Ant King In MHA

Chapter 137: Equal in Strength

__________ POV Narration__________

"You're surprisingly stupid to be a clone of mine...~," Beru said while looking at the group that had just arrived. Namely, he looked at his poorly disguised clone.

"Don't try to taunt me. You already know what this is about. How long are you going to let this world proceed like nothing is wrong? There is no way you are the real one here..." The clone spoke with spite and vitriol that few could imitate.

Beru was not shaken at all, he didn't even seem to react at first. Then he tilted his head to the side a bit.

"You know, a bit of discrimination isn't a cause for rebelion~ Why are you even bothering to rise when you know that you can't build anything better than what already exists?~" Beru obviously know the goal of his clone, at least he realised it after that exchange.

Discrimination was something that Beru was awfully familiar with, he had seen people being discriminated against for their quirks many times, he had even seen some be discriminated against for having none.

The only example of quirkless he had was Izuku, but he was sure there were plenty more of them around.

The Beru clone likely witnessed something that made it snap. Something that made it want to change the world. And to do that, it obviously needed followers and power.

And, most of all, it needed an identity. It needed to prove that it was actually the original... But, as the situation would have it. There was no way he wasn't a clone.

"Beru... How much do you really know about the way this world works? You've indulged yourself in serenity and avoided all troublesome situations for such a long time... Did you ever stop to consider others as human? Or do you still not care enough about those you don't truly know?" Don, the Clone, knew where to hit Beru.

It was mainly because he understood Beru. The insectoid was a sociopath. Simply put, he didn't truly have the same morals as every other man or hero alive.

He didn't see the value in all life, and he didn't wish to bother finding it. He may have changed greatly from his gangster days, but he was still not truly normal...

No matter how much he tried, his very mindset was what differentiated him from a normal man, which rendered his quest for a normal life somewhat null...

"... Well, aren't you all good now?~ Swaggering around with a posse and killing innocent people for no apparent reason~ Don't even try to make yourself look righteous~ You want to change things, but you don't know how~" Beru also knew what words to say to his clone.

The two of them glared at each other, the clone radiating hatred, and Beru seemingly calm about the situation.

The people that Don had gathered weren't quite as excited though. They found Beru's conversation with their leader to be rather disturbing. More so that their leader hadn't bothered to dispute Beru's words.

Had their conviction really served for nothing?

"Stop playing mind games Beru. We both know that this can only end in one way..." The clone seemed to be getting smaller as a portal opened up in front of it.

"Hiding behind others, huh?" Beru was insightful enough to figure out that the clone was trying to avoid getting looked at by Beru. After all, a simple gaze would turn it into mush in an instant.

Rather, the clone needed to fight in a smarter way, not truly capable of showing itself fully at all times.

Since both Beru and his clone had High Spec, the fight was going to come down to who could exploit the weaknesses of the other first...

The clone knew how to attack Beru because he knew what quirks Beru could use. And Beru knew that he could kill the clone with a simple gaze.

Beru, however, had no way of knowing just how many quirks his clone had stolen, so he needed to be extra careful. In a way, things evened themselves out...

At least that would be the case if the fight was only between the two of them. But there were a hundred of Don's followers around. And they were obviously going to assist their leader.

Even if their trust was somewhat shaken by Beru's words, they were still willing to fight for their benefactor.

Beru released a sigh as he looked at the people that were all getting ready to fight him in that instant.

'I need to watch out... I shouldn't kill them all just like that...' He had killed many villains before, and the media seemed to be alright with it. At least when he didn't torture them...

Beru didn't stop for one second, he appeared in the middle of everyone, and his body released a miasma in all directions. In an instant, everyone was falling apart rather quickly...

But that also left Beru quite open for a counterattack, one done at a speed similar to his own.

From his blind spot, a tail whipped around and slapped him into the ground. It was about to pierce his torso, but Beru opened up a gate in front of his abdomen and warped it away.

The tail instantly disappeared as soon as the smoke it had raised vanished.

"Hmm... ~I'm not used to fighting someone as fast as me...~" The clone Beru's strategy was pretty obvious at this point...

It teleported to an unknown location somewhat nearby, and it was going to attack Beru constantly through portals.

Beru got up instantly, only to be greeted by a bright blue flame. Its temperature made his guts churn, but he didn't flinch externally at all.

Rather, the tall insectoid was more worried for all of the villains that were still around him. It seemed that the Clone Beru didn't really see them as necessary at all. They were likely just replaceable pawns to him.

Beru moved quickly, warping all of the sleeping villains away in an instant. His body was spit-roasted by that flame for almost a second, yet it was enough to almost boil his guts out.

He managed to get out of the attack by teleporting above, into the clouds.

"Damn...~ I really need to get the upper hand somehow...~" The clone had obviously extensively planned for the fight. And Beru was basically facing a foe equal to him in strength without any preparation.

Just as he was having those thoughts, he could feel a strange force pressing him down towards the ground. Looking up, he could see a portal opened up above him, a strange purple energy seemed to be making him heavier and heavier.

'Controlling gravity now?! For fuck sake...' Beru was beyond pissed off at this point.

This time, he decided to not dally around any longer. He rushed towards the portal, ignoring the gravity that was trying to pull him down constantly. But just as Beru's hand was stretched towards it, the portal closed itself.

Leaving Beru to swipe his hand emptily, hitting only the air and parting the clouds. But the clouds didn't stay parted for long...

Beru was instantly swarmed by angry storm clouds, a whirlpool formed all around him. It was about to start spewing out lightning at him, but the insectoid was having none of it.

"FUCK OFF!~" He shouted as he punched upwards, the force of his blow turned the sky into a clear blue and revealed the sun.

The storm was blown away in an instant.

"This is getting rather annoying you shitty clone~," Beru said while his body grew countess tails. He was prepared to stretch one of them towards any and all portals that could open up at any second.

But, exactly when he was prepared the most, nothing happened.

"Don't think you can actually win this, Beru." The insectoid heard from his side, just as directed his eyes towards the source of that voice, a punch hit his head at full force.

It made him stumble and the shockwave it created made quite a few of the buildings nearby tremble. Thankfully, he was still in the sky, otherwise, the collateral damage would've been unreal...

Suddenly, something unexpected happened. The clone actually appeared, proceeding to try and pierce Beru through the chest with a spear-like bone sticking out of his palm.

Beru was almost overjoyed when seeing that. His eyes instantly gained an unearthly red glow, the clone turned to mush, only managing to scratch Beru's exoskeleton for a second.

"Hah~ Suck it~," Beru said while dusting himself off. Then it came again.

This time, from behind him. A tail almost piercing his back, making it through his exoskeleton before he could react and teleport away from his spot.

"Of course it wouldn't be that easy...~" Thankfully, he hadn't let his guard down...

"I guess this is going to be a contest of stamina then... I wonder how well you will hold up, Beru..." The clone spoke out of its misty portals.

Beru stood in the air, preparing for the incoming exchanges. "Don, was it? You better prepare yourself now... I won't be going easy on you anymore"

And so, the fight was about to actually start.


Hope you liked the chapter!

Yep, I'm still tired! I won't be taking a break yet. I want to finish the story before taking any breaks.

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