Ant King In MHA

Chapter 156: Influence and Investigation

_________ POV Narration_________

Beru stood there in his real form, looking at the person in front of him with little pity.

The agent that he had previously fought was now tied to a chair, bloody all over. Some parts of his body were burned, some showed signs of him having been skinned alive.

His fingers were all broken and his nails either crooked or entirely pulled out. Beru sighed as he looked the man in the eyes.

The scene made it rather clear, even though Beru distanced himself from his old life, he still remembered how things got done in the underworld.

In a short few hours, the agent was brought to the brink of insanity, a highly trained spy, already accustomed to torture. It seemed like his mind was simply not accustomed to the brutality that Beru would inflict on him.

"Well... I guess you've suffered enough~ I've also heard enough~" Beru's disguise disappeared in that instant. The man would've likely reacted with shock was he still sane enough to recognize Beru's visage.

Everything was hazy to the agent. But the second Beru's revealed his appearance, his field of view changed somewhat. He felt air rushing by.

In the blink of an eye, his head was rolling on the ground. A swift execution, putting a proper end to the man's suffering.

'Damn... If only All for One could've felt pain...' Beru mused after his body started releasing flames and burning the agent to ashes.

_________ POV Beru_________

So, the interrogation was rather fruitful.

The men I killed today were apparently part of some sort of secret ops team. Well, they were the two strongest/most experienced members. The guy with the 'Berserker' quirk especially, was the captain of said unit.

They usually deal with spy missions and information gathering, but oftentimes, their missions lead to them fighting, much like this one...

I learned quite a few things. It also confirmed my worries about the Russian Government getting involved with my new puppet...

It's a bit annoying. This is all a bit too early for such intervention. I guess that's why they're acting though...

They caught wind of the Grigorev's showing signs of weakness, and they immediately started investigating. So I guess Vlad and Don don't just have a few rebellious Pimps and Kingpins to worry about.

The government of each country should've taken notice of the panic and mayhem that is happening in the Syndicates across the world.

The ruling gangs will be toppled if nothing is done about it... And I honestly don't think that's necessarily a bad thing.

I mean, Vlad's influence will grow weaker, but that doesn't really mean shit. At least there won't be any organisation to worry about... At least that's what some would think.

But there's always a market for illegal shit. And where there was once a power, another one will rise to fill in the gap.

The government interfering and crushing the operations that are already technically under my control is troublesome.

I won't be able to completely prevent that without simply rampaging and killing everything, I can just postpone their actions.

I won't do it myself though, I'll send Don's henchmen to do it. They are plenty strong to take care of themselves, they also remain fiercely loyal, although their leader is somewhat of a pushover...

Jesus fucking Christ, how did I end up like this? What the fuck happened to my calm and peaceful life? It's all because of that fucker Don.

Getting rid of corruption in Japan was one thing, but our plans were forced to go worldwide when these 'world leaders' got involved.

Well, Don better hurry and get his part of the deal done. Otherwise, I'll just rage and kill both him and his little boytoy Vlad.

That blonde fucker is not trustworthy at all, but he's the only one that knows how to manage this many businesses at once, at least the only one that knows much about the interworkings of each business.

And, as long as he keeps his hands to himself, all will be fine.

As for Don... That little shit better hurry and get things done before the government catch up. Time is ticking and all that.

I'm too lazy to go back and warn the two of them. I'll just warp a letter to them or something. It's safer than just sending a message.

Welp, I better go and see what else I have to do for today... After a shower. Burnt flesh has a very distinct smell to it.

I think Nezu said he'd find a way to fill up my ever-growing free time... I didn't ask much about it at the wedding though... I'll pay him a visit soon.

_________ POV Narration_________

Beru did as he intended, taking a shower at his room in the dormitory, which was mostly occupied by Toga lately, as he slept at Nemuri most nights when he wasn't away on 'tasks'.

Toga was not in the room though. She was currently training with Ereaser, she was rather sad lately. Mainly because Beru spent little time with her.

He still showed up from time to time and even took her killing occasionally. But she had somewhat gotten used to having him by her side at all times.

