Angel Fall

Chapter 5: Marked

Content warning: This chapter contains forcible breeding, sexual slavery, erotic torture, and lewd crests. 

Laurelai returned to consciousness sometime later, to the sound of Thraxusius’ voice. That at least meant that probably only minutes had passed since he’d fucked her into oblivion. It was a small comfort since she had no idea what they would do to her if she’d passed out for an hour or two. Somehow, she didn’t think that demons had any compunctions about using her while she was unconscious.

She didn’t react immediately though - that would just invite further torments. Instead, she peered out from beneath lidded eyes and waited to see what would happen next. “She is quite the specimen,” a crone with twisted horns and sagging breasts said to Thraxusius. “I can see why you’d want to keep her womb to yourself, but why not the rest of her? You’d have no need for a seal if you just kept her chained in your bed chambers for the next few decades my lord.” 

“True,” he rumbled, “But the bitch isn’t broken yet. A turn or two with legions will fix that. Whether she comes out tame or unhinged matters little to me - I just want her to absorb as much darkness as possible while my spawn grows inside her blessed womb.” The demon lord’s words froze her blood, and for a moment Laurelai almost cried out in protest before she brought her temper back under control. He wanted to control her breeding but let his men fuck her until she was driven mad? The pain from her aching wrists and pussy told her that she had to escape as soon as she woke up, but this information only made the need more urgent. She could no longer return to heaven, but surely there was a monastery or a covenant where she could go and do penance for as long as it took to cleanse herself of this taint, she thought. 

“It will be done my lord,” the crone pledged. “Come back in an hour and we’ll be ready to complete the bond.” 

“See that you are hag,” he threatened before walking out and locking the door behind him. 

“You can stop pretending to nap now deary,” the hag said once Thraxusius’ footsteps were no longer audible. “It’s just us girls now.” Laurelai hung there a few seconds longer before the demoness added “I can hear your pulse sweetheart. There’s not a single thing you could ever hope to hide from me, the Grandame Mordrena. I’ve been devouring men since before an angel like you was even a cherub… I know all the tricks - even how to make this next part hurt more than it has to if you don’t cooperate.” 

At the threat Laureli gave up the act and glared at the old demoness. Unlike the demon lord she was a full head shorter than the angel and was no physical threat, but if she was even half as old as she claimed, then Laurelai had no idea what dark magics she might have at her disposal. “You don’t have to do this,” the angel pleaded, trying to reason with the demon. “You could just—”

“You’re right,” Mordrena interrupted. She talked up to the angel and caressed her face with long sharp nails. Laurelai recoiled at her touch, but that didn’t stop the ancient succubus from doing whatever she wanted. “I don’t have to do anything, but I want to do this. I begged Lord Bel for the right to toy with you between rounds of him fucking my face, so if you think a few tears and a little begging will make me show a toy like you any mercy at all you’re going to be terribly disappointed.” 

“And if you think I fear a withered old hag like you then you’ll be equally disappointed,” Laurelai spat back, but her heart was already beating quicker. If an obviously prideful demoness like this wanted to torment her badly enough beg and debase herself then she was in trouble, no matter what she said about it. 

The crone didn’t answer right away, she just smiled icily at the angel and then started laying out her tools. One by one she unpacked stained jars, dark vials, brushes, and finally - a handful of needles that were as long as her fingers but not much thicker than her hair. “Do you know what these are, angel?” Mordrena asked, bringing one over until it was close enough to Laurelai’s eye that she flinched from the implied threat. 

“Just another torture implement I’m sure,” Laurelai answered defiantly. 

“No,” the crone purred, dragging the tip of the needle down the sensitive skin of Laurelai’s chest lightly enough to raise goose bumps before suddenly piercing the underside of her breast not far from her nipple with it. “A soul needle isn’t just another anything. It can be used to torture, but it’s so much more than that. Perhaps this demonstration will help…” Laurelai was surprised that it barely hurt, but she was even more surprised when the ancient succubus moved her mouth to the nipple of her other breast and started sucking. 

Laurelai let out a moan of pleasure almost immediately as the demoness’ tongue expertly attacked the sensitive spot. She bit her lip trying to hold back the pleasure but just as soon as it started to feel amazing the succubus stopped, giving her a teasing look. “That’s the normal reaction of pleasure you’d get from a born slut like you,” Mordrena said, but after I’ve used a soul needle to change things around, it feels a little different…” The demoness finished talking by latching on to her other nipple and doing just what she’d done before - only this time Laurelai didn’t moan in pleasure - she gasped in pain. The demoness wasn’t biting her - she was sucking on her nipple just as delicately as she had the first time, now instead of feeling the little sparks of pleasure radiating through her body it felt like fiery embers of pain.

