Angel Fall

Chapter 22: Redemption

Content warning: This chapter contains bondage and reverse rape. Reader discretion is advised. 

It was only after several days of thought on the subject that Laurelai decided on the Malchanen order. While she worked up a sweat practicing her forms in the yard, she tried to remember everything she knew about them. She’d run into them in the past several times - sometimes they had been a great help, and others… Well, other times the heretical monks had to be forcibly banished from places and things that did not concern them on pain of death. 

They were as devout as any worshipers, of course, but they could be a bit… strange. There were all sorts of heretical faiths in the world, and some were more tolerated than others, but few were more devoted than the Malchanen’s. Almost a century ago they had declared that the world was fallen, and that they would retreat from it to await the end of days. Of course since the world was fallen they had to do that outside of creation, and chose a range of high valleys just at the edge of perdition to do just that. It wasn’t the kindest of territory, but it had shaped them into fierce warriors. 

They believed all kinds of odd things as she recalled, among them was that the angels were nearly as evil as devils, and the demons were almost as good as angels. Their cosmology was fairly mixed in terms of accuracy as far as Laurelai was concerned, but if anyone would be willing to overlook some of the things that had happened to her and help her back to the light, it would be them. They were mostly a martial order, but she had no doubt that they had a few esoteric secrets that might help her overcome the corruption that plagued her. There was a risk, of course. Laurelai knew that. They could decide she was a lost cause and kill or imprison her, but she couldn’t think of a better opportunity. 

Once the decision was made, she decided she would have to leave sooner rather than later. This place had given her all the clarity it was going to give her, and staying here longer wouldn’t change that. She needed help because on her own the temptation was simply too great. Fate, it would seem, had other plans though, because the next day while she was in the yard practicing and racking her brain for any other options, a pair of angels tried to strike her down without warning. 

The first one descended from the sky like a thunderbolt, and only the flicker of his shadow across the ground before he reached her gave her a chance to dodge his lance before he struck the ground, spraying earth in all directions. The second one buzzed by her in that moment, aiming to take her head off cleanly while she was distracted. It was only because she already had her sword out that she was able to parry the blow, but even if it didn’t knock her down, it still sent her sliding half a dozen feet backwards from the force. 

The fiery angelic blade the second one wielded gouged deep into her left blade, but because it was blessed, it did not break, though she would have to be careful about doing that again with the same weapon. 

“Surrender, fallen angel, and we will give you a clean death.” the spear wielder announced while the second warrior wheeled widely before landing on the opposite side, flanking her. 

“I don’t want to fight you,” Laurelai said, honestly. The last thing she wanted to do was kill another angel in the service of their duties. Well, the second to last thing. The last thing she wanted to do was die. 

“You have no choice in the matter,” the first angel said sternly, “You can surrender, or you can fight. Both options will end in your death. It has been mandated by the heavens.”

“I can be redeemed,” she pleaded, slowly backing up, completely aware of the wall that was only a few feet behind her. 

“The prophecies say otherwise,” he answered, shaking his head. “This is the way things will have to be, and any resistance will only be taken as further evidence of your disloyalty.” They were both incredibly jumpy, so as he spoke Laurelai tried a feint, suddenly raising her wings and then twitching them down as if she was about to take flight. The both fell for it and instantly leapt several feet in the air, intent of stopping her. 

She didn’t try to take to the skies, though. She just used the wall as a springboard and her wings for a burst of force as she threw herself into a tumble to keep herself from getting cornered. “I don’t want to fight you,” she shouted again, but her words were only answered with violence as both angels flung themselves down at her. 

The older one with the spear clearly had some skills, but the younger angel he’d brought with him had neither the strength nor the experience to justify taking on an opponent like Laurelai, so she used the two against each other. She moved constantly in a way that forced the weaker warrior to get in the way of the stronger one, and in the flurry of blows that followed as the two pressed her hard, she resisted two opportunities to kill the angel, instead opting for a painful slash across the chest and a wound to his left wing that would make it difficult for him to fly for some time. 

“I’m not afraid of you,” the bleeding angel cried out as he swung wildly. 

Laurelai didn’t answer. She didn’t care what he was afraid of, she just needed to fight one on one - and that couldn’t happen as long as everyone could fly. She took to the sky with a clean conscience. It was that or have another life on her hands, and she wasn’t ready to spill the blood of an angel who was simply trying to do their job. 

So she led the older angel on a fitful chase. Throwing everything she had into a quick burst of speed only to suddenly land again just over the horizon and fight again. 

“You’ll never get away like this,” he yelled, growing frustrated. He clearly didn’t understand that this was the only way she could get away. He would overtake her in the sky if she let him, and he would murder her if she tried to fight him to a standstill on the ground. He was simply too much bigger and stronger than her, despite her superior skill. 

But she did have a few tricks up her sleeve… she just needed to make sure that she wouldn’t be interrupted before she used her trump card. They were over fifteen miles from the abbey, in a canyon that would be hard to see from the air, when Laurelai made her move. She let him think that she was desperate and exhausted, and he chased her like the obedient hound that he was. Once they were in the shadows, though, she sheathed one of her swords and activated her chains. It took several tries, but eventually the gray tentacles of steel shot up out of the soil and scree and wrapped around the angel just as effectively as they had the incubus. 

“What devilry is this?” he demanded as he strained against his bonds. “Only someone corrupted by the pit would ever cheat in a Aggghhhh—” 

The angel’s voice was cut off as Laurelai tightened her fist and slowly pulled him from the standing position he’d started in, to his knees, and eventually his back. She smiled. She still didn’t really understand this power, but she could feel it now, and had some idea of how to control it. 

