Angel Fall

Chapter 6: Breeders

Content warning: This chapter contains degredation, forced sexual slavery, and dubious consent.  

When Thraxusius was done with her and he’d finished putting his flaccid cock away he growled, “Unchain this bitch and bring me her collar.” Laurelai hung there insensibly while the jailer rushed to comply. When the preparations were made and he finally turned the wheel on the wall to lower her to the floor she collapsed in a boneless heap, too exhausted to stay standing. 

Lord Bel didn’t care about her weakness or exhaustion though. He only snarled, “If you don’t get to your feet I’ll have you spend the rest of the night cleaning the floor of this cell with your tongue until it sparkles. Given that even now she was sitting on the stain of all the extra cum that had drooled out of her abused pussy, she knew it was no idle threat and stumbled unsteadily to her feet so the demon lord could snap the collar around her neck like a pet. 

Once that was done he pulled her out into the hallway and made her march through the prison naked as she struggled to keep up. Most of the doors were solid pieces of wood, and most of the cells that had iron bars were empty. Only a few of them held demons, but every demon that could see her strut by drooled and stared shamelessly as she passed. They called after her as she went, but she couldn’t understand the guttural demonic tongue. Whatever they said made Thraxusius smile and rumble in laughter. “Yes, yes, soon enough every one of them will have a chance at your holes, angel. I hope you’re looking forward to that.” Laurelai winced at his terrible words but said nothing.

“Before we take you to your new abode though, I feel like I should give you the full tour of my garden delights. Afterall - it was built specifically for your stay,” Lord Bel continued as he started leading Laurelai up a narrow spiral staircase that was just big enough for the demon lord. She could hear distant sounds coming from the next floor up, which was substantially brighter. 

The stairs led into a small breezeway that emptied out into a large glassed in courtyard. It was certainly a garden of a sort - Laurelai could see a number of flower beds containing thorny blossoms in exotic colors and a number of obscene topiaries. It was clearly a particularly beautiful place for hell Laurelai thought, especially when she looked past the glass and saw that they were surrounded by infernal wasteland as far as the eye could see. Anywhere else it would have been a sinister monument to evil, but by contrast here it was almost pleasant. 

At least that’s what she thought until she noticed what the demons were gathered around in small knots and clusters throughout the garden. At the center of each of those groups was a human woman, being fucked by demons, and in most cases by more than one.

“Ah, I see you’re admiring our handy work.” Lord Bel rumbled. “You slew a great many imps and beastmen in your capture. All of them will need to be replaced for the coming battles” Laurelai swallowed hard, pitying those poor women. Even if they had been witches or heretics that listened to the lies of the great deceiver and were pulled into darkness with the promise of eternal bliss, they still wouldn’t have deserved this. They weren’t though. These were holy virgins, pledged to the light, and now they were trapped and tormented in one of the worst corner’s of hell Laurelai could imagine. Not that they seemed to be suffering, the angel realized as they kept walking. Those weren’t screams of pain, and they weren’t struggling to escape. They were moaning in ecstasy and begging for more. They were—

“I should thank you, Laurelai. The surviving warriors from our battle are strong. They’ll birth ten times the number of minions they slew in battle before my men finally wear them out in a few years,” Thraxusius rumbled. As he spoke he jerked the chain that was Laurelai’s leash yanking her forward. “Just think - if you hadn’t fallen to the darkness so easily all of these women would still be safe little virgins in creation instead of whores in hell.” The words twisted the knife in Laurelai’s soul, just at the demon Lord intended. 

“You unbelievable bastard,” the angel spat, feeling righteous rage rise up inside her for the first time since she’d been dragged to this unholy place. “That’s not what happened, and you know it.”

“I know that you’ll have a very long time to think about what really happened,” Thraxusius gloated as he walked up a broad set of circular stairs that led to a raised dais with a pillory in the center. With a sudden terrible certainty Laurelai knew exactly what the demon Lord had planned. He wasn’t just going to subject her to unending torments and sexual abuse. No - he was going to make her watch the same thing happen to the women she’d led into battle so recently. Belatedly Laurelai started to struggle. She’d started to take her own damnation for granted, but seeing the awful fate of these women that she was at least in part responsible - it was too much. 

Laurelai tugged hard at her leash, even briefly taking to the air and using her wings to try to pull the chain out of the demon Lord’s hand. Thraxusius’ grip was much too strong though, and with a smile on his face he pulled her toward him like a child’s kite and wrapped his giant hand around her neck. “Keep struggling cunt,” he growled into her ear. I’m going to miss it when the fire in your eyes goes out and all you ever do is moan for more cock. That’s all the future has in store for a slut like you.” With those final words he shoved her down into the pillory and after a brief effort to get her hands in place, he slammed it shut, locking her in place. 

It was only once they’d locked the large wooden object that her chain and collar was removed. Laurelai fought back tears in that terrible moment. She was on display, she was being forced to watch her comrades as they were debased time and time again, and soon the same thing would happen to her. It was enough to make her wish for death, but she knew that death would not take her. 

