Ant King In MHA

Chapter 116: Aftermath and Plan

__________ POV Beru__________

My conversation with Kenji wasn't all that interesting. The chief of police just felt that it was necessary to thank me for the support I had given the heroes throughout the raid.

He also asked me about the whereabouts of the giant villain, I just told him that he likely got teleported away.

All for One also had a teleportation quirk besides Kurogiri's. It's the weird vomit one. It wasn't hard to convince the chief of police that the 'super-duper secret organisation' also had a means of teleportation.

In truth, my clone just warped itself off and is probably hanging around in some other country for now.

Probably gaining a few more exotic looks for our 'identity collection'. I mean, I won't be able to access its collection. But I sure as hell don't plan on making any more. This one is the only clone I'll ever make.

Why? Because I don't want an identity crisis. My clone knows it's a clone, and it probably doesn't even care since it's my clone we're talking about here.

I'm really lucky that I am what I'd call calm and collected, or what some would call, severely troubled and highly unstable.

I mean, what's a split personality and an originality complex to my already somewhat deranged psyche?

Don't get me wrong, I damn sure made a lot of progress since I've started this journey into this strange world.

But I somehow can't comprehend a few things... Like, why am I even here? What is the purpose of all of this?

In my first life, I lived aimlessly and drifted from pleasure to pleasure. This life... Well, I guess I've at least got Toga.

She's no less than a daughter to me at the point. I guess I kinda made it my goal to help her out for a while?

Then there's Souma, Nezu, Toshi... Even Midnight.

It's not that I don't have family and friends. It's just that I keep having this nagging feeling that I don't belong in this place, that I'm some kind of impostor.

That everyone around me would live just fine even without me being here because I wasn't meant to be here in the first place.

Although, if you think about it, I did change quite a lot of the people that I've interacted with over the years. So it's not like my absence wouldn't be noticed.

I guess this feeling will stay with me for a while. Until I forget about it again, and I return to my usual happy state. It's kind of weird honestly.

I'm not even disingenuous when I act happy, it's almost like I have some sort of ability to forget everything depressing when I'm near the people I care about.

Hmm, well. That's enough debating on my life until now. There are still so many things left to do.

For now, I guess I can go and see how Yori is doing. I've yet to even give him High Spec, but he's most likely looking at the Nomus I sent him during the war with the Liberation Army.

Now that I think about it, it's a really good thing that the raid happened sooner than later. The Liberation Army would've ended up making a lot more Nomus, they would not hesitate to ruin the lives of so many people. It's always like that for people that believe they were fighting for a greater cause.

Heh, it's funny that this somewhat reminds me of Vladislav. He used to postulate a lot, and he always considered the Criminal Syndicate to be of greater importance than any one individual.

It's the same mindset really. Now that I think about it, I guess the Liberation Army was somewhat similar to my gang in many aspects. We even had a politician as part of the elite of the Syndicate.

Welp, better fly off to Yori. I could teleport, but it's been a while since I've felt the wind on my face like that.

__________ POV Narration__________

While Beru took off, the media was already reporting on the latest raid.

They even managed to get camera footage. The ending of the raid was the most discussed part of the whole thing.

The civilians all saw how the heroes were slowly getting overwhelmed, then Beru just appeared and buried all of the villains alive in a Tsunami of mud.

The appearance of the Giant Villain was somewhat overshadowed by the feat of strength that Beru-The Ant King had shown.

It was a mesmerizing scene for many. But it was also a hopeless one for some. Namely, Kirishima and Bakugo. Even Izuku to some extent.

People that had set Beru as their goal, something to surpass or to defeat in the future. They all received a reminder of just how great the rift between them and Beru actually was.

Many now speculated that Beru is actually stronger than All Might. Although that notion was still met with some scrutiny. Most people just said that All Might couldn't go all out because his allies were all around him, and that Beru just happened to have powers fit for the occasion.

Then another piece of footage surfaced. At the time where the heroes were getting overwhelmed by numbers, Beru had also apparently been fighting an army of his own.

He also dealt with the leaders of two crime organizations all at once. And the footage showed off even more of his strength.

This also prompted yet another raid to happen, this time only the police and a few top heroes were involved. It was a raid on the organization Shie Hassaikai.

They were discovered to be a drug dealing and creating organization. And the police even managed to rescue a child from them. The condition of the said child left many of the heroes and policemen quite heartbroken.

Only after she was shown the footage of Overhaul getting defeated did she manage to calm down.

She actually seemed to gain some hope, she ended up asking to meet the one that had defeated Overhaul. But that was to happen in the future.

For now, Beru was just sitting down on a chair. In front of him was Yori, fiddling with some device that was found on the Meta Liberation Army HQ.

