Ant King In MHA

Chapter 112: Bloody Struggle

__________ POV Beru__________

"That was certainly something mister~ Really thrilling experience~ Now can we call this whole thing off so that I can go and enjoy some lasagna or something?~" I'm doing my best to use my charisma and persuasive skills to convince Re-Destro to just call it quits.

But, for some reason, I really don't think it will work.

I'm basically asking him to simply give up on all of his ideals. It's truly a waste of time. But, once again, I really don't have anything else to use this time on.

"Don't think this is already over... I am not the only member of the Liberation Army..." Re-Destro said through his gritted teeth.

Looking down, I could see that many members of the army had gathered to support their leader.

"Now now~ There's no need for such hostility~ My job isn't really to fight in this raid~ I'd recommend not stirring the pot, as some would say~" My words were only met with silence.

I honestly don't think that the people below really care about my assigned role in this raid. But a word of caution is still there. I'm giving them a warning, that should be enough.

"I think you've been in power for too long... How about I help you understand your circumstances." Re-Destro really just gained a lot of confidence out of nowhere.

He took out a small pistol, I almost scoffed a bit when he pointed it at me.

The bullets themselves were really slow. I could follow them with my eyes, they all looked a bit strange. But they have little way of actually piercing my exoskeleton.

I wonder what their deal is... But I'm not going to let them touch me. I am confident in my strength, but there are still abilities that I should be wary of.

Like the quirk of that masked man. Well, former quirk. He technically still has it but isn't able to use it.

I simply dodged those bullets, some of them were shot to close off a few retreating directions for me. I didn't think he was that good of a shot.

In the end, I landed on the ground, right between all of his soldiers.

The long-nosed villain looked a bit irritated when he saw me just avoid his 'special attack'.

"What?~ Did you think I'd just stand there and take it?~" I think this guy has grossly miscalculated how conceited and arrogant I am. He probably thinks I'm too arrogant to take anything seriously.

I don't really know what that bullet is, or what it can do. But that's exactly why I'm not letting it hit me. What if he managed to shit out some reality-bending quirk that works through bullets? What if it instantly kills me when it touches me?

That's a really stupid notion that I don't even think is possible. But I don't fucking know, so why test fate like that.

Still, Re-Destro gained a strange, demented smile on his face. I looked down at my feet, I could see a small pad, I stepped on it the moment I dodged that bullet.

The soldiers around me appeared oblivious to this, they all eyed me like hawks. But, when looking through the ground, I could see something somewhat strange.

It looked to be a small explosive, it looked to be some type of specially made frag grenade mine. Is this guy planning on getting rid of all of the people around me?

Dodging this is possible, but I do want to see how these bullets affect others. So I'll just warp the mine further into the crowd...

__________ POV Narration __________

Beru opened up a small portal and transported the bomb in the middle of a group of villains.

Suddenly, fire erupted from that small device, those 'bullets' spread out like shrapnel and sunk into the bodies of all of the nearby villains.

Beru looked on in interest as some changes started to appear to the people that were hit by that shrapnel. He could see them changing, the ones that had mutations were becoming normal.

He looked in astonishment as they all became quirkless. Just like that. He wasn't daft enough not to understand the implications of such a weapon.

Now, he was happy enough to not have let any of those bullets even touch him. He had no way of knowing that they could only be in effect after they entered the body.

Beru was technically safe from these bullets. But that much was to be expected. Now, why would Re-Destro be so happy?

"It's a shame that one didn't work... I guess we're onto plan B." The long-nosed villain said while eyeing the crowd below him.

At that moment, Beru wondered if he should just teleport his head away from his shoulders. Ultimately, he decided against killing the leader.

That land-mine wasn't his attack, so he didn't care about it harming the villains with it.

Beru looked strangely at the people around him, he just now noticed that all of them wore some type of collar.

"What's this?~ Mass bondage?~" He asked after seeing the strange mechanical contraptions on the collars.

The soldiers of the liberation army were shaken by the explosion, and the ones that lost their quirks were even more so.

But then Re-Destro raised an arm. Then pointed it at the ground. Suddenly, a small ding sound was heard from all of the collars that the soldiers of the liberation army were wearing.

Not just the people near Beru, there were also quite a few fighting the other heroes.

Suddenly, all of the soldiers seemed to grow stronger... And less conscious. Some seemed to be foaming at the mouth, they were likely injected with some strange drug. Or at least that was what Beru thought at that moment.

Then, from the side, a steel wire came rushing towards him, one of the drugged villains had suddenly started attacking Beru.

And, right after him, many more followed.

Hundreds of attacks, from all directions. What was a man supposed to do in such a situation?

Beru didn't really know, but he sure knew what to do for himself. He suddenly started opening up portals all around him, swallowing up attacks and spitting them back out at different villains in the crowd.

There were many villains outfitted with collars present. But Re-Destro didn't have the time to prepare such a collar for all of the members of the army. Only around 1 thousand wore the collars.

And, at this command, they were all injected with yet another drug that he had gotten off of Overhaul's hands.

Trigger, or the Japanese version of it. Trigger was a new and experimental drug, it was yet to be accepted in the medical field, but it was tested in the underworld in America.

The Japanese version of the drug was basically a watered-down version of that. It greatly enhanced the power of one's quirk factor. But, in exchange, the user became highly unstable mentally.

It could also cause permanent damage to some. The creator of the drug planned to make it go public and distribute it throughout the world.

"This is quite interesting..." Re-Destro was also quite surprised by the effect of that drug. He knew that it would make his people stronger, but the boost in power was more than he had expected.

'With this, taking down Beru and All Might is actually possible...' Re-Destro mused to himself with a smile.

"Yeah~ Pretty interesting innit?~" Said Beru at his side. He was just sitting down on the railing and looking down into the crowd. The frenzied drugged soldiers were still attacking the spot where he had been before.

Re-Destro could feel the cold sweat on his back. He didn't even need to look to his side to understand who was sitting beside him.

His eyes were wide in both panic and terror. He needed to quickly retreat, or at least that's what he thought.

He didn't actually have the time to put that thought into action, as he felt himself slipping a bit. He fell down on his ass. He was confused, he didn't understand how he lost his balance so quickly.

Then he looked down at his legs. They were both severed from knee down. His eyes widened in terror once more. This time, he also released a pained grunt.

"Damn~ The cut was a bit off~ I wanted it to be more straight...~" Beru said as he looked at Re-Destro's amputated legs.

The cut was done at a slightly tilted angle, which was the reason he had slipped off in the first place.

"T-This... Isn't over yet..." Re Destro said through tired breaths as he held his stumps, trying his best to stop the bleeding.

The long-nosed villain wasn't wrong, but he was also not right either. His fight was more than over, he needed to quickly get medical attention.

But the raid itself was still in progress. The heroes now faced quite a few drugged villains. How would they fare against that, I wonder...


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