Angel Fall

Chapter 23: Prophecy

Content warning: This chapter contains three-ways and orgies. 

Laurelai smiled as she flew further and further from the angel that she’d left chained to the earth. Not just because she’d decided to fuck him twice more, either, but because it was a wicked thing. She had intentionally corrupted something that was innocent, and she’d liked it. 

He’d liked it too, even if he had been unwilling to admit it until the end. She could see it in his eyes as he came in her pussy that last time, though. She’d put a permanent crack in his armor of righteousness, and he would never be the same again. She doubted he would be able to resist the next succubus that he had to fight, especially if he crossed paths with one that was half as sultry as Lilliamma. 

Even though she’d done something terrible, though, she didn’t regret it. She barely even felt bad about it. How could she? Those were the most amazing orgasms that she’d had in weeks, and it was that pleasure that was her guiding light. It probably always would be unless the monks had a clever trick or two to fix that. 

Even hours into her flight west, she was still felt justified. Giving someone the best fuck of their life was certainly kinder than killing them, and that was the only other possibility of their encounter. Her weeks of meditation had done much about removing the evil from this body or her soul, but the weeks of focused practice and discipline had reminded her that she needed to trust herself more than anyone else, even in this fallen state. 

More interesting than the fuck though, and questions about the morality of it though, were the words she’d pried out of him. She’d drained them from him with her pussy almost as easily as she’d drained the cum from his balls, but the words rattled around in her head long after his sperm had drained from her body. 

“From Angel’s womb comes certain doom, 

enough to wake the dead.

The damned, the meek, and eternity,

Shall tremble in her bed.” she said to herself for the thousandth time while she soared over a particularly lovely set of glaciers in the high mountains. 

It wasn’t much to go on, though, prophecy seldom was. She did have a few ideas though. The damned, the meek and eternity was an obvious reference to all three worlds; heaven, hell, and creation hung in the balance, even if she didn’t know why. Why should it, though? Even if the warlock was right, and she was the only angel out there with a womb, it still didn’t seem to apply to her. She might have some half demon baby growing inside her, but that didn’t mean she wanted to destroy all of creation. 

Laurelai didn’t even see how such a fate would be possible. 

She could barely beat a single middling angelic warrior or a couple of mediocre demons at this point. Even a fragment of the host would grind her to dust. No, she was still missing something, and if she didn’t find out what, then she’d be dead long before any prophecy could come to fruition. 

The right thing to do was probably to let them kill her, she thought morbidly as she continued to gain altitude. That’s what Laurus would have said. He would have sacrificed himself at the barest possibility that he might do something to harm the creator's plan. 

But Laurelai was utterly unlike him in so many ways now, including this one. She wanted to live. If possible she wanted to do it without hurting anyone, but as she glided and soared she came to the conclusion that she would rather fight to the last inch of her heavily notched blades than give up. This wasn’t the life that she wanted for herself, but it was the only one she’d ever had, and she’d suffered far too much to give it up now.  

The next day, she took a break from her long flight to observe a group of hunters that had been in the high mountains for a season and were just starting to bundle their trove of pelts and pack them away on their mule train for the long trip to civilization before winter closed all the high passes. 

Laurelai knew that she should just keep flying to the fortress monastery. It was only a day or two away from where she was now, and she was supposed to be trying to resist her terrible urges, but something about how rugged and masculine they were called to her in a primal way that was impossible to resist. One mortal could never keep up with her, but five men sounded just about right. 

Once she arrived, she knew that there would be no sex for the foreseeable future. There might not be any ever again if they were successfully able to purge these desires from her. Didn’t that mean she owed it to herself to taste that sweet bliss one last time?

Before she approached them, though, she took the time to remove her weapons and armor, hiding them away. She wanted to appear as a vision of beauty, not a well armed threat. Once that was done, she moved to the river not far from their camp, where they gathered water and had their very occasional bath, and then she waited.