"So, even you have no idea what this thing is?~" Asked Beru while looking at the small device with confusion.

"It's probably not all that important. Likely an accessory to make the use of a certain quirk easier. But I can't discern which quirk it was used for..." The Doctor spoke while still not taking his eyes off the strange, crown-shaped device.

Beru had apparently warped it in with the Nomus by mistake. So it was technically written off as an item recovered from a raid. But Yori didn't seem to have much of an idea of it's uses.

"How about you put it on?~" The insectoid said as he crossed his legs and arms.

Yori just looked at him, "Umm... I'd rather not put something untested on my head thanks." He said it as if it was obvious. It made Beru scoff and throw his hands up.

"Fine~Gimme~ I'll use it~" Beru extended one arm towards the scientist.

"...I'm not entirely sure that's a good idea." The doctor said with a bit of concern laced in his voice. But since when was logic a good reason to stop an experiment?

He ended up just shrugging and giving the crown-shaped device to Beru.

Beru put it on, it seemed to readjust its shape automatically, it seemed to be moulded for his head. Yori just raised an eyebrow.

"Ok~ So I just press this button?" Beru just asked a rhetorical question as he actually pressed the button. A strange sound was heard, one that Beru found a bit familiar. Then he felt a small needle try and pierce his exoskeleton.

Then he saw a few droplets of liquid roll down from the place the needle tried to pierce.

"Umm...~ I think it was one of those quirk-enhancing thingies~," Beru said while taking off the crown. Yori just rolled his eyes and took a small sample of the liquid.

He put it through a strange machine. He explained that it was the type to usually find out the composition of most chemicals put in it.

He waited for a minute, then looked at the results.

"Yep, not sure about that. I've already identified the origin of the strengthening drug. This thing is actually the blood of someone. Well, it's mixed with a few other components. But its main component is blood..." Yori then took a closer look at the results.

"Blood filled with an odd and very active quirk factor... This is rather strange..." Yori then stood up and walked over to some of the other blood samples he had in his possession. They were mainly from the Nomus.

He put the two samples together and looked at them for a while under the microscope. Then, he blinked a few times. Then looked again.

"What the..." He wiped off the lenses of his microscope, then the lenses of his glasses. Beru just looked at him like he would a crazy man on the streets.

A crazed smile then reached the man's face.

"This is it! THIS IS WHAT WE'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR!" Beru then raised a nonexistent eyebrow in confusion.

Yori almost looked like he was getting off. And Beru was about to laugh at him, but he didn't want to ruin the man's parade.

Yori, after noticing Beru's confused gaze, started explaining.

"This, this quirk factor completely surpresses all of the other quirk factors within the Nomu's DNA sample! It actually erases them! I don't really know how, I can find that out later! But the results are there!"

Beru then also got a bit excited. He wasn't as into the whole, save the world plan as Yori was. But he could still be happy about it.

Especially since he saw his usually cold and bored new friend look like a kid on Christmas. The amount of hope in his eyes was staggering to Beru. It was shinier than All Might's smile.

"That's amazing~! But how do we get more of this thing?~" Beru asked while tilting his head.

They had some samples, but it was hard to replicate the quirk with just what they had now. And it was also likely going to suppress the rest of the quirks inside their bodies if either of them got it...

Well, the reaction it would have on Beru was yet to be known. His DNA just took on the attributes of that of others. It wasn't quite possible to know how his original quirk would react to copying the perfect natural quirk suppressant.

"Well, I can search the database to see whose blood this is. If they're even in the database that is... If not, then we'll have to make do with the few droplets that we have. It's not ideal, but it's more than nothing." Yori didn't even stop for a second.

He almost ran towards the computer, he inserted some of the data about the blood and DNA that was discovered in that machine onto a computer database.

"This thing should find us the blood's owner... If they are registered that is." Yori said while staring at the loading screen intently.

Beru must've sat there for at least half an hour before he heard any response from Yori.

"Umm... This might be a problem..." He said while rubbing the bridge of his nose and taking his glasses off.

"What~?" Beru said as he got up from his chair to take a look at the screen.

"Ooh~ Yeah...~ That can certainly be an issue~" The database showed a freshly added file of a horned little girl. The entries weren't even completed thoroughly.

Beru then looked at Yori intently. The message was clear.

"I know, I know! We aren't going to be using kids..." The somewhat insane scientist said while rolling his eyes. He was clearly just joking, he himself wouldn't have used a child in his experiments. That was what made him different from Kyudai after all.

"I have another idea..." Yori said with a smile while staring at Beru.

The only thought in Beru's mind was. 'I'm not gonna like this am I?'


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