Ant King In MHA

Chapter 114: Giant and Dabi

__________ POV Narration__________

'This is bad...' Mirko was not having fun anymore. Even the heroes that had come in later were starting to tire out.

Endeavor was one of the few that were still on full strength. He hadn't really used much of his power in fear of burning others. But now he couldn't even move away to start going full power since he was one of the few people left still defending the tired heroes.

'Fuck the plan! I hope Beru comes here and cuts them all down... But he's probably also in his own fight at this point.' Mirko thought as she looked around herself.

She knew that Beru was still helping them, but she also knew that he was definitely busy, not all of the villains were attacking the heroes. Beru was likely facing an army on his own too.

'... I hate this soo much.' That was what she thought as a drugged villain approach her and sprouted blades from all over his body.

Mirko got cut repeatedly all over her body as she tried to dodge and back off, only to end up being kicked by another villain and sent flying into a building.

The pain didn't phase her, but she was annoyed that she had gotten distracted like that.

She shakily got up, only to be met with the same figure that had kicked her. It was a large, hulking man, he raised his fist, and was about to bring it down on her.

The rabbit hero was already far too tired to bring up any defence. But she was about to try to anyway. She gritted her teeth and raised her leg in a roundhouse kick. She managed to somehow narrowly avoid his punch with that motion, but her kick barely made the villain flinch.

She was already far too tired to put much strength behind her kicks. Still, she managed to take a few steps back before preparing to dodge another hit.

She wasn't the type to give up easily, she would even start biting her enemy to death if need be. But sitting down and giving up was simply not her style.

She looked at the large villain with hate, she also noticed that the bladed villain was coming closer to her too.

Then, out of nowhere, a large crack was heard. A shockwave spread out among the entire group of heroes and villains. It also managed to somewhat stagger the large villain that had kicked Mirko.

Then, something else happened. While that villain was staggered, a large hand came around and slapped him alongside the bladed villain.

They were sent flying into the crowd of villains as the large hand returned to normal. Mirko looked at the origin of the attack with a smile. 'This fucker...'

A man in a suit, his appearance seemed to be that of a middle-aged villain thug. But the smile on his face gave Mirko a strange, familiar vibe. She realised it was none other than the giant villain that had eluded them before.

"Well, I went and almost missed this party... Can't believe that you heroes failed to invite me here, that's downright cruel of you!" The 'Giant Villain' who is none other than the Beru clone, spoke with flair and energy.

"You..." Endeavor commented to the side, he was just about to rush in and aid Mirko. The nr.2 hero was shocked by the appearance of this enigmatic villain.

"What does your organisation have to do with things this time?" Said Mirko as she walked out of the buildings she had been smashed into.

She was somewhat limping, but she was clearly unafraid of the presumably dangerous villain. That at least managed to calm some of the heroes down, not all of them knew the full story of the giant villain.

"Not much honestly. I don't know how you guys got yourselves into this huge of a mess! But I can't really let you all waste your lives here. You are heroes that are supposed to keep people safe." The Giant Villain spoke with a hand on his chest.

Mirko just smirked while staring at him. She didn't believe a word that came out of his mouth. But she was damn glad to see him there.

"Well then. I guess I'll have to step in and help you guys out this one time." He said as he started hopping a bit and shadow boxing in the air.

"... I still hate you! But that would be nice yeah," Mirko said while she also ran in the middle of the hero circle and sat down.

"What should we do?" Asked one of the heroes nearby.

"For now, try to get out of that guy's way," Mirko spoke up in her earpiece. Her command was heard by everyone, as she released a tired sigh.

She looked at the giant villain with interest, then at the Liberation Army with a bit of pity. 'These guys are toast...' She thought with a satisfied smile.

Then, it started. As the Beru Clone continued shadow boxing towards the villains, suddenly, one of his jabs expanded.

His hand grew large and crashed into the crowd of villains violently. It was clear that he was not holding anything back.

The liberation army soldiers were sent flying and crushed among each other. It didn't matter much whether or not they were drugged. They were all sent flying anyway.

The fight continued like that for a bit. The Beru Clone kept sending 'Giant Jabs' at the army of villains surrounding it.

The heroes winched as they watched the villains lay broken after being sent flying by his punches.

But such a strategy wasn't going to work forever. And it certainly wasn't going to work with all of the triggered up villains.

One of them in particular managed to cover his entire body in a strange crystal that stuck to the ground. It managed to stop one of the jabs, and that created an opening.

The villains rushed in and were about to reach the clone. But the clone just smiled. Suddenly, its entire body expanded exponentially, it used its full size, 35 meters of mass and power.

But the heroes weren't quite hopeful when they saw that. "He's a much bigger target now..." One of the heroes muttered. They had seen Mt.Lady try something similar, but the villains were far too many, and she was tired out and forced to turn to normal.

