Ant King In MHA

Chapter 102: Panic on all Sides

__________ POV Narration__________

Going against the hopes of the chief of police, Geten's arrest was a fact that they came to know not long after it had happened.

With the Geten clone that had taken his place at their base confessing that the original had asked for a spot in the mission and that he had happily given it to him.

So, they needed to hope that Geten would not rat them out. Geten may not have been one of the executives, but he was still an important member, he knew most of the executives and Re-Destro personally.

They had no choice but to find a way to rescue Geten before it was too late. The problem was that it was almost impossible to rescue him with their current manpower...

Sure, they could create clones thanks to Twice's ability, but the clones were already proved to not be all that strong. Not only that, it was mentally exhausting for Twice to make so many clones.

Twice had always been a lonely individual. He had made clones of himself to have company, only to end up watching them fight over who was and wasn't the original.

That even left him scared and confused, he didn't even know if he was the original anymore, he wasn't sure of anything.

But, he eventually managed to hear about the Meta Liberation Army. He didn't care much for their motives, but he saw their recruitment as a chance to make a few friends.

Which was something he clearly lacked. But not all went according to plan, he and the recruits were all made to fight for their spots within the team.

In a sense, the situation forced Twice to do something he dreaded, he created clones of himself to win against the man that was testing him.

Skeptic's quirk was also somewhat similar to his, the fight ended up being a clash of human-shaped dolls and clones.

He was accepted into the Army, and he started making clones of others to show his usefulness in hopes that others would accept him.

He, however, was still not overly comfortable with making more clones of himself. Too bad his opinion mattered little to Re-Destro.

Twice wanted to be useful, to be accepted. And, unfortunately for him, he had picked the wrong crowd.

The first time he made an army of clones made Re-Destro smile with glee. But in doing so, he had needed to also create an army of his own clones.

After all, 'Double' (Twice's quirk) could only copy something else other than him two times. He could only create an army of other people by endlessly cloning himself and asking each clone to make more clones.

It was a tedious process and it filled Twice with anxiety. Not to say that he didn't like some of his new teammates.

There were some he got along with, like Magne and Skeptic and Trumpet.

But some people didn't like him. Namely Dabi, Moonfish(who didn't seem to like anyone) and Geten. There were a few others that hadn't quite made their opinions obvious.

Re-Destro quickly called him in to discuss how they were going to defend against a potential raid, as well as how they were going to try and retrieve Geten.

While all of that was happening with the Meta Liberation Army.

Someone else, from a different organisation, was trying to wrap her head around her own situation and conundrums.

It took the Hero Public Safety Commission a while to realise that Lady Nagant was under police custody. Not only that, she seemed to be protected by them.

The realisation came as a shock to Oyama, the president of the commission quickly started trying to get in contact with a few agents to capture Lady Nagant's family.

She only managed to learn that the mother was also put in custody and that there was nothing they could hold against Lady Nagant to silence her. They couldn't even speak to her directly.

To put even more salt on the wound, Beru didn't seem to be responding to any of her calls. She only got a message or two, usually written in the following manner:

'Eyy, Great to see you're looking for me. Kinda flattering really. But I'm on vacation for a bit, gotta take care of myself and all that. Cheers and good luck! With love~Beru'

She could basically feel a blood vessel pop in her forehead when reading that message. But there was nothing she could do to force Beru to help the Commission.

So, her strategy became a passive one. She started preparing for any accusation that was to be thrown her way... Unfortunately for her, just as she started preparing, the information became public.

Kenji obviously realised that the agents of the Commission started snooping around his turf. So he decided to rush the publication of his case against them. He had already built enough evidence, and he had more than enough to at least convict the leaders.

Oyama almost ripped her hair out when seeing the news that evening.

'Tonight's Breaking News: Government organisation turns out to be, in fact, just as evil and sinister as most villainous ones.' She gritted her teeth until she could feel pain.

She once again tried to call Beru, only to be met with the same response. Or, lack of response as some would put it.

She ended up smashing her phone on the table out of frustration.

Then, it finally clicked to her. She started asking herself a few questions as her rage died down and was replaced by calm.

Who exactly reacted heavily after hearing her plan to capture Lady Nagant?

Who could've given the chief of police the information that Lady Nagant was important to them?

Who could've orchestrated this entire thing with little effort and time investment?

There was only one person powerful and cunning enough to do so that she knew. And the answer made her feel dread. It was obviously none other than Beru.

The realisation only helped to make her despair more. '... Why has it come to this?'

Fighting Beru was not something their organisation was prepared for... Nay, it wasn't something that Japan was prepared for.

The country was still somewhat recovering after escaping from All for One's control.

And they hadn't even managed to get rid of all of it properly. Only after his death did they have some closure on the matter. But the damage that All for One had done to their society was still felt by most people in power.

So, there was no delusion in Oyama's mind that they would be capable of fighting Beru.

Sure, the insectoid might not have as many subordinates, but one thing was for certain. He was a lot stronger than All for One had been.

So, Oyama only had one choice. Playing things smart, and preparing for the worst possible outcome.

And, while she was doing all of that. A meeting was happening in a special room within the police force HQ.

__________ POV Beru__________

A lot of shit has happened. Just today, Kenji decided to rat out the Commission, then I got called to join the raid briefing.

The raid will actually happen tonight, and there are a few colourful characters in it...

"With the information extracted from the prisoner. We can tell for certain that the group is hiding under the guise of a company. They are all equipped and their numbers are quite impressive. Not to mention the clones, they seem to have a lot of powerful villains in their group..."

Naomasa, one of the detectives is the person giving us the briefing. He seems to be the stone-faced type. At least at first glance.

As for the raid team...

"Just send me at em! I don't need any team!" One of them is a person I know quite well.

I have to say Rabbit Lady is still as bold as I remember her.

"Hmph, I also doubt this will be this large of an issue." Said the tall man with a fiery beard to my side(Endeavor obviously).

"C'mon now~ There's no need to get all fired up over this~ We'll all get a chance at some action~," I said, trying to help the detective bring things down a notch.

Naomasa just sighed and said. "Beru is right... There are around 15000 villains. There could also be many clones around, but this estimate is already large. We have to proceed with caution." The information made Mirko smile.

"I wonder if I'll meet that shape-shifting bastard there..." She said under her breath. I almost spit out my coke when I heard her.

What's this fixation of hers on me?

"That's unlikely..." Said a blonde dude while combing his head. The thing that stands out about this guy is that he wears his jeans above his nose. It's a really unique take on hero costumes, I kinda like it.

"Indeed, this Meta Liberation Army seems to be quite willing to cripple and kill civilians and Heroes alike. The giant villain was reluctant to even heavily injure us..." Another hero dressed as a Ninja spoke up.

I gotta say, it's a bit embarrassing to hear them talk about me like that. But I guess that's what happens when you run around with two identitties(titties, hahaha funny word).

"Let's get back on track... I believe we have something important right now... Like the Meta Liberation Army." Said Cementoss. He's also part of this raid. I believe they need him in order to keep the damage to the surroundings to a minimum.


Hope you liked the chapter!

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