Ant King In MHA

Chapter 155: Help and Attention

__________ POV Narration __________

"So you were bothering me with a message this unimportant?~ While I was in the middle of an important event with my friends?~" Beru said while sitting down and looking at the blonde young man in front of him.

"... I was honestly hoping that issues wouldn't appear this late early in my takeover. I barely got to seize power properly and they started revolting," Vlad spoke in a sombre tone.

"Not just one location, all over the globe, businesses that weren't managed by the Grigorev family in the past are proving to not be quite willing to be taken over. Feels like they waited for a coordinated revolt rather than haphazardly just starting to not respond to me."

Vlad explained the frustrating situations the best he could. But he somewhat knew what answer was expecting him.

"I don't care~ Keep things off my turf and you'll keep your life~ Slog through mounds of shit if you need to~ Don't expect me to help you every day ~" Beru got up and prepared to leave.

Vlad clenched his teeth and looked at Don, who was standing nearby.

"B-Beru... I think we should help him for now. At least he can be supervised easily, if there are too many groups to look after then things will get annoying." Don spoke up with a bit of hesitation.

After all, by now, Beru managed to cement himself as a 'not that lenient fellow'. Don himself knew Beru well, and he knew that he could only thank his lucky stars that he was still alive and breathing.

"... Aight~ Whatever~ You're allowed to help him in whatever way you want~ Don't implicate me further than necessary~ Only if there's something you yourself can't handle~" Beru seemed to sink into his seat as purplish/black mist swallowed him whole.

The second he disappeared Vlad took a deep breath. He was rather annoyed by Beru's attitude, but voicing out his complaints would only make things much worse for him.

"That was easier than expected though..." Vlad muttered while looking at Don.

"Didn't you say it would be much harder to convince him to allow you to help?" The blonde man asked while fixing his sleeves.

"... Don't take everything I say about him for granted. It doesn't matter how much I know about him, he has his own agenda, and is very devious. For now, try not to get on his bad side," Don spoke with quite a bit of familiarity.

The two of them were already tolerating each other rather well. And Don was always with him anyway, so Vlad took that chance to get closer to Beru's close associate.

Finding a weakness wasn't exactly the main point right now. He needed a way to even look for one. He was sure that Don would never give him anything of value.

But getting closer was still the move to make. Vlad planned to blackmail Beru using a weakness, to make him back off from all of his business.

Vlad wanted the two of them to become equals, at least to some extent. He was now technically Beru's slave, and merely thinking about it irritated the blond man.

"... Let's just get to work. We have a lot of people to kill... And a lot of territories to reclaim. Purging the families of the old leaders might be the way to go right now."

And so, they started dealing with the issues... But why exactly did Beru agree to help the young Vlad?

'That stupid fucking clone...' Beru stood on the tallest point of the building and looked at the ground while deep in thought.

He was somewhere in the middle of Tokyo, the tallest skyscraper he could find.

'Why would he even need my approval for something so mundane...? Good thing I don't actually have anything planned for today... But I need to deal with something now, thanks to this stupid development.

Don can deal with most things himself, but I guess he's not really willing to rub more of his neurons together in order to help us both...

I guess I'm overreacting a bit. It wasn't even that big of a deal. Still, if he's specifically requested this, then I guess he's pretty close to being done.'

Beru sat there, with the wind hitting his face violently. He slowly got up, his hand clutching the steel beam of the antenna he had perched himself on.

He thought about some other things too, like the way things were progressing wiht Yori. The scientist didn't quite need Beru's help anymore. The only thing they needed to do was to find a way to recover the minds of the Nomus, but that was a rather tedious task.

Completing it was near impossible. There was also the issue of starting the production and distribution of the cure.

'... Yori decided to implement the cure in the next generation, as this one getting weaker would be suspicious, it would be annoying for our intentions to be discovered a bit too early.'

Beru breathed out a thick mist, which rolled around his body and seemed to swallow it whole.

'Current task, making sure the agents waiting outside of Vlad's hiding spot don't interfere with our business.'

Beru disappeared from his location with that last thought. Reappearing back in a cold, and rather cloudy midday Moscow.

Once again, standing on top of a building and observing the people that seemed to be searching for an entrance to Vladislav's hiding spot.

Beru's destruction of the last one had gone rather unnoticed, but it seemed that some were still after Vlad, probably enemies of the Grigorevs.

They were expertly hiding their presence while stalking around corners and looking for hidden passageways and doors. It was all rather inconspicuous, they were clearly professionals.

Beru looked at them and tilted his head. 'These guys appear a bit too trained for a criminal life... Are you telling me we've gained the attention of the government too?'

He instantly changed his appearance into some random suited thug and started looking for someplace to interrogate them.

He didn't look for long either, it all took less than a second.

Beru then reappeared in a forest, with the two agents directly in front of him. They seemed bewildered and confused.

"W-Where...?" They spoke in Russian, but Beru still understood them clearly.

"Sorry for the inconvenience~ I figured I'd ask you why you're so intent on looking into that place?" Beru got directly to the point. He didn't want to waste too much time.