“Look here!” The demon Lord bellowed, gesturing to her. After a few seconds all activity in the courtyard - even the frantic fucking ceased. The only sound that could be heard was that of the former warrior nuns moaning in heat. “Look what we have here. A resident of the heavens itself, come down to pay us in our pleasure garden a little visit. Every one of you should feel honored. She’s here to help us build up our army like all the other whores, and just as free to use, but only on one condition.” Thraxusius waited a long moment to let the tension build before he continued, “You can only fuck her after she begs for it. She’s a proud little cunt, and before she can know the bliss of her fellow warriors, she must abase herself and beg just like they did.” 

At the finish of his little speech, a ragged cheer rose up over the garden in a dozen disonate and guttural languages. It didn’t matter what they said though. All that mattered was their tone. That bloodthirsty, lustful tone. Every single demon there would have his turn with her, and it was enough to bring her to tears.

“Don’t cry cunt,” Lord Bel said mockingly as he wiped away one of her tears and flicked it aside. “I’ll be back one day - when you start to show. For now just enjoy the show, and remember - as long as you can resist, my men will do nothing to you. It’s only when you give in that, well…” He laughed then as he walked away. 

Then she was alone. No - that was the wrong word. She might never be alone again, but for now the jackals were keeping their distance. They lingered at the edge of the dais where they stopped and stared. Where they jeered and pointed, but they didn’t advance. It was only the smallest of comfort, but Laurelai would take it. It was bad enough that she was stark naked and everyone could admire her sinful flesh, but the way she was bent over in these stocks made her ridiculous tits hang so that the bounced and jiggled with every movement. In her minds eye gravity made them look even bigger and she felt like she was an animal on display, which in a way she was. 

The Pillory also made it so she could only look in one direction, which was the worst part of all. Laurelai’s only two choices were to watch what was happening to over a dozen of the finest human warriors she’d ever fought beside, or to close her eyes and trying to ignore their plight. The first one was awful, and the second was unforgivable, but she still chose to close her eyes just the same. She couldn’t help it. It wasn’t even that it made her want to cry though. It was that in the darkest and most perverted parts of her mind, that terrible abuse was starting to turn her on. 

She couldn’t help it. Laurelai had spent her centuries of existence without any sort of sexual stimulus and now her body of strength and purity had been forever morphed into the perverted whore she was quickly becoming. It was a nightmare, but there was nothing she could do to wake up. Even now she could feel the horrible crest they’d etched into her skin a soul. It was starting to tingle, and the longer she endured it the more her clit started to tingle in resonance. The angel prayed that it was just reacting to all the sex that was happening around her, but she douted she was that lucky. Thraxusius had said that it would react if she hadn’t had sex in too long, but he’d fucked her less than an hour ago. She was still too sore from the battering he’d given her pussy to want it again so soon. 

Even if she could block out the horrible visuals she could do nothing about the sound, and minute by minute the lewd wet symphony of flesh eroded her will. From the quavering moans and the squeals of delight to the slick percussion of flesh slapping against flesh, it was impossible to avoid and all of it took a toll on her. Most of her recoiled at the twisted images of brave warrior nuns being spit roasted by filthy demon cock, but not all of her did. Part of her thrilled at the depravity and squirmed in her bonds. Part of her wanted to stop all this terrible anticipation and get it over with, and it was that part of her that made her open her eyes and take in the erotic horrors on full display before her. 

The sight of watching the nun to her left cum on the dick in her ass while the nun on her right came to the touch of a tangler that had wrapped her up like a fly in a web was sick, but no matter how much Laurelai would like to deny it, it was making her wet. In time her guilt for what she’d done to these women by not being strong enough to protect them curdled into jealousy at their rapturous faces. She wanted what they had. No - she didn’t want it. She needed it. The angel needed to feel the pleasure that could only come from being horribly debased by—

Laurelai stopped herself. That wasn’t her. That wasn’t who she was. She forced herself to breathe deeply and willed her heart to stop pounding. This was something outside of her making her act this way. Perhaps it was some aphrodisiac in the flowers, or… As she searched for anything she could blame this one, the angel slowly realized that the crest that had been inked into her flesh was throbbing now. She couldn’t see it, but she could imagine that it was glowing just like it did before when the demon lord fucked her. These urges weren’t her. They were a compulsion from that foul magic. Knowing that made her feel slightly less crazy, but it didn’t help with the urges. 

She swallowed hard. Laurelai had no idea how much longer she could avoid giving in to this terrible temptation, and looking around at the demons that had gathered to stare at her while she trembled with need she could see they didn’t expect her to last much longer.

Author's Note: First, I'm trying a new cover this week. Let me know what you think, or if you prefered the old one. Second, this story now has a couple patron's assoicated with it, so just to make sure everyone knows, I send out my advance stories to Patron's for all my stories via email, so if you sub, please send me a DM on the site with an email. Currently my Patron's recieve an email that puts them two chapters ahead every Friday, but this week or next week that will grow to four chapters, as I work ahead on my buffer.  Thanks for reading!

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