Angel Fall

Chapter 2: Changed

Content warning: This chapter contains forced gender bending and reverse rape. 

Even bereft of his armor and his weapon, Laurus sprung headlessly into action. They were only tools, and he could slay this demonic scum even without their aid. He charged two strides forward, then used a single flap of his wings to launch himself almost to the rafters, grabbing a pair of imps before using his momentum to crush them like insects as he landed. Then he was in the midst of battle with only the remnants of his toga and his fists to face the hordes of hell. None of that mattered though as he slowly beat a path towards the holy weapon which was still embedded in the stone of the threshold. Once he had that, he would make sure that whoever inflicted his humiliation paid a terrible price. 

The main door leading into the chapel had been breached, and stood almost half open, letting the smaller imps and demons surge through while the greater demons were for the moment still trapped outside. The tide was against them, and they were already outnumbered, but the sisters to his right and left didn’t flinch at the onslaught either. Through their determination he could feel the sin radiating off of them; it was like an oil slick on a font of holy water. It saddened him more than it disgusted him though, and when this battle was done he would make sure penance was done and as many were redeemed as possible. That was easier said than done. 

They’d only had a few seconds more than him to arm for battle, and few wore any armor as they faced the dark tide trying to overwhelm the breach in the door. It wasn’t long before a nun just in front of him was killed, and all the angel could do to mourn her was to pick up her blade and decapitate the ugly pustulant thing that slew her. For every warrior that fell though, there was another to take her place, and steadily they advanced.

Against all odds Laurus carved a path to the door with a fallen sister’s sword in each hand. He was an angel of death, leaving a path of smeared ichor and bloody bodies in his wake. As he slew a beastman that bore a vague resemblance to an emaciated hyena in front of him, he finally caught a glimpse of his goal: his angelic blade. With that in his hands once more he could make short work of these lesser evils and hold the gap by himself long enough for everyone to regroup. He gritted his teeth and pressed on, engaging in a terrifyingly fast duel with a strange mantis creature and beheading several beastmen without issue. At last he was close enough that he reached out for the hilt of the shining blade, only for the other door to pick that moment to finally give way. It exploded inward, sending him flying backward across the chapel, and splintering a pew when he landed on it while crashing back to earth, and then skid across the stone floor before coming to rest against the chapel wall. 

Laurus shook his head and struggled to rise to his feet, making it only to one knee before wiping the blood out of his eyes so he could survey the carnage. The door was no more, and with it, the nun’s defensive line had failed. Some warriors were still on their feet, lost in their own desperate battles, but they were hopelessly overwhelmed by the forces of darkness now pouring into the room. All of that paled in comparison to the true threat, when the dust finally cleared enough that he could see a huge shadow walk through it though. 

“So even after all that, you still haven’t fallen?”, the silhouette asked before laughing. “We’ll have to see what else can be done to tempt you then, whelp.” 

Through the smoke it was impossible to see what manner of evil spoke to him, but Laurus could see that from the outline it was a huge devil, perhaps 9 feet tall, with red glowing eyes and a malevolent aura. The creature taunting him wasn’t just a greater demon. It was something darker - perhaps a prince or a lord. Any plot this complicated and diabolical would certainly have been dreamed up by a creature like this. Laurus stood carefully and readied his one remaining sword without bothering to look for the other; against a foe like this, taking your eyes off of them even for a moment was death. 

An instant later his foe charged through the smoke and dust as it knocked aside a score of lesser demons. Some managed to get out of the way before they were crushed but the rest were reduced to paste. Suddenly the demon’s axe was slicing through the air so quickly that Laurus barely had time to get out of the way before it bit into the wall behind him, slicing a deep gouge in the decades-old stone. Laurus countered with a faint, and then a combination strike that used his wings to reclaim the high ground momentarily so that he could rain a flurry of blows down on his enemy. None of these struck the demon lord, but that was hardly the point. The axe that the enemy was attempting to split him in two with was a weapon forged in the fires of the pit, while the sword he was forced to use at the moment was only a consecrated blade made by the hands of man. There was no way he could block more than a blow or two from it with such a flimsy piece of steel. That meant he had to keep the foul creature on his back foot until he found an opening to get his heavenly star metal blade and even up the fight. 

