Anime Heroine Who Travels Through the Blackened Way

Chapter 579

“Minister, an island has been found. Your navigation skills are indeed unparalleled!”

At this time, Arrita’s happy voice also came in from outside the door. Obviously, this is what Nami is doing now.

The Enterprise is docked on the shore of a very lonely island at this moment. Judging from the size of the island, there is nothing special about this island, nor is the forest covering it. But the problem is that the location of this island is relatively biased, and there are no other islands around it, and some high terrain similar to stone mountains can also be seen inside. The main thing is that the airflow around this area is fairly peaceful, and it seems that the presence of distant islands around it acts as a buffer, so this generation has rarely had a violent climate.

“I just barely deduced from the flight path of the seagulls in the air that there may be islands where they have settled, so I don’t need to think of me as inhuman.”

For Al Rita’s daily flattery, Nami is not particularly disgusting. After looking around the island, she is undoubtedly quite satisfied. Yes, the size of the island is similar to Shields Town, and the terrain is flatter. Since Shields Town can develop into a large area, then It makes no sense that this island will not work.

“Explore the island, the surveyors collect its geographic data and compile it, and the combatants are responsible for protecting them from mistakes. So, let’s get started.”

That’s right, since I said that I plan to play the game of founding a country, I have to find an area that can be used as land. Nami didn’t plan to build a superpower as magnificent as the Celestial Dynasty. According to her intention, it is now a small and exquisite pocket country. Anyway, this kind of country with one island and one country can be seen everywhere in One Piece.

The most important thing is that the name of the country can justifiably allow Nami to avoid the direct control of the world government. After all, if the name of the ‘East China Sea Special Exploration Department’ is always used, then theoretically everything produced by this department should be unconditionally dedicated to the government, but if this part is developed by a country that is a member of the world government, the government For its own international credibility, it would not make too much resource looting.

After all, the biggest reason for the departments attached to the world government is that most of them have no self-reliance, and both research funds and researchers need government rationing. However, this department of Nami was just a false title approved by Spandam from the very beginning, and the funds, bases, and personnel did not bother the government at all, so now that it has achieved results, I don’t want to completely hand it over to the government. It’s no exaggeration, after all, you can pay for what you pay for. A false title given by the government is not enough to fully deserve this gift.

The Five Old Stars who rule the world government are the most accomplished people in the political world in this world, and of course they also know this. Originally, if Nami just found a treasure or something, maybe the government would directly force her to hand over something. But the treasure that Nami has discovered now is something that must be made by her ability, so it is extremely unwise to rashly pressurize the relationship between the two. In order to ensure that this treasure can continue to be used by the government, then promise some The conditions are natural.

At the end of the day, politics and business are actually similar, and it is often a matter of weighing the pros and cons and exchanging benefits.

In Holy Land Mary Joa, in the large and bright hall, five figures are talking about this topic at the moment. The appearance and dress of these five figures are similar and different, and they all seem to be quite old in age, but obviously no one dares to underestimate these five people, because these five people are the leaders who govern the highest authority of the world government-five old star.

“So, Vegapunk has already determined the importance of this material, right?”

Among the five old stars, the one with the longest beard and the oldest looks to ask the question first, but facing the five people, it is the other three figures.

“Yeah~ I don’t know where Tsuruchichi got the material, but the rubber alloy he got back really solved the difficulties of a ‘pacifist’ very well. Vega Punk, who was in charge of this project. The doctor told me that this metal is indispensable for the rest of the pacifists to finish as soon as possible~”

The answer with a bit of glibness makes people feel quite uncomfortable, but the figure who said this answer is unexpectedly tall, close to 2.34 meters tall and wearing a straight yellow striped suit. There is only one person in the navy headquarters, that is, one of the three admirals of the navy, Porusalino, code-named Kizaru. And the other side also has a position of ‘Commander of Naval Science Forces’, the ‘pacifist’ who sounds very decent is not a toy, but an epoch-making artificial human weapon. The manufacturer is a naval scientist named ‘Vega Punk’, and the only purpose of designing this artificial one is to deal with those powerful pirates who are far more powerful than ordinary people.

And the rubber alloy is obviously used in this powerful artificial human, and judging from Kizaru’s answer, its effect is quite good.

