Ant King In MHA

Chapter 157: Training Sessions

__________ POV Narration__________

And so, Beru ended up responding to a lot of questions in the short span of an hour.

Not all of them were related to improvement and quirks though. Some were just asking about him in general. His popularity garnered him a lot of attention from just about every student in UA.

Especially since he was also a person that the majority of students saw around campus most of the time.

His fame was similar to that of All Might, but he was seen more often and was a lot younger than the Symbol of Peace.

It didn't really matter what Beru was going to do later in his life, he already left behind the legacy of one of the most powerful heroes. He was also known to bring justice upon anyone, regardless of standing and power.

Many asked about how he managed to bring all of these government officials to justice in such a short time.

Beru could only shrug and say: "It was more of a team effort~ Kenji, the Chief of Police, was the one that made all of the legal work, I gathered evidence and dealt with some of the arrests~"

Beru didn't care about giving details to the students, even if the matters were still fresh, he hadn't signed any waiver about not disclosing this information.

Beru was also the one that instigated the arrests, his clone was the one that made most of their crimes public. The matter was already closed anyway, so he wasn't about to get in trouble for 'slandering' the 'good names' of the people he had convicted.

He also got asked about the most recent incident that everyone knew of and was curious about. The explosion that went off in a district in Musutafu was already a well-recorded fact.

The person that threw the explosive device was also already thrown in the deeper parts of Tartarous, Japan's maximum-security prison.

More specifically, the student's asked about how Beru felt in that moment. To which Beru gave a 'satisfactory' response...

"What do you mean?~ How did I feel?~ I didn't really care, I wasn't in any danger~ I only thought about pulling everyone out of the way first~ It's already well known that I have plenty of quirks, I used some of them to evacuate the area, raise a wall around it, and contain the explosion as much as possible~"

The answer may have sounded a bit rough at first, but it still painted him in a good image in the end. It made Aizawa nod a bit, he had expected Beru to be a lot more irresponsible with the way he spoke.

But it seemed that the insectoid knew not to paint the wrong image in the minds of the young hero trainees.

In the end, Aizawa and the other teachers had to usher the still excited students to continue training. Beru also told them to continue improving and whatnot, trying to motivate them a bit.

But not all of the students left with the rest of the teachers. Some stood still.

It was a rather odd group actually...

Beru looked at them and tilted his head. There were a few students. Izuku, Bakugo, Kirishima, Toga and TetsuTetsu.

"What's with the five of you?~ Want some tips on your quirks?~" Beru asked in a rather amused tone. But he could already tell why they were standing by still.

"Oy... I waited quite a bit for you to finish talking to those extras... It's about time you agreed to a spar, don't ya think?" Bakugo asked in a much calmer tone than usual.

The rest seemed to just nod.

"I've wanted to see how I fare against you for a while now. It's been a bit since we've fought anyway." Toga said with a large smile. Her canines shined and her eyes were filled with excitement.

"I-I also want to see how much I've improved since you've thought me how to use my quirk properly..." Izuku also muttered out, he was not as uncomfortable around Beru anymore, but he was still somewhat shy.

"I've wanted to fight you for a long time now!" Kirishima just spoke with energy, Tetsutetsu mimicked him in energy but wasn't as determined. "I'm just curious about your strength."

"All right~ I guess this was part of the deal right?~ Ok~ All of you can come at me~" Beru didn't get in any stance, just leisurely showed them his palms as he raised his shoulders and straightened his back.

At full height, the insectoid easily towered over the students and the teachers present. But the students facing him weren't really intimidated by his height.

Bakugo would've normally been mad at Beru for not fighting him in a 1v1. But he knew that he was still far off from beating Beru. He just wanted to test himself against the current Number One.

That's right, in the eyes of the students, as well as a vast majority of the population, Beru was already stronger than All Might.

The ground around them seemed to raise as a platform was made for them to fight on. Cementoss just looked at them with pity as he raised them in the air.

Izuku was the first one to rush in, his body sparking with green lightning and his veins glowing red. His speed was great, surpassing most of the other students, Kirishima and Tetsu could barely follow him.

The green-haired teen started the attack with a spinning axe kick, aimed directly at Beru's head.

Beru screeched in an unnerving way as he raised up his hand and blocked the leg with his open palm.

In that instant, Bakugo and the rest could hear a pained grunt as Izuku was sent flying backwards where he came from, spinning violently in the air.

Kirishima and Bakugo rushed and caught him before he flew off the platform, but they had only barely got their hands on him.

Izuku shakily got up, his injuries were there, but they weren't anything serious.

"Impact recoil~ A quirk that returns all blunt impact to the attacker~ You'll have to get a bit more creative when fighting an opponent like this.~" Beru instructed Izuku while not pursuing him at all.

Tetsu and Toga were the next ones to attack, as Bakugo and Kirishima were helping Izuku recover at the moment.

The two circled around Beru, Toga used her capture weapon in a strange way, striving to simply block out some of his vision as Tetsu seemed to punch at him from blind spots.

"Decent teamwork~ But it won't work on everybody~" Beru danced around the two of them, as Tetsu tried his best to land a single hit.

Toga was also getting frustrated and she started throwing knives towards Beru. It cut off some of his retreat paths and forced him to stop dodging for a bit.

Tetsu took that opportunity to send an uppercut towards Beru's shoulder, he didn't quite reach the insectoid's head...

Beru simple slapped the punch away, he was matching Tetsu's speed and only using his experience and skill in order to point out some of his flaws.

