Ant King In MHA

Chapter 115: Big Attack

__________ POV Beru__________

I really don't get what Re-Destro thought would happen. It's not like I'd suddenly become afraid of a few villains.

I guess he was hoping he'd be able to either get that masked villain to touch me or he'd get me on his side.

But he was far too overconfident in all of his actions. Usually, confidence comes from somewhere, so I'm still waiting to see if something will pop up and surprise me.

But I highly doubt it at this point. I also turned an entire district of this city into a pit, so I doubt they will be sending many more after me.

I mean, I doubt they'll be sending anyone after me at this point. But there should still be some 'elites' left inside this Meta Liberation Army.

By now though, they'll start coming out. Like the blue fire guy that's currently fighting with Endeavor.

I don't get why flame-beard is hesitating so much when fighting that villain, but that's his deal, not mine. I'll just make sure he doesn't get too injured.

My Clone also seems to be having fun, smashing villains around with ease and turning the entire army into a joke.

It's kinda funny to see from an outsiders perspective, usually, I'm the one kicking ass. Well, I guess I still technically am the one doing it. But I can also look at it from a distance now...

Now... What else should I do? I guess I'll start extracting the tired heroes from the fight. No use to keep them there and the plan has already fallen apart to this extent. No reason to endanger them any further.

I guess that's something I can go over there and do myself though. No reason to wordlessly teleport them away. Might as well ask Mirko and the others how things are.

__________ POV Narration__________

And so, Beru decided it was finally time to end things. He warped himself in front of the tired heroes and walked over to Rumi, who was intently observing the Gaint Villain as he pounded the Liberation Army.

"Damn~ You guys got fucked~ I guess the number difference became too much after the drug got introduced~," Beru said, startling Mirko. The rabbit hero looked at the tall and looming insectoid with annoyance.

"A bit of an explanation on that would be helpful by the way." She said while looking at the rest of the tired heroes. Many of them were listening to the conversation.

"Well~ I don't know all that much about it~ It's apparently making their quirks stronger but making them less intelligent.~" Everyone seemed to have expected that response. Mirko just scoffed and looked away.

"If you were going to say something so obvious why did you even open your mouth?" She said while looking at the situation a bit more closely.

She could see that the Giant Villain, although getting attacked from all directions by hundreds of villains, remained unbothered by any damage done to his body.

In truth, she was quite fascinated with the fighting style of that man. His use of excessive strength wasn't what impressed her though, rather, it was his complete control over it.

She couldn't appreciate it in the past since she didn't know how he looked when going all out. But now, she knew that he wasn't even playing around with them the last time they tried to capture him.

"Damn~ You're harsh~" Beru also looked at his clone curiously.

"Do you think you can match that man?" Mirko ended up voicing her thoughts by mistake. She was honestly curious if Beru had confidence in dealing with the elusive villain.

"Easily~ Though I hardly see any reason to~" His answer made her scoff a bit. It didn't help that it sounded like boasting, but he was also being completely truthful. A clone didn't have the full strength of the original.

It was also a lot less durable. But that wasn't possible to observe since, with the number of defensive quirks that the clone had, it would be impossible for anything less than All Might to actually deal any damage to it.

"Glad to see you love boasting so much... But this guy managed to escape from all of us before, don't look down on him." Beru almost laughed when hearing that. It had been him who escaped from everyone back then.

But he was obviously not going to mention that part to the irritated Rabbit Hero.

"Meh~ That doesn't say much~ Anyway~ I'll be teleporting all of the tired heroes away~," Beru said while not giving Mirko any time to respond to his earlier jab.

"What?! We can still fight! We just need a few seconds..." One of the heroes spoke up while slowly trying to get up from the ground.

"Yeah~Nah~The fight's almost over anyway~You all did well~I'm pretty sure you all held back these 30000 villains for at least an hour or two~ But any more than that is suicide~" Beru's words were like a shower of cold water. They couldn't even refute them.

The only reason they were even able to last this long was due to Beru and Twice. The giant came in much later when they were already down from the count.

Midnight had completely overused her quirk in that time. Now, she was trying her best to regain her bearings. Her costume ripped in many places and her body filled with cuts and bruises.

Seeing her like that was a large part of his decision to 'retreat' the heroes.

"You know, if you're so tough, why didn't you act sooner?!" Mirko asked, she was really angered by the way Beru acted. He was so nonchalant about the situation that it actually got to her nerves.