“The progress of the pacifist’s construction is directly related to how much power the navy can exert in the new world. Under the premise of this goal, the rest of the things can be appropriately slowed down.”

He answered coldly, and one of the Five Old Stars holding a knife also looked at A He next to Kizaru, and his tone remained calm: “You are doing very well, A He, this resource is indeed an indispensable precious material. “

For this kind of verbal compliment, Ah He just nodded slightly. Her qualifications and personality made her not have any extra reaction to this kind of words.

“However, that civilian girl not only got the power of the World Government through the Warring States before, but now she wants to get a legitimate country name. This ambition is also worth vigilant. There has already been a One Piece in the East China Sea, no There needs to be a second similar character.”

As a group, there are obviously people who are very wary among the five old stars, and it is the old man holding a cane who said this, but the object of his speech is obviously the first person other than Kizaru and Ah He. Three people: “Spandam, your behavior this time is really reckless, but since you got a good result now, the government will remember your credit.”

“Hi! It’s my honor to discover talents for the government!”

Spandam, who was trying to maintain his composure, undoubtedly felt a strong sense of pride. As an espionage officer who had been trying to figure out the thoughts of the characters above, he had some understanding of the characters of the Five Old Stars. His reprimand, but in fact, has recognized his achievements, that is, he has discovered the excellent talent of Nami for the government, so the government can now obtain the important resource of rubber alloy.

“However, Ah He, are you sure? This alloy is actually related to Garp’s grandson?”

Now that the loyal watchdog has been rewarded, the Five Old Stars naturally have to confirm more important things, such as the source of alloy materials.

“Yes, although I don’t know the process clearly, but it is indeed an extension of the rubber fruit ability of Garp’s grandson, that Monkey d. Luffy.”

He answered succinctly, but Ah He didn’t speak anymore. On the other hand, Kizaru raised his hand and touched his chin with interest: “Oh~ so, Lieutenant General Garp’s grandson took bribes a few days ago, and then asked the lovable protagonist of the Warring States Marshal. A little girl named Nami?”

Obviously, it is difficult to cover up the activities of the generals of the navy headquarters, especially the matters involving the marshals and the heroes of the headquarters. You’re welcome to say that these people go to the toilet several times a day, probably all in the government’s spy spy records. Naturally, Garp’s grandson ‘accepted bribes’, and Garp took the initiative to go to the Sengoku to be courteous. , and of course it was carefully investigated by the CP department.

But now it seems that these investigations are completely slapped in the face, because Nami, the protagonist of the incident, not only did not waste government resources in vain, but also got excellent returns. And it’s not just the material rewards.

“This is really rare. Now it seems that Karp has the intention to recommend talents to the government. Moreover, the pirate generation rate in the East China Sea has also been greatly curbed during this period, which is all caused by the behavior of that little girl. , Although it was a bit unexpected, Karp did find a treasure this time.”

One of the last five old stars who looked younger on the whole also spoke at this time. Compared with other people, he obviously valued Nami’s ‘political work’. After all, weapons and so on are also to restrain pirates. Compared with some effective measures, there is actually no difference, and sometimes it is even more effective and cheaper.

“Unfortunately, her behavior cannot be replicated in a short period of time, otherwise other sea areas would be much more stable.”

The five old stars with huge upturned beards also agreed. As the pinnacle of the political world, they can also see that Nami’s recruitment is based entirely on the fact that she can use those blacksmiths and navigators to create more wealth on the basis of. If there are no organizers like this in the other three sea areas, forcibly recruiting private blacksmiths and navigators will only bring about greater chaos.

“If that’s the case, then so be it. She wants the name of a country, which is not difficult for the government. As long as she can regularly and steadily provide the government with such alloys, then her status and national status can be obtained. Guarantee. Spandam, since you were the first to pull her into the government camp, you can handle the summons this time.”

“The government needs talents who can really help the government. Only those who make contributions are eligible to receive awards.”

(PS1: Ah~~ I had a hard time thinking tonight, and I ended up with such a big chapter that is close to 5000~~ Oh, no way, I really don’t want to make do with 2000 chapters~ It seems that tomorrow will have to continue three more to make up the progress. ya~)

(PS2: By the way, if a country is to be established, what is the name of the country?)

