Ant King In MHA

Chapter 117: Rewinding Genetics

__________ POV Beru__________

"I dunno man~ I don't like this plan all that much~," I said while staring at Yori, who somewhat dismissed my worries, waving them off with the classic.

"Oh, man up. What's the worst that can happen? I doubt all of your quirks will disappear due to a single quirk."

The plan is quite obvious. Yori wants me to get a lick of the remaining blood. I mean, I'd usually not really care all that much about it. But I'm not sure how willing I am to lose all of my powers right now.

I don't believe they are necessary for my ideal normal life, but I still have the commission to deal with when they eventually realise that I'm the one behind their downfall.

I also need to protect the people near me from the government if need be. So, while I don't like the idea of it, I do need this power to keep my normal life intact.

Still, it's quite literally impossible for me to know exactly how my quirk would react to this. I honestly think it would just absorb it, but there's always that small chance that it would get rid of my powers indefinitely.

"Beru... How about this, I'll take care of stuff for you if this does make you quirkless. I can make sure that you and the people around you will be safe." Yori is driving a strong point here.

I mean, I know he's trustworthy, I've also given him High Spec, so he must also trust me at this point.

Well, it's between this and implicating a little girl in this whole mess. And this girl has already been used as an experiment before, so I'm not sure how comfortable I am with doing it.

I guess there isn't really much of a choice.

"Ok~ I guess this is worth a try~ But we have no actual idea what this quirk does, or what it is~" Yori just nodded.

"Looking at the results of the small tests I've managed to run on it..." Yori took a second to look at his computer for a bit. I am still not quite used to all of the programs he's utilizing, so not a lot of the stuff he's reading makes sense to me.

"Well, it's actually a bit different from what I've imagined. It seems to rewind the genes to a certain point in time before they were 'infected' with quirk factor." Yori looked at the results with great interest.

"Hmm~ Does that mean that, with the right dosage, we would be able to weaken the quirk factor of an individual?~" My question made Yori smile.

"That, my friend, is a possibility, as well as the result we're striving for." He said while turning around and handing me a small sample of the blood we have.

Welp, it's now or never I guess. At this point, at least I'm working towards something 'grand'.

__________ POV Narration__________

Beru took the sample and gave it a simple lick with his somewhat unnaturally long tongue.

Yori just looked at him intently, he prepared a notebook to write down any sudden changes and even concentrated his High Spec to look at Beru's possible transformation.

Then, after exactly 15 seconds, something amazing happened.

"Yeah~ Shit's not working~," Beru said while looking at his own body with little care in his eyes. Yori just smiled wryly. In truth, that had been one of the most likely results in his eyes.

"Well... I guess we can take a break for today. We can wonder what to do with this situation later. Maybe we can ask the girl to help in the end... But I'm a bit hesitant to involve a kid. Might be better to wait for her to grow up a bit." Yori said while stretching his hands above his head.

In truth, although his experiment with Beru wasn't quite successful, the appearance of this quirk was exactly what he needed. With it, he could create a world that still had quirks, but with no danger of actually going into Quirk Factor Overdrive.

Of course, each generation would have to be dosage accordingly, but that was a problem to think about when the time came. For now, the doctor was satisfied with just knowing that a solution to their problems existed.

"Welp~ See ya next week~ Maybe we can get a drink or something~," Beru said while slowly getting up.

"Umm, drinking isn't good for the brain, I'd prefer not to," Yori said while looking at Beru with a signature look of superiority.

"Dude~ You've got enough quirks to cover for that~ High spec can literally allow you to think at light speed~," Beru said while looking frustrated with the scientist.

"Well, I don't wish to be stupid at light speed. So I'll refrain from indulging in alcoholic beverages." Beru ended up rolling his beady eyes and leaving through a portal.

"Suit yourself~" Was the last thing he said to the doctor before disappearing.

Beru arrived in his dorm room to a familiar scene. Toga was just laying down on the bed, half-naked half drowsy, and looking listlessly at the television.

"Jeez~ Since when were you a Neet?~" Beru asked while looking at the scene with a concerned eye.

"Beru! Thank god you're here! I was starting to get sooo bored." Toga instantly shot up from the bed when she saw Beru. She immediately jumped and hugged him.

She could be somewhat affectionate, regardless of her occasional sadism and bloodthirst.

"I already told you to get a friend or something~," Beru said while half hugging Toga and half throwing her back onto the bed.

He ended up just laying beside her and watching TV.

"I have friends... They're just boring sometimes." She said with a somewhat devious smile.

"We've already talked about this~ You can't kill your friends young girl!" Beru instantly took an authoritative tone while still laying on the bed.

Only his tone seemed to care about the subject, the rest of his body was still wondering whether or not to react.

"It's not about killing! I'm already over that, I'll kill villains instead. But they are always talking about boring stuff, like guys and clothes and things like that. They weren't even interested in my knife collection..."

Beru seemed to check out mentally right about there.

__________ POV Beru__________

Huh, I thought Toga liked buying clothes... When did she change that about herself?

Meh, I guess she needs to get a boyfriend or a crush to actually care what she's dressed as or something.

"Welp~ To each their own~" I switched the channel on the television and landed right onto my favourite one! The news channel...

'After the raid, many villains were found to be beyond any help. Some can't wonder but think how justified this use of force was from the Ant King Beru.'

They always complain. I don't care, they can eat my ass, but it always seems to irritate Toga.

"Why are they always idiots?" Yep, she's certainly irritated. Good thing she doesn't know where these guys live, I'm sure she'd try to visit them, nothing but a little friendly visit of course...

'Well, such arguments can find their way into the mouths of others... But we are talking about a situation where a group of a bit over 400 heroes were facing close to 30000. We can't exactly ask the heroes to hold back too much.' The co-host's script seems to be a bit more calming.

"Heh, I like this guy!" Yeah, I think that's the point. I guess they're trying to attract fans of mine to this station? I dunno, I guess I'm famous enough to warrant that type of attention.

'Regardless, on that day, a criminal organisation of sizes that Japan has never heard of went down. All thanks to the efforts of the Raid Team, a coalition of Heroes and the Police Force. Let us give them a round of ap-' This is getting boring.

I'm guessing the Commission did their part in not letting my name get too stained in this whole mess. Either them or Yori.

I doubt the Commission have the time to think about me right now. Well, they should, but they will only get the clue that allows them to tie me to this mess later.

Me going MIA(missing in action) on their asses wouldn't instantly put me in the crossfire. But I left a message for them after the whole case ends in court. It will be quite fun to watch Oyama's reaction.

"Yeah~ This is boring~ I'll go to sleep~," I said while just closing my eyes and dozing off.

"Ok! I'll sleep next to you..." Toga really likes to state the obvious, as if this isn't exactly what she's been doing for a good few months already.

So, the two of us drifted off to sleep like usual... The morning wasn't exactly the same though.


Hope you liked the chapter!

For the peeps saying that it was simple to just copy her quirk... They have no idea what it is(which was made obvious in this chap)

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