Ant King In MHA

Chapter 118: Humanity Restored

__________ POV Beru__________

I woke up to hear a small scream from beside me.

I woke up and rubbed my eyes, I could see Toga grabbing a knife from the side.

"What's up, Tog-" I stopped dead in my tracks as I noticed something wrong with my tone. Then I looked down, I noticed something wrong with my body too.

"That's odd, I don't remember having skin..." Wait, what?

"Who are you?! Where's Beru?!" Toga asked while putting her knife somewhat near my neck.

"Sheesh, calm down already." I looked at her and blinked a few times.

I guess that quirk did have some effects after all. I'll have to go and check myself in the mirror to learn if I'm at least as handsome as I am when in my xenomorph form.

"Who ar-" She was about to start repeating herself, but I'm starting to not like having a knife to my neck, so I'll stop her a bit.

I grabbed her knife arm and pulled her towards me, we're still on the bed, so she doesn't exactly have the greatest of footing. I ended up flipping her on the bed and getting the knife away from me.

"Stop being an idiot. I'm obviously Beru. Who exactly could replace me in this manner anyway?" This genuinely is kinda weird.

I mean, I'm currently keeping Toga down by her hand and neck while we're both somewhat naked, she's wearing underwear at least, I'm not exactly presentable.

"Oh yeah? Well, if you're Beru, then tell me my favourite flavour of juice!" What? This is the stupidest test question I've heard.

"How am I supposed to know that?!" I'm starting to get a bit irritated at this point.

"I told you about it!" Wait a goddamn second, she already fucking knows I'm me. 'I told you' she says, this idiot is just messing with me.

"Aight, enough playing. I've gotta check my new looks in the mirror, or at least find out what the fuck is happening." I got up from the bed and headed for the bathroom.

In retrospect, I should've known that Toga realized who I was from the beginning. If a random naked man just slept on her bed then she'd do more than hold her knife a safe distance away from their neck.

Welp, better make my way to that goddamn mirror. I need to at least get an idea of what's happened.

I know that I have a more human body, but I don't really know my face all that well. I at least know that my body looks ripped, my shoulders are broad. At least that's a thing.

I'm around 1.9-1.95 meters in height. It's a pretty decent height to be at, a bit smaller than my better form.

Looking in the mirror, I could see an unfamiliar face looking back at me. Long black hair, black eyes. My features are normal enough. Well, my jawline is pretty well-defined, but that's not exactly a mutation.

Something else is though. I can see a decently sized horn on the side of my head. Now, I'm not exactly sure what the hell this is. But I guess this is the quirk I absorbed? I remember the little girl in the photo also had a small horn.

I kinda want to use it now. Let's see, it could rewind genetics right? Let's try rewinding something else, like my bathtub. Toga forgot to clean it after taking a bath and it's filled with her goddamn hair.

I concentrated a bit, I have a lot of experience using and controlling quirks, so this came a bit more naturally to me. Looking in the mirror, I can see a strange yellowish light enveloping me and my horn just grew a few inches.

I blinked once, and the bathtub was basically as good as new(somehow), the problem? Well, it's not even connected to the fucking water pipes anymore. And now I've got a leak in my bathroom.

I guess this ability works? Somewhat? I retracted the bathroom to the way it was when it was being installed. I really need to learn how to control this properly.

But hey, I can see my horn retracting itself when looking in the mirror...

I can also see something else, it retracted a bit too much, actually completely disappeared. And then? Well, I can feel my spine shifting, my muscles twitching as my body started morphing strangely.

After a few minutes of somewhat strange sensations, I looked into the mirror to see that I'm back to my former glory.

"Yep~ Still handsome~" I looked into the mirror to see that I've also grown back to my full height. Well, I don't actually have a specific height, I usually alter it how I see fit, but I guess my usual is around two meters, with a huge hunch back.

If I stood straight I'd probably have around 20 more centimetres to work with. That's without my occasional height adjustments.

Now, to test my quirks a bit. I simply picked up our one toothbrush and dropped it. I then concentrated and turned on High Spec, which is clearly still working since this damn toothbrush is damn near standing still.

So I guess I still have my quirks? Oh, fuck. I should've tested to see if I still had any quirks while human. I guess that can come later or something.

For now, I better go and tell Yori that he can stick it and that I may be losing my powers because of him.

Well, I'm not exactly panicked. But I'm certainly not stoked about this whole mess. But I guess we could use my blood now that I have that quirk. So it's a win anyway.

Welp, I'll head to the lab after I beat Toga over the head a bit for startling me this early in the morning.

__________ POV Narration__________

Beru did just as he had planned. After chastizing Toga for a bit(he would feel bad if he actually hit her outside of sparring) he warped himself straight into Yori's laboratory.

