Angel Fall

Chapter 3: Torment

Content warning: This chapter contains forced gender bending and erotic torture. 

Laurus woke slowly, to find his body aching from both wounds and exhaustion. He felt himself hanging limply from manacles that were hung so that the tips of his toes barely grazed the floor. It took him longer than it should have to realize how terrible his situation really was though. One second he was trying to recall what happened, and worrying about the sisters at the monastery, and the next second he realized that he’d been utterly defeated, and been taken captive. His eyes flew open at that realization. He’d lost, and in all probability he’d been dragged into one of the lower hells. Not that he could tell from where he hung. From here he could feel the heat, and see that he was in a dim room, separated by a hallway beyond with a battered but sturdy door that was taller than he was. 

Looking down at his body Laurus realized that “he” might no longer be the right word to describe who he was anymore. Those fiends had done something even worse than pollute his virtue. They'd changed him irrevocably, turning his powerful muscular male figure into a lewd and lascivious female one. A quick glance down at his chest revealed that much, to his eternal shame. Even if it wasn’t dark he wouldn’t have been able to see beyond his ridiculously oversized bust. Laurus had no idea how he’d manage to fly with these things, even if he managed to break free. A quick look up at his wrists showed that was probably impossible for now too. The manacles that held him upright suspended him between two black onyx pillars inscribed with terrible desecrations, and the chains themselves were forged of black iron. 

Even If the goddess saw fit to look past his twisted body and irrevocably stained soul, her light would never reach this far into the darkness. No, Laurus was trapped here. He’d have to save his strength for a moment when they tried to transport him somewhere worse to make a break for it. Assuming he could still fly, escape was still possible, and once he was free he was confident that his goddesses' love could undo the horrible mutilation that the demons had inflicted on his body. Just the thought of being trapped in a body like this, a body so obviously made for sin and licentious behavior made Laurus’ heart start to pound with anger and fear. It wasn’t as if he was trapped in someone else’s body… it was his body, but everything felt wrong. Even the sweat slowly trickling from the nape of his neck and down between his wings was erotic. It wasn’t just that they’d changed his perfect male body into that of a woman… it was that they’d perverted him inside and out. 

“Our mother who art in heaven…”  Laurus began to whisper, as much to avoid the attention of any guards as to avoid hearing the high pitched voice that had replaced his familiar one. There was something different this time though, when he started to try to repeat the familiar words of a prayer that he’d said tens of thousands of times before. It was almost like the words caught in his throat. “...Hallowed be thy name, and th-thy kingdom…” As Laurus continued to speak those comforting words, he continued to choke on them. His throat was tight, and his chest started to ache as a result. He often repeated these words to calm himself before a battle, but this time they were having the opposite effect. Rather than calm, they were inflaming him. They were making his chest heave as he had to force the air into his lungs to utter a few more painful syllables. “...And thy world… f-for your glory…” 

The words burned his throat as he spoke them now… they felt like fire coming off his tongue, and his whole body twisted beneath the pain enough that the chains that restrained him started to clatter, but that couldn’t be helped now. This was a battle of wills, and it was one that he was determined to win. “... and the soulsss… o-of your cre-ations… A-a…” Laurus had been pierced by arrows on the battlefield that hurt less than this. He’d lifted boulders and sundered brass idols that were large than him with less effort than it took to try to pronounce that final word. He wanted more than anything to say it. Amen. It wasn’t so hard. It hurt to think it, but he could still do it. Trying to force it past his lips though - it was like eating a hot coal; it was possible, but no one in their right mind would do it. Still he continued to try, opening his mouth again after gulping great lungfuls of air. “A…A-am… Aaaaghhhhh…” 

In the final moment it became clear that the pain was too much, and he broke, letting out a thin high pitched scream that echoed down the dark hallways beyond the cell he was chained in. Laurus had never felt something so awful in all the years of his life. It wasn’t just the pain of trying to finish the familiar prayer either. It was the knowledge that it was now forbidden to him that hurt most of all. Had he truly fallen afterall? He asked himself even as his chest heaved with ragged breaths while his body tried to cope with the pain he had inflicted on it. In the annals there was the occasional story of angels that had given themselves over to temptation, and fallen into darkness. In each of those cautionary tales though was a specific theme: that it was never too late to accept divine forgiveness, even if that forgiveness took the form of a quick but merciful death, unless the angel had given themselves over to the darkness and enjoyed it. But how could he be forgiven if—.

“So you’re finally awake are you?” a thick voice growled from the hall accompanied by the sound of heavy feet. Laurus cursed his luck. The failure of his will had alerted his captors before he’d made a plan for what to do next. He gritted his teeth, willing his heart to stop hammering as he heard a key turn in the lock of his cell. 

Then the door flew open, banging against the wall with a crash to reveal a glutenous and corpulent demon with flesh oozing out from between the cracks in the armor that might have fit him once. Now it was much too small though, and served little purpose except to hide the worst of his hideous bulk. “Well look at you,” the thing grunted, striding forward until it was so close she couldn’t help but smell it. The demon grabbed her by the mouth and tilted her head for a closer look. “Hard to believe a sex pot like you was a man until yesterday. Now you put more than a few succubi I know to shame.” 

