Ant King In MHA

Chapter 179: Pro Heroes and Proof of Worth

_________ POV All Might _________

Who would've expected something this big to happen right after my retirement?

Well, I guess plenty of people expected it now that I think about it, no way my retirement didn't play a part in emboldening all of these villains to show up...

But I think the most important part is that they somehow managed to coax Beru into not acting. Well, at least not acting to stop them, he still managed to save all civilians instantly.

Now that I think about it, Beru probably just wants to give a chance to the younger generation to prove themselves to the public.

A way for them to proudly announce that 'They are here' and that Japan is still just as safe as it was when under my protection.

The will of the older generation always shines brighter in the younger one.

I can't help but smile when I see my successor on the big screen, blowing away a dangerous villain in a single move.

But it's not just him, all of them were once my students.

Every single person that has graduated from the hero course in UA during the last three years was once my student.

And now they are all gathered together in one place, to take a stand against this dangerous gathering of villains.

I guess Beru got just what he wanted, and the people of Japan will also learn that they truly have nothing to fear from now on...

_________ POV Narration _________

"Why did it take so long for them to arrive?" Asked Snipe while looking at the scene with a curious gaze.

"How come they all arrived at the same time?" Thirteen also seemed a bit confused by this mass entrance that their former students performed on live television.

"They were likely just trying to look cool or something... Completely unprofessional." Aizawa was the same as always, although a slight bit more tired than usual.

"Well, looking cool also has its advantages..." Present Mic at least saw some positives in the way things were developing.

"I guess they took their time since Beru, Shoto, Bakugo and Toga were already there... Still, being late certainly takes from their points." Vlad King was already analyzing things from a teacher's perspective.

All of the teachers were gathered in one room currently, well, most of them anyway.

They were going to go out and take care of business themselves, but a call from Izuku and a few other former students put them on stand-by for a while.

"It's rather illogical... To use such a dangerous event as a way to prove themselves..." Aizawa still somewhat refused to acknowledge the way the students decided to deal with the situation.

"Well, it's hardly dangerous with Beru around... Although, I guess always relying on him isn't that great." Mic was still a lot more positive than his tired counterpart.

"I doubt they're entirely relying on Beru though... Although him clearing the area of civilians certainly aided them quite a bit." Nezu spoke as he analyzed the situation a bit more.

"Bakugo and Shoto getting there early was most likely what gave them enough time to gather up as a team." Both former classes A and B of the Hero course were in one place.

While the teachers were debating on and even grading their former students, the villain at the scene basically realised that things were pretty much over.

The horned villain was already knocked unconscious by Izuku's entrance.

The toothless one was about to send his black spheres towards Izuku and Aoyama, only to be crushed into the ground by a large bird-shaped shadow.

Tokoyami had made his entrance, instantly taking out one of the more dangerous villains despite his weakness to daylight.

"It's better if you sleep for now..." He told the villain in a low voice as his dark shadow laughed boisterously.

"Real fucking glad everyone's here now... WHAT THE FUCK TOOK YOU ALL SO LONG?!" Bakugo was quick to take out his anger on them, as he got up from the crater the high villain had kicked him into.

"Well... We decided to all get ready to deal with things swiftly... At first, though, we thought you and Shoto would be able to handle things..." Izuku spoke with a guilty smile on his face.

"Of course we're able to handle it, you idiot!... We just got a bit distracted..." Bakugo pouted as he spoke. He was well aware that the situation didn't look quite as bright as it should've.

Especially since the villains turned out to be a lot more resilient than they had initially thought them to be.

The hipster villain was quickly assaulted by all kinds of attacks, tape, vines, sticky balls.

He only managed to encase himself in a barrier of sturdy bark before he got taken down as well.

The tailed villain was standing in the middle of the already burned forest that his associate had created. He didn't move one bit as his tail blew away all projectiles aimed at him.

The high villain also landed somewhere near the tailed villain, leading to the two of them standing back to back and repelling attacks from all sides.

"This turned to shit so quickly..." The high villain spoke in a tired tone, as his body grew a shield-like exoskeleton on his right arm.

"Don't be too noisy, I'm concentrating..." The tailed villain spoke with a rushed tone, as he seemed to track each and every attack that he could.

His tail would swiftly block the ones he managed to track, the others were blocked by the high villain.

While the villains were currently struggling to not lose themselves, the heroes were speaking amongst each other without much stress.

"This is certainly a great way to end this week! A manly fight against villains!" Kirishima's only issue was that he had arrived a tad bit too late.

Kirishima rushed in, running towards the two villains that were encircled by everybody.

The high villain was the one to intercept him, growing a sharp blade that looked eerily similar to that of a mantis.

