Ant King In MHA

Chapter 186: Facing Reality and Fatherhood

__________ POV Narration__________

"It's been exactly two months since that fated day. The day where the world finally learned the truth about the disasters that are still happening to this day!"

Nemuri sat on the couch as she listlessly stared at the screen in front of her. The news channel was once again giving an update on the whole situation.

"Although the truth has already been confirmed, many people are still in denial. It is hard to believe that quirks could actually become the reason for our end..."

The world had idolized quirks to unprecedented levels, that much didn't even need to be mentioned. People with powerful quirks were all either famous heroes or infamous villains.

Now the world was forced to wrap their heads around the fact that the very thing they had idolized is likely going to be the end of them.

"For now, our only respite is the knowledge that a cure already exists. Many are still reluctant to even consider taking it, unfortunately, as the most obvious effect of the cure is the constant weakening of the patient's quirk."

"Worldwide, heroes specifically are refusing to take the cure, as doing so would directly make their fight against villains much harder than anything."

Nemuri rolled her eyes as she closed the television.

'I guess they were right... No way people are going to take this voluntarily... Not before something even worse happens.'

She still hated herself for the words she had said to Beru, the insectoid also didn't really bother dropping by her place or even contacting her since.

The only times she even saw him was on the news, or in the distance at UA, usually, he just teleported away, seemingly always busy with something else.

It pained her heart, fact that she couldn't even contact him to apologize for her words. As he rarely ever answered his phone in general, and he didn't answer her calls at all.

She didn't know that Beru was simply neck deep in bullshit and work that he now needed to deal with, thankfully not by himself.

Working at UA was simply impossible now, as he and Yori were spending most of their time thinking of ways to convince the public that letting quirks get out of control wasn't a good thing for humanity.

To Beru, the issue of his and Nemuri's relationship wasn't all that important, he just saw it as a regular argument that sometimes happens in a couple.

He just lacked the time to address it properly currently.

He was spending a lot of time travelling everywhere on the globe, scouting out random disaster sites and sending reports to Yori.

They were planning to compile all of them in a special file that they were going to make public. Another attempt at making people understand the severity of the situation.

Currently, Beru was walking around on the streets of São Paulo, somewhere in Brazil, disguised as a random tourist. He walked around, seemingly without any aim.

Yep, that was all that they were doing currently, looking at all major cities. They didn't have the time to check every nook and cranny, so a lot of cases were still left unreported.

In fact, Beru was just hanging around an area where hospitals were common, waiting for a birth or a quirk awakening to happen, for some disaster to unleash itself onto the city.

Not like he could stop them completely, that would mean just killing the children before they awakened their quirks.

But he could teleport everyone away from danger.

This was part of a patrol that he and Don were now doing, it both helped save some lives and helped gather more data on the disasters in general.

It was a lot of busywork that basically had Beru travelling half of the world in a single day, thankfully the insectoid's stamina is damn near endless.

Those few days were also filled with incidents. Like the one happening currently.

'As I thought, getting mugged as a tourist in Brazil is more of a welcoming ritual than anything...' Beru had taken the form of quite a few people in his journey.

Every day it came the time for him to travel to Brazil, somehow, thugs always tried to mug him.

"Gimme your wallet right now!" The thug spoke in broken English with a thick accent that Beru could barely understand.

"... How about no?~," Beru asked as he just started walking off.

After dealing with so many muggings on his journey, he discovered that the simplest trick to getting away from such a situation was to just walk away...

That and teleport the robber in the middle of a nearby prison, the second part was actually the more effective one at stopping the mugging.

Beru and Don had saved quite a few lives while in this daily patrol, but they knew that it was foolish to keep doing it endlessly. At some point, they were just going to tire themselves out.

Beru even contemplated making a few dozen clones in order to deal with the matter, but he was going to keep that option in the back of his mind for now, as he rather preferred doing the groundwork himself.

He had gathered a lot of data already, all of it was to be compiled by him and Yori during the night.

Everything from circumstances to the awakened quirk that caused the disaster was to be found and analyzed thoroughly.

Don and Beru weren't the only ones strong enough to take care of saving people from disasters. So Yori was initially going to handle compiling the information by himself, it was Beru that decided to help with that too.

Then Nezu also decided to lend them a hand, as he was also one of the few that could keep up with Beru and Yori when it came to handling paperwork.

Beru finished his patrol in Brazil rather quickly, choosing not to waste his time too much after surveying a few of the largest cities.

He appeared in the middle of Yori's laboratory, still the base of their operations even though journalists were trying to break into the place daily.

