Anime Heroine Who Travels Through the Blackened Way

Chapter 580

Helplessly throwing away the rabbit-eared snake in her hand, Al Rita was also a little disgusted: “It looks like a monster made by a child casually squeezing mud. These guys enter the zoo, I am afraid tourists Not too much.”

The speaker was unintentional and the listener was intentional. After watching a wild boar with a lion’s mane on its neck strutting past not far away, Nami couldn’t help but feel a little weird.

That’s right, these animals don’t seem to be naturally generated at all, because their bodies have a feeling similar to patchwork, and the way of patchwork is quite crude and childish. Arrita’s description of ‘the little kid just squeezes the mud’ is just right, after all, these animals do not have different parts, just a random combination of two or more biological characteristics.

“Indeed… um, I’ll go to the island again.”

Involuntarily, a strange question arose, and Nami reflexively walked towards the center of the island again. Yes, she had indeed seen similar examples in the original book.

However, it was the island of Punk Hazard in the New World a few years later, and there were not these strange animals, but a group of half-human, half-beast transformed people. However, this group of people did not grow up like that, but lost their ability to move due to the leakage of poisonous gas, and were spliced ​​into animals by Trafalgar D. Law, who had the ‘fruit of surgery’ at that time. the lower body, thus regaining the ability to move again.

This special case of the ability to connect the human body with other organisms undoubtedly proves that the power of the Devil Fruit can do such an effect. And the rare beasts on this island also have the characteristics of other creatures in their bodies. Obviously, this should not be born, but caused by the ability of some kind of devil fruit.

“But…it seems to be a little different.”

Grabbing a rabbit-eared snake, Nami also carefully looked at this strange-looking product. If you look closely, you will find that this snake not only has a pair of rabbit ears, but the scales on its body are also replaced by furry rabbits. There is even a small round pom-pom on the tip of the tail. If it is said that the simple rabbit ears can still be satisfied with the ability of the fruit of surgery, but this method of replacing the entire epidermal structure of the body seems to be a deeper bond.

If the fruit of Luo’s operation was simply pasting the bodies of different creatures together, then the changes of these rare beasts in front of Nami at present seem to be the result of deep kneading and blending. Luo, who appeared in the original book, has developed his own devil fruit power to the peak, and can even affect both the body and the spirit. If his power at that time was only to simply glue the human body to other living organisms, then it means that the ability of the result of surgery in this matter is indeed only the same.

“That is to say… the ability to deeply integrate these creatures is another.”

Letting go of the tame rabbit-eared snake, Nami was also a little puzzled: If this is the case, then the ability to change these creatures is undoubtedly quite powerful. There is no reason for such a strong person to do such a boring thing. , Or is it really just a child who is using his fruit ability to make a fool of himself?

Of course, the thing that really made her feel strange was that there was obviously nothing weird about this island, but it was the road that Luffy and his group passed by after they went out to sea. Although it is absurd to speculate on the original author’s intention, according to Nami’s way of thinking, both the necessity of the island and these strange-looking animals have gradually proved that this place does not look like a complete desert island. .

After all, even the continental plates can fall apart over time, and the traces of human architecture and civilization are nothing compared to it. If she didn’t have a clue at the beginning, Nami wouldn’t continue to investigate, but since she already knew that eight hundred years ago, there was an ancient nobleman with the same ability as her who once existed in this East China Sea. Uncontrollably aroused her reverie.

Driven by this mood, Nami also continued to go deeper into the center of the island, and within her sight, a pile of strange-looking stones also appeared in the middle of the woodland, and walked around the pile of stones. After a circle, Nami also concluded: That’s right! This pile of gravel is not naturally formed at all. Its appearance in the center of the surrounding forest is simply a configuration of a forest garden and rockery. It is only because the passage of time has worn away the performance of the rest of the garden, so it will give people this kind of Desolate signs.

In short, this island full of man-made rare animals was probably a private garden a few years ago! And who is this master, Nami already has the answer.

“What a naughty ancient noble…”

Feeling the strong blood reaction, Nami, who came under the rockery, also took a breath, then clenched her right hand and smashed the huge rockery in front of her with all her might, accompanied by a sound like an eggshell breaking. , The outer shell deposited by time on the surface of this rockery also cracked and shattered, revealing a bright and clear red crystal under it!

That’s right, it’s not a stone at all, but a huge piece of blood drop stone! And its role here is obviously not to take notes, but as a beautiful gem, and it is used as a rockery selection.

In other words, the island that Nami intended to use as a zoo for rare animals was originally a man-made garden eight centuries ago. At this moment, Nami was only under the arrangement of fate, and once again set foot on this scene where the blood-and-blood-powered person had lived as early as eight centuries ago.