He could've left Don to deal with the issue, but his curiosity was stirred when he first noticed them. He also needed to know how big of a detriment the presence of this third party would be for his plans.

The two of them were instantly startled, jumping backwards and looking at each other. They were both rather agile, impressively so.

It wasn't just that they were startled, there was also something else that gave them a strange feeling of dread. Seeing the relaxed demeanour of the man in front of them made them nervous.

'This man... He's a monster...' The two of them thought at the exact same time, their trained instincts urging them to quickly retreat. Yet they knew that both of them getting away was improbable.

"... He must be one of the Grigorevs..." The taller one of them spoke, then made some signs. The other just nodded.

In that same instant, the one that made the signs dashed towards Beru, with his fists clenched and his right arm cocked backwards. His muscles bulged and ripped through his shirt, his veins quickly started glowing red.

The other agent turned around and started running through the forest in the opposite direction. His legs seemed to be turning the surfaces he stepped on in trampolines. He picked up speed as he bounced around from tree to tree.

"I appreciate the dedication~ But that won't help you much~" Beru stepped to the side, completely dodging the axe kick from the agent attacking him.

The man's leg cracked the ground and fragmented it quite a bit.

"That's pretty decent~ You managed to break the ground 10 meters around you~" Beru spoke with a disinterested tone.

"But that doesn't mean I'll let your friend leave just like that~ Endless Domain~" Beru extended his hand, and a strange purplish screen expanded from his body and all around the area.

A strange screen now covered everything around Beru for around 300 meters.

"Tsk!" The agent recovered from hitting the ground, rolling around on the ground he prepared to toppled Beru down with a sweep of his leg.

Beru just jumped, completely avoiding the man's attack as he put his hands in his pockets.

"Who sent you two here?~ It would be so easy if you told me a bit about it~" Beru said as he waved his arm around.

The man rolled away and seemed to prepare for another attack. 'As long as he gets away then it won't matter...' Was the thought going through his head.

"If you don't answer in three seconds I'll just get rid of you and take my time with your friend~" Beru's patience also had a limit, he knew that simply getting free information was impossible since his opponent seemed to be well-trained.

But he was still hoping to be able to skip through the boring process of torturing and dismembering someone until he started speaking.

Beru and the agent were at a standstill for a while. then something else happened.

Behind the disguised insectoid, appeared the other agent, who still seemed to be running at full force.

The one that was fighting Beru looked at his comrade with wide eyes. 'B-But he just ran in the opposite direction...' He knew that his associate wouldn't make such a stupid mistake, so there was only one answer.

Their opponent must've done something...

"Glad to see you rejoin us so promptly~" Beru spoke with glee, the man was startled to notice who was ahead of him, but he had already picked up the momentum from his last jump, he couldn't stop now.

The bouncing agent was met with a kick, Beru planting a right leg into his face, using his own momentum against him.

He was sent hurtling into the ground, raising up a rather large dust cloud.

"SHIT!" The other one didn't stand still, he dashed towards Beru once more, but this time, his entire body was glowing red, while his veins were glowing black.

His punch seemed to be covered in strange red energy, it made Beru raise his brow for a bit.

Instead of dodging or blocking, Beru just stood still. He looked at the punch with glee.

'Didn't think I'd find anyone this strong in such a random place~' Beru thought as he discretely opened up a portal in front of his own body.

The red-skinned agent was shocked to see his fist vanish in thin air, only to return to him in full force.

The man punched himself into the distance, he was sent flying at least two hundred meters, Beru whistled when seeing that.

"Damn~ That was nice~" Beru spoke with quite a bit of amusement in his voice. The agent behind him was certainly not having fun though...

'He repelled the captain so easily... This is bad...  We need to tell the re-' His train of thought was interrupted by something rather unexpected.

Beru appeared above him and crushed his head into the ground, painting the grass a beautiful blood-red colour.

"Since you're so strong~ Then I guess you're the higher one on the food chian~ Don't need the straggler around then~" Beru was swift, ruthless. The red-skinned man saw his subordinate get killed in the distance, but didn't react strongly.

The man still gulped, he took a cylinder out of his jacket's inner pocket, Beru instantly recognized it. It was a steel syringe, slightly bent, but still somewhat functional.

Beru tilted his head. 'Trigger?~ Seriously?" Beru appeared in front of the injured man, grasping his arm and crushing it with ease before the man could even think about bringing the syringe anywhere close to his skin.

"Don't go killing yourself or anything... YOu wIlL be UseFulL~" Beru smiled as mist swallowed both of their bodies. Taking them somewhere else.

'Gosh, I haven't tortured someone in so long... This is going to be rather embarrassing if I can't make him talk.' Beru thought gleefully as he knocked out the man he had captured.

'Can't let the government interfere at this point... Why did they have to act so soon? Well, maybe it's not the government... I fucking hope it isn't.'

And so, Beru's 'information gathering' started.


Hope you liked the chapter! Tis a bit of a longer one, I doubt anyone's complaining tho.

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