Ant King In MHA

Chapter 159: Smooth Sailing

__________ POV Beru__________

Everything went rather smoothly with Vladislav. He worked hard to secure this empire for Don.

I'm very glad to say that I no longer have to implicate myself in whatever business Don has. I can finally rest easy for a bit.

I mean, I can likely rest easy for the rest of my life. There's no way that a stronger threat would appear out of thin air.

Maybe some criminals would try their luck at starting an organization in the future, but that's already speculating and I don't feel like doing that.

Having Don replace Vlad was perhaps the best thing to do in that situation.

How exactly could I bring myself to trust a man that betrayed his own family and plotted the deaths of his grandfather and uncles?

A man that technically created the largest and most dangerous criminal empire. Well, he united already existing organizations, but that doesn't make his feats any less impressive.

He's both untrustworthy and dangerous... This also kind of reminds me of my beautiful relationship with the Hero Public Safety Commission. Pretty sure that rusty old hag Oyama is still sitting in a jail cell.

Well, she did get quite the hefty sentence. Everything got dumped on her after all.

I think she would be rather pleased to see all the people that pushed the blame onto her all end up in the same jail alongside her. Not that I care much about her at this point. She'll likely end up spending the rest of her time in jail.

The only good thing that happened to her lately was the fact that the people that wanted her dead all joined her in prison.

So, she won't be 'committing suicide' in prison anytime soon. At least she's not in any danger of hanging herself with toilet paper.

For now, I still haven't found any way to repair the minds of the Nomus. But finding the right quirk for it might be easier with the help of a certain Criminal Empire.

I won't get directly involved with them at all, but Don also wants to help with the Nomus, so there's no reason for me to even ask for the quirk.

Currently, I'm just spending some time with the students. Well, sparring with them is the word they like to use. But this is really not a fight for me.

It is entertaining at least, scaling myself to their strength is damn hard though. One wrong sneeze and I'd blow the flesh away from their bones.

This time, I'm fighting the wayward trio. Izuku, Todoroki's Spawn and Dynamight. Izuku's currently running circles around me while the other two seem to be getting into position for some sort of big attack.

"Well~ Countering all of you at once is a bit more tricky~," I said as my fingers turned black and extended towards Izuku, more specifically, directly in his path.

I can't really let them do all they want while thinking about stuff, now can I?

__________ POV Narration__________

Izuku was forced to stop when seeing Beru use a quirk, he was almost pierced by some of the fingers, but he managed to move away from most of them.

Rolling to the side each time one of them thundered towards him. Now, he was directly behind Beru, that was the point when he decided to finally rush in.

With a single leap, he covered the distance between him and Beru in a tenth of a second. His leg was arched and prepared to hit the Ant King.

An axe kick right to the shoulder, with a relatively high charge of One for All. But Izuku wasn't exactly quite dumb enough to hit Beru directly. Doing so was just asking to get hurt, at least that's what the young green-haired teen understood from his previous fights with Beru.

The second he was about to hit, he stopped himself, using Beru as an actual stepping stone and jumping away from him in that instant.

Beru raised his head and looked at the flying teen.

"And what's that going to achieve?~" The insectoid asked. Although he had a pretty good grasp on the plan.

From both sides, Beru was bombarded by both flames and a concentrated stream of explosions.

Izuku was further pushed away by the wind the explosions created, spinning around in the air and landing somewhat near the edge of the platform they were fighting on.

Within the flames, Beru raised his hands to both sides, they inflated a bit, before shooting outward a stream of concentrated air that both snuffed out Shoto's flames, and blew away Bakugo's explosions.

"Fighting an enemy with high flame resistance is not that uncommon an experience~," Beru said as he looked at the two teens that had attempted to surprise him with their attacks.

The two of them didn't look all that bothered by the lack of visible damage from their attacks.

Bakugo blasted towards Beru at a much greater speed than usual, one could clearly see that his explosions were a lot more concentrated this time.

Just as he was doing that, Izuku also dashed towards Beru from a different side.

Beru was about to shoo both of them away with a slap. But the entirety of his lower body was instantly frozen. It also caught his hands.

Now, if Beru wasn't holding back, this would've been less than useless. But now, it gave Bakugo and Izuku a small window, less than a second was enough for them.

Bakugo pointed both of his hands towards Beru with a concentrated snarl on his face.

"AP Machine-Gun!" He shouted as he released countless concentrated explosions towards Beru.

Izuku, from the opposite direction, also didn't wish to be left behind. He took out a ball from his utility belt, it was a small ball made out of special material.

It was made for him to be able to use his newer fighting style on villains more easily. Izuku threw the ball in the air a bit, then kicked it directly towards Beru.

He followed it soon after, performing a dynamic entry at almost the same time the ball reached Beru.

"Detroit SMASH!" The young man shouted as his leg was about to reach Beru.

But it wasn't like Beru was going to pretend to be stunned forever though.

He flexed his arms, instantly breaking off all of the ice covering his body, then stomped on the ground, blowing both Izuku and his ball away.

Bakugo was still firing his AP shots into Beru at high speeds though. Or at least it looked like they were hitting Beru.

The young Bakugo could only see some smokey spots on Beru's exoskeleton after he exhausted himself with the attack.

"That wasn't so bad~ I held back a lot less just then~," Beru said while moving his wrist a bit.

The three of them visibly relaxed now, all of them just sighing a bit and moving to regroup.

"Next time~ Try not to get so close, Bakugo~ Your AP Shots didn't need that close of a range, my stomp also affected you because of your proximity~" Beru crossed his hands when saying that.

"Izuku~ You did decent~ Still need to learn to control more of your quirk though~ And you should've taken out the ball before you got that close to me~" Izuku just nodded at Beru's words.

"Shoto~ You were decent enough~ Played more of a supporting role, did a fine job of it though~ Ice is great against most people~ Even if they can resist low temperatures, breaking through it would still take a bit of time~" Shoto also nodded after hearing his evaluation.

"Ok~ That's my time gone for today~ Good luck training kids!~" Beru waved at them and then just warped away.

'I wonder how Toga is holding up, she didn't show up for training the last few days...

I also haven't been to our room in quite a while. I've mostly been sleeping at Nemuri's place...

Guess there's no better time than today to find out!'

And so, Beru set off with his new destination in mind.


Hope you liked the chapter!

Thanks to everyone for sticking around too, and sorry if my uploads are all-over the place. I know I've not been able to post daily at all lately, a lot of shit is going on currently. I'm still writing, and I won't stop, but I feel bad that I can't write as often as I did.



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