Ant King In MHA

Chapter 119: Heart to Heart

__________ POV Narration__________

Only a few days passed since Beru discovered that his human form was still well endowed. He clearly didn't have only Asian genes in him.

It was a few short, but extremely packed days. They were filled with tests and experiments with Yori.

They managed to confirm their theory on how the quirk worked. They also learned that it was called Rewind, which only seemed to make sense to the two men.

In the end, Rewind reacted strangely in Beru's body. When active, it would rewind his genetics 100% of the time. He would be unable to use any other ability.

The second that the stockpiled energy within Rewind ran out, he would return to normal, being able to use all of his quirks without any issue.

In the first two days, Beru didn't actually manage to control the activation of Rewind. It was more of an automatic thing, it would activate itself after gaining a certain amount of energy.

Beru ended up having to spend some time learning to control that transformation. Now, he could do it at will, and there was no need to wake up with a different body anymore.

Him being in human form drained Rewind's energy by itself. So he was constantly on a timer for the many tests that were made.

After a while, they managed to draw out how quickly that energy recharged too. They calculated that, for every hour of idleness, Rewind would gain enough energy to sustain around 10 seconds of Beru's human form.

In short, it was negligible. On a better note, the blood that Yori extracted while Beru was in human form still had its Quirk Factor intact, even after Beru ran out of energy in his body.

With that, Yori managed to start working a way out to suppress quirks with the Nomus. But creating a perfect dosage and even finding something to dilute it with was going to take a lot of time.

For now, that was about all of the progress they had. But hey, it was quite a bit that had gotten done, in less than a week even.

Beru was sitting around in his regular beautiful and majestic form. Watching Television and wondering what to do with his evening.

The trial of the commission was going to happen in a mere two days. And Beru planned to go visit them a day before that. So, he would have to go tomorrow.

Now, he had an entire evening to spare. Toga was off singing at karaoke or training or something, but Beru's friends were all busy.

Nao was busy with Hero work(like usual), Nezu was busy with even more work(like usual), Aizawa was busy not wanting to hang out with Beru(like usual).

Cementoss just ignored him(like usual), Snipe was already drunk when Beru called him(like usual).

Present Mic was getting a medical check-up or something, Yori was just busy(like usual), Toshi was also getting a medical check-up or something(like usual).

The only person that Beru didn't talk to was Midnight. And he was probably going to end up calling her now since he was completely out of ideas. The two of them also had a lot to talk about since their last awkward dodge of commitment.

Beru dialled Nemuri's number on his watch and, to his surprise, he didn't even wait for a second, she responded almost instantly.

__________ POV Nemuri/Midnight__________

"Beru! So nice of you to call me." I've definitely not have been waiting near the phone every evening in hopes of you calling, that would be insane...

Yeah, I guess I do have some problems regarding that. But I can't really help the anxiety after screwing over like that in our last get-together.

"I'd obviously call~ I wanted to talk to you for a while now~ I just got really busy with a side project~" Ooh, that's cute... At least he wasn't avoiding me on purpose. That would've been a lot worse to hear...

"Oh, what have you been up to? I do want to know more about your life after all..." Oh god, I didn't realize that would sound so flirty... Well, I think he'll just take it as one of our usual jokes or something.

"Glad to hear you care so much about me~ I'll be coming over to your place if you want to talk more~ Need any time to prepare?~" Oh god, oh no...

Looking around my apartment, all I can see is a huge mess. Trash bags filled with food remains and unwashed dishes in the sink. I didn't have much time to clean up the home, I always get home tired lately...

"Umm... Can you give me an hour... Maybe two?" Looking in the mirror, my hair is also messy, I've already wiped off my make-up. I don't want him seeing me like this.

"Nah~ I can help clean up anyway~"

__________ POV Narration__________

Before Nemuri could raise any type of verbal protest, a black portal opened up above her couch, right near where she was currently sitting down.

Out of it dropped Beru, already in a sitting position and landed perfectly on the couch.

"Sup?~," He said as he stretched his legs a bit and looked around the room. Nemuri instantly panicked and turned red.

"S-sorry for the mess... I'm also not even wearing presentable..." She looked down a bit in shame, she even forgot to be angry at Beru for ignoring her wish for him to come later.

"What?~ When are you not presentable?~ Stop worrying, I've yet to see you look anything but gorgeous.~" That comment just about did it for poor Nemuri's heart.

If it was in a more joking tone, she would've been able to laugh it off as a joke. But this was just spoken in a straightforward tone, so she was forced to take the compliment and turn red in the process.

"T-thanks..." She said in a low voice as she looked down. Then, she turned her head a bit and looked around the room, only to find out that there were no trash bags to be seen anymore.

"What? Where is everyt-" Beru interrupted her question with his already prepared answer.

"Portals~ Cleaning up has never been easier~," Beru said as he opened his palm and warped the remote into it. He turned on the television, just to have some background noise.

"Well... I guess that takes care of the cleaning up... The dishes can do later." She said while looking at the sink, only to see it was spotless, almost like the day she had bought it.

"Sorry~ I did that before doing the trash~ I'm a bit faster than most people~" Beru said while shrugging a bit.

Nemuri just smiled wryly, not really knowing what to say to that. She wanted to thank Beru, but she didn't want to just sound like a broken record. So she decided to just start speaking to him.

The two of them took a while to catch up, Beru didn't give her many details about his work with Yori, but he did tell her that he was working with Yori, so that was something at least.

"I didn't take you for a scientist, but I guess appearances are sometimes deceiving," Nemuri said with a mischievous smirk on her lips.

"What's that supposed to mean?~ I exude intelligence with every single one of my moves~" Nemuri just rolled her eyes at Beru's dirt-poor retort.

"Well, at least you're funny... Sometimes..." She said as her smirk showed up again.

"Nah~ I'm entertaining all the time~ At least that's what the ladies tell m-" Beru's shitty retort was interrupted by a somewhat panicked and rushed response from Nemuri.

"L-Ladies? Hah, as if... Y-you aren't seeing anyone... Right?" She stopped herself before saying something hurtful. It was unusual for her to show jealousy like that. She almost made a mistake and mocked him.

Thankfully, she managed to take a turn and transform her comment into a question.

Beru would've raised an eyebrow if he had one. But he ended up just answering by shaking his head.

"Nah~ Mainly for a lack of trying though~ I'm pretty famous apparently~" Beru's words managed to raise Midnight's blood pressure once more.

"W-well, dating fans might be a bit... You know, not right..." She was trying her hardest to come up with an argument to keep Beru from looking at other women. She was inwardly embarrassed at her own childish jealousy, but she simply couldn't help it.

Beru looked at her with wide eyes, then he ended up just laughing. Nemuri looked at him in confusion too after hearing his laughter.

"I can't believe how cute you look when you're like that~ That took me by surprise~ Well, no need to worry so much~ No need to look at other women when I've already got a perfect one in front of me.~" Beru's comments, from start to finish, managed to form the perfect sequence to shut off Nemuri's brain.

Beru stopped even bothering to hide the fact that the two of them were a thing at this point. Still, verbal confirmation was needed.

"I mean~ We're dating, aren't we?~" He ended up leaving the choice to her once again.

She took a few seconds to recover from the shock and palpitations of his previous compliments. Then she hurriedly answered.

"O-of course! I mean, obviously!" She said as a sweet smile spread on her lips.

And so, the two of them finally started officially dating. Much to the surprise of the rest of the teachers, who thought the two of them had been dating for months already.


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