Ant King In MHA

Chapter 121: Sentence and Meeting

__________ POV Narration__________

The court date rolled by.

The day was an excruciating one for Oyama. She looked on as her life fell apart in front of her eyes. She was once a person of power, now, all of the crimes that the higher-ups ever committed were being pinned on her.

Kenji himself wasn't quite satisfied with the result either. He didn't care about Oyama at all, he was actually after the people that were allowing the Commission to operate the way it did. But he, unfortunately, didn't have enough influence to take these people down...

But someone else did. And the process was done through a simple message displayed live on their open court trial.

The message was a simple voice mail from a certain Goda Yori. He simply said to the judge and everyone present in court.

"Convicting her is nice and all. But the people enabling this are still fine and dandy. I'd recommend a small crackdown on that if you truly care about the law."

It was short, but it basically pointed the finger directly at the higher-up. It was a power-play, simply put.

Yori was simply irreplaceable, so no one could actually do anything to him in the open.

Those said higher-ups were all powerful figures within the government. And Yori somewhat painted a target on his back by sending that message.

Why did he send it? Well, simply put, Beru told him to. And he genuinely didn't care about those people in any way. He already had plenty of enemies. Gaining a few more was like trying to pour a cup of water into an overflowing bucket.

The message was sent after Oyama was convicted to life in prison. The insectoid wanted to see her go to jail, but he didn't like the idea of all the other rats escaping scot-free.

Other than that, the day rolled on uneventfully. Beru took Nemuri to eat some sweets in Tokyo, and he also took Toga killing again.

It was a rather busy day. He only had some free time on his hands since Yori decided to take a small vacation. Yep, that message was sent while Yori was relaxing on a foldable chair at a beach on his private island.

He was also a man that enjoyed the simple things in life, after all.

Currently, Beru was just hanging around on the campus. Sometimes talking to some students or just sitting around on a bench.

He managed to meet quite a few interesting people. He had seen most of them at the school festival for the first years, but actually meeting them and having to learn their names was a different thing entirely.

Well, at least one was easy to remember, TestuTetsu TetsuTetsu. It was the strangest name Beru had ever heard someone name their child. It was like naming a child IronIron IronIron while living in America or England.

His meeting with the students was cut short by a call he received on his watch. It was none other than Nezu, and Beru was never going to not respond to Nezu.

The students also went and left for their classes. So Beru just answered after waving at them for a few seconds.

"Sup~" He now spoke at a much greater speed than usual. He didn't feel like boring Nezu by talking slowly.

After all, he already had to suffer when hearing everyone around him talk in slow motion when he concentrated on anything.

"Beru! I'm glad you picked up so promptly! I think I need your help with something..." Beru was quite shocked to hear that.

But he wasn't about to refuse it. Paying back Nezu wasn't exactly something he planned to do, not out of ungratefulness, just because it would simply prove impossible.

"Say it chief!~ This might be the first time you ask me for help with stuff~!" Beru's tone held quite a bit of joy, as usual.

"Well, I'm sure it's not actually the first. But this one is important. You see, I need you to be present somewhere and meet someone... Would you be able to do that for me?" Beru just blinked a few times.

He mused for a few seconds. 'That's it? The dude could've asked me to steal the state secrets from just about any country and I would've done it without even thinking twice... Welp, no reason to refuse, I guess...'

"I mean~ Doesn't sound like a difficult one honestly~ Is there some catch here?~ Not that I mind~" Beru still asked a pertinent question since he knew Nezu well enough to realize that he was prone to poking fun at others like this.

"No catch here! I'll just ask you to be kind to the one you're meeting... Also, are you good with children?" Nezu seemed rather concerned at that last part. Beru was never treated right in his childhood, so he might not have any notion of how to treat a child himself.

Thankfully, Beru lived through childhood twice, and he knew how children should be treated. Not that he was personally ever treated right. Well, he much rather preferred the treatment that he received in his current life than the last...

Having a hooker for a mother made him meet quite a lot of characters. Not like his mother worked at a brothel. Most of the time, she'd have her clients on the same bed his father was passed out or overdosing on.

