Angel Fall

Chapter 4: Claimed

Content warning: This chapter contains forced gender bending and coerced sex with dubious consent. 

“Fuck you?” The demon lord laughed. “All that build up to break you properly and I find you here already broken and begging for dick. I’m impressed - my pets did good work. When I’m done with you I’ll have to let the trainer have a turn with you as a reward.” 

Laurus shivered at the thought. “Mmmmm… Please…” The idea that this monsters was already making a list in his head of who could fuck him was nausiating… but also incredibly arrousing. The demon grabbed him by a handful of his now long blond hair and jerked his head back so he couldn’t help but stare into the face of evil. 

“Go on angel slut. Go on and beg for my demon cock and maybe I’ll give you what you need so badly.” The demon lord said, smirking at the angel’s weakened state. His glowing red eyes seemed to bore right into his soul, and the cluster of small horns protruding near the top of his head looked like a natural crown. “Beg Thraxusius Bel, Lord of The Third Layer of the Abyss, and he will show you the mercy you crave. 

“Please…” Laurus’ words caught in his throat. He’d suplicated the powers of the divine before, but he’d never begged anyone for anything in his life, and his pride made him stiff. He’d never begged for anything, but he’d never needed something quite so badly. “I need it… I need… p-pleasure.” The word was hard to pronounce, but Laurus still managed to say it. 

“Pleasure, you say?” Thraxusius stepped forward and grabbed both of his nipples, twisting them hard enough to make Laurus scream as the mix of pleasure and pain coursed through his body. The demon lord didn’t stop, though he did switch from twisting them hard to rolling them lightly between his fingertips. “You mean like this?” 

“Ahhh… No.. n-not like that.” Laurus begged. “I need it deep… deeper inside my pu…” He just couldn’t make himself say the word. He wanted it. He even needed it, but shame radiated off him like a heatwave as he tried to pronounce the word. 

“In your what?” the demon lord asked, squeezing the angel's sensitive nipples even harder as he twisted them in the other direction. 

“My pussy! I need you in my p-pussy!” Laurus gasped, desperate to do anything to make the pain stop as his cunt spasmed from the sensation. He was reminded again that they hadn’t just given him a female body, but perhaps the lewdest and most masochistic female body in all of creation. “Please… please stop hurting me and—”

Laurus saw stars and flopped backwards in the manacles that held him as the demon casually backhanded him. “Stop hurting you?” The demon lord laughed, undoing his breechclout and letting it fall to the cell floor to reveal a huge and angry looking cock that had to be at least ten inches. “Everything I do to you is going to hurt, cunt. That’s the fucking point.” Laurus barely had time to take in the terrible image of the weapon that was going to be used to pierce his virginity before the demon lord was walking around behind him, which made the whole thing even worse. In front of him he could see what the demon was about to do, but behind him… behind him he could be up to anything. 

“You’re mine now, slut,” Thraxusius growled, Pressing the head of his massive cock against her exposed and vulnerable sex. Between the heat and pressure it was a terrible sensation, but Laurus craved more. “A one of a kind piece of angelpussy - the only female angel under heaven, and I can do whatever I want with you. I could keep you all to myself, or I could let my army have their way with you night and day until you go mad from the pleasure and sleep deprivation.”

“I’m not a woman,” Laurus argued, rallying what little dignity he had left and finding one last hill to die on as he ignored the rest of that statement. He tried very hard to ignore the terrible mental image of dozens of demons waiting in line to have their way with him until his body was nothing but a used-up shell.

“No?” The demon lord asked, his voice full of mirth. “Even though you’ve got tits almost as big as your head and a leaking pussy where your cock should be, you're still a man are you?” He punctuated that last sentence by batting one breast playfully so that they both wobbled dangerously back and forth, reminding Laurus how hard it would be to fight or fly this way. 

“I am,” The angel insisted, “I—” The moment that he started speaking was the moment that the demon lord chose to thrust inside him, ripping open his virgin sex, and sliding his demonic cock halfway inside the angel with a single thrust. It was pure electric agony as visceral as a sword wound. That thrust eliminated all his words and thoughts. Between the heat and the slick pain as the demon claimed him, Laurus could barely breathe let alone talk. 

“Well don’t you feel delicious,” Thraxusius moaned, reveling in the formerly virgin pussy wrapped around his cock. Laurus would never admit it, but delicious was definitely the right word for this combination of pain and pleasure, and he let out a whimper as he fought back against the urge to moan as the demon inside him slowly bottomed out against his womb.

“The sounds you’re making though… the wicked, passionate sounds are almost as delightful,” the demon lord continued, making the angel he was fucking blush bright red in shame. “But if neither the feelings nor the sounds are going to convince you that you’re no longer the proud warrior you were - that now you’re nothing more than my bitch in heat, then I supposed I’ll just have to show you.” 

“MAGDEN-KEMROTH-ak’te-DAL” The demon lord barked. No sooner had he finished pronouncing the unclean words than a shimmering curtain fell in front of Laurus. He recognized in as a spell mirror - it was a high level demonic spell that could divert even the most powerful magics, and he was wasting it just to exploit the visual effect. The mirror in front of the angel wasn’t perfect, but even with the ripples and distortions it was more than enough to see what was happening and make him turn his face away in shame. 