As a strategy it was effective, but exhausting. Laurus lashed out with four blows to keep his opponent busy for every one that he delivered intending to draw blood, and soon his chest was heaving for breath. At least he had plenty of room to maneuver through. Now that the real foe had emerged from the shadows to face him, the lesser hellspawn gave the two of them a wide berth as they fought. 

“You fight well Angel,” The demon growled after another series of blows failed to land. “But your position is utterly hopeless. Your allies are dead and dying, but mine are endless.” 

“All I see are sheep for the slaughter,” Laurus spat back grimly, dodging another blow that might have decapitated him had he been only a little slower. 

“You don’t need to die,” his opponent gloated. “Surrender now and I’ll spare your life. I’ll—”

“Never!” the angel cried out emotionally, “My life isn’t yours to give or take. It belongs to a higher power!” Laurus rushed in again, acting like he’d let his opponent get under his skin as he charged in headlessly. It was this charge that left him open when the demonic lord lashed out with his boot; he caught the angel full in the chest and sent him flying back. Unfortunately for the demon though, that was exactly what Laurus wanted to happen. He’d set up that whole exchange hoping he would swat him clear of the fight and towards the sword he needed to finish this. With a few beats of his wings he turned the tumble into a clean backflip and landed next to his weapon.  

“Now we’ll see if you’re any match for heaven’s might.” Laurus declared, smiling as he dropped the sister’s sword and took hold of the hilt of his fiery greatsword. For a moment he wondered why his foe’s smile broadened instead of faded at this turn of events, but the instant his hand closed around the hilt, all such thoughts fled his mind as he suddenly pulled it back from the burning that was as painful as it was unexpected. He pulled his hand back and looked with horror at the burns on it. Had he fallen so far that he was no longer able to fight for heaven? Such a thing seemed impossible, but there was no denying the wound his blessed weapon had given him. 

“Do you see now, Angel?” the demon bellowed again, “Your only chance is to beg for mercy. Heaven doesn’t want soiled creatures like you, but Hell might yet have a use for you.”

Laurus ignored the taunt and looked down for the sword he’d been using. That was when a nun grabbed his hand and said, “Please Sir angel, allow me.” He looked up to see a particularly busty nun with a loose habit as she grabbed his hand and appeared to ready a healing spell. He paused to let her do what she could; to continue fighting an enemy like this with his left hand was certain death. She didn’t start to intone the sacred words as he’d thought she would. Instead she brought his injured hand to one of her breasts as her habit slipped aside, and kissed him while he was still too stunned to move. 

“Please sister, this is no time for…” Laurus started, but as he pushed her away her habit fell away entirely to reveal the wings and tail of a succubus. 

“Isn’t it,” she murmured stepping closer to him, “Don’t you want me to kiss you all better? You’re a mess.”

“Fiend!” he cried out, stepping back out of her tempting grasp. Now that she was revealed he could see every last detail of the raven haired beauty. She was the embodiment of carnal sin, and her slender waist flared dangerously into a pair of hips that would have inspired lust even if he hadn’t been tainted by such thoughts already.

Backing away didn’t help though. And as he stepped back he immediately bumped into something so large and soft that he knew instantly it was another ripe pair of demonic tits. Laurus whirled around and instantly saw he was surrounded. Three succubi prowled around him like hungry cats, and there was no doubt what they were hungry for. He spared a quick glance and the Lord he’d been fighting so hard until now and saw him standing in the middle of the battered chapel, content to watch this new fight unfold without him. Laurus tried to buffet the slinky creatures back with his wings, but they were as quick as they were sexy and no sooner had they avoided that attack than they were on him. They were kissing and touching him everywhere they could. His neck. His back. His arms. He peeled one off and tossed her aside, but as soon as he tried to toss a second, the first one was back, seducing him with her dark affections. 

It was working too. With each kiss he became a little weaker as they drained his already depleted energy stores. Less than a minute later he was on the ground, as weak as he’d ever been as they closed in on their prey. He tried to fight. He really did, but there was nothing he could do against three sexual vampires as they used their sharp nails to shred his toga, leaving delicate traceries and powerful sensations where those nails wandered his flesh. The first one wasted no time in grasping his cock and sinking down on it in a single motion. This wasn’t sex, it was feeding, and his enemies were starving. 