They were somewhat worried that the scene would repeat. But that worry didn't even cross Mirko's mind. She just felt pity for all of the villains rushing towards the giant villain.

The Beru Clone raised one of its fists into the air, then proceeded to smash it into the ground with enough force to blow all of the people nearby away.

The villains that had tried rushing in were the most affected. Even the cristal villain was crushed into the concrete street alongside the rest of them.

The only reason the heroes were not blown away too was that Cementos had managed to raise a wall between everyone and the villains. The wall was crushed almost instantly, but it still protected them.

All Might also decided to join in the fun with a large attack of his own. Since most of the heroes had retreated from the crowd of villains, he could somewhat go all out more easily.

He released a smash that blew away hundreds of villains in front of him. Steam was coming out of his body but he was still persevering.

'The leaders aren't even here yet...' That was his thought. He actually found the situation to be quite bad. He also didn't know what to think about the helping villains. Both Twice and the Giant Villain were aiding the heroes extensively.

Endeavor himself was usually harsh on both villains and vigilantes. But even he didn't feel like scoffing at the two. Especially Twice, the cloning quirked man had completely earned Endeavor's respect.

Even now, Twice was tirelessly fighting against many villains. Something that could only be admired.

And, after seeing All Might, The Giant, and Twice, all still fighting with their all, he started feeling inadequate. 'I am also strong... Why am I just sitting on my ass here?'

Since the villains stopped attacking the rest of the heroes, he had no reason not to seriously enter the fight. So, he jumpstarted into cation by delivering a full-powered punch into the torso of a strength quirked villain.

The villain bent strangely as that punch sent him tumbling to the ground. Then Endeavor started to raise his temperature. He started sending torrents of flames into the crowd.

All until one point. A blue flame appeared and managed to suppress his own. 'This... It's that guy.' He looked at the stitched villain warily.

Dabi just smiled. "Oh so nice to meet you, father!" That simple sentence simply broke Endeavor. It completely shut off his brain.

And Dabi obviously knew that it would cause such a reaction since he wasted no time to start bombarding Endeavor with a concentrated stream of fire.

Unfortunately for the young villain, things weren't going to happen his way. Just as he released his flames, a black portal swallowed his hands. In the back, in the middle of the still numerous villains, his hands appeared and started burning a few dozen people.

"SHIT!" He shouted, losing all of his composure and revealing a twisted and angry face.

"Toya?!!" Endeavor finally recovered and shouted with all of his strength. There were plenty of emotions on his face. A mix of both sadness, joy and panic.

He was happy to learn that his son was still alive, but the circumstances of their meeting, as well as the crazed look on his face. It was simply devastating for him to see.

"W-What happened to you?" The flaming hero asked in a shaky tone.

"Oh shut up. Don't give me that stupid and fake 'caring' look! You were the one that threw me away after little Shoto got his quirk." Dabi spoke with hate and vitriol that almost floored Endeavor.

Endeavor's mind was suddenly filled with a rush of thoughts.

It was due to his obsession that everything happened. His obsession rubbed off on the young Toya at the time. But even then, Enji couldn't bring himself to see his own son injure himself with his own quirk.

Even if it was a powerful quirk with the potential to overcome All Might, he couldn't bring himself to keep training Toya knowing that it was only hurting him. So, he decided to start concentrating on Shoto instead.

He had no way of knowing that Toya, in his mind that was deluded by his father's obsession, took that change in demeanour as something else entirely.

Now, Enji was staring at the product of his own mistakes and stupidity. And he couldn't do anything other than stare.

His son, his beloved flesh and blood was now a vengeful and murderous psychopath. All because of him. That realisation simply broke the nr.2 hero.

For a second, he wished for nothing but Beru's portals to disappear so that his son's flames could swallow him whole.

"Oi! Stop whimpering like a bitch! Get in there and stop that villain already!" The voice that woke him up belonged to none other than Mirko. She was oblivious to the situation, but she still managed to remind Endeavor of what he was.

He was a hero. The Nr.2 Pro Hero to be exact. He had gravely failed his son, now he needed to do his best to at least be the one to capture him.

'If I get home... The first thing I must do it apologise to them all...' He thought of all of his children. Only after seeing the deranged and crazed Dabi did he realise just how much he had messed everything up.

And so, the bout between father and son was starting...

On another side of the battlefield. Beru was still looking down at what was essentially 5000 villains.

He smiled as his arms inflated like balloons. He jumped into the air and flew a bit. He used a gigantification quirk in his arms and upper torso, it made him look funny, his proportions were way off...

But, the next attack he released was anything but funny. Two, fully powered Gigantified Air Cannons hit the ground, what ensued could only be called an earthquake as his entire sector of the city was segmented and basically became a pit.

It was unknown how many of the 5000 survived. But everyone could hear and feel the attack. It had created quite the earthquake after all.

Beru just sighed in satisfaction as he flew off to some other building, to observe things from there instead.


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