Ant King In MHA

Chapter 113: All out War

__________ POV Narration__________

"What happened to these guys?!" Asked a hero, as the person in front of him suddenly gained a lot of strength. The villain had some sort of strength-enhancing quirk.

The hero, Death Arms, was somewhat evenly matched with the villain at first, but that changed after the drug was injected.

The villain seemed to grow a few dozen centimetres, he managed to quickly overpower the hero. Death Arms was sent flying back into the crowd of heroes as the villain was about to rush further into the group and start brutally beating on more heroes.

But the villain thankfully didn't get far, he was quickly gripped by his own clothes, Best Jeanist acted quickly, he used his quirk to try and incapacitate the villain.

Unfortunately, he only managed to slow him down. The man seemed to angrily flex his body, ripping out of his clothes and rushing the heroes again.

But this time they were all prepared, the villain was met with a hurried counterattack, Death Arms and Kamui Woods worked together to restrain the man.

It took the concentrated effort of several heroes to take down the trigger enhanced villain. Such a scene was showing itself repeatedly all around the battlefield.

The only thing that kept the rest of the regular villains from rushing in was the series of portals that kept warping them back to their starting points. That and the miasma that kept making so many of them pass out.

Beru was obviously not going to let things get too out of control, and Nemuri had released her quirk at full power after seeing that many heroes were getting overwhelmed.

Her use of her quirk forced all of the heroes to put on their masks, and it forced All Might to go and fight further away from the group. The wind from his punches could potentially blow away the cloud of miasma and leave the heroes open for attack.

All Might himself was in the middle of his own harsh battle against dozens of trigger enhanced villains. It was getting harder and harder for him to hold back.

He also realised that extending the fight, even more, would lead to his timer running out, so he decided to get serious.

He was currently fighting the original Moonfish, enhanced with Trigger. Along with quite a few other villains with troublesome quirks.

He was injured here and there, a few broken teeth were lodged deep into his arms, but he was not the type to fall easily. Then, something unexpected happened.

One of them managed to take Toshinori by surprise, he had a quirk that allowed him to grow and control the hair on his body, he managed to pull the Symbol of Peace and throw him upwards.

The action made All Might lose his footing and showed the others an opening. If only they were still conscious enough to take it...

But All Might was done playing around now, so he wasn't about to wait for them to make a few more moves.

A single twitch of his brow, his everpresent smile disappearing for a split second as he twirled around in the air and aimed a full-powered punch straight at the ground, where most of the drugged-up villains were just waiting for him to land.

The strength that his punch released was so great that, even with the precautions taken, it still managed to blow away some of Midnight's miasma.

The villains that took the full brunt of that punch were buried into the street, the large crater he had created was filled with debris from the buildings that had been standing nearby until now.

The rest of the heroes cheered when seeing All Might triumph like that, but not all of them were happy. Endeavor just scoffed and cursed at how little he could use his quirk.

He was strong enough to dispatch thousands of villains on his own, but he needed to control his flames as to not kill them or injure his allies.

It was a restriction that had plagued him for the entirety of his hero career. Now, it was just the same. He could only take care of the people nearest to him.

"Stop gaping and start slapping villains around you twerps!!" Mirko was quick to reprimand the heroes that had gotten distracted by All Might's attack.

They all quickly got back into action as they were still stuck trying to defend against the Trigger Villains.

Mirko herself was fighting and giving it her all, but even she couldn't afford to be careless in that situation. But the crowds of villains were starting to thin out... The problem was that the stamina of the heroes was also mostly gone.

The plan had failed due to the sudden appearance of the Trigger Villains. Now, they were fully on the defence, trying to hold their positions.

In the end, a lot of the heavy lifting ended up with Twice, who was tirelessly making more and more clones. He was forced to run away from the circle the heroes had formed for his lack of gasmask.

But he was still actively assisting them. He created an entirely new circle and defended it himself, it was just him and his clones. Some of the heroes couldn't help but feel some admiration when seeing how determined the former villain was to help them.

They were already refusing to actually call Twice a villain subconsciously. He had already proved himself to be a great ally to many.

"This is so shit!" Said Mt.Lady as she sat down in the middle of the circle kept by heroes. She was battered and bruised.

She was constantly targeted when she grew in size, it was actually infuriating that she couldn't do anything about it.

When she used her quirk, she'd simply get pushed back and forced to revert to normal as to not damage her own teammates.

It was an extremely frustrating ordeal for her.

The fight was looking bleaker, the situation getting worse and worse as the fatigue built on the heroes. All Might himself could basically feel his time running out.

But he wasn't letting off so easily. He was still pounding on villains all around him.

'This is bad... What are we even supposed to do?!' Mirko was actually starting to panic a bit. She was not the type to be fearful. And she wasn't for herself, but she could see that the rest of her team was barely standing straight at that point.

Aizawa was not even able to open his eyes anymore, Midnight was about to pass out herself, Cementoss was slightly injured and breathing heavily.

Such states were somewhat common among the group.

From a distance, Beru looked with annoyance.

'I guess I need to help them now. The plan can go fuck itself... But, I can actually do this without getting any flack.'

The insectoid quickly disappeared from in front of Re-Destro, he warped himself into a forset and made a clone of himself. It wasn't hard since he already knew his own measurements.

The clone looked around for a bit, then just nodded and transformed into someone else. It had the same memories as Beru, it knew what to do.

The Beru clone quickly flew off and Beru himself warped back to Re-Destro, who hadn't even gotten to notice his absence.

After all, it hadn't even taken a second. It just looked like he blinked in and out of existence for a split second.

But Beru mentally smiled. 'Things are about to get really interesting...'

'I should also deal with this dog... Not really worth keeping the discussion up' He thought while looking at Re-Destro.

"Well~ This was a fun experience!~ I'm sure we'll meet again when you're behind bars or something~" Beru said in an upbeat tone.

"N-No... This is far from the last you'll hear of the Meta Liberation Army..." Beru just tilted his head at Re-Destro.

"Sure~ Whatever~ But you won't be part of it~" Beru didn't want to continue the conversation, so he just opened up a portal underneath Re-Destro, sending him straight into the police station.

He also smashed his head into the ground, just to make sure he wasn't going to wake up and cause any trouble.

Then, Beru just walked over to the railing and looked at the army of villains gathered there.

"I guess a few casualties are acceptable at this point~" He said out loud to no one in particular.


Hope you liked the chapter!

Sorry about yesterday... Again. I really needed some sleep. The fact that I'm having some troubles at work definitely didn't help my tiredness at all.

Don't worry though, at least I managed to post earlier today :))

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