s find out,” another said. That’s when they started playing with the straps to his armor.

“Please sisters, you must come to—” Laurus tried to protest before someone silenced him by forcing their tongue in his mouth and locking him into the first wet, sloppy kiss in his existence. He continued his struggles to be free as much as the nuns struggled to hold him down, but for a moment he lost himself in the pleasure of a stranger's mouth. It was tender, forceful, and undeniably sensual. It took him by complete surprise when she forced her tongue in her mouth and attacked his, in an intimate assault that made his heart race. By the time he came to his senses a few moments later and broke the kiss, his head was swimming from the unfamiliar sensations that were stirring in him. Lust, desire, passion, and other sins attacked his mind, but beneath all of them was a growing sense of horror. That horror only grew when he felt his mail skirt unbuckle and his toga being pulled away. 

It was only when he heard the murmurs of admiration that he realized he was hard. “Oh my,” one nun whispered in a tone of reverence usually reserved for worship, “It’s beautiful.” 

“And so big,” another one cooed, reaching out to wrap her hand around the base of his seven inch cock. The angel turned his head in shame, blushing fiercely at the touch. He hadn’t been hard before today since he’d faced a particularly devious succubus as a newly minted member of the first choir, more than a hundred years ago. Back then, the needs of the flesh still lingered in him and he’d felt the allure of the devil’s sinful curves resonate deep inside him. That hadn’t stopped him from slaying her or from flagellating himself for days until those feelings had left him. Laurus hadn’t been more than even a little aroused in decades; he’d left those temptations far behind him, but being buried in this much licentious flesh was having an effect on him. All His senses were being overwhelmed, and from his dick to his wings he was being molested by pure, holy women that should know better. 

“You can’t do this!” he roared, trying to break free with one last burst of almost hysterical strength that saw his left arm and wing get free for a few seconds before he was pinned back down. “The wards. If you do this than the demons will—” 

He never had a chance to finish sharing the concerns, because as soon as the mob of nuns had finished wrestling him back down to the cold stone floor, one of them said, “There are so many better things you could do with that mouth than try to deny us our pleasure…” The woman that spoke towered over his face, giving him a particularly lewd view of her wide hips, pendulous breasts, and a dark thick bush.She smiled and slowly began to squat down on his face, leaving Laurus helpless to do anything but watch as her pink pussy loomed ever larger. For a moment it took up practically his whole field of vision before he lost the ability to see entirely. The woman pressed her virgin cunt urgently against his mouth and nose, and when he refused to pleasure her as she intended, she said, “It’s your choice angel - you can send me to heaven or I can see how long you can hold your breath… you decide.”

Laurus had never felt so trapped. His body was immobilized by a score of hands that were touching him everywhere. Some were gripping, and others were stroking or teasing. Every last one hungered for him though. At least two women were playing with his cock, and as he struggled to understand those sensations while he was being smothered and blinded by pale thighs and a musky pussy, he suddenly felt a new sensation on his cock. It was warm and wet, and for a second he thought someone was about to fuck him, but then a second joined the first and he realized that that wasn’t the feeling of a nuns sex, but at least two of their mouths, kissing his dick in the way that one of the mob had kissed his mouth earlier. In his mind's eye it was like they were trying to kiss each other, but his dick was trapped in between their hungry mouths, so they were working together to devour him instead. 

The sensation took his breath away, and gasped in pleasure. This reaction had the side effect of forcing him to taste his first pussy in the process. He was an angel - a heavenly creature with no food or drink to compare the taste to. He was instantly intoxicated by the heady smell and fragrant taste of her sex though. His head was spinning, and he was lost at the smells and tastes assaulting him. As the fight over his dick intensified, and one mouth eventually won, and it engulfed the head, inhaling inch after inch of his virgin cock. The sensation was too much. Laurus couldn’t hold back any longer, and began attacking the pussy that was smothering with his tongue. He told himself he was just cooperating so he wasn’t smothered as the woman leaned back slightly to let him inhale deeply. He knew the truth though. No creature that had lived as ascetic a life as he had could hope to endure this sensual assault for long. In that instant he hoped his wards would fail. If the demons attacked then he could break free and use them and the fear they would assuredly inspire to rally the women to their senses. 

No breach happened though, and after a few seconds, another mouth attached to his balls, sucking one and then the other as the first mouth started to bob up and down on his inexperienced dick in a way that made his hips buck desperately at the source of pleasure that was assaulting him. All his life the angel had felt pity on mortals for not being able to feel the joy of soaring above the earth or basking in the creator's light, but the whole time he had no idea that pleasure like this was even possible. He was utterly overwhelmed as sparks of light and bolts of pleasure radiated from his cock throughout his body. The intensity of the stimulation they were forcing him to endure was terrifying. All he could feel were those mouths, and all he could hear were the moans of the nun riding his face. He couldn’t see much past the way her tits bounced and jiggled as she rocked back and forth, but from his perspective the whole world had become an orgy, and he had become a participant, unwillingly or not. 