(PS1: Well, I have long thought that Zhen Beast Island is a bit strange~~ These reasoning can be used to supplement my personal goods~)

(PS2: Although the village line at home is broken again~ But, I learned to turn on the mobile phone hotspot~ So~ there is one more update~)


Nami’s intuition is not very good, after all, she does not rely on this kind of thing that cannot be determined in her eyes. Perhaps it was as compensation for her, so her emotional judgment of the characters was quite accurate, and this judgment at present gave her a very strong warning: the one who left the diary in a seemingly sweet tone, And the ancient nobles who may have lived on this island, the one with the blood and blood fruit ability before her, is not a good kind.

This blood drop stone seems to be just something similar to an ornament, but you must know that its material is blood, and Nami does not think that the blood and blood ability person will be kind enough to use only her own blood to build these seemingly dazzling gems. The eye-catching red gemstone. In short, her rockery and her writing ink are all made of the blood of other people or creatures. This habit of using other people’s blood as her daily necessities can even be said to be extremely dangerous. .

Although Nami also has the ability of blood and blood fruit at the moment, but she only chooses the blood of beasts as the material for the forging of Xia Lan and rubber alloys when it is necessary. Because drawing blood means killing a sea king or several beasts, even if these creatures are not human, killing innocent lives is something that Nami rejects. She could choose to perform a kill when she had to, but she would never find it funny.

And this person who has become accustomed to making blood into a gem such as blood drop stone, and even used it as a rockery in his own courtyard, and the behavior of his own diary ink, is undoubtedly no longer considering whether the blood is related to other creatures or not. life and death of man. If judged by this cruel and wanton character, these creatures on Rare Beast Island undoubtedly have a more reasonable source explanation.

That is, they are indeed modified products that were artificially shaped for viewing and entertainment under some malice, but… This means that the power of the previous generation of blood and blood fruit ability has become more and more amazing. .

If you want to change the form of flesh and blood and turn blood into blood drop stones, you need at least the degree of fruit awakening, then you need to fuse living creatures in pairs to create mutant creatures similar to the rare beasts on the island of rare beasts, then How high the development of this fruit power is, Nami can no longer imagine.

Even, the rare beasts living here obviously have the ability to reproduce smoothly, which means that their genes from the bones have been fused and distorted by this malicious power. Then, since animals can, I am afraid that the fusion and transformation of human beings is not a problem, and it can be concluded that the person with this ability is a wanton and cruel guy. In a world where such a guy existed 800 years ago, what a terrible state was it? ?

Fortunately, this kind of demon-like guy has disappeared in the long river of history, and these relics left behind can only witness the existence of traces of the years.

Shaking her head, Nami decided to bury the island’s secret in her heart. This is really not a comfortable speculation, and she also planned to throw this huge blood drop stone into the sea when she was free. She was not in the habit of using blood clots as ornaments in her garden.

Because the area of ​​Rare Beast Island is not too big, all the map data will be trimmed after about two days. When you need to build buildings on it, you can refer to the data of these maps to make reasonable arrangements and arrangements. At present, Nami feels that she needs a castle as a core area, and then forms a town around this castle. , but the best way is to use the city wall to surround the entire island, and the dock for ships to enter and exit also needs to be guarded by gates, so that it can be considered foolproof.

And in this sunny weather, a standard-sized navy warship finally found the Enterprise, which was docked next to the Rare Beast Island. After confirming the purpose of the other party’s arrival, the group also boarded the deck of the Enterprise.

“First meeting, Minister Nami, I’m Spandam, the chief of CP9, a department directly under the World Government. This time, I’m here to deliver the message of the Five Old Stars.”

Undoubtedly, the group of people who came was Spandam and his two subordinates, but this time the owl was not there, and the male lion cuddled up with Spandam, and another male member, Gabra. And judging from what this guy called Nami, there is no doubt that the other party showed considerable respect and kindness.

“It’s really hard work, Your Excellency. I didn’t expect that the government would actually send you here in person. I’m really terrified.”

Gently looking at the guy with half of his face covered by an iron mask, Nami didn’t have much disgust for him. After all, this guy’s character is a natural villain, and it would be too harsh to be angry with his habits. .

“Wahhahahaha~! Minister Nami is so polite. You are such a smart and loyal person who is loyal to the government. I have always been willing to make friends with you.”

Nami’s gentle and respectful treatment undoubtedly brought out the vain side of Spandam’s bones, but after a series of fool-like laughs, the guy still remembered his purpose and coughed. After a while, he cleared his throat: “Then, Nami, Director of the Special Investigation Department of the East China Sea, get ready to speak to your esteemed Five Old Stars now.”

? Is it actually this type of ‘message’? It seems that the so-called Five Old Stars attach more importance to this matter than they imagined, or is it true that rubber alloys are just what the government urgently needs?

