Ant King In MHA

Chapter 158: Results and Usefulness

_________ POV Narration_________

No less than two months passed by since Beru technically became a volunteer at Gym Gamma.

He spent most of his time there either giving advice or occasionally sparring with some of the more energetic students.

The insectoid was rather perplexed to see the rate of improvement for the students that fought him on an almost daily basis.

Everything from their teamwork to their actual combat abilities seemed to become better by the day.

It was as if he was a whetstone, and they were all blades waiting to be sharpened up.

Beru often fought the students using their weaknesses, making them deal with abilities that they otherwise would lose against.

Shoto got to fight a fire and water wielding Beru, all of his ice was melted and all of his fire was turned to steam, it always made the field into a mess, at first, it ended with Beru taking Todoroki out while hiding in the steam.

Shoto was forced to learn how to fight using only his body, or just minimally using his quirk, and his instincts were sharpened to a great degree.

All of his fights still ended in losses, but he learned more from each one, each time, his body was ready to react to one more hit, ready to endure a bit more.

Bakugo's state of progression was even more impressive, he also started sparring with Beru 1 on 1.

At first, it was a one-sided beatdown, as Beru simply took the role of a fire hose and washed the explosive teen away.

It was hard for Bakugo to overcome that, but it seemed that he had trained for it, now he was often releasing powerful explosions even with the water.

He was now capable of simply ignoring the water, it no longer affected the intensity of his explosions.

Although he could still be pushed away by a steady stream, it was no longer enough to incapacitate him momentarily.

Even if he ended up on the ground, at least he had somewhat fixed his weakness.

His reaction speed was already great, to begin with, the intensity of his explosions was what actually impressed Beru a bit more.

Unknowingly, his daily sparring had also greatly strengthened the teen's explosions.

Izuku was also decent, he could somewhat keep his wits about him now, he didn't bumble with his words at much either.

He took to Beru's unconventional fighting style too. Often using his surroundings, throwing chunks of the arena towards Beru or clouding his vision with dust.

The green-haired teen managed to somewhat overcome Beru's Impact recoil by only using the shockwave from his hits.

As long as he didn't make physical contact, then the impact wouldn't return to him.

He still had a long way to go, but he could now comfortably withstand 25% full cowl, at least for a few minutes.

Going above that was taxing, but Beru himself was able to heal the student, so there was no danger even when training in a risky manner.

He had developed a strange style now, 'Shoot Style-Slingshot'. It consisted of him stomping the ground to throw up rocks and then kicking the rocks towards his opponent.

It was rather interesting, and the rocks were usually going at impressive speeds too.

Other than them, Kirishima was now also a lot stronger. He was now able to harden his hand into a spike, opening up a whole new world of fighting styles for him.

He still couldn't put a scratch on Beru, but that was asking for a bit much out of any student(or anyone in general).

Toga didn't improve much, she wasn't all that mad about it though. It seemed like she was slowly finding her place though. Recently, she found herself wanting to be more and more like Beru...

Now though, Beru wasn't at school, and he wasn't at Nemuri's place either.

He was in the middle of Moscow, looking at the two people that he had given a task to. Vlad and Don both looked rather composed, Beru just sat down with a leg over while leaning in his chair.

"... So you've at least succeeded in stabilizing things?~" Beru asked again, to clarify things for himself, as he didn't pay much attention to the actual report Vlad had given him.

Reports were filed with excess words to make things sound better, Beru didn't care about that, he only wanted results, short and simple.

"Yes. That was done a month ago... Things have been running smoothly since then." Vlad seemed rather proud when speaking of that.

Truth be told, the young man had all the reasons to be proud considering his accomplishments in such a short amount of time.

Even if he had Don to help him, it was still impressive that he now had things under wraps. He now basically controlled most of the underworld.

"The government have also been suppressed. Our blackmail on them is still valid, so that's done and dealt with... Well, they'll still look for opportunities, but for now, they've settled down." Vlad shrugged a bit.

Then he started speaking again after seeing that Beru didn't have much to add. He cleared his throat and fixed his tie a bit.

"They also decided not to pursue the loss of their agents, as that would mean that they admit to sending agents after us." He spoke with a charismatic smile.

Vladislav had put all of his plans in the backseat, finding Beru's weakness was not something he had time to do when dealing with so many things at once.

But, now that he was done, he was prepared to start properly investigating Beru, and he didn't plan on pulling any punches.

His freedom depended on it, he wouldn't feel comfortable otherwise.

Vlad is now only a king in name, Beru is the one calling the shots, Beru is the one he reports to. And that situation didn't sit right with Vlad, as he found it unfair.

"You've done well~ Rather impressive actually~ Didn't think you'd get everything done so quickly~" Beru finally spoke up, he stretched his legs and slowly prepared to get up.

"Don~ I trust that you're also done right?~ There shouldn't have been anything too difficult right?~" Beru asked as he slowly got up.

"No, everything was rather simple. About what you'd expect really. We've both done this type of thing before. It's just on a bigger scale." Don spoke after heaving a sigh.

Hearing that, Vladislav got excited.

