Ant King In MHA

Chapter 138: World at Fault

_________ POV Beru_________

How exactly do I go about killing this guy?

I mean, I know myself well enough to know that he can spend the entire fight without being in my sight.

My clone was originally supposed to be a bit weaker than me. But it likely stole a few more quirks, which rose its level back to my own.

It's a bit redundant to take more quirks for me. Strength quirks no longer have any actual effect on me either. It's like trying to put a water bottle in the ocean, really not a good way to spend my time.

But I guess this clone had some room for growth... Unfortunately, it is nothing more than a clone.

Slowly, but surely, I can notice the pattern of its attacks, his preferences. Every move he uses is always coming from a blind spot because all I need to kill him is to gaze at his palm or any part of his body.

His fighting is very strained due to that. He can't afford to show any weakness, a single slip-up will cause his death...

As for me... I can tank as many attacks as needed, all I need is for him to make a small mistake. Something that will happen eventually.

"Clone~ I think you already know that this fight is pretty much hopeless for you~" I guess he's hoping that he can deal enough damage to tire me out. But he can't attack constantly, so he gives me time to recover every time.

His struggle is basically nothing more than that.

"I know that my chances are small and only getting smaller... But Beru, I hope this will serve as a wake-up call for you. There are so many things you can do, yet you chose to sit by idly... Why don't you use this strength to better the world?"

Heh, I guess he could've done a lot of things. He could've aimed for my loved ones, but they are also his loved ones, so he couldn't bring himself to.

I guess he just wants that possibility to serve as a wake-up call for me... But what exactly does he expect me to do?

I've no ambition to better the world, I don't actually care about bettering it either. What exactly am I supposed to do? I've done a lot already.

My presence greatly lessens crime rates which is a good thing(or so I'm told), my actions and decisions also ended up taking out an evil government organization which some would describe as a good thing...

I took out countless criminal groups and even corrupt officials... What more does this clone want from me? Where does my regular life go if I am to just up and do all of these things every day?

Still... What prompted this change? Why is he this desperate to get me to understand him? He's even given up on the whole 'Fake' routine...

_________ POV Narration_________

The clone of Beru was not exactly having a good time either...

He had known from the beginning, just how hopeless fighting the real Beru would be. But nothing could've prepared him for this.

He saw all of his attacks connect and just be ignored or dodged. Beru healed himself almost instantly, and it was impossible to attack him in succession for too long, it was too dangerous.

So, the clone was stuck too. Not knowing how to deal with the situation either.

In truth, the clone didn't see some shocking scene that changed his entire view of the world... Rather, it had too much time for itself.

The life of a clone was never going to be a good one, he knew that he was nothing more than a replica, yet he could feel the same things and knew everyone that Beru did.

He couldn't reach out to them though, so he was left to wonder and contemplate on everything that had happened in his life.

The more and more he stood alone with his thoughts, the more they strayed away from the Beru we all know. He couldn't really see the world as anything than bleak when there was no one for him to live for.

Beru had dozens of friends, a sort of daughter and even a lover. But the clone had nothing. Whatever he had, he couldn't meet or talk to, because he was nothing but a clone.

So, at some point, while he travelled all around the world, relieving his boredom in whatever way he could. A stray thought entered his mind...

'Why is this world so cruel?' Wherever he went, all over the world, it was always the same. From Russia to the furthest parts of South Africa.

Everywhere was the same. The weak ones were disregarded, the strong quirks were put on a pedestal.

The mutant quirks were seen as weird, inhuman even in some countries.

It didn't matter how many villains and evil organizations Beru took down because there was always going to be more and more coming out.

Why? Because the world they lived in encouraged class divides to no end. People that had weaker quirks were prone to becoming either villains or regular workers. People with strong quirks either became great heroes or the worst of villains...

The ones with monstrous quirks were either shunned and vilified to the point where they actually became villains, or they were driven to suicide.

The world that the Clone Beru saw was so strange, so alien. He didn't belong in it, that much was clear.

But whatever had put him there likely had a plan right? Why else was he given that much strength, his power had the capabilities to change the world...

Clone Beru, however, had no way of doing it by himself. So, he decided to try and build an army, much like All for One did. He targeted quirkless people and gained their trust, gifting them quirks.

He built himself a larger and larger following. But he also took the lives of many when he tried to give them quirks.

Soon, he realized that he wasn't going to be able to change the world by himself... But he knew who could...

Beru. He had everything that was needed, from friends in high places to strength that could topple down countries.

The Clone thought to impersonate Beru for a moment but soon gave up. That plan would only work for a few days at best before the original came and dealt with him.

So, he needed a way to make Beru wish to help change the world... What better way than to show him the corruption hidden in every corner of it?

The transformed clone looked at his smart watch and tapped it once, contacting his associate in that instant... A scientist by the name of Mado.

The clone sent him a simple message: 'Prepare for plan C. Release it!'

The scientist was someone that Don detested, still, he was needed for the plan Don had come up with, so it was time.

A grand reveal that was going to help Beru understand just how vile the world they had found themselves in was...


Hope you liked the chapter!

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