Inside a separate room, Yori and Nezu were each on a computer, they both seemed concentrated, although each was more relaxed than the other.

Yori seemed to be tinkering with a device while using one hand to write down a document on a disaster that Don reported to him, while Nezu was making himself a nice cup of tea, while tapping his keyboard with his tail, still writing much faster than the regular person ever could dream of.

"Hey guys~" Beru greeted them both, each responded with either a grunt or a nod. They knew that Beru coming in only meant more work to be done.

"... This shit can't keep going for long~," Beru said as he also sat down at the table and teleported another few stacks of paper on the poor table that was already drowning in paper.

"Making a hit piece is more than enough with all of the information we have now... You might as well call it a dammed encyclopedia, but I bet your ass that some people will still refuse to believe it."

Yori was also rather annoyed, but they were technically running out of options.

Even All Might and Beru urging the population to take the cure seemed ineffective, as the civilians rather preferred to listen to nobody when it came to their own physical and mental health.

"Letting an army of interns do all of this work would've been nice... But we're not only doing it faster, but we also know we're doing it right." Nezu didn't seem all that bothered, at least on the surface.

"Although, I'm starting to understand why releasing the cure covertly and making everyone consume it in secret was a more attractive option..." While looking unaffected by current circumstances, Beru was quite positive that the Principal of UA was also rather irritated.

"Getting the information for every single incident instantly is actually a lot more tiring than compiling it all. But at least we don't need to note down any more incidents~" Beru spoke with a mental sigh as he also got to work.

The three of them spent quite a few hours, Don also came back with his last report at some point, the patrol was momentarily stopped as they prepared to publish the list of events they had documented and new information they had uncovered.

The document was named, 'The Disaster of Awakening'.

It wasn't just a list of events put on paper, it provided a proper explanation to the theory of Quirk Singularity, it tried to make everyone understand the way quirks grew stronger and how the human body remained mostly the same.

The book was written by Nezu, Yori and Beru, all of them co-authoring it and making sure it was a perfect script.

Yori, Nezu and their associates were going to be the ones distributing the 'book'.

And distribute it they did, Yori made sure that excerpts from the book were shoved in every article reporting on the situations with the disasters around the world.

The three of them gave it their all, and it was slowly starting to show.

More and more people decided to start taking the cure, slowly but surely, some countries were starting to become 'safe'.

The entire process, from publishing to gaining attention, to people actually starting to listen to advice took another three months.

Time in which Beru decided to both rest and do some hero duty. He hunted down the vast majority of powerful villains in the easter-side of the Asian continent.

He knew that it was going to be hard to convince heroes to take the cure when villains weren't going to bother with it.

The cure was going to specifically make the heroes weaker in this case, which would work out just great for villains around the world, thankfully Don and Beru were there to stomp out the most powerful villains.

Don did so through his organisation, covering a lot of ground much faster than Beru. But Beru still took care of some zones that Don couldn't quite reach.

In fact, quite a few things happened in those three months.

Beru wasn't the only one smoking out villains in Asia, the majority of the strongest heroes in Japan decided to start doing the same, spreading out in groups and taking down villainous organisations left and right.

Beru and Nemuri also managed to talk a bit, although not much of a conclusion was reached in regards to their previous argument.

Beru had seemingly forgotten about it while Nemuri was just happy to see that Beru was interacting with her once more.

Beru also needed to reconcile with the vast majority of his friends since he kept such a large secret from everybody.

Thankfully most of his friends were adults, they understood that Beru had his own reasons for keeping such things secret.

Currently, Beru was just hanging around at home, spending some time relaxing on the couch, something he hadn't quite had the time to do lately.

Nemuri was also with him, laying with her head on a cushion and her legs sprawled on top of Beru's lap.

She was just wearing her pyjamas, in the middle of the day, as any adult does on a vacation. Her hair wasn't caught in any way either, just left to flow freely as she lazed around the house with Beru.

Sometimes Nezu expressed concern, saying that Beru's disposition had affected her to some extent. But Nemuri just waved off those concerns at the time.

Now those concerns were pretty much reality. But no one was there to complain since vacation time was exactly for lazing around.

Eventually, though, their peace was disrupted by a phone call. Nemuri's looked at her phone with annoyance in her gaze.

The caller intrigued her though... It was none other than UA's star pupil, and the strongest hero(besides Beru), Izuku.

Beru also saw it, he raised a metaphorical eyebrow. 'What does the shrimp wa... Wait! He's about to become a fucking dad!'


Hope you liked the chapter! The story is almost over on patr.eon, so no reason to make you wait another month :))

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