“Not so fast Angel Slut,” Thraxusius bellowed as he grabbed a handful of her long blond hair and pulled so that he was forced to look at the mirror. “Tell me your fucking name!”

“Laurus,” the angel squeaked from pain and fear. The demon had stopped thrusting inside him while he forced him to look at himself, but even that didn’t help him focus on the awful details before him. 

“Laurus?” The demon pronounced the word awkwardly on purpose. “That sounds like a man’s name to me. Tell me cunt - does the angel in the mirror look like a man to you?”  

“I-it doesn’t matter what I- Ahhh…” Laurus tried to protest, but the demon pulled his hair harder, slamming his dick back in hard to drive one more time. 

“I asked you a simple question, slut.” Thraxusius growled a little less patiently. “Does the angel in the mirror before you - the one squirming like a bitch in heat on my cock look like a man to you?” 

Lauras took a long look at the mirror. At his beautiful and feminine face, and the giant tits they forced on him, and then he looked further back, at his beautiful wings that had been stained black by whatever dark magics they’d used to transform him, and behind those - he saw the demon, towering a head above him, with the red glowing eyes, and he swallowed hard. “No,” he confessed quietly. “No it doesn’t” He might feel like a man and remember being one, but there wasn’t a trace of that left to be seen. 

Laurus struggled at this painful realization, but only until the demon inside him started fucking him again. Now that his body had gotten used to being stretched, the long slick thrusts felt so good that he started to melt as Thraxusius slid in and out of him again. “Good girl,” he said, obviously enjoying the submission. If you aren’t a man any more, then we’ll need to give you a new name.” 

“I-I’m not…” Laurus panted. He wanted to argue the point - he needed to, but feeling the thick veiny cock slide in and out of his pussy was making it impossible to think about anything but the oncoming orgasm.

“I don’t know…” The demon lord mused, ignoring him, “Something like… Laurelai. What do you say cunt? Laurelai the Fallen. It has a nice ring to it - don’t you think?” As Thraxusius spoke he stopped his thrusting, leaving Laurus to whimper and squirm right on the edge of release. 

“Please - I don’t care what you call me - jut please just fuck me,” he pleaded, but the only response from the demon lord was laughter. “I need you to use me.” 

“You’ll never cum again until you admit the truth cunt.” he pulled Lauras’ hair hard again and jabbed his dick painfully against the angel's cervix. It wasn’t enough to make Laurus cum, but it was enough to make him gasp in sudden shock. “You’re a hole not a pole now. That’s the whole point. You’re trapped in hell to breed an army of monsters. Just think of all the greater demons and monstrosities that your womb will birth before we finally wear out this unholy pussy and throw you away…” 

“I’m not… I’m not…” Laurus protested, right there at the edge of orgasm. It wouldn’t last though. He was addicted to it now. He was addicted to the pleasure of the fallen world, and as he squirmed there, on the edge of ecstasy, thanks to the demon's cruel words and intermittent thrusts, he finally gave in. 

“I’m not a man,” he finally admitted. 

“Good cunt,” the demon rasped, the pace of his thrusts starting to speed back up. “If you’re not a man, then what are you?” 

“I’m… I’m just a bitch in heat,” Laurelai admitted finally, to herself as much as to him. She was quickly rewarded for her submission as Thraxusius’ thrusts resumed their regular pounding rhythm and picked up speed. 

“That’s right Angel. You’re hell’s bitch now, and you’ll spend the rest of your life begging for the depraved demonic cock you used to despise so much.” Laurelai’s body was on fire now - from his thrusts as much as his words as he pistoned in and out of her formally virgin pussy. It was all too much. She’d always thought that heaven was the brightest and most beautiful thing that could exist, but the orgasm that was exploding inside her now made it seem like a guttering candle in comparison. In that moment the life that she used to fight against evil and sin seemed to far away and so unimportant compared to this. Nothing could possibly be more important than cumming on this demon’s dick over and over again. 

“Please - please don’t ever stop,” she begged, flopping bonelessly on her chains as the demon behind her conquered her cunt. His hands had moved from her hair and her tits to her hips, to give him him better leverage as he fucked her violently like the ragdoll she was now. She’d never been beaten by an enemy on the field of battle, but in those moments all she wanted was to be beaten over and over again. Now that she’d come down from her overwhelming orgasm, smaller ones were detonating constantly inside of her and she had nothing left to fight with. All she wanted to was to be fucked harder and longer. “Breed my angel pussy and claim me forever…” 

That was enough to finally push Thraxusius over the edge. “That’s right cunt,” he groaned, bottoming out inside her as his cock started to spasm. “Your womb is mine!” When he erupted inside her, it was with such force that it felt like a blow to her stomach, but the unexpected pain only got worse as his unholy seed burned inside her. The demon lord shot spurt after spurt against her unprotected womb until her pussy started to overflow, dripping his vile spunk on the floor of the cell. She knew that she’d never feel clean again after this, but at that moment Laurelai didn’t care. It was a disgusting combination of pain and degradation, but it only made her orgasm again and again before consciousness mercifully left her and the world faded to black.

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