Laurus struggled free of his jailer's grip and snapped at him, just missing one of its sausage fingers with his teeth. “Watch your mouth demon I’ll you’ll wind up skewered on the end of my sword, I—” Laurus declared, cringing inwardly at how much less threatening that sounded in his new voice. He didn’t get the chance to finish though, because the demon cuffed him mid-sentence. The blow was almost casual, but it was still hard enough to make him see stars. 

“Your sword, huh?” The ugly creature made a low chuckling noise that sounded like rusted plates rubbing together as he grabbed one of Laurus' breasts and squeezed it painfully. “Ain’t you heard angel bitch? You ain’t got a sword no more.” Laurus wanted to open his mouth and castigate this filth further, but he knew that if he opened his mouth then the noise that came out would be anything but words. Instead he bit his tongue, quietly enduring the abuse as the unwanted touch caused pain and pleasure to race through his body. 

“Maybe the lord will let me run you through with my sword a time or two when he’s all done with you,” the jailer muttered, half to himself as he twisted the angel’s nipple between two fingers hard enough to make Laurus grunt as his spine arched involuntarily from the sudden jolt of pleasure. “But for now your angel pussy is his personal property. He wants to be the first one into the gates of heaven, if you know what I mean. I’m going to tell him you’ve come, and I’ll bring you a few friends to help you get in the mood until your new owner decides to join us.” 

Just as suddenly as the jailer had appeared, he was gone, leaving only the ache of his touch that Laurus hated himself for missing, as the pain slowly faded. The Lord that the demon was referring to must be the greater demon, Laurus decided. The demon had mentioned something about a plan, but Laurus was sure that until that was revealed he’d take every opportunity to torment and humiliate an angel. It was a task that was much easier now that they’d transformed him from the warrior he once was into this wanton. The jailer wasn’t wrong about one thing. He could feel it. Whatever the trio of succubi had done to him they’d made sure that his new form was filled to the brim with sensuality and evil. Laurus didn’t have time to dwell on it though, because moments later the jailer returned carrying a pair of tanglers by their tentacle stalks. 

“I should be back in an hour or two,” he rasped as he tossed the squid-like creatures in the cell and slammed the door. “My lord had these two trained real special, so try not to have too much fun until we get back.” As the demon walked down the hall his grating laugh echoed behind it, but Laurus was more concerned with the lesser demons the jailer had left behind. 

Normally tanglers were no threat at all to him. They were strong enough to restrain or even strangle mortals, but even at that they were usually just an annoyance in battle. They were called many things by historians and chronicalers. Strangler vines. Hell Ivy. The creeping death. Trapped in here in this changed body, one epithet stood out above all the others though: Rape weed. This demon wasn’t particularly dangerous… unless you were a woman, and then it would coil around you, trap you painfully, and feed on your arousal until the victim was nothing but an empty husk. Laurus swallowed hard as the dog sized creatures glided on a slimy path towards him. He’d had just enough experience with sexuality to know that their attention was the very last thing that he wanted, but he was powerless to stop them. 

Thinking quickly, he tried to lever his legs up on to one pillar or the other, but they were just far enough away that in this shorter body he couldn’t quite reach them. Instead he pushed off the floor with what little purchase had and brought his legs up, supporting all his weight on his wrists as he balled up, tucking his slender knees to his chest. It was an agonizing position, but one that kept him just out of reach for as long as he could hold it. The demons were gelatinous blobs with long tentacles, but those tentacles wouldn’t be able to extend very far from the body without something to wrap around, so as long as he could endure the agony in his wrists and the growing ache in the muscles of his core, he was beyond their reach. 

As the seconds ticked by though, this was something he knew he couldn’t be able to keep up. The first minute was agony, but by the second his body was screaming, and all the while the demons slithered around beneath him. Laurus couldn’t see them because the impossible breasts they forced on him blocked much of the view, but he could hear them, hissing and howling, and his imagination filled in the rest. In his mind's eye he could see them waving around their tentacles in a vain attempt to reach him, attacking each drop of sweat that fell from his skin with a fury born of frustration. They knew a victim was right there, and they wouldn’t be satisfied with a little taste. They wanted to devour him. Laurus didn’t know what the difference in coloration of the two monsters meant, but if given the choice he wanted nothing to do with either one. 

With every second that passed, that was looking less and less like an option. Laurus’ hands were numb, and his abs were spasming painfully as he held himself well out of reach of the predators beneath him, but at some point just shy of five minutes his muscles failed, and his legs suddenly fell to the floor of his cell like a marionette with cut strings. The tanglers wasted no time in slithering and coiling around each leg. 

“Noooooo,” Laurus yelled in frustration and panic. He was kicking and squirming as best he could, but even if his exhausted muscles hadn’t made his resistance completely ineffectual, he knew it wouldn’t do any good. These things had a death grip, and once they got a hold of you, only a sharp blade would make a difference. 