It was cold, but not so cold as to bother her celestial form. She had all the time in the world, and scrubbed herself while she sang a beautiful wordless melody that echoed throughout the sub-alpine meadow. She didn’t have to wait long. 

Soon enough, she heard a male voice ask one of his companions, “Now I know I’ve gone and cracked up, Bran. I’ve been away from those red light girls for so long that I’m starting to see naked women even up here.”

“Well if you’re crazy Sel, then it’s contagious, because I see her too. With big wings and even bigger tits,” Bran answered. 

It was only then, when she heard them start to come towards her, that she turned around and gave them both a sultry smile. Both were strong middle-aged men that were attractive in their own way, but neither was the mountain of a man she’d had her eye on earlier. 

“Can I help you with something? You caught me at a bit of an awkward moment.” she pouted

“I got something you can help me with right here, baby,” Sel said, grabbing the obvious bulge in his pants and gesturing rudely at her. 

His friend held him back, though. “Easy buddy. If something looks too good to be true, it definitely is, and she’s about the best looking thing I’ve ever seen. She probably wants to suck your soul right out of your body.”

“I don’t really do anything with souls,” Laurelai purred. “But there is something else I’d love to suck out. I’m sure that smart boys like you can guess what that might be…” 

“I don’t know about you,” Sel said, pushing is friend’s arm away, “but I’d rather be damned than miss out on titties as big as my head.” 

After that, there was no more restraint. They were all over her. Sel latched his mouth to her right nipple and sucked like is life depended on it, and Bran kissed her hard enough that he almost muted the moans that his friend was causing. Their hands were everywhere after that. Her breasts, her ass, and her pussy were all fair game, and she did nothing to stop either one of them. 

In the brief break where Bran bent her over, so he could fuck her from behind, Laurelai wondered what she was doing. This wasn’t like her, she told herself. She’d resisted sex for weeks, and now suddenly she was back to aching for it every day? There had to be something that she was missing, but those thoughts evaporated as soon as she felt the man's thick prick force its way inside her defenseless hole. Moments later, Sel’s cock was nuzzling against her lips, begging for attention. 

Laurelai hardly needed to be told what to do, and swallowed the man’s shaft eagerly while his friend started to hammer away inside her. She tried to moan, giving herself over to the pleasure that filled her as her body rocked, and her breasts jiggled, but everything was muted by the dick she was gagging on. 

Both men had cum once, and Laurelai had several orgasms before the hunter’s comrades were attracted by their absence. 

“What heck are you two up to out in… Where did she come from,” a new voice asked.

“Nevermind that,” another said, “where the hell has she been all my life?” 

“We found her by the river,” Bran said without bothering to fuck her face. “Some kind of bird or nature spirit, I think.” 

“You think?” the first voice sounded skeptical. “You think she’s a spirit and not some infernal demon and you decide it’s safe?” 

“Well, I certainly hope so,” Bran continued, grunting as he got close, “because I’m going to fuck that tight ass pussy of hers at least one more time before she disappears.” 

Laurelai quivered with need at the conversation. She’d been used by more than one demon at a time, but never talked about like this while it happened. It was like she wasn’t even there. Why would they need to ask her opinion about anything. She wasn’t a person. She was just a spirit. A set of holes for them to enjoy until she flitted off into the sky. Her pussy drooled at the idea. If she wasn’t being hunted, that was probably how she’d spend the rest of her life. Just flying from village to village and fucking anyone bold enough to take her. 

They kept talking while she was lost in her own little world for a while, but eventually after both men came a second time, they decided to take her back to their camp. They offered her bribes of delicious food and the last of their mead, but all she really needed was the cock. 

She went willingly enough, and once there they let her eat for a bit, to “regain her strength” as Sel put it, while they were all content to ogle her breasts for a while. It was only once she’d drunk the last of the mead and the world was feeling pleasantly fuzzy that they started fucking her again. This time their leader Luken went first. He was the big man she’d been drooling for earlier, and he wasted no time is stretching out her pussy with the cock that was just as big as the rest of him was. 