Slightly surprised, but Nami still respectfully lifted the cloak behind her, and then knelt on one knee and half on the deck, and Yallita and the others behind her followed suit. Spandam, who was holding a phone bug, looked even more proud. Although he knew that Nami and the others were kneeling to the Five Old Stars behind him, the feeling of facing the scene directly made him extraordinarily high.

The contact time of the Five Old Stars had obviously been scheduled before, so soon the phone bug that Spandam was holding was connected, and an old but extremely indifferent voice also sounded from it: “Then , you are Nami, the head of the East China Sea Special Investigation Department, right?”

“Hey, it’s a great honor for you to wait and ask me about the humble labor.”

She also put away the gentleness she used to treat Spandam before, and Nami’s tone also became crisp and neat. The Five Old Stars are not a vain and hypocritical guy like Spandam, so naturally they don’t need additional emotional expressions.

“Well, you have done a good job in the East China Sea, but, although you are a government employee, we are not very clear about your purpose. Please explain.”

Still old, but without the kindness of the old man, the tone of voice came out from the phone bug. Although the first half seemed to be praising Nami’s behavior, the second half undoubtedly became sharp and indifferent. Obviously, even though Nami has done so much , but the Five Old Stars still don’t have much trust in her, but this is also a matter of course.

“Hey, using the weapons of the Xia Lan series as a weight to seize the weapons market in the New World, thereby indirectly affecting the conflict in the New World, this is my main purpose. The secondary purpose is to try to use other Devil Fruit abilities. The blood of , continuously produces derivative products with the properties of Devil Fruit ability, so as to select useful things among them, above.”

Half-kneeling on the deck with her head lowered, Nami’s answer was not sloppy, and the other end of the phone worm was silent for a few seconds. Obviously, the five old stars were exchanging internal opinions and ideas, and then the answer came out again. .

“Yes, but your actions are too slow. We can not ask you about your market channels, but with a 1% market share of weapons in the New World, when will you be able to do it?”

“It depends on the perfection of personnel and necessary facilities. Moreover, the collection of iron ore and other raw materials is also directly related to the production problem. Therefore, I thought that the name of a country was needed to carry out the necessary capital and material turnover. I No talent, I propose myself to be the ruler of this country.”

Now that the five old stars have begun to accept Nami’s concept of the weapon market, naturally Nami will not be polite to these five people. In fact, if she doesn’t want to be independent, she can continue to cling to the World Government. The base, funds, raw materials, and personnel can be distributed by the World Government. This is the problem that the Five Old Stars should have a headache for, but she does not want to continue to be directly affected by this. Government departments control, then you have to consider these things yourself.

“Haha~! It’s interesting, although we have seen a lot of arrogant young people, but there are not many young, capable and ambitious little girls like you.”

This time, the five old stars responded with a tone of praise. Obviously, they were also very satisfied with Nami’s request. As mentioned above, Nami’s request for Jianguo seems to have a considerable degree of freedom, but this also means that she has to solve a lot of material and logistical problems by herself, while at the same time continuing to complete the tasks that the Five Old Stars want her to do What happened, that is, the plan to seize 1% of the total share of the New World weapons market.

Therefore, Rao is as indifferent as the five old stars, and at this moment, he can’t help revealing a little satisfaction and admiration. After all, there are so many countries in the world, but few countries can participate in and complete government plans. To be honest, the government really hopes that more capable and obedient people like Nami will become the leaders of the alliance countries, but it is a pity that the vast majority of government personnel with a little ability will only single-mindedly reach out to the government to ask for it. Money is for food.

“Okay! We agree, you can also continue to maintain the title and all power of the East China Sea Special Exploration Department. If necessary, you can directly mobilize a lieutenant general and his combat power within the government army, within ten years. Your country doesn’t have to pay taxes to the government. Make sure now, what’s your country’s name?”

With the words of the Five Old Stars with satisfaction, there is no doubt that it is impossible for Nami to go back now even if she wants to go back. After all, her plan has successfully attracted the government’s interest. After all, the share of the arms market is an important factor in itself to control the situation. As long as Nami can do it, the world government can use her market to do too much. thing. Therefore, it is no wonder that the world government can even promise huge discounts such as tax exemption for ten years. After all, there is no shortage of money and other world governments. What they lack is the influence on the new world weapons market.

And the last question about the country’s name made Nami’s heart entangled. There is no doubt that she has changed a lot since she came to this world, not only herself, but also many other people who have not changed. However, the most regrettable thing is undoubtedly the regret in her memory that she will never have a chance to make up for.

“Belmer… This is the only name of my country.”

(PS1: Ah~~ I’m exhausted~~ The second update~~ still owes 28 updates~)

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