“Mmmm,” she cooed, “It’s a shame we can’t bring you back to hell like this. I’d love to teach you how to use this cock properly for a decade or two. Unhhhh… Unlock your full potential.” While she spoke she rocked very slowly back and forth on his dick. The motion was minor, but the sensations they inspired were techtonic. The angel had experienced his first fuck less than an hour ago, and the pussy of a mortal woman had nothing on that of the demoness. It was impossibly tight, volcanically hot, and after less than thirty seconds he could feel himself getting ready to cum no matter how hard he tried to hold back. 

“Stop taking so long and drain him,” one of the other demonesses pouted while forcing her enormous tits in his face. “I want a turn too. I need it. I’ve never tasted an angel before.” 

“Patience sister,” his current rapist chided at her, obviously lost in whatever pleasure she got from doing this to him. Laurus dimly recalled that there was a third succubus, and looked for her only to find her carving thin traceries of blood on his arms and upper chest with her nails. Before he’d thought that the scratches were meant to shame and arouse him, but given how careful she was with whatever pattern she was making, they seemed to have more purpose than that. 

“What are you doing!,” he demanded, trying to lean up for a better look, but he was soon forced back down by the second succubus. 

“Easy baby,” she moaned into his ear. “Just relax. Let it happen. Soon your seed will be in all three of us and then this party can really get started.”  Laurus tried to ask her what she was talking about, but she quickly smothered his protests with a kiss. 

So he struggled in silence as the demon riding his cock started undulating. She’d stopped moving entirely now, and was perched on his dick, lost in pleasure while her pussy did something he hadn’t been aware was even possible. It rippled and sucked on his dick in a perverse combination of all the sexual acts that the nuns had inflicted on him earlier. He blew his load in seconds once this started, and the succubus started to literally glow with a lavender aura as she siphoned off the sexual energy that was radiating out from his cock. 

“Fuck that’s good,” she said finally, rising to stand and get out of the way before the second demoness could push her aside. Laurus picked that moment to try to get up again, but by this point his movements were weak and sluggish and they easily restrained him as they switched places. He was still rock hard, and already slick with sin so the next demon had no issue mounting him even quicker than the first had. Strangely this time his first reaction to this violation wasn’t shame as it had been previously. It was to note how different the two different demonic pussies felt. The first had been a hot slick vice that was almost painful in its intensity, but this one felt warm and blissful, almost like he’d always belonged here his whole life but he’d never known it until today. 

“Mmmmm,” she moaned, “By the dark one this is good. Are you sure we can’t let him keep his cock a little longer?” 

“No,” A man’s voice answered,”Stick to the plan slut or you’ll spend the next century in my kennels, servicing my hellhounds.” Laurus tried to follow the conversation, but it was getting very difficult. Nothing that he’d ever faced had prepared him for what was happening, so he was sure he’d missed something. Why would he lose his dick? Where were these hellhounds? Something about being inside this cunt made it impossible to think about much of anything besides how good it felt. 

“Yes sir,” she said, her voice quivering in fear and pleasure as she started to ride the angel like she meant it. 

Rather than letting her evil sex do all the work like the last succubus had, she took great joy in flexing her thighs as she started to bounce up and down along the full length of his dick. This had the side effect of making her tits bounce in a hypnotic fashion. Laurus should have been struggling. He should have been fighting until the very end. He should have been studying the runes that these foul demons were carving into his flesh, but instead he couldn’t take his eyes off the way this demonic whore’s breasts bounced and jiggled even as she rose and fell on his cock. It was such an entrancing show that he didn’t even notice his orgasm approaching until it was practically upon him. One moment he was content to watch the succubus grin lasciviously at him over her bouncing tits, and the next he was cumming so hard it hurt as his orgasm was torn out of his helpless body. 

Laurus lay there gasping after that for more than a minute while blackness consumed the edge of his vision and he struggled to stay conscious. It was a terrible feeling. Worse than the shame that clung to him even when the pleasure that assaulted him had faded, or the hollow growing inside of him as the succubi relentlessly drained him was the realization that he wanted to do it again though. Until now he’d fought to avoid being reduced from a heavenly defender to little more than a stud service, but as his pulse slowed and he caught his breath he found that his cock was still painfully hard. 

He knew it had to be the magic of the sexual demons that were tormenting him, but he was still powerless to refuse the frighteningly powerful urges that were boiling up inside of him. Slowly he struggled to his knees, surprised to see that no one was holding him down any longer. In front of him was the third succubus, on hands and knees. Her wings were spread and her tail was moving seductively from side to side. He was entranced as she knelt there, offering herself to him, but more than anything, he was captivated by her hairless slit. 