“Harder,” Laurelai Panted, urging him on even after his thrusts were slamming into her womb so hard that her whole body was shaking. “I… I need you to fuck me harder!” 

That was her last clear memory. The rest of her night was mostly a blur after that, and when it was all done, and she was laying near the fire on her bed of furs and pelts in the afterglow only a few clear moments of her hours long fuck session rose to the surface before she faded off to sleep. 

She’d been fucked over and over again in two or sometimes even all three holes. Though each of the men that used her had taken a break here and there to wait their turn, she’d gone without such luxuries until all five of them had been completely drained. She was as stretched and raw as she’d been since she’d left Lord Bel’s pleasure gardens, but this time she felt energized instead of filthy. Nothing could feel more natural than the pleasure she’d spent all day engulfed in. 

She had a handful of bruises from where she’d been manhandled, and cum in her ass, on her tits, and so much of it had flooded her pussy that she could feel the barest hint of the baby bump re-emerging on her previously taut tummy. That had to be the cause of this, she realized, as she lay there stroking it softly. The needs were her baby’s way of getting what it needed from her, whether she wanted it or not. 

The thought just made her smile. For some reason, she couldn’t quite bring herself to want to get rid of it like she did before, either. That was probably it’s doing too, but she didn’t care. 

Hours later when she finally woke up, only Luken was awake, and he was standing watch. 

“You know,” he said slowly, meeting her gaze with an effort, “You could come with us. If it’s dick you want, the winter camp will have plenty. All the cock you could ever want.” 

“And what would that be like,” Laurelai asked innocently, as if she didn’t already know. He went on to explain it to her at great length, but finally she was forced to shake her head sadly. 

It was a tempting offer, of course. A dozen men and her trapped together in a cabin dozens of miles from everywhere for the winter. Now that the spire of creation was probably forever denied her, that rather sounded like her own personal slice of heaven.

“I’m so sorry. That sounds amazing, but I have places to be.” But she shook her head. Then she gave them a wry smile, “Besides - I very much doubt that just the twelves of you would be able to satisfy me, and I can’t promise that you’d all survive.” 

Everyone laughed at that, including her, and after a few more jokes she took to the sky. First, briefly, for a short burst to fetch her things, and make herself presentable. After that, she turned again to the west and began flying once again toward the setting sun. It would take three more days of hard flying before she finally made it to her destination. 

. . .

At last, in the distance, she saw the walls of their fortress monastery. The Malchanen’s weren’t quite monks. If they were, they would have died out a long time ago. They were so far from anywhere that pilgrims and converts were rarer than a warm summer’s day at these altitudes. The order had brothers and sisters that dressed and acted like monks and nuns, but they were occasionally chosen and paired off to have children and raise the next generation. 

Those children would be raised by the church rather than the parents, which lent the whole organization a strange communal atmosphere that was different from any other sect she’d known. They were devout in their own way though, and kept to themselves, so there had never been an order to expunge them. They just slowly grew year after year, and now the results of that growth spoke for themselves. 

In an area of the world so high and wild that there were vanishingly few other villages, their walled city stood as a timeless bulwark against the end of the world, in whatever form it was they expected that to take. It was also noticeable in that the red stone walls of the city were the only colorful thing in sight. To her left stood snow mountains and glaciers, and to her right stood the gray expanse of perdition, the eternal barrier meant to keep the forces of hell at bay should they ever try to rise up and devour creation once more. 

From the octagonal walls stood watch towers at regular intervals, and a single large bronze gate that was so shrouded in runes that she knew no mortal army had hope of breaching it. She wasn’t going to try either. The Malchanens were very particular, and if she wanted to get in to explain her plight, she would have to land to be invited. She knew that. 

She also knew that if they let her in, they might not let her out again. It was more than possible. It was likely, but it’s not like she had a lot of choice. If she wanted to remain safe from Heaven’s agents, then she could either find an ally like the Malchanens or she could go back to hell. 

That made her limited range of options painfully clear.

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