The blade swung down onto Kirishima's head, only to be stopped by his hardened hair.

"THAT WON'T WORK!" He shouted as he drove a hardened fist into the villain's face. The villains skidded backwards as he rubbed the bruise on his cheek, still, he was a lot more resilient than he looked.

"You're pretty tough..." The high villains said as he looked at his chipped blade.

'Normally, this would be enough to cut a 2-meter thick steel wall... Yet it almost broke when I hit his head with it...'

The high villain gulped a bit as he realised that every single hero that surrounded them seemed to be the 'real deal'.

And he was right... Every single hero they were facing today was trained by both Beru and All Might respectively.

Kirishima's quirk, hardening, had been taken to an entirely new level under Beru's tutelage.

Being beaten into the ground by Beru every day at the gym made Kirishima virtually invincible to the vast majority of villains.

Guns, rockets, armor-piercing ammunition, they could barely put a scratch on his body. Although his quirk was still not flashy, he was far from being the weakest hero around.

His only weakness was the fact that his quirk didn't give him physical strength. Although training put him up above the vast majority by a long shot.

"We're not facing pushovers here! Get serious if you want to actually be useful!" The tailed villain spoke in an annoyed tone.

Then he was forced to roll to the side, as his previous spot was turned into a puddle of acid by Mina, then electrified by Kaminari's quirk.

The tailed villain puffed in annoyance, not all attacks could be easily blocked or blown away...

"Did you forget about little old me?~" The tailed villain heard a melodic voice from his side.

Toga, still using Beru's appearance and power, flew right above the tailed villain just as she spoke.

The villain was swiftly punched into the ground as Toga smirked a bit to herself...

"The only thing he has faster than me is his stupid tail... Too bad his eyes can't follow me!" The tailed villain was already out cold, but Toga's hairs stood straight as she quickly dashed to the side.

Her afterimage was pierced by the pointed tail of the bladed villain.

"... Of course it wouldn't be this easy..." The tailed villain's quirk did actually have a mind of its own it seemed. And it was rather wild when he was not conscious.

The tail extended and wildly flailed around, forcing the high villain to take his distance from his unconscious comrade.

Toga sweated a bit as she cursed under her breath.

"Letting this run wild would be a bit too much..." Shoto sent a glacier towards the villain, but it didn't hold for long.

Tape shot forwards and tried to entangle it, only for the tail to flail around even more sporadically and to send Sero flying.

He was caught by a flying Nejire Hado, unscathed, but with wounded pride.

"I think I have an idea!" A short young man spoke up this time. Mineta was one of the more unlikely powerful heroes to ever come out of UA.

He wasn't powerful physically, but he was the best at capturing and subduing villains. He was also a lot less annoying after getting past his puberty phase...

He quickly started throwing his balls towards the tail. This time though, they were properly aimed.

Although the tail flailed wildly, its movements were still predictable. Mineta's aim was impeccable and soon enough, the tail was stuck in a coiled position, pointing towards the ground.

Purple balls were stuck into its every joint, restricting movement of any kind.

"Great job Mineta!" Izuku was quick to praise his former classmate.

"Thanks... Shouldn't we help Kirishima?" Mineta was now also far from the coward he used to be. Not hesitant or afraid to jump in and fight dangerous villains of any kind.

By now, some of the regular villains that Bakugo and Shoto had taken out were regaining consciousness.

The majority of students were now going around and recapturing them and making sure none would be getting away.

"Ha! As if spikey head needs any help!" Bakugo spoke as Momo tended to his injuries a bit.

"Stop moving around!" She forcefully slapped his head, making him quiet down.

"Seeing Bakugo getting manhandled by his fiancee sure is fun..." Mineta spoke with a tinge of jealousy.

"Shut it, twerp..." Bakugo grumbled out as he stood still and let Momo bandage him.

Meanwhile, another place was seeing action... As Wolfram was finally closing in on his actual target...

'These idiots are likely already done for... But I am almost there! The Quirk Amplification Device will be mine, and with it, I'll easily be able to escape on my own...'

The device was similar to a headset, it was capable of drastically increasing the strength and range of a quirk. Wolfram didn't really know what it was made from, but he knew that it would be useful to him.

He and his crew were already making their way through the strangely empty facility. The device was held in a laboratory in the middle of Musutafu, it was brought there for testing from I-Island.

Wolfram moved through the facility grounds with a devious smile on his face. Unbeknownst to him, he was the furthest thing from safe...


Heyyy, I've finally gotten around to writing a few words. I managed to find some work. but now I have a lot of running around to do, for documents and all that jazz.

If u want to support me look up VeganMaster on Patre_on.

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