"Your style is a bit too direct~," Beru said as he raised his leg, kicking up some dust in the teen's eyes and then kicking him in the abdomen.

Even with Tetsu's steel quirk, he was still sent hurtling away. Not very far though, he was still struggling on the ground to get the dust out of his eyes.

Toga was actually happy when seeing that, she had used Tetsu as a distraction, and was already jumping towards Beru with her special knife(Beru's finger) in hand.

Beru didn't even look at her, a spike came out of his back, facing down towards her. She was forced to roll away and retreat as the ground in front of her was impaled.

"Try not to be so predictable~," Beru said as the spike turned into a tail and slapped Toga away. She tried to block it by raising her arms, but she was thrown away nonetheless.

She managed to grab onto the tail with her capture tool and managed to stop herself.

"DID YOU FORGET ABOUT ME?!" Beru heard a shout from his side, accompanied by the sound of explosions. Looking there, he could see a rapidly approaching Bakugo. He was using explosions to propel himself towards the insect hero.

Beru just pointed his finger forward and unleashed a stream of water towards the explosive teen, hitting him head-on and stopping his descent and preventing him from using his quirk momentarily.

"Shouting that you're coming at me won't put you at an advantage~ Even if I would've heard the explosions~," Beru said as another teen rushed his location. A green blur, it was none other than Izuku.

He rushed towards Beru and appeared at his side, in a crouched down position. He raised from the ground with his right leg, kicking up some dust and aiming for Beru's left leg.

Beru simply reached down with his hand and prepared to block the kick with his palm. Meanwhile, his other hand was still preoccupied waterboarding Bakugo and slowly pushing him further and further away.

Right when he was about to catch Izuku's leg, another figure rushed in and tackled him, specifically, his arm that was suppressing Bakugo.

It was none other than Kirishima, the young teen managed to break the stream of water for a few seconds, giving his teammate some time to breathe. It also momentarily distracted Beru as he shook him off and threw him upwards.

Izuku took that change to land his kick, only to learn that impact recoil didn't have much to do with the user's hand... The green-haired teen was sent back where he came from, tumbling on the platform and kicking up even more dust.

Bakugo was now also back to approaching him. The explosive teen quickly started exploding himself forwards and building up momentum by spinning in the air.

Right when Beru was about to start suppressing him again, the insectoid's hand was yanked away.

Wrapped around it was the thin fabric of the capture tool Toga used, but pulling his hand were both Tetsu and Toga.

Kirishima also landed somewhere nearby and quickly got to pulling alongside the other two.

"Decent teamwork ~" Beru said as he flexed his other arm. Bakugo was already close enough to release his special move though.

"Howitzer Impact!" Bakugo shouted out as he released a powerful explosion straight in Beru's face. It pushed all of his teammates away along with that. But they were still on the platform.

Kirishima and Tetsu blocked some of the impact with their bodies, shielding Toga from it as well.

'... That's nowhere near enough... It's annoying to see how much he's holding back. But it can't really be helped, he's always been holding back when sparring with me anyway.' Toga looked at the smoke, the aftermath of the explosion with a wary gaze.

Her capture weapon was still functional, although a bit damaged by the explosion.

The team was about to smile a bit, but then they heard a strange sound. It sounded as if two pieces of metal were banging together.

It was Beru, clapping his hands. It was a form of praise, but it felt a bit odd to Toga.

The smoke was instantly cleared as the shockwave forced Bakugo to take quite a few steps back. He even covered his eyes as the dust and smoke were affecting them a bit.

"That was pretty good~ Plenty of villains would've been shit on if this was a real combat situation~ Seriously, congratulations, to all of you~"

Beru spoke with honesty, although the students were somewhat disappointed to see that Beru wasn't at all affected by the explosion, it was to be expected though. He was Beru after all.

"That doesn't mean jackshit when we've barely scratched you..." Bakugo spoke, a bit discouraged but still with enough energy to swear.

"Don't compare yourself to me~ It's unfair to you~ I have a lot more power than I'll ever need to use~ You also already have more than enough to compare with most pros~" Beru spread his hands and gestured to the scorched platform he was standing on.

"Your strategy was actually great to see~ You all paved the way for your strongest hitter~ Distracting me and keeping me occupied was the right move there~" Beru clapped his hands once more, this time it was in a more joyous manner.

"To become number one, I need to surpass you! Don't get too cocky! I will get there one day." Bakugo's spirits were renewed now, he seemed even more determined than before.

"M-Me too...!" Izuku also followed along, in his own way. His voice might've wavered, but at least his gaze didn't.

The rest also seemed motivated by Bakugo's stance. Well, except Toga, who didn't really care about the nr.1 position, or about surpassing Beru.

"Well, it's good to have a goal~ Something to strive for~ I can only wish you good luck~"(lord knows you'll need it)

Beru decided against snuffing that flame of passion that was in the eyes of the people he had just fought. There was no reason for him to pick on children and ruin their dreams.

They all nodded, with smiles on their faces.

"You all better get back to training~ Keep on keeping on eh?~" Beru waved them off as he warped them all where they were before he entered the Gym.

'That was fun... I guess I'll just hang about or go bother Nemuri's class...' Beru mused while stepping off of the platform Cementoss had raised.


Hope you liked the chapter!

I've been thinking about what other stories to start... I have plenty of ideas for both fanfics and others. But I'm still unsure, what would you guys like to see?

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