Ant King In MHA

Chapter 122: Bootcamp and News

__________ POV Narration__________

Beru's job wasn't quite done yet, while the commission was down under. Some agents from the government were still looking into Kenji and trying to find ways to get rid of him.

He proved to be too large of a thorn in their side to be left alone. Firing him after such a large case was also simply impossible. He had the public and all of the private media outlets on his side.

They were also currently being investigated because of Yori, who they had no actual way of exacting any revenge upon. They could try to silence or get rid of him, he was just a weak scientist after all...

Well, even silencing him would probably be a mistake, since he publicly spoke out against them. The government officials needed to take some time off if they actually wanted to do anything about the scientist.

Quite unfortunate for them, since Goda Yori was far from weak. He was actually much stronger than All Might, well at least he had the potential to become like that. Especially after gaining Nezu's High Spec.

He only needed experience, and fortunately or unfortunately, Beru decided to turn his much-needed vacation into a training Bootcamp.

It all started just after Beru met Eri, he decided that he didn't want a repeat of the Laboratory Attack to happen, he didn't have any delusions of being everywhere at once and he didn't want to deal with the logistics of having too many clones on the loose.

So, he decided that training Yori to actually fight would be the next best thing. And so began the 'Private Island Bootcamp' A name that the unimaginative Beru found amusing because he kept poking fun at Yori for being a rich cunt.

Beru also made it a point to often joke about where Yori kept the young children on his island. But that wasn't always well received.

The Camp itself was simple in concept.

He didn't need to work on endurance, his body was already surprisingly fit, not that it mattered much with all of the quirks he now had. Though he still preferred working out, his only explanation was the fact that he disliked being unhealthy.

"HIT ME~!" Beru shouted at the top of his strange ant lungs.

"I'm trying!" The scientist shouted.

Yori did his best to put all of his strengthening quirks together, something he didn't really know how to do when in his last big fight.

He punched the insectoids abdomen with his full strength. His body was filled with sweat, his back was glistening as the sun shined down on it.

The punch managed to raise the sand all around them, forming a large cloud that swallowed up most of the shore on that side of his island.

Still, Beru stood there and looked at him like he just experienced a slight breeze.

"WEAK~! TRY HARDER~ PUNCH BETTER~" Beru had a very renowned teaching tactic. Scream until your pupil gets it done. No need for explanations, Yori's a big boy, he can take care of himself.

"What do you even want me to do?!" Yori was both exhausted and frustrated. He had been punching Beru for an entire morning.

He had arrived on that beach trying to enjoy a cocktail, only for Beru to suddenly warp in front of him and drop the whole Bootcamp thing out of nowhere.

"This isn't going anywhere..." Yori said as he sat down on the sand. The dust cloud around the two of them was already dispersing as Beru waved his hand to blow it away.

"What do you mean?~ You've made a lot of progress for one day~ You barely practised combining quirks before~ You just hit me with an attack that contained at least 20 quirks put together~ That's perfectly good progress~" Beru liked to emphasize just how much Yori had managed to understand in such a short time.

But, in fact, it wasn't all that impressive considering the resources he had on his hands(High Spec) he was technically training in slow motion, he had more than enough time to understand and experiment with different quirks in his body.

Still, progress was visibly showing in the way he threw his weight around. Beru served as the perfect punching bag, technically. He wasn't actually always useless though.

He sometimes dropped in a hint or two about how All for One worked. He did have some knowledge. He specifically liked speaking about the 'forced quirk activation' part. It was one of All for One's most interesting features.

Well, Yori did manage to use it on Beru, but it didn't really do anything since Beru's base quirk was always activated.

The two of them continued fighting and experimenting into the night. By midnight, Yori was already more than capable of defending himself in a fight against just about everybody besides Beru. There was only one problem.

"You need more defence~ Tomorrow, I'll be the one hitting you~" Those were the words that Yori feared the most.

Beru was simply a tireless monster, he hadn't even shown a hint of flinching or even discomfort after taking countless full-powered punches from him even after an entire day.

"H-How about we go drinking instead?! I-I heard you like drinking right? I'm up for it..." Yori quickly dropped his no-drinking bullshit in order to try and avoid Beru wailing on him for an entire day.

"Yea~ That won't work chief~ I wouldn't want you to be stupid at light speed~" Beru responded by throwing his words from before right back at him.

"But it simply sounds ludicrous... There's not even anything alive that can take a full-powered punch from you... Do you expect me to try and tank them for a day?~" Yori was far too tired at this point.

"Wow~ Slow down cowboy~ Who said anything about full-power~ You aren't even ready for quarter power~ I'll start you off at 5% and I won't even use my claws~ But that's for tomorrow~ I'll let you rest for now~"

Beru waved his hands as a dark mist appeared around him and swallowed him. As soon as he disappeared, Yori looked at the sky with a sigh.

"What have I gotten myself into..." He didn't even know how to explain the way he felt. But he wasn't angry at Beru. He understood that his previous display against the villains was like spitting on the powers he now had.

If he didn't learn how to use them, then how exactly could he start curing others? After all, this break came in just when he was about to start curing the Nomus. It was made both out of tiredness and burn-out.

Yori had worked towards this goal tirelessly even before he knew about Beru and the Other Nomus. When he got so close to an answer, he for some reason started getting cold feet.

Beru had always been perceptive. He realised that something was wrong, and he knew that nothing would get fixed if he just let Yori mope about on an empty island.

With this Bootcamp, he was both training him and trying to encourage him constantly. Not to the point where it was suffocating, of course, but he was still trying his best.

And so, they were going to train for an entire week.

Beru also kept going out on dates with Nemuri the entire week. How? Well, after the first two days, he started giving Yori to Clone Beru, who could give him somewhat of a fairer fight.

Also, Clone Beru was bored beyond his cloned mind and he needed something to do. Yori was also stooped to see that Beru could now clone himself... He certainly loved having two Berus around.

"PUNCH HARDER~" Shouted one Beru. "SWING FASTER~" Shouted the other.

Then, during a random evening, Beru suddenly remembered something rather important...

'Oh yeah, I didn't tell anyone about being able to turn human...' That wasn't all that important, what actually mattered was that he had forgotten to tell Nemuri about it...

Although the woman seemed to be into kinky stuff anyway, she never complained, so Beru just kinda forgot about it.

Now though, he needed to tell them(a good excuse to hang out with all his friends).


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