Ant King In MHA

Chapter 153: A Game and Event

_________ POV Narration_________

Vladislav could only sigh as he finally managed to finish his workload in time.

The death of the personal bodyguards of each former leader, as well as Beru's deadline, made the young blonde much more desperate in finishing his quest.

As a result, although he managed to bring all of the factions together within the allotted time, it was anything but a stable union. He needed to prepare for future uprisings as well as rats.

But that was unimportant to Beru, who just appeared to inquire on the situation and give his thumbs up. He also did something else, to ensure that Vlad was going to keep his word.

Beru made Don, his clone, stand by Vlad's side for supervision, as well as a way for the two of them to get in contact. It was preferred if they never crossed paths again, but Beru knew that he needed to help the young man a bit now that he somewhat ruined his plans.

Preventing others from rising to power and opposing him in the future was his current goal. Vlad was nothing more than another tool. Much like the Commission and Oyama were.

"So... Does Beru have any weakness?" Vlad asked while sighing... There didn't seem to be anyone in the room with him. But the second he asked that a figure stepped out of the shadows.

A large built man wearing a suit. His white hair was his most defining feature, his bangs were creating a shadow that perfectly obscured his eyes.

"Why the fuck would I tell you that? Ask any more questions like that and I'll sink you into the Atlantic." Don spoke with the same grace Beru usually does... The two of them are technically identical twins after all.

"Jeez... I was just joking. I already know the answer anyway..." Vlad rolled his eyes as he pondered on his current predicament.

'From one shitty leader to another... At least this one doesn't seem to care what I do. Who knows, maybe he'll be a bit better than my idiotic and prideful grandfather?'

Vlad was certainly not pleased with the way things had turned out. But he also knew that this wasn't the absolute worst situation. At least he got to keep his life. He also got to expand his power exponentially.

Beru was basically his boss now, but Beru was also not the type to butt into his business, the insectoid made it clear that it didn't care what happened as long as it didn't concern possible threats to Japan and his business.

So, Vlad technically had free reign in any place other than the small island of Japan. That was far better than being chained to a leading position and being poked for results at every step of the way.

Now, he was mostly his own leader. 'Mostly' being the important part there. Still, he didn't consider killing Beru possible, and he also didn't have any way to get rid of him. So he was going to have to live with that... At least for now.

'Whether I manage to find a way to get rid of him... Or he finds a replacement for me that he can trust... Either way, I need to be cautious about this.' The young Vlad was in for a long game of chess with Beru.

But, the one with the upper hand was clearly Beru. It didn't matter what tools Vlad had at disposal, Beru could flatten the Russian and his legacy in less than a second.

If Vlad was to ever win, he'd need to win on another battlefield, unrelated to actual strength...

But that was to come in later.

For now, Beru took another vacation from doing anything. He decided to spend more time with Midnight, Toga and a few others.

Organizing nights out, parties, and even drinking contests. He was doing his best to maintain the relationships he had built.

But he was still not really opening up to anyone... I guess asking a newborn baby to run is a bit much.

Midnight still supported him though, she decided that the best she could do was to stand by his side at all times. Well, whenever possible, he still left to help Yori from time to time. The research was progressing steadily.

The two of them were still brainstorming on ways to insert the 'Quirk Weakening Serum' into the stomachs/blood vessels of the wider population.

Countries less developed were a bit screwed now, Yori could only do so much after all. The prime minister also promised to help once a plan was thoroughly thought out.

Now it was merely a matter of time, like with most things.

Currently... Beru was going through something rather difficult too.

"Nemuri... Do you think anything good would come out of this?~" Beru asked while looking into the mirror.

"Obviously! No one has ever seen you wearing a tux! And this is the perfect opportunity for it too!" Nemuri spoke out from Beru's side.

"Why would we even be invited to a wedding anyway?~ I always thought Thirteen would end up with Snipe though~ The old chap was kinda putting on the moves on her for a while~" Beru said while stretching out his hands a bit, doing a T-pose.

The suit he wore was black, the tie was perfectly put on, courtesy of Nemuri, who had to do it herself since the insectoid had barely put on any clothes for almost two decades.

"I think you encouraged him to do it though. He always kinda kept to himself, I've seen them talk before, but it was always tame. I guess Thirteen was also a bit more confident thanks to you..." Nemuri looked in the mirror as she fixed her dress.

She usually dressed provocatively, but doing so this time would be quite disrespectful. So she wore a simple low cut red dress. It only showcased a bit of her upper chest, quite normal when compared to her usual attire though.

"Meh~ They probably would've ended up together eventually~" Nemuri just shrugged at Beru's words.

"Who knows? It's happening now though! And we're obviously invited!" Nemuri slapped the back of Beru's head as the insectoid narrowed his eyes and also started looking into the mirror.

He looked rather regular, his suit was tight on his body, making him look quite muscular, although it was just his exoskeleton.

The suit was made out of a special material, made to stretch a lot in order to allow Beru to freely manipulate his height and width like he usually does.

"This costume looks rather nice~ Too bad it cost me a liver and half my life's savings~" Beru flexed a bit, showing off the elasticity of the costume as the muscles on his arm ballooned.

"C'mon, it wasn't that bad! Stop whining about spending a few bucks..." Nemuri said as she started making the finishing touches to her make-up.

"... It literally costs more than a house~ The material was the expensive part, I guess~," Beru said as he looked down at his legs.

He obviously didn't wear shoes. It was rather difficult for him to find anything to fit him. And custom shoes were always an option, but it would take a designer a lifetime to make them look good.

The way Beru's feet were structured didn't quite allow for shoes. The spike/claw sticking out the back of each of his feet was what prevented that. Retracting them into his body is possible, but Beru really didn't want to wear clothes anyway, so why bother doing that?

He was already forced to retract some of the spikes on his back in order to fit in a suit. No way he was doing the same for feet.

"Well, it is technically a hero costume... The school can give you the money for it later. Kinda like a staff privilege?" Beru squinted a bit at her.

"Staff?~ Since when did I start working there?~" He asked while sighing.

"More on that after the wedding! Let's get going, for now, I doubt we want to miss any of it!" Midnight grabbed Beru's hand and pulled it towards the door.

Beru sighed and just created a misty portal in front of it. 'Guess we're doing this...'


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