Ant King In MHA

Chapter 180: Last Stand and Day End

_________ POV Beru_________

It wasn't all that hard to find Wolfram again. I made sure to not lose sight of him all that much.

It was also rather easy to realize where he was headed. A random research centre somewhere within Musutafu. Pretty sure it's supposed to be some type of testing facility for a hero agency...

Now that I think about it, this is actually All Might's agency, part of it anyway... Welp, who cares? I'm sure he won't mind if I trash this place a bit.

Wolfram and the villains that he took with him are already in the building, they're making their way towards the basement of the facility.

I can somewhat guess what they want to get their hands on... Not that I have any idea what it is, but there's only one or two things more protected than anything else.

A large safe, interior made out of some type of sturdy metal. Within it are both All Might's costume as well as A strange-looking device.

It's put on a metallic head, it's looking a lot like a spider, metallic legs latched on the head and face of the mannequin.

I decided to just warp myself in that room, also warping a chair for me to sit on while waiting for Wolfram and the others to come and greet me.

_________ POV Narration_________

Wolfram walked through the facility with concern etched on his mind. He didn't let it show on his face though, he walked forwards, in front of his subordinates with a confident spring in his step.

'The villains should still be holding the heroes back... But why exactly is this place so quiet? Why have the explosions subsided for the most part?'

Wolfram had a lot of questions on his mind. It was unnerving enough that there was simply no person guarding the device that he was trying to steal.

The 'Device' was state-of-the-art technology that was made by the most accomplished researcher alive, David Shield.

It was an item of indescribable importance, so it simply made little sense that it was unguarded.

Well, at least it was unguarded by human guards. Plenty of robots tried to stop Wolfram and his group. But Wolfram's quirk made the robots less than useless.

"Boys! I think our prize us up ahead!" Wolfram turned his head and said those words with a large smile.

Whatever made him uneasy seemed to be forgotten as he thought about what lied ahead of him.

'With this, I'll be able to take on anyone... Escaping the country won't even be an issue. Not even that stupid bug will be able to stop me.'

His large smile continued to stretch on his face as he opened the door to the safe, the fact that it was made out of metal made it more of a formality to the villain.

Inside was not exactly someone he was expecting.

"W-What?" He could see a man sitting down on a chair, the man was wearing a familiar combat suit with a familiar-looking gasmask.

Wolfram blinked a bit before he finally recognized the person in front of him. He gulped as he took a step back.

"I had hoped you'd be going down with the Commission... But I guess that was a bit too much to hope for?" Wolfram spoke as he gritted his teeth.

The person in front of him was none other than the 'giant villain' that he, alongside many top heroes, had tried to take down a few years back.

"Highly optimistic of you~" The shapeshifting giant spoke with a cheerful tone. Beru didn't feel the need to show Wolfram his real identity, it had also been a while since the 'giant villain' had made a move.

"I don't care about fighting you... But I'll have you know that we aren't scared of you." Wolfram didn't just bring along pushovers, his subordinates were all decently powerful villains with useful quirks.

"Who's we?~," Beru asked while tilting his head.

Wolfram's eyes widened as he turned around with inhuman speed, only to notice that there was absolutely no one behind him...

'They were there right before I opened this door... ' He gulped a bit as his head snapped back to his current enemy.

Beru was still sitting in his chair, a large and cosy black office chair, no doubt 'borrowed' from somewhere within the facility.

"I still remember you well... I remember you being a rat too~" Beru stood up as he slowly stepped towards Wolfram. The villain surprisingly stood his ground.

With a grunt, the masked villain quickly took control of the entire room. The walls, the floor, the ceiling, were all made out of metal, so this was the perfect environment for Wolfram to use his powers.

Beru was quickly encased in a coffin of metal, as Wolfram did his best to suffocate his adversary.

Wolfram was also doing his best to subdue the feeling of dread that was building up inside his mind. He refused to acknowledge it, he refused to see the situation for what it truly was...

"You can't be serious~" Wolfram heard Beru's voice coming from within the metal cocoon he had fashioned.

Instantly, Wolfram used his quirk to push himself to the side as a giant fist came barreling right in his previous spot.

The metal blocking Beru did nothing to stop the fist, a gaping hole was blown into it, there was no resistance to be had.