“You enjoyed my sisters,” she purred, “But you’ll never fuck another cunt like mine as long as you live darling. Come on - you know you want to. Do it.”

The first fiend to drain him had been purple, and the second one pink, but this last one was nearly crimson, and every feature about her spoke to his lust. Her curves… her sex… Laurus knew with a terrible certainty that he had to have her. He had to make her his. 

“I have to have it,” he growled to himself, as he stumbled forward on his knees. He crawled rather than walked the last few steps toward her. His head was spinning and his body was weak. He knew he could never stand, let alone walk - but if he could just get to her he knew he could find the strength to force his dick inside of the temptress. 

It was only when he fell forward, and tried to mount her that he noticed the runes and glyphs carved into his skin by their cursed nails had started to glow. He should have been curious, or worried, but he didn’t give it a second thought. He couldn’t. All he could do was try to force his painfully hard dick into the source of pleasure right in front of him.  He couldn’t get it inside her though. No matter how hard he tried to slide his cock inside the tight wet hole right in front of him his cock slid aside, denying him the infernal embrace he craved. 

“I can’t get it in,” he said finally, “You’re too tight.”

“Maybe you should try asking nicely,” she responded, her voice dripping with lust. This succubus moaned softly with every touch, driving him to madness as he struggled to use her to solve his problem, but every effort made it worse. 

“Please!”  he yelled, ”I need it. I need to fuck you.”

“How badly do you need me,” she said coyly as he desperately tried to penetrate her. “How badly do you need to cum?”

“Fuck,” Laurus said, cursing for the first time in centuries. “If I don’t use your pussy soon then my balls are going to explode.” 

“Then you’d better hurry,” she cooed, “Because in another minute or two you won’t have any balls to empty.” As she spoke she finally loosened up her demon pussy enough that he was able to slide inch after inch of his cock inside her while she mewled and moaned beneath him. He should have stopped to ask her what she meant by not having balls. He should have tried to understand the runes on his flesh and why they were glowing ever brighter. He should have done a lot of things, but right now all the angel could do was frantically fuck the demoness in front of him doggy style as she mewled and moaned beneath him. 

Nothing else mattered. Not that he had finally fallen, that he’d become hopelessly addicted to the pleasures of the flesh, or even that a battle still raged around him. All that mattered was that he was pumping in and out of an infernal cunt and it felt better than anything he’d ever known on heaven or earth. Laurus didn’t last long, and after only another minute of fucking he embedded his cock balls deep into the demonic slut benath him and filled her full of angelic cum. He came so hard he saw stars before he blacked out, and he collapsed on the stone floor of the chapel. 

Some time later he woke as all three of the demonesses were kneeling around him and chanting in time. The battle was over and he had lost, but if the chanting demons, the glowing runes, and the strange feelings emanating from his body were any indication, he was going to lose a lot more than a battle before the night was over. Movement was impossible as some dark miasma and his own exhaustion combined to pin him to the floor with impossible force. He could barely bring himself to breathe or open his eyes, but when he finally managed to take a look at what was happening to him he wished that he hadn’t. The runes that had earlier glowed with the pink and purple lights of the seducer's magic now danced with the green balefire of hell itself. They didn’t burn him though. He was the wick, and the dark magic was a candle flame that burned the celestial magic that flowed through him, changing him in the process. Even as he watched, his muscles burned away giving him a distinctly feminine look. After that his sex began to shrink and his pectorals began to expand. 

Laurus thought that this was some terrible dream. It had to be. There were no female angels. It was a sacreligious idea. The prime divinity - the goddess that created the world was female, and her winged warriors and servants were all male. No angel should ever have a pussy or a pair of breasts - those were tools of creation that only one celestial power should ever have, but here he was, slowly transforming into something that should never exist, and to make matters worse he was enjoying it. He should hate what was happening to him, but the dark ritual the succubi were inflicting on him was very pleasurable, as many of their spells were so often. 

At last the lights faded, and he collapsed on the floor, entirely spent.

“Was it a success?,” the demonic lord asked.

“It was.” One of the succubi answered, sounding very pleased with herself. “She’s fertile enough to carry out the next step of your plan my lord.” Laurus tried to follow the conversation after that, but unconsciousness took him then, and he no longer had the strength to resist. 

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