Still, she didn't let that affect her too badly. Beru had already proven time and time again that he cared about her. That alone was heartwarming enough.

Currently, she was more concentrated on her progress as a fighter. She was now very much accustomed to the capture tool she was using, and her fighting skills were only growing better with each day.

At this point, Aizawa was forced to go serious if he actually wanted to defeat her.

He was helped by the fact that he was a lot more experienced, he also knew a lot more about the weaknesses of his own fighting style.

Still, her progress was rather astounding.

She had greatly surpassed Shinzo, who was still training with them. Well, the young man was at a disadvantage since he liked to mostly rely on his quirk. He was also a bit less talented and physically capable.

Shinzo was also well on his way to becoming a great hero though.

The three of them were having a group spar like usual when they suddenly heard a whistle to the side.

"Damn~ Do you guys ever take a break?~" Beru walked into the gym with Nezu sitting on his large shoulder. The principal just laughed with glee when seeing how eager the next generation of heroes was to get stronger.

Shota, Shinzo and Toga weren't the only ones present in the gym. Gym Gamma was a large complex. Most of the students in the first and second years were there, either sparring(supervised by robots/staff) or training their quirks.

"Beru!" "It's actually him?!" "He looks so much larger in person!" A crowd quickly gathered around at the entrance. A lot of the students were fans of Beru after all.

But one of them was much greater than the rest.

"MOVE OVER SCUM!" An ashen haired young man with an angry face and an explosive personality pushed through the crowd and pointed directly at Beru.

That person was clearly Bakugo, as cheerful and energetic as always...

"YOU! FIGHT ME NOW!" Beru and Nezu both tilted their heads. Neither really taking the explosive young man too seriously.

"Beru~!" Another person also pushed to the crowd, but this one was for a rather different reason. Toga rushed towards Beru and tackled him. Well, she tried to. She ended up just hugging him tightly as Beru retracted any spike on his body to avoid hurting her.

"Oh~ It's been quite a bit~" Beru patted Toga's head for a few seconds. Some of the students were gasping at that.

But there was also the distinct sound of teeth being filed. "Grrr! DON'T IGNORE ME!" Bakugo shouted while veins appeared on his forehead.

"Ok, everyone. Calm down." Nezu stood up, still on Beru's shoulders. He decided to use the insectoid as a stand.

"We came here today to check up on everyone training, as well as to introduce you all to a new member of the staff that will specifically be helping at Gym Gamma from now on," Nezu spoke with a smile on his face as his nose was pointed at the sky.

A lot of people could be seen reacting positively to that news. They weren't all that daft after all... Well with few exceptions.

"Who is it?!" TetsuTetsu and Kirishima were both rather slow on the uptake. It only made sense for the two of them to train together.

"... As some of you might've guessed! Beru will, from now on, be a supervisor at this gym. He won't be here all the time though, you might be lucky and catch him from time to time.

He can give you all some valuable advice on training and using your quirks. He is rather experienced with that. And he can also serve as a sparring partner... If he wishes to." Nezu's gazed at Bakugo for a second.

The explosive young man had an excited smile on his face as small explosions sparked in his palms.

"Hmm? How come you're getting a job? You've been rather busy lately." Toga asked as she slowly separated from Beru.

"I've dealt with whatever issues I had~ I've got a lot more free time now~ Nezu proposed this so I can spend more time with Nemuri and you~ Kinda nice of him~ He also gets a volunteer to work for him...~" Beru's eye shifted towards Nezu, who was just innocently smiling on his shoulder.

"... You're not even getting paid?" Toga asked, befuddled by the fact that Beru would accept such a job.

"Well~ Not that I need any more money~ I'm doing it for the experience I guess~" Beru just shrugged as Nezu climbed off of him.

"Well then, I shall be taking my leave now! Beru, if you would..." Nezu looked up at the insectoid.

Beru just rolled his eyes and opened up a portal in front of the principal.

"Well then...~ Let's get down to business, yea~?" Beru stretched his hands a bit as everyone prepared to bombard him with questions.

'At least this is more entertaining than watching the TV intently' Beru thought as he started answering quirk related questions.


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