“Get the hells off me!” he screamed again as the green thorned one and the red slick one each slowly crawled their way up his body. Even in a room this hot they still felt warm, and as they slowly wrapped his legs, the red one traveled a little faster, obviously heading for the sex hidden between his legs. Laurus braced for the worst, but other than slightly brushing against his clit, it ignored the area on its trip further up his painfully sensitive body. 

The green one seemed to go much slower, wrapping every sensitive area in a coil of its thorny limbs. It started with the back of the knees, his buttocks and crotch, before finally reaching its target of his breasts, coiling around each individually. Now even breathing was painful. Any movement made it tighten just enough that its sharp thorns pressed against his most sensitive areas, but not hard enough to cause real damage. Instead of trying to penetrate him though, it seemed content just to grind against his slit, sending jolts of pain and fear throughout his lithe and fragile body. 

The red one kept advancing though, until it crested his breasts and he could see it’s every disgusting detail, from its semi-translucent skin to the feeding beak at the center of its body that looked uncomfortably like a phallus. Laurus didn’t understand. These creatures weren’t behaving at all as he’d expected they would. Instead of devouring his breasts and penetrating every hole they could find they were content just to explore and tease him. They were being practically gentle. Was this what the jailer meant by trained he wondered? Laurus didn’t know, but at the same time he wasn’t sure he wanted to know. What he wanted to do was scream in frustration, but he didn’t dare open his mouth with that thing so close. Instead he turned his head and screwed his eyes shut as tightly as he could, but that didn’t stop the thing from advancing, or from latching to his face and trying to force its main tentacle inside his mouth. 

Laurus fought it as long as he could, but once it covered up his nose it was all over. When he was finally forced to open his mouth to breathe, the demon forced its way inside his mouth, past his tongue and uvulae, and part way inside his throat before it finally came to a stop. It wasn’t gentle, or sexual. It was a violation that made Laurus gag in equal parts disgust and automatic reaction. It wasn’t done though. Once it had him it started to thrust rhythmically, raping his face while its longer limbs flailed randomly around the exposed flesh of his upper body. Laurus struggled then. He jerked and flailed, even though every motion hurt because of the thorny tentacles that wrapped around his body. He couldn’t help it. In this moment he was sure he’d do anything to make this stop, but he was powerless to do anything at all. 

Instead all he could do was endure as the two creatures systematically molested him. It was a slick symphony of pain and disgust, and least until the red one came down his throat for the first time. After that Laurus realized to his horror that the terrible things they were doing to him were starting to feel good. It started as a slow gentle euphoria, as a narcotic effect from its tainted cum entered his body, but minute by minute, and jolt after painful jolt, it got worse. Slowly the thorns that wrapped his tender flesh stopped hurting and started feeling good. The painful pricks that had tormented him for the entire time these creatures had assaulted him slowly became little pin pricks of pure bliss. The effect only got worse after the demon fucking his throat came for the second and third time. 

Now Laurus’ head was swimming. He knew he should resist. He knew he shouldn’t find this sexy. But he couldn’t help it. What had disgusted him minutes beforehand was now undeniably and primarily hot, and even though he knew he was under the effects of this creature’s poison he couldn’t make himself care. Instead he attacked its member with abandon using his tongue. This resulted in making the wretched creature cum that much more often, but in the process Laurus felt the lines inside his mind beginning to blur. Was he a man in a woman’s body sucking on a demonic cock, or was he a woman drowning in pleasure while he was face fucked against his will. He couldn’t be sure, but he was sure that it didn’t matter. All that mattered was squeezing one more drop of cum from this delicious beast. 

Well - that and finding a way to get one of these things to stretch out his pussy. At the start of this torment he’d done his very best to squeeze his thighs together so they wouldn’t be able to force themselves inside, but now that he was lost in the haze of lust, he’d do anything to find out what those thorns felt like as the green demon used one of its tentacles to force open his unused sex and give him the real pleasure he craved. Everything felt good now. The struggling, the face fucking, and even the way the thorns tightened on his breasts whenever he breathed were all an exquisite sort of ecstasy, but it wasn’t enough. No matter how much demon cum Laurus drank, and no matter how hard he ground against the thorns that were wrapped around him, it wasn’t quite enough to make him cum, and he ached for it. He ached for the pleasure that he’d only ever tasted a few times before, and knew that with the demon’s poison flowing so freely in his veins it would be even better than it had ever been before. 

Laurus just couldn’t reach it though. Instead he hung there for the best part of an hour, quivering in pleasure as he was held there moments away from nirvana until he heard footsteps in the hall. This time he didn’t dread them though. This time he ached for them. Even though the thought shamed him he hoped that it was the Lord of this awful place - the demon prince he’d fought previously. If the greater demon was half as good with his dick as he was with his axe then Laurus would quickly find himself back in the only heaven he’d ever know in this horrible fallen state. 

The door creaked open, and at some unseen signal both of the tanglers immediately started to unravel and wind their way down Laurus’ body, leaving him a panting slimy mess. “Please,” he whimpered, blushing as he looked up into the face of the demon lord he’d wanted to slay only an hour ago, “Please fuck me.”

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