'Does this mean that Don won't be in my shadow all the time anymore?! This is beyond amazing! With this, looking into Beru will be so much easier!'

His composed nature was the only thing keeping him from smiling widely like an excited child.

"Welp~ I guess that's it then~ This is the end of our relationship, Vladislav~," Beru said as he looked at the young man standing in front of him.

Vlad was instantly shocked when hearing that.

"D-Does that mean you're not going to interfere with the organisation anymore?" He asked whit a curious tone. He didn't even believe it, Beru now had all the power in the world at his fingertips.

Who would be able to simply throw it away like that?

"Hmm?~ What do you mean?~ You're the one going away~" Beru said as he snapped his fingers. All three of them were now on a yacht, in the middle of the ocean.

It was strangely empty, Vlad immediately turned white as he realised what the situation had devolved into.

"N-now, let's not get too hasty... I thought we had a deal!" The young man was now panicking, as he realised that his quirk wouldn't save him where they were now.

"A deal?~ What we had was nothing more than a momentary arrangement~ A deal is something I only make with the people I trust~" Beru spread his hands as he spoke.

"You're not really in that category~ Not even close~" His words were cold, Vlad trembled as he almost felt his spine freeze.

Another sigh was heard from the side. It was Don, Beru's clone.

The clone tapped on the metal railing of the ship. The metal twisted and detached itself from the boat, instantly wrapping around Vlad.

Vlad's eyes widened when feeling the metal on his body. He knew that he couldn't quickly break out of such restraints, but what was worse... The metal was heavy...

And that could only mean one thing.

"Y-You can't be doing this! Do you really think you're prepared to rule over such a large empire?! I was the one to unite it all! You can't do this without me!" Vlad spoke with energy. His survival instincts were going overboard, he was prepared to do anything to survive at this point.

"Do you even understand how difficult it will be to unite them all under a new leader?! Do you even know how impossible that is?!" Although no longer thinking straight, he was still right in his words.

"I know~ Good thing there's no need to do that.~" Beru slowly started walking over to Vlad.

"Indeed, I wasn't assigned to you just for safekeeping. My real task was to learn everything from you. I concluded that already, even if some situations arise in the future, there's nothing I can't deal with." Don spoke with little emotion.

Don looked at Vlad with cold eyes too. There was no closeness to be found, no warmth, their bond was never a strong one, to begin with. It was always just Don trying to get closer to him to learn more.

"S-Still! There's no way you'd be able to take ov-" Vlad was quickly silenced as Don's entire appearance shifted.

It wasn't Toga's quirk... No this was something else entirely.

It was strange looking as if his bones were shifting inside a skin suit. His hair also turned white as he blinked a few times and his eyes became blue.

In the end, Don ended up looking exactly like Vladislav, with Blonde hair and everything.

The sight turned Vlad speechless, there was simply no way he could respond to that. His mind was running on overdrive, thinking of ways he could save himself.

Beru clapped once, making a scraping sound that broke Vlad out of his trance.

"Don't bother~ It's already done~Your fate was decided long before you annoyed me with that nuclear weapon in my office~" Beru was now directly in front of Vlad, rising at his full height as he stared down at the young man.

"As long as you're alive~ I'll always sleep with an eye open~ People like you simply can't be trusted~ It's much easier to... Erase you completely~" Beru spoke as he pushed Vlad.

The young man struggled, he started screaming as he fell directly towards the water, there was no railing to catch him, and there was no hand he could grab on to.

He looked up at Beru, who was still staring down at his falling figure. Vlad's gaze was filled with both hate and despair, he didn't have any way to prove himself, he didn't have any way out of this...

His only fate was to die...

He splashed into the water, his weighted body started quickly sinking to the bottom of the sea, the pressure of the depths was already enough to turn the young man into soup.

Beru looked at the sea for a while before turning his gaze to his only associate.

"Hmm~ As a tool, he outlived his usefulness~ Really brings back memories huh?~" Don laughed at Beru's words, as he also remembered their younger days.

"I guess so. It's been a while since I've heard anyone say that, and it's been very long since I've actually said it." Don smiled as he also started fixing his tie to match his new appearance.

The quirk he had acquired was called, 'Body Reconstruction' it allowed the user to perfectly alter their outward appearance into different things.

The user did need a very specific image in mind though, and he needed to know the measurements by the millimetre. A small mistake and a rib might end up digging into the lungs, or worse.

It was dangerous to use, especially for a clone that could die from any major injury. But High Spec made it impossible to make any errors in measurements.

"Honestly~ His name was also annoying~ Too much familiarity with the actual Vlad, ya know?~" Don just nodded, smiling a bit as he also saw the resemblance.

"Good~ I'll leave the rest to you~ Make sure to get rid of anything involving children~ Oh and slaves aren't great either~ Don't care how long it takes you though~ Good luck~" Beru vanished as Don just nodded again.

'... I guess that's it then...

Well, I now have a lot more work to do. But at least Beru can rest easily. In a sense, I can also relax a bit, High Spec can carry me through any issue I find too complicated...

Welp, better get to work. I'll pick up where little Vlad left off.'

And so, Beru's partnership with Vlad was over... Same with his involvement in the organisation, for the most part.


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