"Calm down tuts~ I was specifically told that I can't go killing everyone~ So joining the fight is basically a no-no for me~" Beru's words still didn't sit right with the rabbit hero.

"Oh yeah?! Are you lacking control to the extent where you can't fight without killing?!" Her question made sense. Beru could've still joined the fight if he were to hold back a lot.

He was really great at holding back after all... It's just that. "Yeah~ That would be too big of a pain in the ass~ Imagine trying to fight and protect 30000 people at once~ It's much easier to use a big attack and not worry about it~"

His reasoning was good. The reason he was here now was that he could stop caring about holding back. The situation had long since spiralled out of control. That was also why he didn't care about the 5000 he Air Cannoned.

"Oh yeah?! Then why don't you use one of these fabled 'big attacks' of yours and end the fight already?! The plan is dead, who gives a shit anymore?!" Beru was about to rub the bridge of his nose, but then he remembered that he didn't have a nose.

So he settled with just sarcastically saying. "And why the hell do you think I'm here then?~ To admire the scenery?~" He said as he warped Twice and All Might into the crowd of heroes.

Then he placed both of his hands on the ground. Using his earth manipulation quirk, coupled with the new quirk he had gotten from that masked villain, he raised high walls around the circle of heroes.

The heroes looked around a bit confused, especially Twice and All Might. The two of them were a bit disoriented.

Endeavor was further away, he had taken the fight with his son far enough from the main group to actually prevent either his or his son's flames from injuring any heroes.

So, Beru didn't need to teleport him away.

The 'walls' rose higher and higher, in the end, they towered over most of the buildings nearby. Then, without waiting, Beru clapped his hands on the ground once more.

This time, he used yet another combination of quirks, 'Liquidification' he turned the earth into something similar to a liquid, then, he spread out that 'wall' he had created all around the hero group like a tsunami.

The 'Tsunami' ate away at the buildings and the people nearby, the earth was like a thick liquid, swallowing up all of the villains nearby and smashing them into buildings.

The powerful waves continued expanding, leaving nothing but remains and debris behind.

"Hehe~ I guess I'll call this one, Mud Tsunami~," Beru said while slowly getting up.

The waves continued even after Beru had stopped controlling them. They had enough momentum, they continued to swallow up everything within a 5km radius.

Beru ended up having to warp both Endeavor and Dabi away. He would've only taken Endeavor, but he saw that the two people were having a moment, so he didn't want to ruin that.

"W-What... How..." Mirko was beyond confused when seeing just how destructive that move was.

She thought that Beru would just start punching randomly. She knew he was strong, but she couldn't foresee just how devastating his abilities were when he actually wanted them to be.

"I'm sure there's plenty of survivors~ But we'll have to call in quite a few rescue teams~ I'll unearth the heads of most of them, just to make sure~," Beru said as he placed his hands on the ground once more.

Mirko could see heads sprouting out of the ground all over the battlefield. Villains had been completely buried alive in the wake of that nightmarish Tsunami.

"There~ I think that settles it~," Beru said as he wiped some nonexistent sweat from his nonexistent brow.

"Young man..." All Might looked at Beru with concern. But he ended up sighing when he saw that Beru still cared for their lives somehow.

The gesture of making sure they had their heads uncovered was large in All Might's opinion. It meant that Beru wasn't as murderous as he had previously thought. Or as the Stain recording made him seem.

He couldn't help but smile as a lot of his paranoia vanished. Although his strength was enormous, he was far from a villain. That was the conclusion Toshinori arrive at.

"Oh~ Let's get you all to a hospital or something~," Beru said after noticing the steam coming out of All Might. He was quick in sending the Symbol of Peace off.

Mirko was still startled, but then she seemed to have remembered something.

"Wait! What about the Giant Villain?!" She didn't even notice that there were traces of concern in her voice.

"I'm sure the guy's fine~ He probably rode the waves and fucked off~ This move wasn't made to take out someone of his calibre~" Beru actually managed to calm someone for once.

Mirko also smiled when hearing Beru acknowledge the Giant's strength.

She had no idea he was basically jerking himself off with that 'compliment'.

"You all should rest for now~ Don't worry about the clean-up~" Beru waved his hand as he teleported all of the heroes away.

Midnight also gave him a tired look, accompanied by an even more tired smile. They certainly had a lot to talk about...

But, for now, Beru needed to talk with some other people... Like the Chief of Police, and Goda Yori...

He also needed to prepare for the termination of his 'contract' with the Public Hero Safety Commission... Oh, so much work.


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