Ant King In MHA

Chapter 101: Explosive Pasta Dinner

__________ POV Narration__________

Izuku and the rest were quite surprised to see Inko just sitting on the couch with Beru.

"Oh~We've got visitors?~" Beru said in a calm tone while looking at the people that entered the living room.

He saw them clearly. A middle-aged couple, they both seemed to have a somewhat familiar spiky hairstyle the woman was blonde, while the man had brown hair.

Behind them, there were also Izuku and his explosive classmate. Beru had somewhat forgotten Katsuki's name.

Beru instantly realised that the couple was likely the explosive teen's parents. It was quite obvious to anyone with a good pair of eyes.

Beru slowly got up from the couch while Inko sprung into action.

'IforgotdinnerIforgotdinnerIforgotdinner-' Her mind was running on overdrive. The insectoid tilted his head a bit when seeing her run around all panicked.

Mitsuki, Katsuki Bakugo's mother, just laughed when she saw her friend scamper about trying to put together something to eat.

Izuku and Bakugo were just looking around the room awkwardly. The only thought on the mind of the explosive teen was: 'Why is this guy here...' He looked at Izuku with a questioning glare.

The broccoli headed teen didn't seem to know how to respond to that glare. He just shrugged a bit.

"Stop panicking Inko! We don't bite, waiting isn't a problem." Mitsuki did decide to calm down her friend eventually though.

"Nice to meet you all~ Name's Beru~" Beru did decide to introduce himself eventually.

"Bah! You didn't even need to introduce yourself. Who doesn't know you nowadays?" Mitsuki said with a smile while Bakugo just grumbled at the side.

He was currently hoping that his old hag wouldn't embarrass him in front of Beru. Not that he cared for Beru's opinion or anything...

"My name is Masaru Bakugo, my wife over there is named Mitsuki." Masaru, Bakugo's father was the one to step up and shake Beru's hand with a wry smile.

"It's my understanding that you already know my son from class." He said with that same smile while Bakugo himself just scoffed a bit.

"Yep I do~ Little bundle of positivity and happy thoughts he is~" Beru's words instantly made Mitsuki laugh out loud, making Bakugo turn red in embarrassment.

"Yes... He does have some temper issues..." Masaru said with a bit of sweat on his brow. He was, by far, the calmest and less violent member of that household.

"I don't have any issues! And stop laughing you old hag!" Bekugo finally decided to fight back. But his whining didn't stop Mitsuki from finding the conversation amusing.

"Aanyway~ Let's take a seat or something~ No need to stand all day~," Beru said as he grew some more tails and pulled over chairs to the table.

Masaru was a bit startled at first, but then he just nodded and went to the table with the rest of his family.

Izuku just looked at Beru for a bit, his gaze seemed a bit confused.

"Don't look at me like that~ I did say that I'd visit sometimes~ I've just been busy till now~" Beru said while also walking over to the kitchen.

Inko was still gathering ingredients while trying to converse with Mitsuki and Masaru. Bakugo was just being himself and grunting from time to time. Or, maybe it was more of a growl? Hard to say with him. (even the narrator is confused)

Izuku was also being his shy self and not speaking at all while sitting at that table and looking at his empty plate.

"Inko~ How about you go sit down for now and I handle cooking?~" Beru said as he stood beside Inko in the small kitchen.

She was startled by his sudden appearance. And she was just about to refute it until Mitsuki interrupted her.

"Huh?! You know how to cook?" She asked in a confused tone, she moved her gaze to her own son to the side who just stared at the walls.

"Of course I do~ I've had time to learn~ I also enjoy it~ But I more enjoy western cuisine~" Beru's words managed to impress her even more.

Making her stare at her son even harder. 'Why can't you be this nice?' Her thoughts were so obvious that Masaru had to cough a bit and distract her from Bakugo for a while.

"Anyway, Inko, I'm kinda curious now. I wanna see how well he cooks." Mitsuki was obviously not going to complain about getting to spend even more time with her friend while Beru took care of dinner.

To the side, Bakugo mumbled something about Beru being a show-off or something.

Inko reluctantly moved away from the kitchen while Beru started cooking at a speed that most of them could barely follow with their eyes.

"Ummm... Do you have to cut things so fast? Aren't you scare you'd cut yourself or something?" Mitsuki asked while looking at how Beru cooked things with a fire quirk.

"Well~ Kitchen Knives can't really cut me~ No matter how much strength is behind them~ I also can regenerate~ So no need to worry~"

So, the evening continued.

__________ POV Beru__________

So, we all sat at the table eating some pasta while Inko and Mitsuki kept talking about random things.

Masaru didn't really say much, he just seemed happy that his wife was catching up with an old friend.

Bakugo and Izuku are just awkwardly sitting there, not really saying much.

If I'm honest. I can kinda tell where Bakugo got his attitude from. Although he seems a bit more arrogant than his mom, so his temper is a bit amplified sometimes.

Masaru seems to have a pretty chill personality. I guess it kind of balances out his wife's temper?

"Beru, where did you learn to make this!? Would you mind giving me the recipe?" Mitsuki also spoke to me from time to time.

"I learned this on the internet~ I'll write it down for you~" It's not really anything complicated, although I did have to warp to the store to get a few things for it.

The dinner went on with a little incident, we spoke, we ate. I found out that I have quite a bit in common with Masaru.

I also found out that I am actually a lot more famous than I thought I was. Mitsuki made it a point to mention that I am basically as famous as All Might himself at this point.

I've gotta say, I don't really know what to do about the fame. I'm not accustomed to it, but I also didn't notice much of a change.

I guess it's because I don't really go out on the streets all that often. I mainly teleport around for travel, so I don't get to meet many fans.

Oh well, everything went pretty well. I left the Midoriya residence quite happy at having made a few new friends.

Bakugo is still not willing to admit that he liked my pasta, even though he was the only one to ask for seconds. I mean, I still gave him seconds, but he didn't really speak since his mom seemed to be constantly staring at him or something.

Is this one of those fabled 'My parents are making me ashamed' situations? I wouldn't know, my parents were never anything but a shame to me.

Well, I don't actually know my parents in this life. But they don't seem like model citizens since they abandoned me.

I didn't find it strange back then since I barely knew anything about this world. But mutation quirks aren't exactly new.

So they were likely just scum. Not really worth thinking about.

For now, I have a bit of free time still. Kenji will contact me when he gets information about the clone villain group that has been irritating Japan for a while.

I've already been asked to take part in the raid team. And I obviously won't decline. I want to see this group brought down. But I am not exactly hurried about it. If they were going to do something drastic, they would've done it already.

In truth, they might not know that one of their own got captured. Which will work against them.

Honestly, things would be a bit direr if they took Souma or something like that. I made sure to check, and I don't actually know any of the Nomus that were taken.

That doesn't mean that I won't save them though. I still took it upon myself to help the Nomus, which means all of them, not just the ones I happen to have some connection to.

So, I'll have to be ready to work in a team this time. That's not really something I'm used to, but I'm sure I can manage.

I wonder who my teammates will be though...


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