By the time she finally stopped Laurelai was gritting her teeth to resist the wave of agony. “That’s not even the best part though,” the demoness purred before biting down on her nipple hard. Fear of just how terrifying that pain would be after her needle amplified it shot through the angel but instead, she gasped as she was overcome by ecstasy. It only lasted a moment before Mordrena withdrew, but Laurelai was certain that if it had lasted longer, she would have cum from that sensation alone. “I can rewire every last part of how your body darling… and if you beg me, I’ll make what happens next more pleasurable than you can imagine?”

“What happens next?” Laurelai asked, still panting.

The demoness picked up a brush and pointed it at Laurelai. “Next I’m going to mark you as my Lord’s property of course. All he really asked for was that I make sure your womb is exclusively his until the end of time… That’s too easy for an artist like me though, so I’m going to throw in a few optional extras free of charge.”

“Extras?” Laurelai was confused, but also horrified. She was going to use her magic to make sure a piece of her belonged to a Demon Lord for the rest of her life? That’s what they’d been talking about earlier?

“Of course.” The succubus pulled out the needle and tossed it back with the others. “Womb binding is so easy that on a canvas like your body I have to show off a bit. Curses of Masochism and Nympho mania seem like they’d be the perfect torment for a slut in denial like you but given how hard Lord Bel said he intends to use you, perhaps restorative orgasms or instantaneous arousal would be a better choice. I’ll just have to see how things fit together once I get started. Glyphs like these can be very delicate.” Laurelai was appalled. Each spell the demoness mentioned sounded worse than the last. The angel had to do something, but what? She racked her brain to figure out how she was going to sabotage this before she did something to her that made escape impossible. 

“Of course you’re going to want to move and ruin all my hard work, Aren’t you? That’s what the needles are really for. To keep you still until I finish the rite.” As Mordrena spoke she picked up a handful of needles and walked around behind the angel. “And. We. Can’t. Let. That. Happen.” Every time the demoness spoke, Laurelai felt a small poke as one of those needles was stabbed into her. They started at her tailbone, but quickly moved up her spine. The final one pierced the flesh just below her skull. 

“Hey - what are you doing? Stop!” Laurelai protested, but there was nothing she could do. Worse - every time another needle pierced her, her struggles got weaker. By the time the second one was in her, she couldn’t move her feet, the fourth one stole away control of her wings, and the one after that made her arms hang limply like they were deadweight. By the time the final one was in place the angel couldn’t do much more than blink and speak. 

“Last chance to make this hurt less,” Mordrena said, flaunting another needle in front of the Angel’s face. When her offer was met with stony silence though, the demoness just shrugged and picked up her brushes and a bottle of ink instead.

After that it was a contest of wills. Every brush stroke burned like fire. Had she not known it was merely ink and horsehair she would have assumed she was being branded. The angel could do nothing to stop what the succubus was doing to her, so she at least tried to preserve her last shreds of dignity. Those efforts failed after only two minutes when the screaming started.

“Please… stop… no more, I beg of you…” The angel screamed, but it did no good. The succubus didn’t even slow her brush strokes. 

“You had your chance Laurelai,” the succubus teased. “Right now, you need a lesson in what pride will get you, more than you need relief from my arts.” She didn’t stop after that. Neither of them did. The demoness just mumbled incantations to herself while she switched from one dye and brush combination to the next. While the angel let out screams of agony until her throat was raw. She might not be able to move anything, but she could feel it all. She could feel every last mark and stroke as the crone carved a blasphemy into her soul, changing her irrevocably.

Laurelai lost all track of time during the process, and when it was over, she hung there limply waiting to die. It felt like she had honestly, and it was only when Thraxusius opened the door and rumbled “So that’s what they mean by a chorus of angels. My dick got hard when I could hear her from the stairway. Be quick about this ceremony wench - I want to fuck her one more time, and I have other matters to attend to.”

“As you say my Lord.” Mordrena bowed as she spoke, and then taking a knife she pricked the demon Lord’s finger. “Step into the circle, anoint the glyphs with your blood, and I’ll complete the ritual so that she will belong to you forever.” 