The scientist didn't seem to have gotten a wink of sleep. He had been extensively testing the small samples that they had, trying to replicate them in order to not involve a small child in their quest to save the world.

"Oi~It actually did something~," Beru said as soon as he walked in from his portal. Not even bothering to give any context or anything.

"What? The quirk?" Yori instantly got up, he seemed to be filled with energy, despite his lack of sleep. That was just because he had a lot of quirks that allowed him to require less rest(much like Beru)

"No~ The fleshlight I borrowed from you without telling you~ Of course, it's the fucking quirk@!#@!" Beru said while he walked forwards and sat down on a chair at the same table as Yori.

"No need for the sass... So, what does it do?" He asked while he readjusted his glasses and gained a smile on his face.

"Well~ I woke up human, and naked~ I also had a horn~" Yori just raised an eyebrow at Beru's shitty explanation.

"Ok, ok~ Basically, I think the quirk rewinded my genes to the point where I no longer had any quirk, but for some reason, I still had that quirk~" Beru's explanation this time seemed to at least somewhat satisfy Yori.

"I see... Did you manage to do some tests?" Beru looked down a bit.

"Well~ I broke the bathtub by turning it back in time to before it was installed.~ I think I forgot to tell anyone about the leaks...~" Yori just nodded as he scribbled a few things down.

"Ok, so we at least know that this quirk has the ability to turn things back in time. There are still many things to find out, but we also know that it can rewind genetics permanently." Beru would've raised an eyebrow if he had one. It ended up just being a head tilt and a wide eye.

"Well, I can understand that confused look. I've been doing some tests on that sample, I found out that the effects are basically permanent for as long as that quirk factor remains in the system." Yori said while tapping the table once.

A holographic diagram of some DNA appeared. It was titled 'Rewind #1' and it showed how the quirk factor remained inside the body and basically shut off quirks.

"Ok~ So why didn't it work for me in that way?~" Beru asked, although he could come to some conclusions by himself.

"Well, that's because of your original quirk. You did manage to copy this ability it seems, but it's not as simple as that. Quirk factor seems to be the type that charges up over time, so it had no immediate effects."

Yori pulled out a few more test files and results.

"My guess is that you somehow turned that quirk on in your sleep and it was charged enough to 'rewind' your genetics to before you had any quirks automatically. But that would've likely been temporary." Yori continued explaining things, Beru was understanding his words, and at that point, he had already reached his answers.

So, he was somewhat dozing off.

"I will need to see how exactly this quirk manifests in your body, but the fact that you still have your quirks now must mean that your original quirk is still the one that rules over your genetics." Beru just nodded along and stretched his arms.

"Were you listenings at least?" Yori ended up asking as he looked at the insectoid.

"Well, no. I was on some points." Beru just shrugged.

"Ok, let's put this simply. Your original quirk takes priority, and the new one recharges over time and can turn the others off when activated, it deactivates itself when all the quirk factor is used up." Yori managed to simplify his answer enough to keep Beru's attention.

"I get it~ I was somewhat reaching that conclusion myself anyway.~" Beru just waved his arm and slowly yawned.

"I see... Well, we'll do some tests when you charge up some more. Try not to activate that quirk in your sleep please, it can be useful to do it here." Yori said as he diverted his attention back to looking at the samples.

"I guess we have a decent chance at saving humanity now~ I wonder how we'd make everyone drink my blood though~" Beru scratched his chin.

"It's a bit early to think about that. Let's first think of a way to replicate that quirk factor outside of drawing it from you. We could just dosage it properly and feed it to the population. They aren't likely to notice that their quirks are getting weaker over time." Yori had already thought of a method to distribute the 'new drug'.

He was going to have to jump through a lot of hoops to get there though.

"I guess that can work~ We'll need to do a lot of testing though...~ Good thing we have the Nomus with us~ We may also help them in the process~," Beru said while he got up to leave.

"That's true. I can hardly wait. For now, we'll have to do quite a few tests on this new quirk of yours." Yori said while he opened up a cabinet and took out some candy bar and started snacking on it.

"Well,~ I'm off~ Try to eat healthier ~ Or don't~ Your quirks can keep you healthy.~" That was the last thing that Beru said as he was warping off.

And, while all of that was happening.

The court date for the case against the Hero Public Safety Commission was slowly approaching...

The next few weeks were bound to be a bit... Busy.


About the human thingy, it's not going to be used all that ever. So don't think it's going to change much about the story.

The reasons for not using it are pretty obvious, like the fact that he's pretty weak in that form, and he's no actual reason to use it besides vanity(and research).

Welp, hope you liked the chapter!

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