That was when the orgasm hit the woman grinding her pussy against his open mouth and probing tongue. “Holy lady, I never knew…” She whimpered, “I… Ahhhhhhh.” She came for what might have been the first time in her life. That was when she started to gush, almost drowning her angelic lover in her tangy juices. She wasn’t even given a chance to recover before another nun pushed her trembling form off of his head, eager to take her place. 

In that moment, Laurus tried mightily to break free, but all he managed to do was look on in horror as the nuns that had been sucking his dick moved out of the way to give another member of the convent a chance to ride his cock. He struggled and squirmed, but the dark haired woman just smiled at him before she began to sink down on his virgin dick. 

“No,” he cried out, “You can’t do this, you’ll—” but this time it wasn’t even the new pussy sinking towards his face that stopped him from finishing his thought. It was the pure feeling of ecstacy that ripped through him as the tight virgin pussy gripped his cock while she sank down on it. Her expression had started out almost lewd and almost taunting, but by the time her pelvis met his, her features were locked in a silent rictus of sinful delight as she came almost instantly on his heavenly dick. 

That was the final image the angel saw before he was plunged back into the darkness of a new nun riding his face. This one was slimmer and older, but she had the same bottomless hunger in her eyes. Her sex tasted differant too, but he couldn’t concentrate too much on those small details, because once the woman astride his cock started to bounce up and down his whole world shrank to the size of that tiny hole as it glided up and down his shaft. He could feel every slick ripple and every wet fold as he bucked and moaned beneath the pile of women, but he couldn’t stop what was coming. He couldn’t even understand it. With every thrust he felt a terrible pleasure building inside him though. The fire that was building was utterly alien, but all consuming and with every stroke up and down his spasming cock, it grew. 

Laurus had never had an orgasm before. He’d understood that mortal creatures had them of course as part of procreation, but he’d  never wondered what they felt like or how they worked. Now he was experiencing one for the very first time, and it was more than he could bear. It was a terrifying pleasure so powerful that it bordered on pain. With a final groan he started to shoot his cum into the woman riding him as his senses began to blur around the edges. He was sure that he was dying - a fitting and divine punishment for giving into carnal temptation. It was certainly what he deserved. But it didn’t stop. With every shot, there was another wave of pleasure, and with every wave of pleasure his heart pounded harder and his breathing became more labored. 

A seconds long eternity later, his trial ended, and he slumped against the stone floor, spent. The nun climbed from his face at the same time as his rapist peeled herself unsteadily from his cock. Trapped as he was beneath the pie of holy flesh, Laurus hadn’t seen his halo flash brightly and fade at the moment of his climax, and he didn’t see the holy wards fail, but now that he looked up, he could see the women scrambling and could guess what was happening. His spell had failed in the same moment he’d given into the pleasure and fallen and someone had sounded the alarm now that assault had been renewed and the doors were being breached. This had brought most of the women to their senses and they were hurriedly dressing or picking up weapons and preparing to defend themselves naked if need be. Danger hadn’t broken the spell on everyone though, and a few couples could still be seen or heard 69ing and moaning in between the pews nearby him. 

For a long moment though, Laurus couldn’t make himself care enough to rise to his feet. He was spent and utterly exhausted, but more than that he was ashamed. If the pleasure that had just assaulted him was an impossibly bright light, then it had left behind an equally dark shadow of shame now that it had passed. He had failed and was no longer worthy of the halo that still glowed dimly above his head. More than anything he wished that his orgasm had killed him instead of just making him feel like he was dying. It would have been simpler, and it certainly would have been kinder. 

He had no idea if would ever be able to resist these pleasures again after feeling them though, or if he would fall completely next time and become some kind of depraved animal. Instead of standing and preparing to fight he just lay there, wallowing in self pity while the other nuns rushed to defend the door. At least that was the plan until another nun decided she’d rather try to get his dick hard with her mouth so she could fuck him again. “Goodness but you look delicious,” she hissed as she got on her knees, set down her sword and gripped his slimy flaccid cock. “If I’m going to die then let me die riding you.” 

As her mouth gripped the head of his dick and her tongue swirled around the glans, the pleasure is what finally killed Laurus’s apathy and stirred him to action. Before he’d fought as hard as he could. That meant it wasn’t his fault that it had happened to him. He hadn’t truly fallen, and he could still repent and do penance for such a terrible sin. If he let this one woman have his way with him… Well, she was a short redhead that was no challenge for him physically on her best day. So he pushed her from him and stood up just as the doors burst open to reveal a horde of evil clamoring and clawing at them. He clenched his fists in determination; he would stand against the darkness, even if he had nothing but his will and his faith. Like any warrior of heaven, he would win, or he would at least die fighting. 

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