“Please - I beg of you, don’t—” Laurelai tried to plead but Lord Bel cut her off by grabbing a handful of her long hair and yanking it hard enough to make her gasp. 

“You’re mine now slut. Now and forever. You and the fruit of your womb.” No sooner had the demon Lord finished speaking then he kissed her hard, shoving his tongue in her mouth hard enough to make her feel like she was going to suffocate at the same time he rubbed his blood across her mons, where she’d been permanently defaced by the Crone’s dark arts. His kiss didn’t stop when Mordrena started chanting, or when Laurelai started to glow and tingle as the dark pact was energized. It was only when it was finally done that he came up for air. 

“By the pits that took long enough.” While he spoke, he undid his breechclout to reveal another throbbing erection. “Get your needles out of the angel, crone - she needs a different sort of piercing now.” 

“Of course, my lord - at once, but don’t you think she should see our handiwork first? Shouldn’t she see her permanent reminder that she is yours, body and soul?”

“Fine,” Thraxusius grunted, obviously annoyed at the idea of doing anything but using is angel as a fuck toy. He barked the same words as before, and the same spell mirror appeared while Mordrena removed her needles and life returned to Laurelai’s limbs. The image looked almost the same. She had the same huge tits and the same lewd body - the only thing that was different this time was the lewd crest that had been placed just above her abused sex where her dick had once been. More than anything it looked like a black tattoo of a stylized heart wrapped in thorny vines, in a cruel symmetrical pattern. The lines weren’t actually lines, but tiny script that was much too small for her to read. She was surprised that it looked so innocuous given how painful it had been, but at the same time she was deeply devastated that it was there at all. It was one more symbol of what hell had inflicted on her. 

No sooner was the succubus out of the way then Lord Bel was positioning his demon cock at the entrance to her already bruised pussy. Even that violation couldn’t make her take her eyes off what they had marked her with. When he started to slide inside again, Laurelai gasped. This time it wasn’t because of pleasure this time though. This time it was because as the pleasure of the demon’s penetration spread through her body it made the glyphs and runes that marred her pale flesh start to flicker and glow. They guttered out again almost immediately, but the same thing happened with each subsequent thrust.

“Look at that slut,” the demon Lord growled, wrenching her head and forcing her to look at what she was already staring at. “That magic is powered by your pleasure. Now you’ll never be able to hide just how much you love getting fucked by demonic dick, or just how many times it makes you cum ever again.”

“Nooooo,” she moaned, blushing as he connected what she was seeing to what was happening. She blushed hard at the realization that her soul was being laid bare, and that after everything that had already happened to her, they’d found one more way to violate her. It truly was a nightmare from which she couldn’t escape.

“And the more you cum… and the more of army of monsters cums in you…” he growled, fucking her harder and harder, “The faster my spawn will grow inside you.” It was obvious that the demon Lord was turned on by the idea as much as she was horrified by it. He continued to pummel her pussy but all she could think about was the darkness he was going to pump inside her as he seeded her womb. Her mind revolted at the idea - at least the conscious part, but it was obvious that her body disagreed. She could see her crest glowing now. It was no longer a black tattoo - it was a work of erotic art in bright reds and pinks - her orgasm was coming, and the fact that she couldn’t stop imaging her belly swelling with demon children was going to make this explosion of ecstasy an especially powerful one. 

“Not yet whore,” Thraxusius commanded, his hand on her throat tightening as he spoke. “You can’t cum until I do. I forbid it.” As much as she would have loved to ignore the order she was surprised to find that she couldn’t. The pleasure was still there… it was still building… but instead of exploding outwards and giving her a few seconds of respite it just continued to build inside her until the heart of her crest was glowing white with sexual energy. 

“Please master. Please let me cum! Please!” Laurelai begged. The painful intensity of the pleasure was driving her mad. She didn’t want to beg. She wanted to tell him off - but her need for release trumped any need for dignity in the moment. 

“Soon, cunt,” Lord Bel roared. “As soon as… I cum in… Your. Tight. Angelpussy!” With a final grunt the demon lord grabbed her hips and forced himself in her so deeply she was sure he was going to tear her open. That was when he released his toxic, volcanic sperm deep inside her. She didn’t feel it this time though, because this time as soon as he came she finally did too, and she had a series of orgasms that made her crumble before them. He might be breeding her even now, but Laurelai didn’t care. She couldn’t. She’d been struck by an erotic thunderbolt that had melted her soul, and she couldn’t do anything but writhe in a particularly intoxicating combination of pleasure and pain.

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