It was a common occurrence for those regular visitors to mock him or spit on him at that time. One could argue that living near scum was what drove him to also become scum.

Well, the bad treatment from the guests all ended one day, when the young 10-year-old Beru managed to stab to death one of the 'guests'.

It all started from a simple kick, the guest thought that the young Beru was in his way or something. But it was also a bad choice on his part, as Beru took out his frustration by using a kitchen knife to piercing the man's skull while he was about to start doing what he paid for.

The body was just disposed of by his father and Beru was kicked out of his home. They were in the slums, no one cared if a lowlife disappeared there. No one would miss them, no one would look for them.

Living in that environment was actually worse for Beru. His current life was actually a cakewalk to him.

"I think I know how to treat a child~ I've taken care of a few before~" He was basically the big brother figure in the orphanage after everyone got over the looks department. He also took care of Kota in the past.

"I see... Well, then. I guess you can go to the Training Site F whenever you're ready..." Beru just tilted his head a bit. Nezu just hung up after saying his part.

The F Site was mainly used for highly dangerous and volatile quirks. It was a white room that had enough defence to withstand a punch from even All Might. That was actually where he and All Might were sparring from time to time.

Beru found it odd that he was being called to a place like that. But he wasn't about to object.

He simply opened up a warp gate and walked into it. He arrived in the padded white training room and looked around. He could see Aizawa was there, and there was also someone else inside. A much smaller figure that Beru knew very well.

"Oh, you arrived. Nezu said he'd call you here. Eri has been saying she wants to meet you ever since she saw you fight that masked villain..." Aizawa spoke while looking at the small girl to his side.

She had long white hair, red eyes, and a small horn to the side of her head. She looked at Beru with fascination and admiration.

She was currently dressed in a small summer dress, straw hat with a pink band and a small pair of sandals.

"Hello~ Who's the little one?~" Beru asked, although he already knew who he was looking at. He was looking at the last hope humanity had at survival. Well, she would've been if Beru hadn't copied her quirk.

Even then, she was still the only reason they were going to survive now. Beru could recognize that horn from miles off.

"This girl is called Eri. She's a bit shy, but she said she wanted to see you in person at least once..." Aizawa spoke as Eri looked at Beru from behind Aizawa's leg.

"H-hello..." She still greeted him in her own way. A smile would've been shown on Beru's face if he actually had any lips that is.

"Well~ Hello young lady!~" Beru crouched down to speak to her. He didn't think that looking down on a child like that was a good thing for a conversation.

His strategy clearly worked, because Eri came out from behind Aizawa and looked at him a bit more closely.

The little girl simply took a deep breath and nodded to herself, then looked at Aizawa, who just nodded back at her.

She then took a small bow. "Thank you!" She said while looking at the ground.

Beru tilted his head once again. He knew that he hadn't been the one to save her, so he was a bit shocked to hear her words of gratitude.

Still, he patted her head for a bit. "That's cute~ But what are you thanking me for?~" He asked while staring her in the eyes.

"F-for freeing me of Overhaul..." She said while shaking a bit. It was pretty clear that the girl was still fearful of her former captor.

Beru didn't quite remember who Overhaul was, but he didn't need to. He saw the small girl shaking in front of him and decided to do the only thing he could.

He simply crouched down and hugged her a bit. He picked her up and put her on his shoulder.

"What are you shaking for?~ There's no need to worry about him hurting you here~" Beru's words seemed to calm her down, so did his touch.

"T-thanks..." Aizawa just sighed as he saw the tears coming out of the small girl's eyes. She was still a long way from recovering. Her trauma was bound to be trouble, and she was going to have to overcome it eventually...

But for now, she could at least take comfort in those surrounding her... Aizawa was her teacher and caretaker, and Beru was her saviour, technically. He was the very reason that the Shie Hassaikai compound was raided.

Eventually, Beru put Eri down. The two of them spoke for a bit more before the insectoid took his leave.

He had a few things to take care of for now...


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