The Secret of Rare Beast Island

Luck is not very reliable most of the time, and more often it should be regarded as an ideal state by actively choosing what may have happened.

For example, the island that Nami has found so far is not a product of luck, but an island that ‘Nami’ in the original book will also set foot on a year later. The reason is because there are all kinds of strange beasts that may be found only here in the entire East China Sea, such as strange snakes with rabbit ears, civet cats with giraffe stripes, wild boars with panda stripes, etc., and the strangest one is undoubtedly a human being. , One is indeed human, but it seems to be more precious than precious beasts.

“Ahahahaha, this idiot, did he really grow up with the treasure chest?”

“This guy will definitely be worth a lot of money if he sells it to a circus~!”

A group of ex-pirate members of the Exploration Department were laughing wildly around this weird guy at the moment. There was indeed a human being in front of them, but for some reason, this human seemed to be curled up in a treasure box and couldn’t come out, and it changed over time. It looks like a treasure chest man.

“Okay, you guys with excess energy, we came to someone’s house, so please be polite to me.”

Nami, who came from a distance, frowned, and then drank coldly in a low voice. She usually doesn’t use this kind of metallic scolding. If she does, it means she won’t give the same warning a second time. And those members who didn’t care about their faces subconsciously tightened their minds, and then quickly stood at attention, and the guys at the head even explained with cold sweat on their faces: “That, Minister, we met on the way to explore. This guy is acting like a ghost, that’s why he caught him.”

“It is inevitable for a group of us to come here without permission, causing trouble to the aborigines. Therefore, as government personnel, restraint and courtesy should be maintained.”

When she came to the center of the crowd, Nami also saw the poor **** in the treasure chest. If she remembered correctly, this guy’s name should be Carmon. He was a pirate about nineteen years ago. It’s a pity It was on the way to explore that he accidentally stumbled and fell into an open treasure chest, and it turned out to be like this.

“You…are government personnel?”

The treasure chest man Camon looked up at the orange-haired girl in front of him from the ground with difficulty. Judging from the fear of her by the vicious members around him, it was obvious that she was a well-deserved leader.

“Yes, for some reasons, we want to requisition this island. However, since you are an aboriginal here, of course you should receive government subsidies.”

Tightening the white glove on her left hand, Nami slammed her fist down, and without waiting for Carmon’s scream, the treasure box that imprisoned his body shattered and shattered. It stands to reason that his body has grown with this treasure box for nearly 20 years. This rude rescue method will only make him die, but the strange thing is that he is waiting around. When the flesh was torn apart, he didn’t feel it for a long time. After he dared to open his eyes, he saw that his body had been completely liberated from the treasure chest, and there was not even a scar from the torn flesh.

The surrounding members swallowed their saliva subconsciously because of fear, but they could see clearly that when Nami smashed the treasure box with one punch, Carmon’s body had already followed the fragments of the treasure box. The flesh and blood flew, but the flesh and blood that had been splashed into the air seemed to be suddenly caught by some force, and was rudely stuffed back into Carmon’s body again, and then formed the now fully recovered Carmon.

“Although I don’t know what happened, letting you leave this box is considered compensation from the government. We plan to build a large stronghold here, and it may become a country. If you want to leave, we can go out next time. Take you out. If you want to stay, you’re short of people right now.”

After finishing what she had to do, Nami nodded and left. Compensation to Carmon is because of her code of conduct. It is not up to her to decide how the other party chooses. As long as she can feel at ease in a transaction or compensation, it is enough.

“It’s really strange, are all the animals on this island so strange?”

Al Rita is holding a strange snake in her hand at the moment. The snake’s body is not unusual, but it has a pair of extremely funny rabbit ears on its head, and its personality seems to be similar to a rabbit, even at this moment. Being held upside down by Al Rita, he had no intention of attacking.

“That’s why the name here is Rare Beast Island. We must protect the exotic animals on the island as much as possible. This ecosphere may be the only place in the world.”

Following Arrita’s words, Nami has considered building a large natural zoo on the island, which is not only for viewing, but also a good contrast to the overall atmosphere of the country. The climate here is suitable, and the geographical location is not near the eye of the wind. As long as it is vigorously developed, there is no reason for it to be abandoned.

“However, these animals also look a little too weird, and I don’t think ordinary people will like them.”

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