"Did you really think you could do anything against me? When a small army of pro heroes couldn't even deal with me?~" Beru's words echoed in the small room as his giant fist covered the only exit to the outside world.

"My goal wasn't you!" Wolfram spoke as Beru noticed that the villain had pulled the 'device' closer to him using a few metallic tendrils.

Just as his fingers were about to brush the strange device, Wolfram's vision turned dark, as a giant fist plastered him into the wall of the safe.

The villain showed impressive resilience, as he managed to pull himself off from the hole Beru's fist had created. Wolfram took off his mask as it was bent beyond recognition and he looked at Beru with hate.

"Why must you stand in front of me right now?! I was so close!" By now, the villain was quite sure that getting away wasn't an option, not in his current state.

"Oh please~ You're nothing more than a rat~ You put me in a shitty position before, that's more than enough to warrant me getting in between you and your happiness."

Beru made his stance clear, he had always been a vengeful individual. Simply letting Wolfram go wasn't within his nature.

'Although, maybe crushing him when he thinks he's invincible would be more satisfying...' Beru was half a mind to just let Wolfram get his hands on the device, just to crush him into a wall alongside it.

'Nah, breaking Toshi's stuff wouldn't be very nice of me, I already trashed his place.' Ultimately, he decided against it.

In the time that Beru spent thinking, Wolfram had already started moving towards the device, only to be kicked into the head just before he could touch it.

"This is no fun Wolfy~ Struggle more~," Beru said as he crossed his arms and kicked Wolfram a few more times.

The beating continued on for a few minutes, Beru crushing Wolfram each time the villain tried to reach for the device.

The wall was filled with cracks as Wolfram slumped, bloody and battered, with barely enough energy left to move a finger.

"Welp~ That just about does it~," Beru said as he delivered one last kick, this time, the whole building shook a bit as Wolfram's head was crushed into the wall behind him.

"I'm not gonna be cleaning up all this shit..." Beru took on his real form as he started walking out of the facility.

The villains that were with Wolfram were all nailed to one of the walls somewhere within the facility. They were all unconscious, as Beru didn't feel the need to spend a lot of time on random villains.

He quickly warped back towards his previous viewing spot, as he noticed that the situation was pretty much solved.

The heroes had all arrived, the villains barely had any energy left, the ones that got up got put back down. To the point where many decided to just not get up in the first place.

"Great job everybody~" Beru flew over his former students as he clapped a bit. His wings made no sound as hovered in place.

"FUCK YOU!" Bakugo was the only one to express his frustrations out loud, the rest just kind of awkwardly smiled at Beru.

"I see everything's about done~ I took care of the villains that tried to run away~" Beru's words did manage to make some of them a bit less frustrated, at least he didn't just do nothing the whole time they were fighting...

"Beru... Great to see you here!" Izuku spoke with a smile on his face, he decided to just silently appreciate that Beru gave everyone a chance to shine.

Beru had made sure that no civilians were present after all, Izuku was thankful to him in that regard.

"Yeaaa~" Beru looked around, the fights were already wrapping up.

The five villains were mostly down. The high looking villain was the last to go down, a barrage of hardened punches to the face managed to do the trick in the end.

The hipster villain was burned out of his cocoon by Shoto, then he was entangled in vines and smashed into the asphalt.

The rest were all dealt with before Beru had returned.

'I kinda missed the climax, didn't I?...' Beru could only think to himself bitterly as he just shrugged in the end.

'At least it was fun nonetheless... Welp, back to more pressing issues.' In the end, he released a yawn and just opened up a portal for himself.

"Anyway~ I'm out! You guys fought well~ I'd have loved to see you all from the beginning, but I guess it just wasn't meant to be~"

"At least everything turned out fine. Everyone's safe and the villains lost." Mina said as she held her nose up high.

"It would've been nice if such a disaster was preventable though..." Tokoyami said as his dark shadow just laughed and crushed a few more of the villains that were trying to get back up.

"Yea yea~" Beru waved his hand dismissively as he walked into his portal.

The day was over... Not for Beru though, now he had to go home and get scolded by Nemuri for playing around too much.


Yea, sorry for the lack of uploads. I got really sick, my entire friend group caught some kind of flu or something, I was in bed for a few days(which really didn't look good for my first days of work at my new job).

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