Ant King In MHA

Chapter 154: Wedding Day(and night)

_________ POV Beru_________

Damn things are moving along quickly.

I remember hitting on Thirteen myself a few months back, I guess she and Snipe have been a bit into each other for quite some time.

I still think it's a bit early of marriage, but they probably know that better than I do. They've been friends for well over a decade apparently.

It's kinda awkward that it took me hitting on Thirteen to make Snipe jealous enough to act out on his feelings... Or maybe he confessed when he was drunk?

Whatever, he did it. The two of them have been together for a few days after the School Festival. The one that happened quite a few months back.

I guess they've had enough time to think about things.

Also, wearing this suit is going to kill me. I actually hate it. Maybe because I'm really not used to the feeling, but it's not comfortable.

Being naked is a form of freedom, I guess. Clothes are both expensive and restrictive. Even if these are specifically made to stretch out a lot.

Damn, I guess I'm really starting to whine a lot about random shit... Maybe Nemuri is right about that. But then again, I've always done that.

Welp, time to see what this night holds for us.

_________ POV Narration_________

The venue for the wedding was rather large. They already signed the necessary documents earlier at the local office.

Now they were just celebrating it. It was by no means a large wedding, it was just a small party among coworkers.

But it was still held in a special place, giving it a more formal feel. Which was why everyone was also dressed accordingly.

The attendants were all the staff at UA, as well as the families of both grooms. It was rather nice to see everyone together like that.

Happily talking and hanging out with each other.

"Hope we aren't late! Beru took a while..." Nemuri brought attention to their arrival. Beru's portals were quite silent after all.

Everyone seemed rather shocked to see Beru wearing a suit, or anything at all.

Toshinori especially stared at Beru with wide eyes.

"So that's why you asked for a loan..." Nezu spoke while looking at the uncomfortable Beru with pity.

Beru didn't actually have any money of his own as of now. All of it was slowly being collected in some bank account by a firm he hired. Things like merch and other items sold with his image that he got a cut from were also included.

The insectoid didn't quite have access to that account, as Nezu found his spending to be rather... Questionable.

Beru had a tendency of not really saying what he spent the money on. Which wasn't quite helpful to the accountants working under him.

Beru's accountants were already overworked, the only thing keeping them alive was the fact that Nezu was somewhat managing things for Beru.

Otherwise, Beru would probably already be in jail for tax evasion. Not that the insectoid has any idea how taxes work. That is a completely foreign subject for a former gangster turned insect.

"Didn't know he'd actually wear it... Guess I lost the bet." Preset Mic spoke with a sad tone while taking a picture of Beru.

"Heh..." Aizawa just grinned at him.

"At least he doesn't look all that bad in it... It's a bit unusual though." Cementoss spoke a few words too... A lot more than he did when actually speaking to Beru himself.

"Beru! Didn't think I'd ever see you dressed up so formally! Or at all!" Snipe walked towards the new arrivals with Thirteen in two.

The space hero was out of her costume and looking at her newest guests with a smile on her face.

"Damn~ Didn't think a suit would get this much attention~ If I knew about it I would've tried one before~ Maybe picking up chicks would be ea-" Beru didn't get to finish his sentence, as he felt something hit the side of his torso. It was Nemuri, with her elbow pushed into Beru.

Snipe also coughed as Nemuri nursed her elbow. She had somewhat forgotten that Beru was technically a wall of steel.

"Well... Let's get to the celebration ey?!" Snipe quickly skipped over what had just happened and continued with his happy night.

Beru was right to look forward to this night. Nothing normal ever comes out when everyone is gathered in one place.

The first half of the night was rather normal, opening presents, dancing, cutting the cake... But then the predictable happened.

A group of robbers decided to try and make a profit by attacking a 'rich people gathering'. Weddings were usually filled with jewellery and other expensive stuff after all...

Too bad this one also happened to be filled with heroes. Really angry and extremely drunk heroes. It didn't bode quite well for the robbers.

At first, Beru was too preoccupied drinking to deal with them. Instead, they got to learn more about the strength of Pro Heroes directly from teachers... Rather fitting.

After they were beaten into the ground by all of the other people present, Beru also decided to go and kick each of them one last time before teleporting all of them into the police HQ.

That was the first thing that went sideways.

The next one, maybe already mentioned a bit. Everyone was getting drunk.

And the dancing was also getting more and more energetic.

The only sober person there was Beru and the grooms. The grooms couldn't quite get smashed at their own wedding, and Beru couldn't really do it in general.

Snipe did drink, but he had enough endurance to stay sober through the night.

Then, something even more predictable happened. Beru instigated a drinking contest among the already smashed teachers.

It leads to many of them simply passing out. The women were handling it better, but the men were all mostly done in.

In the end, Beru turned the party into a sleepover by teleporting beds into the venue. Something that was likely not usually allowed in the venue, but who's going to mention that to the strongest hero alive?

After the ones with less resistance went to sleep, the gambling started. Poker, blackjack, you name it, they did it. Beru provided the means, but it was rather clear that he wasn't the one orchestrating things.

Snipe was the one telling Beru what to bring and what not to. They didn't gamble on real money, mostly playing for the fun of it.

In the end, the night was rather memorable... For a few people. Well, it was memorable for the ones that needed to remember it well.

During the wedding though, Beru received a rather strange message. Looking at his watch, he just saw the notification pop up.

A small part of the messages being displayed.

It was from Don, and it was about Vlad. Beru just shrugged. 'I'll read it in the morning... No time for stupid stuff right now.'

And so, the wedding continued. The party actually kept going until the morning, but few were still awake by that time. Most had either gone home or to sleep.

Beru was one of the last few still standing.

'That was nice... Haven't been to many weddings, but I heard that they usually end up like this... Maybe...'


Sry for the small break, don't have a lot of time left to write lately. Hope you liked the chapter though! I won't stop writing btw, so don't worry about this being dropped.

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