Once he was prone, it was the easiest thing in the world to kick the spear out of his hand and stand over his helpless form. “I’ll do whatever I have to survive,” she said, looking down at him with a mixture of contempt and pity. 

“Does that include murdering me in cold blood, you vile bitch?” the angel spat, still struggling. 

“Not if I don’t have to,” she said, spreading her wings and preparing to take off. “I didn’t want to hurt the angel you came here with, and I don’t want to hurt you any more than I have to. I just want to be left alone.” 

The angel on the ground laughed at her. “You’d better kill me while you have the chance, whore. Because as soon as I’m free I’ll come after you and this trick won't work a second time.” 

“No?” she asked, trying to look as cold-blooded as possible as she gazed down and rested the blade of her other sword against his throat. “You won’t promise to return to heaven, not even in exchange for your own life?” 

“Never,” he roared, straining as hard as he could against the chains. It was enough to make them shift slightly. 

“I’ve rarely seen such stupidity in all my years,” Laurelai said, smiling wickedly. “Well, if you won’t swear to leave me in peace, then I suppose I’ll have to find some other reason for you to return to heaven.” As she spoke, she drug her sword slowly down his body, letting it clink off the chains slightly as it went. 

“There’s nothing you could do that—” he started to say, but he froze the second she used her sword to flip up his toga, exposing his manhood. He was hard, though whether that was from the combat or genuine arousal she couldn’t say. “You-you can’t be serious!”

Laurelai only answered with a wicked smile as she slowly sunk to her knees between his splayed thighs. When he’d been a man, there had been a few succubi that were sexy enough to make him aroused even though he wanted nothing to do with him, and as Laurelai his body was every bit as arousing as theirs had been, so it was entirely possible. 

She ignored his protests as she grasped his hard cock and started to stroke it gently. “I can think of one reason to go back to heaven instead of following me,” she murmured. “It's something you’d have to do if you needed to be purified. You’d have no other choice.” 

“You wouldn’t,” he said, glaring at her.

Laurelai’s only response was to lower her head until she’d sucked the head of his uncircumcised angel cock into her mouth, making him gasp immediately. For a moment, she luxuriated in the taste and the smells. An angelic lover was so very different from a mortal or demonic one. She was definitely going to enjoy bringing this bastard down a couple pegs. 

“Wait, please!” he yelled suddenly. It wasn’t quite begging, but his humility had definitely taken a hit to go even this far. “I’ll do it. I’ll leave now. I swear!” 

“Will you?” Laurelai purred, rising from his dick as she continued to stroke the slick shaft with her small feminine hands. “You’ll just leave me alone after I’ve left you like this?” 

“Of course,” he pleaded. “The last thing I want is—”

“I don’t care what you want,” Laurelai said, letting go of his cock and crawling up his body. “Right now, all I care about is what I want.” 

“What you want?” he asked dumbly, unable to believe this was really happening to him. 

“Yeah, what I want… no, need” Laurelai purred. “Did you know that for weeks all I’ve done is try to resist these terrible urges? I’ve meditated. I’ve prayed. I’ve flagellated myself in penance, but every night all I want is a thick cock to fuck, and today one just fell out of the sky.” 

“You can’t be… no, you mustn’t!” the angel said, real fear in his voice now, as he felt Laurelai’s steaming pussy start to glide against his shaft as she rocked back and forth. 

“I’m sorry,” she whispered, leaning even closer to his face. “I have to. I need to cum on your cock more than you need that vaunted purity of yours.” Even as she spoke though, she was pressing the head of his dick against her hot little hole. 

“I’m a… We’re angels,” he protested. “We aren’t supposed to—”

“Shhhhhh,” she breathed, though it turned into a moan as she started to sink down onto his dick, one incredibly pleasurable inch at a time. “Just let it happen.” 

The angel beneath her struggled as hard as he could. First it was against the chains, but after his cock was all the way inside her, he struggled against himself. He failed on both counts, moaning lightly as she started to rock back and forth. 

“You know you love it,” she murmured. As dicks went, his wasn’t nearly the best she’d had, but she’d gone so long without one, and the situation was so utterly erotic that she could feel the pleasure building inside her after less than a minute of bouncing on his dick. 

“Please,” he gasped. “This is wrong… there’s still time to stop this. Please!” 

“Is it?” Laurelai gasped as she pulled down the top of her armor so that she could fondle her breasts while she continued to ride the eager but unwilling cock beneath her. “I-if you don’t want to be corrupted, then just… Mmmmmm… hold it together a little longer… As soon as I cum you can… you can… Ohhh fuck…” 

Now that Laurelai was twisting her nipples and relishing in the power she had over her defeated enemy, her pussy spasming with pleasure with almost every thrust. He’d been so proud a few minutes ago, but now he was drenched in pleasure and despair. It was a potent combination to her, especially since she’d gone so long without this sort of pleasure. 

It was only when she realized that she’d claimed this angel’s virginity, just as a nun had claimed hers not so long ago, that Laurelai started to cum. That terrible thought is what pushed her over the edge, and for a long time all she could do was buck and writhe in ecstasy. Halfway though her triumphant orgasm she heard the angel she was fucking roar in pleasure at the same moment she felt his sperm splash against her cervix. The knowledge that she had completely conquered him made her cum a second time before she collapsed on the chains that were still wrapped around his chest, panting. 

“Alright,” she said, smiling lazy as she enjoyed the afterglow. Laurelai leaned close enough to his face that he feared she might kiss him again. “But before I go, I’m going to need to know everything you mentioned about that prophecy earlier.”

He paled at the request, but she knew that he would give in, no matter how many times she had to fuck him to get the answers she sought.

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